Ospanov Kh.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, prof. Al-Farabi KazNU «Science and Technology Park», Chief Researcher,
Almaty, Kazakhstan Smailov K.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 1 course doctoral student Al-Farabi KazNU «Science and Technology Park», Junior Researcher
Almaty, Kazakhstan Nuruly Ye.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 1 course doctoral student Al-Farabi KazNU «Science and Technology Park», Junior Researcher
Almaty, Kazakhstan
This article considers general principle of predicting difference in reactivity of minerals and solvents in conditions of their interaction at the interface between solid and liquid for nickel minerals in processing of mineral raw materials. Considered new unique properties of thermodynamic quantities - the average atomic energy of formation of solids (AfG0) at the atomic level (the first discovery). The ideas of new properties of chemical affinity which allowed to carry out forecast of a choice of efficiency of action of dissolving reagent for opening of hardly soluble minerals of nickel and forecast of consecutive passing of competing reaction proceeding on border of phases solid-liquid at processing of mineral raw materials by a hydrochemical method at the level of an electron (the second discovery) are stated. Installed previously unknown pattern of change the effectiveness of the solvent of the reagents and the sequence of passing a competing reaction, namely, that the effectiveness of the solvent of the reagent and the sequence of passing the subsequent reaction naturally varies with the calculated values given new chemical affinity. It is practically proposed to use the average atomic energy of the formation of solids and calculated value of the new chemical affinity (ArG0/n) to create scientific basis for the opening of nickel minerals contained in the mineral raw materials with the least time.
Keywords: average atomic energy of formation of solids, calculated value of the reduced chemical affinity, the classical chemical affinity, the standard value of the Gibbs energy of chemical reaction, nickel minerals.
Formulation of the problem
Currently, the most fundamental task in the field of physical chemistry is the construction of a theory of the reactivity of minerals (solids), solvents and the creation of general principles for predicting the rate of competing reactions using an unconventional thermo-dynamic approach.
It should be specially noted that the use of the known molar thermodynamic characteristics AfG0, ArH°, ArS0, ArG0 does not allow predicting differences in the reactivity of minerals, because the structural units of minerals include different amounts of unequal atoms and different types of bonds. Therefore, a comparison of the Gibbs energy of formation within the same compounds allows one to obtain certain information about their comparative reactivity only for simple substances, and then under the condition of the same stoichiometry, for example, for solids of the type: ZnO> CdO> CuO> HgO.
Separation of previously unresolved parts of a common problem
The variety of processes used in hydrometallurgy, in ore dressing, in chemical technology necessitated the development of general principles for managing physi-cochemical processes with the least expenditure of time. This formulation of the question is related to the
fact that the general situation in the field of the hydro-chemical process occurring at the phase boundary (hy-drometallurgy, ore dressing, chemical dressing, selective dissolution methods, geochemical processes) is such that there is still no quantitative theory capable of predicting the rate even an elementary chemical reaction, there is also no general principle for choosing solvents in hydrometallurgy and flotation reagents under flotation conditions. In addition, it is impossible to answer the question (without conducting an experiment) why one substance dissolves better in one solvent and worse in another.
In general, the lack of answers to such questions leads, in turn, to the difficulty in choosing the optimal conditions for the extraction of valuable metals in the processing of mineral raw materials. When developing a technological process proceeding at a solid-liquid interface, the optimal conditions were most often found by the selection method, not taking into account either the thermodynamic properties of solids or the kinetics of the corresponding processes.
For processes occurring at the phase boundary under nonequilibrium conditions, a different approach is needed. To study nonequilibrium processes occurring at a solid - liquid interface, the use of the currently existing, only empirical search for the conditions for such
chemical processes does not always allow us to justify and optimize the processes under consideration [1-2].
To answer the above questions, the authors used materials of two scientific discoveries [3-4]. In particular, the new thermodynamic functions are the "average atomic energy of formation" (AfG0 kJ/molatom at the atomic level) and the "reduced value of the new chemical affinity" (ArG°/n kJ/mol at the electron level). These discoveries allow us to not only quantitatively predict the sequence of mineral dissolution reactions in relation to this dissolving reagent, but also make it possible to forecast the selection of effective reagents for opening difficultly soluble minerals in processing of mineral raw materials. It is also worth noting that they correlate well with speed of processes [5]. In general, the authors using these discoveries have established a number of new, important provisions that form basis of the new law.
