REGULATION AND THE PRICING SYSTEM IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
industry / economic foundations / further development.
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УДК 33

Байрамова А.,

студентка Бердиева Т., студентка Башимов Б., студент Дурдыев О., студент



industry, economic foundations, further development.

Construction industry is the important sector in socioeconomic development of any of the countries. Among the strategic sectors ensuring sustainable development of the national economy, the construction industry creates favorable prerequisites for consistent strengthening of the economic foundations, for modernization and enhancement of the physical infrastructure of the national economy, the implementation of providing for housing to the population, improving the well-being of people in general.

For the purposes of implementation of the outlined measures in this direction there was issued the "State Program for development of the national cost estimating regulatory framework and further development of the pricing system in the construction sector for 2019- 2025". The Program stipulates the development and presentation of the cost estimating regulatory framework, the establishment of estimate standards and prices in the field of construction in market economy conditions, the implementation of a uniform pricing policy for the state regulation of estimate standards in the field of construction and assembling work, reconstruction and capital repairs, technological re-equipment, commissioning and construction products; within the framework of formation of the estimating regulatory framework, the development of the corresponding regulatory legal acts, methodological documentation and state catalogues of estimate standards and prices in the field of construction; the study of positive foreign experience in the field of educating and professional training of specialists; the establishment of a software package within the automation of development and publication of the cost estimates and regulatory documentation; the formation of a unified system of pricing in the construction with the state equity participation. Implementation of the abovementioned State Pro- gram implies detailed monitoring and active application of the best foreign practices in the field of professional training and retraining of the construction specialists. The overview of the positive experience of the developed states of the world and of the Russian Federation seems to be relevant in this context. In the practice of the developed states, the pricing in construction is based on the methodology of calculation of consistently reviewed estimate standards, rules, norms, costs for the implementation of investment and construction projects.

Since 1905, the "Building Codes" and "Standards" make the basis of relations in the field of the economics of construction. Their distinctive characteristics involves the introduction of a category of working team; the establishment of an 8-hour working day for working team; a clear codification of the structure of buildings, facilities; the establishment of a weekly wage payment; the establishment of a basic wage for a foreman at the level of two monthly salaries of an ordinary worker. The developed states apply the unified estimate standards. For example, in 1942, Canada and the USA approved the "Codified system of indicators for deter- mining a cost in construction". This system refers to the average prices in the USA, including the annual catalogue of the advanced construction prices of the "R.S.

The catalogs of the advanced prices of construction work reflect approximately 3000 structural elements of buildings and structures. The structure of the catalogue based value includes the price of construction material, the cost of operating construction machines, additional costs, as well as the labor resources plus income. The catalogues contain the data on the purpose, characteristics, specifications, on use of building materials per 1 square foot (0.09 m2) of the object. There is not a procedure of approving the prices of the annual catalogs, therefore, in the USA, for example, the methodology of pricing in construction is developed independently by entities engaged in preparing the construction projects and estimates. In the UK, construction companies are granted the right to develop "Uniform Resource Norms" of pricing. In market economy conditions, it allows a construction company to prepare an offer for participation in a tender.

The pricing process in construction requires defining more exactly the volumes and the list of the kinds of work in accordance with the cost estimate documentation, check the correctness of recording the work volume and identify the cost of the work volume unit, daily costs, restricted costs, schedule, etc. The pricing process requires checking the conformity of the estimates with the documentation, with real construction criteria; checking the accuracy of the indicated cost and the actually performed construction and assembling work, correctness of the used prices, indices of calculation and recalculation of real cost. It is required to check the authenticity and reliability of the accounting and contractual documents, when writing off the production costs; verify the actual costs against the estimations and in case of excess expenditure to identify the reason. The forecast of potential excessive expenditure in the forthcoming construction and assembling work should be performed and the factors of influence of formation of real price of construction should be identified. The factors that usually influence the estimate standards in the construction industry include the technological and organizational level of the construction work, the quality of the finished products, the economic efficiency of the applied construction materials, correspondence of the constructors' qualification to the level of construction machinery, equipment, mechanisms. Literature:

1. Decree of President of Turkmenistan "Concerning further improvement of the cost estimate framework and the pricing system in the construction industry" // Decrees of President of Turkmenistan and Resolutions of the Government of Turkmenistan - 2019, № 2, Article 1062

2. Instructional guidelines to identify costs amount in the construction industry (MflC 81-33.2004) / Gosstroy -Russian Federation Construction Committee - Moscow, 2004

© EafipaMOBa A., EepgueBa T., EawMMOB E., flypgbieB O., 2024

УДК 330

Внуковский Н.И.,

д. э. н., профессор УрГУПС, г. Екатеринбург, РФ



В статье представлены сущность и содержание информационных ресурсов в условиях развития цифровых технологий. Указана роль интеллектуальных ресурсов и их взаимосвязь с человеческими

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