IN PUBLICITY IN 19881 Pashayeva A.N.1, Hasanli P.R.2, Amrahli T.F.3
'Pashayeva Aynura Niyaz gizi — Scientific Worker; 2Hasanli Pari Rovshan gizi — Junior Scientific Worker; 3Amrahli Tohfa Farhadgizi — Junior Scientific Worker, AZERBAIJAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES THE INSTITUTE OF LITERATURE NAMED AFTER NIZAMIGANJAVI, BAKU, REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN,
Abstract: the genre of the subject of deportation of the Azerbaijanis by Armenians since '988 is literary publicity in the beginning of '990s, then the deep roots of the deportation and genocide were investigated, the number of scientific and political journalistic articles had been increased. This is a great success in revealing facts. The study of these publicist articles is of great importance both in journalism and in the field of history sciences.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, the Armenians deported the Azerbaijanis from their homeland -Irevan, the Azerbaijanis have been subjected to genocide and finally, the Armenians created "Armenia without Turks"in 1988. Only in 20th century four times [1905-1906, 1918-1920, 1948-1953,19881991] the Azerbaijanis were deported from their present-day Armenia territory (ancient Irevan) - from their historical-ethnic lands and the Armenians committed genocide against them.
In October 1987, under pressure of the Armenian lobby, Great leader Haydar Aliyev was dismissed from membership of the Political Bureau of the CPSU Central Committee and the post of 1st Vice-President of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Armenians started deportation and genocide against Azerbaijanis in Irevan.
In January 1988 the last stage of the ethnic cleansing of Azerbaijanis from Armenia began and was completed with the emptying of Nuvadi village [Mehri region] of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Armenia on 8 August 1991. "As a result, 230,000 Azerbaijanis were driven out of 185 villages in the Armenian SSR. 255 persons were killed, 1200 persons were wounded, 31000 houses, 165 collective farms and sovkhoz were seized" [1, p. 11].
18 September 2013, Ilham Aliyev at the opening of the Guba Genocide Memorial Complex addressed his words to each Azerbaijanis scientific worker: "I believe that Armenian fascism should be studied by Azerbaijani scientists more broadly. I believe that it is necessary to put in place major researches based on historical facts.
Our historical lands are the Irevan khanate, the Goycha and Zangezur Mahals. The time will come when we will live there. I believe in and am sure of that. To achieve this, each of us has to make an effort. Each of us has to do his bit to approach this sacred day" [2].
Academician Yagub Mahmudlu, Ph.d. of history Nazim Mustafa, Dr. Tofig Najafli, Dr. Guntakin Najafli, associate of professor Irada Mammadli wrote different researches about deportation of Azerbaijanis from Irevan. However, deportations have been studied very little in publicism based on real facts and events. In publicism, an integral genre of Azerbaijani press, in 1988, the issue of deportation of Azerbaijanis from their native lands has an approach in both historical and artistic thinking. This problem was reflected in the scientific, political and literary genres of publicity.
In Nusrat Mammadov's "Tragedy" publicism play [3] the author showed the shock and pressures by Armenians against the people of Irevan and the historical roots of deportation I Peter's "Testament" to the Russian people. 1905-1908, the 1918-1920 years were marked by factors such as the lack of arms, illiteracy and weakness of the genocide Azerbaijanis against. In Hamza Jafarov and Abdulla Mustafayev's "Bloody memory of our history: genocides and deportations" publicity article [4] have noted that the root of the policy of placement of Armenians in Gilan, Mazandaran, Astrabad, Baku is that I Peter's decree of November 10, 1723.
In Badirkhan Ahmadov's "Terrorism as an integral part of Armenia's state policy" [5] article reflected that Armenians writer Zori Balayan had been participated in the terrorist act. As it is mentioned in the studies of Nazim Mustafa, "In 1984, the cruel enemy of the Azerbaijani people Zori
1 This work was supported by the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of
Azerbaijan - Grant № EiF/GAM-4-BGM-GiN-2017-3(29)-19/15/5.
Balayan published "Bon-fire" book, it was caused the obvious aggravation of hostility towards Azerbaijanis." [6, p. 5].