In our case, it is the assignment of the Gibbs energy of mineral formation to one atom of a structural unit that, as it turned out, represents a better approximation to real conditions than the same value related to the entire structural unit or gross formula.
Research purpose
The purpose of this study is to establish patterns of change in the thermodynamic functions of the average atomic energy of formation with a change in the calculated value of the reduced new chemical affinity for nickel minerals.
Results and discussion
It is well known that many solids have a complex composition, especially natural minerals. Considering that all natural minerals (as well as many solids) vary greatly in composition, the authors considered it appropriate to use the AfG0 values, assigned to number of atoms corresponding to the simplest formula of the substance, to talk about some "average" contribution of atoms, since the exact the contribution of each of them to
the value of AfG0 is unknown. The average atomic energy of solid formation was calculated by the formula proposed in [6]:
- AfG° =
where "n" is the number of atoms (in the gross formula) in the solid substance. Subsequently, AfG° was used, the so-called average atomic energy of mineral formation (kJ / molatom) [6].
From this, the first position says that "the reactivity of a mineral depends not only on the nature of the constituent atoms (additivity rules), but also on the structural units of solids, which include different amounts of unequal atoms and different types of bonds" [7]. As the main object, first of all, we studied the differences in the reactivity of sulfides depending on AfG°, since sulfides, silicates, and oxides are an important raw material in the non-ferrous metallurgy and chemical industry. Next, a thermodynamic series of the dissolution sequence of minerals of various metals that are often found in nature (within the limits of the same substances) was compiled. As an example, consider sulfide minerals.
Based on values of the average atomic energy of formation (AfG°) earlier [8], a thermodynamic series was compiled to reduce the reactivity of sulfide minerals often found in nature: Cu2S3Ag2S > AsS > As2S3 >
Cu2S Ag2S > Cu2S(rhombus) > 3C^S As2S3 > 3Cu2S Sb2S3
> Cu2SreKc > Ag2S > Bi2S3 > Sb2S3 > CusFeSs > FeAsS
> CuS > CuFe2S3 > CuFeS2 > PbS > FeS2 > R^ > ReS2 > M0S2 > ZnS. It turned out that AfG° (the average atomic formation energies, expressed in kJ / molatom) naturally change during the transition from jalpaite to sphalerite. To illustrate, confirming the above compiled thermodynamic series of sulfides, we present Table 1. As can be seen from the table, the values of ArG0 do not change regularly, but stepwise, thereby ArG0 is unsuitable for predicting differences in the reactivity of solids (minerals).
Table 1
Standard values of Gibbs energy (ArG0) and average atomic formation energies (AfG°) of sulfide minerals [8]
Mineral Substance formula ArG0 -J mol -AfG° ,kJ molatom
Yalpait Cu2S3Ag2S***1 181,8 15,1
Realgar AsS**2 35,1 17,5
Auripigment As2S3*** 95,4 19,1
Strommeyerite Cu2SAg2S 122,0 20,3
Chalcosine (rhombus.) Cu2S (p)*3 79,5 26,4
Tennantite 3Cu2SAs2Sa 381,8 27,2
Tetrahedrite 3Cu2SSb2S3 392,5 28,0
Chalcosine (hex.) Cu2S** 86,2 28,7
Argentite Ag2S** 87,9 29,3
Bismuthin Bi2S3** 153,1 30,6
Antimonite Sb2S3** 156,1 31,2
Bornite (I) Cu5FeS4* 322,3 32,2
Bornite (II) Cu3FeS3* 236,3 33,7
Arsenopyrite FeAsS** 109,6 36,5
Covellin CuS** 76,2 38,6
'*** The values of AfG0 are borrowed from the work of F.A. Letnikov [9].
2 ** The values of AfG0 are taken from the work of G.B. Naumova, B.N. Ryzhenko, I.L. Khodakovsky [10].
3 *The values of AfG0 were found II - by the method of comparative calculation from dependence AfG°=AAHf°+B (2.1)
Cubanite CuFe2Ss* 303,6 43,6
Rhenium heptasulfide Re2Sv* 395,0 43,8
Chalcopyrite CuFeS2** 178,7 44,7
Galena PbS** 98,7 49,4
Pyrites FeS2** 162,8 54,4
Rhenium disulfide ReS2** 178,2 59,4
Molybdenite M0S2** 226,1 75,3
Sphalerite ZnS** 203,8 101,8
An analysis of the thermodynamic series by the values of the above values AfG° shows that the reactivity of sulfides decreases in the direction from jalpaite to sphalerite, i.e. an increase in the absolute values of the average atomic energy of formation in the series of analog minerals, which indicates a decrease in their reactivity (second position). Such a forecast based on a comparison of AfG° was also carried out for oxides, silicates, and other classes of compounds [5, 11].
