Научная статья на тему 'Регулирование теневой занятости как фактор экономической безопасности России'

Регулирование теневой занятости как фактор экономической безопасности России Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Чумаков А. А.

Регулирование теневой занятости как социально-экономического фактора экономической безопасности России на современном этапе требует качественно новых подходов. Наряду с административными механизмами первостепенное значение должны получить меры стимулирующего порядка, разработка эффективных бизнес-моделей, «рискующих» стать гораздо популярнее и выгоднее «серых» схем.

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Regulation of shadow employment as a socio-economic factor of Russia's economic security at present stage requires qualitatively new approaches. Along with administrative mechanisms of paramount importance needs to obtain measures of stimulus order, development of effective business models, «risk» to become much more popular and cheaper «grey» schemes.

Текст научной работы на тему «Регулирование теневой занятости как фактор экономической безопасности России»

2015. — Mode of access : http://bookz.ru/ authors/aleksandr-ciganov/strahovo_457/1-strahovo_457.html.

4. Odinokova, T. D. Self-Regulation as an alternative to state regulation of insurance market // Social importance of insurance in a market economy : Russia proceedings of XV International scientific-practical conference. — M., 2014. — P.123-127.

5. Yuldashev, R. T. Huge opportunities for insurance do not know neither President nor Prime Minister, nor Duma. Unfortunately! [Electronic resource] // Insurance business. — 2011. — № 1. — P. 3-9. — Mode of access : http://www.

mgimo.ru/files/181123/yuldashev_interview. pdf (date of access: 12.12.2016).

6. About the list obligatory for development by self-regulating organizations in sphere of financial market uniting the insurance organizations, insurance brokers, basic standards and requirements to their contents and also the list of operations (the maintenance of the kinds of activity) in financial market which are subject to standardization concerning insurance companies, insurance brokers: Draft of Indication of Bank of Russia [Electronic resource] (as of 02.15.2017). — Mode of access : http://www.garant.ru/pro ducts/ipo/prime/doc/71515316/#ixzz4tJF3I mdY.

А. А. Чумаков



Регулирование теневой занятости как социально-экономического фактора экономической безопасности России на современном этапе требует качественно новых подходов. Наряду с административными механизмами первостепенное значение должны получить меры стимулирующего порядка, разработка эффективных бизнес-моделей, «рискующих» стать гораздо популярнее и выгоднее «серых» схем.

Ключевые слова

Социальные угрозы экономической безопасности, теневая занятость населения, новые аспекты легализация рынка труда.

A. A. Chumakov



Regulation of shadow employment as a socio-economic factor of Russia's economic security at present stage requires qualitatively new approaches. Along with administrative mechanisms of paramount importance needs to obtain measures of stimulus order, development of effective business models, «risk» to become much more popular and cheaper «grey» schemes.


Social threats to economic security, shadow employment, new aspects of legalization of labor market.

In national security strategy of Russian Federation up to 2030, sets out the main strategic risks and threats to national security in sphere economy in long term [1]. In order to implement the economic security in first place there has to be a change of economic policy. In this regard, I would like to highlight the problem of labour market, which requires a new approach to its regulation. This applies, above all, reflecting the shadow employment, who grew up in country over the last ten years more than half. Approximately, the same amount has increased and the proportion of wage earners at the enterprises «in envelopes». According to Institute of labour and social security, Ranepa annual losses of pension insurance system from the grey labour market is 1.5-1.3 trillion. RUB [4]. According to the Finance Ministry in «Main directions of budget policy» in 2017-2019» the amount of payroll is around 5 trillion. RUB

Thus, solution to this problem, in our view, would provide a significant increase in budget revenues, on other hand, this aspect plays a significant role in solving issues of reduction of social tension, as this category of citizens must find extra funds for social infrastructure, medical care, etc.

For those who do not pay taxes, however, are actively using them. Although, in General, you should see the other side of this problem, because shadow economy creates a certain peace of mind — people are self-employed, not exacerbate social problems of state themselves provide. But at the same time, for them the Outlook is far from clear. Mean always they are busy, if they will need assistance from the state then, in old age, etc.

As studies show significant part of population of Russian Federation or otherwise, is included in shadow economy, both as producers consumers. According to surveys in 2016 primary informal work had 11,6 % of the economically active population (in 2002 and 8,2 %, obviously increase with growth of social charges). Part-time

work or second job (secondary employment) were approximately 39 % of economically active population, 30,6 % in 2016 was just a secondary, informal employment, 27,8 % of respondents stated they «some-times» or «always» received payment «in envelopes» (10,3 % refused to talk about it, 61,7 % of the data work denied) [4].