The historical root of the deportation of Azerbaijanis is genocide. In Bakhtiyar Ahmadov's "Discrimination and deportation Azerbaijanis living in Goyche in 1988-1989" scientifically-publicity article has been shown by specific statistical figures: "As a result of the massacres committed by the Armenians, Goyche gave 56 martyrs [45 persons in the Basarkecher, 11 persons in the Chanbarakend district], last 80 thousand residents of Goyche have been displaced, 500 million as private property, 1 billion damaged by public property" [7, p. 55]. Mubariz Aslanov noted in his "Armenian ideology: from deportation to genocide" article that [8] "As a result of criminal offenses against Azerbaijanis 33 persons killed in 27-29 November 1988, in Armenia SSR Guqark, Spitak and Stepanavan cities. More than 220,000 Azerbaijanis were expelled from their homes in December of the same year. Finally, on July 29, 1989, the railway line from Azerbaijan to Armenia was closed on the basis of the attacks on trains in Armenia." [8, p.13].
Some of the articles published in 1990 were written by witnesses of deportation and described as terrible facts of the genocide. Kazim Qarachanta's "Invisible horror" [9] reported the dangers of a person deported from Irevan in October 1988 by Baku resident. Ganbar Bayramov and Eldar Ismayil's "False, no temp just where it freezes to" [10] article was criticized the denial of these crimes by the Armenian prosecutor's office and the forced assassination of the Azerbaijanis in Masis, Gorus, Sisian, Amasia. In Eldar Ismayil's "Innocent bloods" [11] article the terrible crimes of the Armenians -burning the throat, burning the old woman by ancient Armenian neighbor is the facts of genocide. He clarifies the implementation of the Armenian deportation in November-December: "The first, the workers in agriculture had to finish the fertilization of the product, and second, the Turks had to overcome the mountains in the snowy-bush months" [11, p.5].
In Leyla Mirzayeva's "A look at 10 years ago" [12] article described the torture of the Azerbaijanis on the train from Irevan. Bilal Muradov and Inqilab Valizade's "Genocide of the Azeri Turks in Armenia" [13] during the deportation, the violence of the Karabakh Committee soldiers was disclosed.
Sometimes it is not enough the investigation the publicity during 1990s about deportation of the Azerbaijanis by Armenians from their native lands in 1988. In fact, that was the truth. In the most active media outlets of the period 1988-1990 were "Communist", "Youth of Azerbaijan", "Baku" and others, in this newspapers there were not articles about Azerbaijanis' deportation. The "Vatan Sesi" newspaper was the media outlet of the Azerbaijan Refugees Society, which was most sensitive to the issue of deportation in the early of the 1990s. In Teymur Ahmadov's "The rodents should be cut off' [14], Firudin Cumshudlu's "Deportation" [15], Mubariz Agayev's "Roads to ethnic cleansing" [16] articles are criticized the press of the same period in the face of deportation. In Vidadi Isayev's "Who are the real residents of Armenia?" [17] scientific publicity articles informed that reason of the expulsion of Azerbaijanis by Armenians placing a large number of Armenians back here, Sabir Tarverdiyev's "People know their enemy with their friend!" [18] consider that the leaders of that era as a blacksmith.
The literary publicity articles about deportation - Mahammad Rashid's "My great Gyche" [19], Almaz Ulvi's "Great Goyche" [20], Tarlan Goychali's "What have I been up to?" [21] were described homeland, country desires and refugee. Musa Urud's "Two trips to Uruda" [22] which is the travel book in the genre of literary publicity is dominated the deep sad psychologism. This psychological state is not only the feelings of the author, but also of the oldest people in the whole village. He looks at the historical root of the reason for the deportation of Azerbaijanis. The reason for the rallies launched in 1988 in Khankendi is that the Armenian Diaspora is looking for about 100 years. According to the opinion of author at the Tehran conference in 1943 at the request of the Armenian Diaspora of Molotov, Stalin's deportation of the Azerbaijanis living in the Armenian SSR in 1948, the support of Khrushov, Brezhnev to the Armenians, the tragic genocide committed in Turkey in 1965 at the Opera Theater in Yerevan, prevention of separatist movements of Armenians during Aliyev's era, attacks against Azerbaijanis in Qafan, Meghri, Gorus, Sisyan, Zangezur since 1981, attacks, insults, threats, pressures are factors that led to the deportation. During the deportation, the imprisonment of the Azerbaijanis, the struggle of bus drivers and the help of residents of Shahbuz region to the people of Urud were mentioned.