The validity of such predictions is confirmed by experimental data on the extraction of metal ions from a solid phase into a solution obtained (all other things being equal) by both the authors and other researchers for a number of complex oxides, silicates, phosphates and sulfide minerals and for other classes of compounds, as well as, with kinetic characteristics [5, 11]. For a comparative study, this work presents data on the interaction of oxidized and sulfide minerals of copper and nickel minerals in various oxidizing agents in a hydrochloric acid medium.
The values AfG° naturally decrease as well when moving from atacamite to elite (table 2), from chalcosine to chalcopyrite (table 3), from melonite to waesite (nickel minerals, tables 4-5), which agrees well with the experimental kinetic data [5, 11-12] during processing with various reagents.
Usually, the traditional method for choosing the optimal conditions for the selective dissolution of minerals is to assess the degree of dissolution of each mineral in any solvent, depending on various factors. This process is quite laborious. At the same time, a series compiled based on a comparison of the average atomic energy of formation allows one to qualitatively predict the sequence of dissolution of analog minerals in certain solvents without conducting labor-intensive experiments [2].
As the above examples (some of the many available) show in comparing experience and forecast (without experiment), the average atomic energy of formation, in a first approximation, serves as a measure of the reactivity of competing minerals with respect to the action of reagents: from them one can roughly predict the sequence the transition of minerals into solution when they are treated with the same solvents [7].
It should be noted that the authors also previously performed a qualitative forecast of the difference in reactivity for minerals of other metals: copper, zinc, lead, antimony, bismuth, silver, selenium, tellurium, tungsten, molybdenum, rhenium, beryllium, uranium, aluminum, iron, magnesium and etc., where their reactivity naturally changes with a change in the average atomic energy of formation (AfG°) with respect to this reagent (without experiment). Subsequently, this is
confirmed by kinetic characteristics, as well as when introduced in a production environment [5, 11-12].
The authors also used materials from another scientific discovery [4] to create general principles for predicting the selection of effective reagents for opening hard-to-dissolve minerals in the processing of mineral raw materials and for predicting the sequential passage of competing complex reactions occurring at the solid - liquid phase boundary using an unconventional ther-modynamic approach.
In the process of dissolving a solid substance (mineral) in this solvent reagent, two processes occur: the first process - destruction of the crystal lattice of the mineral under the action of a solvent reagent and the second process - the released free metal ions pass from the solid phase of minerals into the solution, bind to the anions, forming salts or bind to ligands. These two processes are characterized by the interaction energies of minerals with a solvent reagent, in particular, the total interaction energy of a mineral with a solvent reagent consists of two energies: the first is the energy of destruction of the crystal lattice of minerals under the action of a solvent reagent ArG°, and the second is the binding energy ArG°I ions transferred from the solid phase to the solution by anions in the form of a salt or ligands in the form of complex compounds [5].
Consequently, one can expect a regular change in energy only if the calculated value of the reduced new chemical affinity
An_ = AfG° is used under the conditions of dissolution of minerals in various dissolving reagents, if the reactions under consideration are of the same type as for the chemistry of the studied process.
Therefore, to solve this problem, the authors used the unique properties of a new chemical affinity (ArG°/n) [4], in particular, to predict the difference in the reactivity of solids (minerals) with respect to this reagent, to predict the sequence of passage of competing reactions (within the same type of reaction), for the prediction of effective reagents and for the targeted opening (decomposition) of minerals (solids).
In other words, by the value of ArG0/n, one can judge the difference in the reactivity of minerals without conducting an experiment, as is the case with the use of the average atomic energy of the formation of solids (minerals). The essence of the method lies in the fact that in this case, the interactions of various minerals are studied with respect to only one solvent reagent. Then, the calculated values of the chemical affinity (ArG0/n) are calculated [13].
As an example, authors previously presented results on the change in the ArG0/n values presented in tables 2-3 for oxidized and sulfide minerals of copper and for other metal minerals [5], unambiguously indi-
cated that the progressive change in the value of the reduced value of chemical affinity ArG°/n and the course of successive changes in the average atomic energy of the formation of minerals actually coincided (although their signs are opposite).