With regard to informal sector of economy, then it can be described in a rather broad definition: it is non-criminal career as main or additional work in any organization without registration, including obtaining unofficially part of wages. most common informal service will include service, trade, construction, taxi and medical services. In 2015, 12 % (1,600 people in 20 regions of Russia) from number of all respondents worked only in «gray» sector. As a comparison, in 2006. this figure was 7,3 %. Thus, by estimates of researchers, share of shadow labor market in which she worked economically active citizens of Russia, is estimated to be between 22 and 30 million people or about 40 percent [7].

These findings are comparable with the estimates observed sector in other sources. For example, in 2016 system of mandatory pension insurance in Russia was of 88,5 million people. This includes men aged 16 to 59 and women 16 to 54 years. Of them subject to social insurance, there were 49.1 per million, contributions from them are produced either by the employers or they themselves deduct them as self-employed [9]. Next, 16,9 million of fellow — students, disabled, citizens who care for elderly, military, judges for them, premiums are not made. Remains, just, 22,5 million people of working age that are not recorded [9].

According to information given by experts, around country there are regions where up to half working population — are not registered anywhere. This situation is characteristic of republics of North Caucasus. However, a similar situation can be found in a number of regions belonging to Siberia, Urals, Far East and even to South and Cen-

tral Federal districts. Note: citizens are connected with the shadow economy not only in form of workers employed in enterprises and organizations, but also consumers who regularly makes the demand for many services.

In accordance with data analysis at Institute of social Sciences (ION) of Ranepa, quite a significant proportion of population of Russia acts as consumer of shadow. Studies show that during the first half in 2016, 52 % of respondents paid for services or work provided to them informally. This 10-11 % of monthly household expenses. Expenditures of Russian households on average on goods and services of the informal sector, though reduced in 2013 by about 15 %, at the same time, and now account for about 6,1 thousand [5]. It should be recognized that decreasing the «shadow», apparently tied to short-term effect, reflecting stagnation of incomes during crisis and subsequent period in economy. Which implies the necessity of taking drastic measures, medium-term, or so-called «shadow» will certainly increase. data recorded can characterize a significant impact informal employment in meeting the bulk needs of Russians. Therefore, in order to Supplement budget revenues, it is logical to pay attention to increase in efficiency of measures to legalize this segment of the labour market, demand for which and amount of shadow payments are quite substantial.

At government level, aim is to reduce at least one-third the proportion of the population not employed in formal sector of economy, and to ensure the withdrawal of at least 10 percent of «shadow» of «gray» wages. In this case, calculations will be collected insurance premiums for more than 311 billion rubles [6]. Fes continues oversight and enforcement to improve employment relations, emphasizing the priority of legalization of labor market.

Currently, as our analysis shows, activities of Agency are kept mostly administrative levers, which gave a certain effect: only through these measures, inspections, etc. in 2015 were about 1,8 million of em-

ployment contracts, and in 2016 — more than 2 million [3]. Two and a half years, according to Agency legalized the labor of more than 5 million workers [2] However, it is not clear how much of this has gone into shadows. Employers Contracting with employees illegal relationship strong put themselves at risk, for example, only for the year 2016 are attracted to responsibility in excess of several thousand companies in imposing on them serious penalties. In majority of regions created the interagency Commission, under municipalities act working group, which assessed situation in order to take action. We can say that in fight against the informal labour market to date, there has been an obvious trend. And these efforts are quite logical — entire budget and pension Fund, applied huge losses due to underpayment of taxes, including insurance premiums.

In identifying «illegals», it should be noted role of heads of regions and districts, primarily interested in this because otherwise, you should seek out funds going to establishment and maintenance of social infrastructure, medical care. In this connection, however, stand problems associated with improvement of methods of their resolution, promoting the legalization of relations in labour market, they can hardly limit the regulatory activities of legalization of labor relations. Overall to date, measures aimed at maintaining employment in Russia, as indicated by analysis is clearly insufficient, given that to a certain extent, they are also contributing to the increase in unemployment. In our opinion, to resolve contradictions related to informal labour market, profound changes, which appears to be a very simple process.

Fact that Russia, unlike many countries, this problem is systemic. It is known that majority of people have received an education, having experience of work at enterprises, in organizations. However, often there is no demand for their labor. Large enterprises are busy optimizing, so workers in case of dismissal, often, one path going to illegal market.

As for unemployed, for them and registration is meaningless on welfare do not live in conditions of crisis and depression, a major company in recent years to recruit new employees. This also should include weak and developing small businesses. This is also an incentive for people to work — «bomb» on machines, dig the gardens, Wallpaper glue, etc. Only some of them are trying to sign up individual entrepreneurs. For most, there is no need, as they lack the appropriate incentive.

Small business in West is busy servicing large corporations, where it is beneficial to be «light». Studies show — shadow labour market is common for all countries. Importantly, these processes were not of catastrophic proportions. With regard to data concerning above-mentioned number of tens of millions of people, first and foremost, you should understand what constitutes this contingent. And to solve the problem of the withdrawal of activities from shadow, you need to determine why people prefer to stay in sector.