This work was supported by the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Grant № EiF/GAM-4-BGM-GIN-2017-3[29]-19/15/5.
1. Qsdir Asian. Qarbi azarbaycanlilarin son deportasiyasindan 30 il kefir// "Baki Xabar" newspaper, 20-22 January 2018, p.11.
2. Speech by Ilham Aliyev at the opening of the Guba genocide memorial established with the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. 18 September 2013, https://en.president.az/articles/9397
3. Msmmsdov Nusrst. Facia// "Vedibasar" newspaper, 1-15 March 2008, p.6.
4. Csfsrov Hsmzs. Mustafayev Abdulla. Tariximizin qan yadda^i: soyqirimlar va deportasiya// Xabarlar. Ictimai va Humanitar elmlar seriyasi. AMEA-nin Naxfivan bolmasi, 2010, №1, p.24-29.
5. dhmsdov Bsdirxan. Terorizm Ermanistanin dovlat siyasatinin tarkib hissasi kimi // "Vedibasar" newspaper, 1-5 may 2006, p.8.
6. Mustafa Nazim. Azarbaycanlilarin azali torpaqlarindan sonuncu - 1988-1989-cu illar deportasiyasi // "Xalq" newspaper, 8-10 december 2013, p. 5.
7. dhmsdov Bsxtiyar. Goyfa mahalinda ya^ayan azarbaycanlilarin diskriminasiyasi va 1988-1989-cu illar deportasiyasi// "Geostrategiya" journal, 2017, №2, p. 55-58.
8. Aslanov Mubariz. Ermani ideologiyasi: Deportasiyadan soyqiriminadak //"Kaspi" newspaper, 24 Feburary 2010, p.13.
9. Kazim Qaraganta. Gorunmaz dah^at // "Vatan sasi" newspaper, 6 February 1992, p.5.
10. Bayramov Qsnbsr. Ismayil Eldar. Yalan ayaq tutar yerimaz // "Vatan sasi" newspaper, 22 February 1992, p. 7.
11. ismayil Eldar. Gunahsiz qanlar //"Vatan sasi" newspaper, 9 January 1992, p. 5.
12. Mirzsyeva Leyla. 10 il avvala daha bir nazar// "Vatan sasi" newspaper, 3 April 1998, p.3.
13. Muradov Bilal. Valizada Inqilab. Ermanistan azari turklarinin genosidi // "Vatan sasi" newspaper, 5 June 1992, p.6.
14. dhmsdov Teymur. Quldurlarin koku kasilmalidir // "Vatan sasi" newspaper, 25 July 1991, p.7.
15. Cum^udlu Firudin. Deportasiya// "Xalq" newspaper, 2 April 2015, p.6.
16. AgayevMubariz. Etnik tamizlamaya gedan yollar// "Vatan sasi" newspaper, 3 April 1998, p.3
17. isayev Vidadi. Ermanistanin asil sakinlari kim olmu^dur?// "Daralayaz" newspaper, 6 November 2011, p.4-5.
18. Tarverdiyev Sabir. Xalq dostu ila du^manini taniyir!// "Vatan sasi" newspaper, 20 March 1992, p.3.
19. MshsmmsdRg§id. Ulu Goyfam..//"Vatan sasi" newspaper, 20 March 1992, p.4.
20. Almaz Ulvi. Ulu Goyfa//"9dabiyyat newspaper", 4 June 1993, p.5.
21. Goygsli Tsrlan. Manim sanda nayim qaldi// "Qdabiyyat newspaper", 4 June 1993, p.5.
22. UrudMusa. Uruda iki safar// "Vedibasar" newspaper, 1-5 January, 2009, p.4-5.
'Ботирова Мафтуна Акмалжон кизи — студент, направление: английский язык и литература, факультет иностранных языков; 2Солижонова Сафия Иномжон кизи — студент, направление: русский язык и литература, факультет филологии, Андижанский государственный университет, г. Андижан, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в этой статье сделан глубокий анализ употребления категории определенности/ неопределенности с помощью сопоставления письменных текстов на русском и английском языках. Приведена классификация случаев употребления определенного артикля. Ключевые слова: категория, определенность, неопределенность, текст, артикль, русский язык, английский язык.
Для выявления общих черт и расхождений в функционировании категории определенности-неопределенности в таких типологически несхожих языках, как русский и английский, проведем сопоставление письменных текстов, представленных на этих двух языках.