Table 2
Standard total change in the Gibbs energy of the chemical reaction (ArG0) and calculated values of the reduced new chemical affinity (ArG0/n) of oxidized copper minerals in EDTA solution, the average atomic energy of their
formation (AfG°) and kinetic characteristics [5]
Reactions -ArG0, kJ / mol reaction -ArG0/n, n-consumption of EDTA per 1 mol of mineral -AfG°, kJ / molatom W1013**4 mol / cm2 s-1 Copper recovery in % in 0.1 M EDTA
Atacamite CuCl23Cu(OH)2 + 4H2Y2-^ 4CuY2- + 2Cl- + 6H2O + 2H+ 607,0 151,7 74,5 691*5 91
Broshantit Cu4(SO)4(OH)6 + 4H2Y2-^ 4CuY2- + SO42- + 6H2O + 2H+ 589,3 147,3 86,6 501* 82
Malachite CuCl2Cu(OH)2 + HY2-^-2CuY2- + CO32- + 2H2O + 2H+ 228,3 114,1 90,0 410±50 71
Azurite 2CuCO3Cu(OH)2 + 3H2Y2- ^ 3CuY2- + 2CO32- + 2H2O + 4H+ 283,0 94,0 95,4 340±20 67
Chrysocolla CuSiOsH2O + H2Y2-^CuY2- + SiO2*H2O + H2O 37,0 37,0 150,9 30±20 42
Elite Cu5(PO4)2(OH)4H2O + 5H2Y2-^ 5CuY2- + 2PO43- + 5H2O + 6H+ -408,4 -81,7 156,4 8,8±0,6 36
As an example, we can cite the data from table 3, where the ArG°/n values in the horizontal position will change the stronger (more negative), when switching from iron chloride to calcium hypochlorite, the higher reactivity of effective reagents. Consequently, oxidation rate of chalcopyrite increases significantly during the transition from iron chloride to calcium hypochlorite. In other words, judging by the values of the
Table 3
Comparative calculated values of reduced chemical affinity (ArG°/n) and specific oxidation rates of copper sulfides by oxidizing agents (particle size - 150+200 mesh, number of experiments -6, a=6, temperature 25±0.2°C,
given chemical affinity (ArG0/n), calcium hypochlorite is the most effective oxidizing agent for chalcopyrite.
Thus, when comparing specific rates, it was shown that the reactivity of the studied sulfides decreases in the series: Cu2S > CusFeS4 > CusFeSs > CuS > CuFeS2 into the system of the oxidizing agent Ca(OCl)2 -NaNO2 - FeCl3 - copper sulfide - water.
QnlfiHii -AfG° FeCl3 NaNO2 Ca(OCl)2
suliide kJ / molatom -ArG0/n W, -ArG0/n W, -ArG0/n W,
kJ / mol mol / m2s kJ / mol mol / m2s kJ / mol mol / m2s
Cu2S(p) 26,4 53,2 8,5*10-10 87,6 1,42*10-9 487 25,3*10-4
CusFeS4 32,2 19,6 5,4*10-11 49,8 0,57*10-10 469 15,2*10-4
CusFeSs 33,7 18,5 5,0*10-11 27,4 0,42*10-10 457 13,5*10-4
CuS 38,6 16,7 4,7*10-12 18,8 0,19*10-11 377 10,1*10-4
CuFeS2 44,7 3,6 3,3*10-13 5,8 0,09*10-12 80,5 7,90*10-4
4 ** A study of the degree of copper recovery from the above copper minerals is given in 0.1 M EDTA. A portion of minerals is 50 mg, the volume of EDTA solution is 100 ml, the particle size of the minerals is -150+200 mesh, duration of experience of shaking the reaction mixture on a mixer for 30 minutes is solid - liquid.
5 * The values of W for all the reactions considered are determined in the first 5-10 minutes of the experiment in the initial section of the kinetic curve (in the conditions of almost no reaction products) at a fixed initial concentration of reagents.
As can be seen from tables 4-5, thermodynamic analysis of changes in the calculated value of the reduced new chemical affinity (ArG0/n) obtained by the interaction of nickel minerals in these oxidizing agents, the authors showed for the first time regular changes in ArG0/n with a change in the average atomic energy of formation of nickel minerals. At that time, the values of -ArG0/n and -AfG0 in the vertical position for nickel minerals (table 5) from Ni2Te3 > NiS > NiS2 (despite their different values) of reactivity decreases in the series above and a regular change is observed -ArG0/n with the change -AfG°. Therefore, the more strongly changes in direction of negative values of -ArG0/n of oxidizing agents upon transition from NaNO2 to KMnO4 and the higher the reactivity of effectively acting reagents.
