Региональные аспекты сотрудничества между Россией и Японией на примере Дальнего
Regional aspects of cooperation between Russia and Japan on the example of the Ear East
Саушкина Екатерина Олеговна
Западный филиал РАНХиГС при президенте РФ Калининград, ул. Артиллерийская 62 e-mail: s. kate9824@mail. ru
Saushkina Ekaterina Olegovna
Western Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Artilleriyskaya St., 62, Kaliningrad e-mail: s. [email protected]
Научный руководитель Бессерт Ольга Борисовна
к.э.н., доцент
Западный филиал РАНХиГС при президенте РФ Калининград, ул. Артиллерийская 62 e-mail: [email protected]
Scientific adviser Bessert Olga Borisovna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Western Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Artilleriyskaya St., 62, Kaliningrad e-mail: [email protected]
Развитие экономики Российской Федерации как социально-экономической системы определяется развитием составляющих ее подсистем - регионов, которые успешно функционируют только при наличии необходимых для развития ресурсов. Дальний Восток имеет такие возможности, ведь это регион с богатейшими запасами природных ресурсов с уникальной флорой и фауной. Еще одной его особенностью является наличие сухопутной границы с Северной Кореей, а также морских границ с Японией и США, что весьма перспективно для развития страны в целом.
The development of the economy of the Russian Federation as a socio-economic system is determined by the development of its constituent subsystems - regions that function successfully only with the necessary resources for development. The Far East has such opportunities, because it is a region with the richest reserves of natural resources with a unique flora and fauna. Another feature of the region is the presence of the land border with North Korea, as well as the sea borders with Japan and the United States, which is very promising for the development of the country as a whole.
Ключевые слова: развитие экономики; торговля; Дальний Восток; Япония; сотрудничество; Россия; международные отношения; взаимная выгода.
Key words: the development of the economy; trade; Far East; Japan; cooperation; Russia; international relations; mutual benefit.
Russian-Japanese trade relations are governed by the Trade Agreement of December 6, 1957, which contains 7 paragraphs. It says that both parties should undertake, within the limits of their legislation, everything that is possible in order for relations to develop on a friendly basis. On the mutual provision of a favorable customs regime for the nation, that is, the rules that are associated with the import of goods from Japan and with the export of their goods to Japan, as well as the regime by which certain temporarily imported goods are exempt from duties and fees. The contract stipulates that countries have the right to stay in all ports on the same conditions as the courts of any other country.
There is a program to deepen cooperation in the trade and economic field between Japan and the Russian Federation, which was signed in 2000. It noted that in Japanese-Russian relations, trade and investment play an important role, for which it is important to encourage trade and establish a favorable investment climate. Japan promised to promote the implementation of economic reforms in Russia to strengthen the market economy and industry in Russia. It should be carried out in the form of support in various areas, which include macroeconomic, industrial policy, the development of small and medium-sized businesses, internships for specialists and targeted budget financing. Japan supports Russia in joining the World Trade Organization and continues to provide the necessary technical assistance. Countries share the view of cooperation in the field of energy to stabilize energy supply in the Asia-Pacific region, as demand for its use is expected to increase. The program also takes into account the importance of the rational use of natural resources, and also no less important - the protection of the environment.
Cooperation between Russia and Japan in the global economy has several advantages allowing to achieve progress in many areas based on the principles of mutual trust and benefit:
1) Maintaining contacts in order to exchange experience;
2) Joint planning and implementation of economic, cultural and humanitarian projects;
3) Promotion of projects in the field of electricity, agriculture, infrastructure, transport, aimed at commodity-economic cooperation between countries;
4) Improving relations between countries by strengthening mutual confidence and mutually beneficial cooperation;
5) Expanding cooperation in the field of security and defense, which contributes to countering international terrorism, piracy, crime and illicit drug trafficking;
6) Direct investment and trade development;
7) Development of modernization, innovation, transport infrastructure, food industry, medicine, etc .;
8) Joint decision making on improving the environmental situation;
9) Expansion of humanitarian and cultural exchanges, promotion of traditions for friendly relations between the peoples of the two countries.
The Far East occupies a significant role in the economic relations between Russia and Japan. For a start, this can be explained by the advantage of geographical location, that is, the proximity of countries. Thanks to this factor, a number of prospects open up - from savings in transportation costs to the development of benevolent relations. Also important is the fact that Japan imports about 96% of various types of fuel and needs reliable energy supply and access to natural resources, which are abundant in the Far East. The markets of the APR countries, and in particular of China, are the most promising because of the limited potential of domestic production with a sharp increase in industrial production.
The main feature of the Far East is a unique natural resource potential, since these regions have richest reserves of natural resources, unique flora and fauna. In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) gold and diamonds are mined. The Sakhalin shelf is rich in oil and gas, and the sea is rich in fish. Natural wealth allows us to successfully develop the power industry, fuel, mining, non-ferrous metallurgy. In the Amur region, two-thirds of all grain crops and 50% of soybeans are produced. In the Far East, the significant potential of forest resources, as well as the unique geographical location -proximity to the dynamically developing forest products markets in the Asia-Pacific region - provides ample opportunities for the development of the forest industry complex.
So the main counterparties of the foreign trade of the Far East are the countries of Northeast Asia: China, the Republic of Korea and Japan. Their share in the total structure is more than 70%. In total, countries in the Asia-Pacific region account for more than 80% of the total structure of countries.
