Ролевая игра, как известно, тренирует студентов в выборе нужного речевого варианта [3, с. 112]. В конце занятия студентам предлагается написать письмо рекомендательного характера «Вакансия на должность инженера». Компонент обучения в аудировании (отраслевая направленность видеоматериалов). Комплекс упражнений по формированию речевых навыков и умений с использованием видеоматериалов можно охарактеризовать как последовательность учебных действий, в которых видеоматериалы используются (содержательного и смыслового характера), а также как стимул к речи. Использование видеоматериалов в процессе обучения языкам способно существенным образом повысить эффективность обучающей деятельности преподавателя.
Таким образом, использование новых инновационных педагогических технологий способствуют подготовке современных специалистов.
Список литературы
1. Батраева О.М.Профессиональный иностранный язык III: Научная речь. Методическое пособие для иностранных студентов. Владивосток: Дальрыбвтуз, 2014. 30 с.
2. Батраева О.М., Бимурзина И.В. Язык специальности в техническом вузе: формирование профессиональных компетенций // Высшее образование сегодня, 2014. № 7. С. 84-92.
3. Щукин А.И. Современные интенсивные методы и технологии обучения иностранным языкам: Учебное пособие, 2008. 188 с.
Turgunova R.P.
Abstract: there are two main sources of errors, namely, interlingual errors and intralingual errors. Interlingual (Interference) Errors are those errors that are traceable to first language interference: (1) overgeneralization, (2) ignorance of rule restrictions, (3) incomplete application of rules, and (4) false concepts hypothesized. Later he identifies six sources of errors: (1) interference, (2) overgeneralization, (3) performance errors, (4) markers of transitional competence, (5) strategies of communication and assimilation, and (6) teacher-induced errors.
Keywords: language transfer, overgeneralization, fossilization, simplification.
The sources of errors are too many, but the most important and obvious are the following: Transfer of Native language. Native language transfer is an unavoidable factor in writing. There is overwhelming evidence that "language transfer" is indeed a real and central phenomenon that must be considered in any full account of the second language acquisition process. When students learn English, especially in their English writing, transfer is manifested at various levels, such as lexis, syntax, and discourse. Transfer is of two kinds: positive and negative. The transfer may prove to be justified because the structure of the two languages is similar - this case is called 'positive transfer' or 'facilitation', or it may prove unjustified because the structure of the two languages are different- that case is called 'negative transfer' or 'interference'.
Students always use the rules, the thinking way of their source language in their English writing. One of the most striking differences between English and mother tongue is that English necessitates an overt subject in sentences except imperatives. By contrast, if the
referent can be grammatically and pragmatically retrieved, source languages allow omission of subject pronouns in a sentence. This "pro-drop" phenomenon, common in written mother languages, differs from English which regards subject less clauses as ungrammatical. Therefore, pro-drop sentences in English writings by non-local writers can be constructed as L1 transfer, and it can be extended to the subject in a sentence as well: If have no money, you can do nothing. I tried hard to listen, but I just cannot hear.
Overgeneralization is when students apply a grammatical rule across all members of a grammatical class (e.g. verbs) without making the appropriate exceptions. For example, goed (meaning went), a form they are unlikely to have heard, suggesting that they have intuited or deduced complex grammatical rules and failed only to learn exceptions that cannot be predicted from a knowledge of the grammar alone.
Fossilization. At a certain stage students cease to learn new aspects of the TL. Although perhaps capable to express themselves in a grammatically correct way, students here do not proceed to explore the great reservoir of language any further in order to express themselves in a more refined and sophisticated manner. It causes many nonstandard way of expressing in their writing.
Simplification. Simplification is a result of an attempt to adjust the language behavior to the interests of communicative effectiveness. In order to avoid redundancy, students always use simplification: comed, goed instead of came and went.
There exist three main reasons for errors, namely, (1) incomplete acquisition of the target grammar, (2) exigencies of the learning/teaching situation, and (3) errors due to normal problems of language performance. In the past few years, there has been a large and growing amount of literature on error analysis. In a recent study conducted by Sarfraz [1] to examine the errors made by 50 undergraduate Pakistani students in written essays, he found that the overwhelming majority of errors the students made resulted from learners' interlanguage process and some errors resulted from mother tongue interference.
AbiSamra [2], in his article entitled "An analysis of errors in Arabic speakers' English writing", collected samples of written work from 10 students in grade 9. He classified the writing errors into five categories, namely, grammatical (prepositions, articles, adjectives, etc.); syntactic (coordination, sentence structure, word order, etc.); lexical (word choice); semantic and substance (punctuation, capitalization, and spelling); and discourse errors. The results revealed that one third of the students' errors were transfer errors from the na tive language, and the highest numbers of errors were in the categories of semantics and vocabulary. In addition, Ridha [3] examined English writing samples of 80 EFL college students and then categorized the errors according to the following taxonomy: grammatical, lexical/ semantic, mechanics, and word order types of errors. The results showed that most of the students' errors can be due to L1 transfer. Furthermore, she found that most of the learners rely on their mother tongue in expressing their ideas.
1. Safraz A., (2011). Enhancing structure and writing expression amon EFL thai students through consciousness-raising instructions: Journal of NELTA. Vol-15. Kathmandu. NELTA.
2. AbiSamra N., (2003). An analysis of errors in Arabic speakers' English writing. In Mourtaga, K. (Ed.), Investigating writing problems among Palestinian students studying English as a foreign language. Unpublished doctoral dissertation.
3. Ridha N., (2012). The Effect of EFL Learners' Mother Tongue on their Writings in English: An Error Analysis Study. Journal of the College of Arts. University of Basrah. P. 22-45.