The more -ArG0/n will change, the stronger towards negative values during the transition from NaNO2 to KMnO4, the higher the reactivity of effective reactants.
Table 4
Change in Gibbs energy (ArG°T) of chemical reaction of oxidation of nickel minerals and their calculated reduced chemical affinity (ArG0/n) and average atomic energies of their formation (AfG°) of nickel minerals _(compiled by the authors)___
№ Chemical reaction -ArG0 kcal / mol -ArG0/n kcal / mol -AfG0 kJ / molatom
Sodium nitrite (NaNO2)
1 Ni2Tes + 18NaNO2 + 24HC1 ^ 18NO + 3H2TeO3 + 18NaCl 1189,5 n=18; 66,1 6,8
2 NiS + 2NaNO2 + 4HCl ^ 2NO + S0 + 2NaCl + NiCl2 + 2H2O 62 n= 2; 31 9,5
3 NiS2 + 4NaNO2 + 8HCl ^ 4NO + 2S0 + 4NaCl + NiCl2 + 4H2O + Cl2 63 n=4; 16 11,2
Potassium chlorate (KQO3)
1 Ni2Te3+ 3KClO3 + 6HCl ^ 3H2TeO3 + 3KCl + 2NiCl3 415,7 n=3; 138,6 6,8
2 3NiS + KClO3 + 6HCl ^ 3S0 + 3NiCl2 + 3H2O + KCl 175,0 n=3;58,3 9,5
3 3NiS2 + 2KClO3 + 12HCl ^ 6S0 + 2KCl + 3NiCl2 + 6H2O 143 n=0,66; 201,0 11,2
Calcium hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)2)
1 2Ni2Te3 + 9Ca(OCl)2 + 12HC1 ^ 6H2TeO3 + 4NiCl3 + 9CaCl2 1018,1 n=4,5; 226,24 6,8
2 2NiS + Ca(OCl)2 + 4HCl ^ CaCl2 + 2NiCl2 + 2S0 + 2H2O 142,7 n=0,5; 283,4 9,5
3 NiS2 + Ca(OCl)2 + 4HCl ^ CaCl2 + NiCl2 + 2S0 + 2H2O 356,0 n=1; 356,0 11,2
Potassium permanganate (KMnO4)
1 5Ni2Te3 + 18KMnO4 + 84HCl ^ 15H2TeO3 + 18MnCl2 + 18KCl + 10NiCl3 + 27H2O 2241,0 n=3,6;622,5 6,8
2 5NiS + 2KMnO4 + 16HC1 ^ 2MnCl2 + 5S + 5NiCl2 + 2KCl + 8H2O 311,0 n=0,4;780 9,5
3 5NiS2 + 4KMnO4 + 32HCl ^ 4MnCl2 + 10S + 5NiCl2 + 4KCl + 16H2O 279 n=0,6; 465 11,2
Therefore, differences in the reactivity of solids (minerals) in any one in a given solvent can also be predicted by changes in the calculated value of the reduced new chemical affinity (ArG0/n).
In the present work, it was of great interest to study the nature of the interaction of nickel minerals in the same oxidizing agents in order to find the correspondence between ArG0/n and AfG° as in the case of studying oxidized and sulfide minerals of copper in oxidizing agents in a hydrochloric acid medium.
Consider, for example, data of the calculated value of the reduced new chemical affinity (ArG0/n) for nickel minerals (tables 4-5). As can be seen from these data, in fact, by the value of ArG0/n, a similar decrease in reactivity is observed in the series of the indicated nickel minerals, and for a comparative study, the results of studying oxidized and sulfide minerals of copper are given (tables 2-3), as is the case when comparing the average atomic energy of formation.
As can be seen from table 5, in the horizontal position, negative values of the reduced new chemical affinity increase upon the transition of oxidizing agents from NaNO2<KClO3<Ca(OCl)2<KMnO4 for all the studied nickel minerals.
Also from this table, there is a natural increase in chemical activity of oxidizing agents, depending on the value of -ArG0/n. In this case, the strength of oxidizing
agents can be placed in the following thermodynamic series: NaNO2<KClO3<Ca(OCl)2<KMnO4. At that time, in vertical positions in a series of nickel minerals, the compiled reactivity based on a comparison of the average atomic energy of their formation (AfG0) is consistent with the course of the change in the calculated value of the reduced new chemical affinity (ArG0/n).