Fact that, as follows from practice, most important reasons for many people to work in informal small businesses are high costs that generate taxes and social payments. In view of this, their reduction can be an incentive for people associated with regular business. In this context, it is feasible to develop a set of measures aimed at whitewashing the labour market for coming period in order to mitigate aggregate tax burden on formation, employed in «white» and increase in costs (along with tax and administrative) to conduct business of so-called «draft Dodgers.» Also looks quite fruitful idea to create a unified database of electronic contracts. This can be attributed to measure, involving Declaration of incomes and expenses of employees, similar to civil servants.

Perhaps problem can be solved by a constraint on lending, officially if the person does not work and cannot confirm their income (it can be obtained not only from employment, and, for example, rent).

There are a number of experts informed the proposed access restriction «payer» for medical services, etc. In this regard, an interesting experience of Belarus, where he introduced «the tax». Citizens are obliged to pay the fee for lack of work. April 2015, President A. Lukashenko signed a decree according to decree, all able-bodied inhabitants of country, not pay taxes for six months, are obliged to transfer to state special collection. It is equal to 20 base units, or approximately $250 [8]. That is, this measure is aimed at encouraging people to work and Finance public spending. As stated on official website of Bela-rusian leader, last is constitutional obligation of a citizen of the country. authorities intend therefore to encourage citizens to work. In accordance with text of law, in case of failure of new collection unemployed are subject to fine or even arrest. They are also charged with the responsibility of performing community service. There is an exception from payment of duty for lack of work, in particular, may be exempt those who are raising children up to seven years, parents of large families and pensioners.

Of course, consider ambiguity and inconsistency of this measure. For example, its opponents believe that it will not lead to reduction of unemployment that can cause and as practice shows, causes dissatisfaction among residents. In Russian conditions where quality of care remains low to stimulate people to pay, for example, health insurance is very difficult. It is possible to assume: as soon as you begin to demand money for it, they will get registered as unemployed, not to pay. official unemployment rate, numbering, according to Rosstat in July 2017 3,9 million people [6], REV., can grow to a multimillion. Hardly prepared for this situation domestic employment Agency. same is not a stimulating factor for citizens' entry into legal attitudes and retirement. People prefer to rely on themselves, they have no confidence in their future.

Development of activities related to legalization of labour relations must be based on a thorough analysis of existing experience, using mainly a wide set of disparate events encourage citizens and employers to conclude labor contracts, ensuring that these procedures are mutually beneficial. emphasis should, in first place, to do the incentives. At the same time, studies show that in modern conditions of socioeconomic development of country, many Russians who earn their pensions, having a contract, pay taxes, and should have, apparently, all «advantages» provided by legitimate labor, largely do not feel more safe and protected compared to their counterparts in the informal sector. Often, according to many of them, there is no feeling of reliability and stability. And if so, we have to admit that until this and the legality of labor relations is quite small. And to paraphrase this idea, we should talk not about what is «in shadows» well, that «light» is not much better. Therefore, along with increased administrative and tax burden on violators of labor laws a priority must be development of effective business models, «risk» to become much more popular and cheaper «grey» schemes.

Thus, social threats to economic security of Russia, problems of labor market entirely derived from economy. Measures that reduce its risks and challenges — is well known. They are related to improving business climate, improve government regulation, property rights, etc. otherwise, if there are no incentives for economic activity, created jobs, then labor market is most likely path: shadowing, deformalities.

Библиографический список

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3. Грицюк, М. Ищите призраков // Российская газета. — 2015. — 14 окт.

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5. Королева, А. Парадоксы теневой экономики // Expert Online. — 2016. — 20 фев.

6. Данные Росстата.

7. Соловьева, О. Кризис затягивает граждан в теневой сектор // Независимая газета. — 2016. — 7 июля.

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9. Шабардин, И. Пенсионный фонд России «потерял» 22 млн человек [Электронный ресурс]. — Режим доступа : msfact.ru>node/30393.

Bibliographic list

1. On Strategy of economic security of Russian Federation for period up to 2030 : [Decree of President of Russian Federation № 208 from 13.05.2017].

2. Bashkatova, A. Informal sector out of crisis. More and more Russians work for «envelopes» // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. — 2017. — Aug., 24.

3. Gritsyuk, M. Look for ghosts // Russian newspaper. — 2015. — 14 Oct.

4. Gusenko, M. Two million brought out of shadows // Russian newspaper. — 2016. — Jan., 14.

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9. Shabardin, I. Pension Fund of Russia has «lost» 22 million people [Electronic resource]. — Mode of access : rusfact.ru»node/30393.

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