The main imported goods to the Far East are equipment, vehicles and machinery, food, chemical products, as well as textiles and footwear. It can be concluded that deliveries to the district are focused on consumer and production targets. Rationalization of the structure of imports should be carried out by increasing the share of investment goods, as well as new technologies, which will modernize existing ones, as well as form new production facilities, which should also be sent for export.
Exported goods are product orientation: fuel and energy, fish, seafood and wood. Imported goods to the Far East are focused on a wide range of consumers, as well as on production. It is necessary to pursue a foreign trade policy aimed at the rational structuring of goods imported and exported from the region.
At the moment, a project on the cultivation of buckwheat, grain and soybean in Russia is being implemented in the Amur Region. For this, the joint-stock company "Hokkaido-Russian agribusiness complex" was organized. Japanese companies fully provide the investment component of this project, they acquire a lease of territory and tax privileges in order to develop the agricultural sector. Also promising is cooperation in the field of logistics and transport. Such as the construction of a railway crossing between Hokkaido and Sakhalin, the use of Japanese technology of high-speed railway transport "Shinkansen" in the Far East. Japanese companies are already participating in the Sakhalin-Japan gas pipeline construction project, the Sakhalin-Hokkaido energy bridge project.
In general, it can be concluded that the Far are promising in cooperation with Japan. But this district will be in demand only as long as it has natural resources, so it is important to develop economic potential in all areas, since natural resources can be depleted.
But despite the unique potential for the economic development of the Far East, the current socio-economic state is just beginning to improve. The constraining factors for realizing the economic potential are a number ofproblems:
1. Xenophobia;
The population of DFO and Siberian federal districts are often categorically against immigrants, so conflicts arise on the basis of ethnic strife. Accordingly, this causes additional social tensions.
2. Remoteness and isolation of regions from the center of Russia;
3. The problem of orientation of raw materials - the presence of significant disparities in the industrial development of the territories;
4. Poorly developed financial infrastructure and significant financial dependence on the federal budget;
5. Extreme climatic conditions;
Agricultural support programs are only beginning to be developed by the Russian government, but this seems difficult to implement, because at the initial stage farming without certain subsidies is almost impossible due to the harsh natural climate.
6. Poor transport and energy infrastructure;
The existing administrative-territorial division artificially reduces to a single area subjects of varying degrees of socioeconomic development, including the weakly connected economic southern areas along highways, have almost no economic ties with the northern regions.
7. Border disputed territories;
There are a number of areas that unofficial Japan considers its own. This question often arises in Russia's relations with other countries, since history is a relative subject, and it can be interpreted depending on the advantages of one or another subject. The Far East fears an armed border conflict. Such a conflict occurred with the Chinese on the island of Damanski (Zhenbao) in 1969.
8. Low innovation potential.
The share of regional budget expenditures on research and development aimed at the development of production is three times higher than in some regions of Central Russia.
For the development of cooperation, it is important to strengthen friendly relations of trust between countries based on trust and mutual benefit. Confidence can be enhanced by mutual assistance in the fight against terrorism, exchanges between defense ministries and military formations, as well as through trade facilitation, investment and effective implementation of regular contacts between representatives of the business community. including, inter alia, measures to promote the traditions of national culinary art, the development of inter-university exchanges and exchanges in the field of sports.
The situation in the Far East requires improvement here of government regulation, ensuring its focus on increasing the efficiency of foreign economic interconnections, establishing strict supervision and monitoring the activities of organizations of all forms of ownership.
The program of the role of the Far East in economic cooperation with Japan is obliged to contain a system of assistance with economic and administrative measures. Such measures include the introduction of customs and tax incentives to Russian and foreign investors in the real economy. They also include the solution of the problem of the formation of export, local innovative, and other types of special (free) economic zones. It is also important to introduce a preferential railway tariff for economic agents of the region, other regions and foreign countries, which are considered participants in general projects of production cooperation and qualification. And the formation of a special state-owned company in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, the Amur Region, and the Jewish Autonomous Region in order to unite cross-border trade operations between domestic and Japanese entrepreneurs, which will contribute to a balance in trade and political conditions.
The most realistic projects are the use of resources in the geopolitical position of the Asian part of Russia (by upgrading the Trans-Siberian railway and the BAM and carrying out intercontinental transit of bulk goods from the countries of south-east Asia to the Baltic ports and cities of Western Europe), as well as the revival and modernization of the economy cities of southern Siberia and the Far East on the basis of the enterprises of the military industrial complex, their scientific and educational potential and the development of the modern service sector (including informational, monetary and recreational).
Most of the taiga and tundra need to be given a statutory status of the world ecological (biosphere) and socio-ethnic reserve, providing everyone living in the area of traditional environmental management, regardless of age and type of occupation, with a state subsidy of at least 1-2 average monthly salary .
The creation of organizational and legal conditions for encouraging entrepreneurship, including the active use of differential rent redistribution mechanisms in industrial environmental management, wide participation of investment resources of neighboring countries through concessions, and joint production should be considered an important reserve for raising the socio-economic level of Siberia, which is still very poorly used.
Prospective cooperation between Russia and Japan depends on the development of the economies of the two countries. The development of the economy of the Russian Federation as a socio-economic system is determined by the development of its constituent subsystems - regions that function successfully only if they have the necessary resources for development and their continuous interaction.
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