Table 5
Comparative calculated values of the reduced chemical affinity (ArG0/n) in various oxidizing agents and the av-
erage atomic energies of their formation (AfG°) of nickel minerals (compiled by the authors)
Oxidizing agents
Minerals -AfG° NaNO2 KClOs Ca (OCl)2 KMnO4
kJ / molatom -ArG°/n -ArG°/n -ArG0/n -ArG0/n
kcal / mol kcal / mol kcal / mol kcal / mol
Ni2Tes 6,8 66,1 138,6 226,2 622,5
NiS 9,5 31 58,3 283,4 780
NiS2 11,2 16 201,0 356,0 465
Thus, from tables 4-5, there is a regular change in AfG0 with a change in ArG0/n.
Judging (analyzing) by ArG0/n values when only one nickel mineral is opened in various oxidizing agents, the most effective oxidizing agents (reagents) are NaNO2<KClO3<Ca(OCl)2<KMnO4. In this case, the change in the calculated value of the reduced new chemical affinity (fracture energy of the crystal lattice of minerals) ArG0/n depends only on the nature of the oxidizing agents characterizing the intensity (oxidizing forces).
From the foregoing, it is especially possible to determine place and role of energy of destruction of the crystal lattice of nickel minerals -ArG0/n to evaluate sequential passage of competing reactions and the difference in the reactivity of nickel minerals during the transition from Ni2Te3 to NiS2.
Thus, criterion of fidelity of the developed principles for predicting the dissolution sequence of the above oxidized and copper sulfides (tables 2-3), as well as nickel minerals (tables 4-5), proposed on basis of forecast of the revealed thermodynamic and kinetic laws, is also an experiment in this case. It turned out that value of the calculated reduced chemical affinity (ArG0/n) naturally changes during the transition from melonite (Ni2Te3) to waesite (NiS2) (tables 4-5), for nickel minerals as in the case of other classes of compounds, for example, from atacamite to the elite and from chalcosine to chalcopyrite (tables 2-3) [5, 11-12] similar to the course of a regular change in the average atomic energy of formation.
From which we can conclude that thermodynamic characteristics of interaction reactions of various minerals with respect to a given solvent depend on initial thermodynamic functions of a solid substance, in this case, on the average atomic energy of mineral formation (within similar substances). Since there is a correspondence between AfG° and ArG0/n (tables 2-5) by analogy with [5, 11-12], it is possible to predict with certainty the sequence of processes of oxidative dissolution of other unexplored minerals in solutions of oxidizing agents in hydrochloric acid medium without conducting an experiment based on the values AfG°.
For the first time, regularity of changes in non-traditional thermodynamic functions ArG0/n with a change in the average atomic energy of their formation (AfG°) was confirmed using the example of a nickel minerals. By analogy with work of other minerals, also with nickel minerals, a regular change in the average atomic energy of formation and the sequence of passage of
competing processes of oxidative dissolution of nickel minerals ArG0/n are revealed.
In other words, course of changes in the average atomic energy of formation and course of changes in values of the new chemical affinity coincide. Thus, by the example of nickel minerals, the authors confirmed legitimacy of the comparability of the thermodynamic processes of formation and dissolution (oxidation) within the same type of reactions. Therefore, this gives the right to conclude that "within the limits of the same type of reactions, to qualitatively predict the sequence of dissolution (oxidation) of minerals belonging to the same class in this selected reagent, it is sufficient to compare the standard values of their average atomic energy of formation".
This study was carried out through grant funding for scientific research of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic: No. AP05133745 "Development of a cost-effective environmentally friendly technology for joint and separate selective extraction of cobalt and nickel from cobalt-nickel-containing raw materials in Kazakhstan" (20182020).
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4. Diploma No. 373 for scientific discovery: The pattern of changes in the effectiveness of the solvent reagents and the sequence of passage of competing reactions occurring at the solid-liquid interface / Ospanov Kh.K., gold medal // Collection of brief descriptions of scientific discoveries, scientific ideas, scientific hypotheses. "Scientific Discoveries" - 2009. - M., 2009.
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12. Ospanov Kh.K. General principles of prediction of differences in reactivity of minerals and solvents in the conditions of processing of mineral raw materials (on the basis of the materials of four international discoveries): monograph / translation Izbasarova A.R., Yermekov A., Doctor Jon Peters. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2015. - 410 pp.
13. Ospanov Kh.K. On new properties of chemical affinity // Bulletin of KazNU. Chemical series. -2010. - No. (59). - P. 138-145. (in Russian).