Section 3. Geography
KamalovBakhodirAsamovich, Namangan State University, professor of the department of ecology E-mail: kamolov-1942@ Soliev Ikboljon Rakhmonberdiyevich, Namangan State University, Teacher of the department of ekology E-mail: soliyev_1984@
Reaction of groundwater regime of river basins of south Fergana on global warming
Abstract: The article presents the results of the assessment of groundwater reaction regime in the basins of the rivers of South Fergana on global warming.
Keywords: global warming, groundwater, underground water level, alluvial cone, river basin, trend.
In Central Asia, particularly in Uzbekistan, increasing of water shortage creates every year a lot of geo-ecological problems. The situation is complicated by the fact that the water resources are fully utilized. If the primary cause of complications is consumers ofwater resources, the second appears their natural change.
Surface waterregimeis determined mainlybyrainfallregime, their distributionin the territoryandwithin the year, changesin temperature. From the change in global temperature of the twentieth century is divided into 3 periods:
1. Warming 1910-1945;
2. Several cool period 1946-1975;
3. Warming since 1976 and continuing to the present time.
In recent studies it has been found an increase in runoff from glaciers rivers flowing from the northern slopes of the Turkestan and Alai ranges due to increased melting of glaciers in the warming period [1]. This increase in runoff of glacial rivers would lead to changes in the groundwater regime.
As is known, currently it is dominated by the theory the formation of infiltration of groundwater. The amount of accumulation
Table 1. - Average values of annual runoff of rivers of Cokh
of infiltration water depends mainly on the amount of precipitation, the porosity of the rock, the surface structure of the ground, its altitude above sea level, and others. Also, in the formation of groundwater involved surface water of rivers, canals, lakes, marshes and reservoirs. Infiltration of water from these sources can form in underground layers of new underground drainage or significantly increase the volumes of groundwater and increase the level of groundwater [2]. All this shows a significant role in the formation of surface runoff groundwater. Therefore, the changes observed in surface runoff as a result of global warming have affected and in the groundwater regime. This article is devoted to the study of this question by the example of the river of South Fergana Valley — Sokh and Isfairam, flowing out from the northern slopes of the Alai Range.
Sokh River is fed mainly by glaciers and alpine snow. Therefore, it is the most full-flowing in July-September due to enhanced melting in the summer at high temperatures.
During the period of warming in river runoffs of Cox and Isfairam there have been significant changes (Table 1).
and Isfairam (m3/s) and the level of groundwater in their pool
Names of the rivers and number of wells 19342015 19341945 19461975 19762015 19342015 19341945 19461975 19762015
Average value Trend
Cokh 44,14 41,36 41,08 47,71 0,02 0,14 -0,01 0,04
21 -2,44 -2,07 -2,30 -2,67 -0,02 0,05 -0,06 0,04
28 -1,62 -1,40 -1,49 -1,80 -0,02 0,22 -0,10 0,03
56 -0,94 -0,69 -0,96 -0,97 0,00 0,24 -0,05 0,06
Isfairam 22,85 22,12 21,83 24,21 0,01 0,05 -0,03 0,04
1 -8,05 -8,52 -7,42 -8,46 -0,01 0,24 -0,06 0,02
3 -1,68 -0,33 -1,17 -2,33 -0,03 0,29 -0,09 0,07
As you can see, the runoff of rivers in the warming period 1934-2015, in the years 1946-1975 even less, and in the period of up to 1945 was lower compared to the average long-term for the warming since 1976 — much more.
Reaction of groundwater regime of river basins of south Fergana on global warming
4,00 2,00 0,00 -2,00
1934-1945 years.
y = 0,1434x - 0,9314
-runoff of rivers Sokh
- trend
well № 21. 1934-1945 years.
y = 0,0451x - 0,2914
s_s_ s_s s_s
well № 28. 1934-1945 years.
y = 0,2172x - 1,4223
well № 56. 1939-1945 years.
y = 0,2381x - 2,119
1946-1975 years.
y = -0,0127x + 0,1291
- runoff of rivers Sokh
- trend
4,00 2,00 0,00 -2,00
1946-1975 years.
y = -0,0648x + 1,0071
1946-1975 years.
y = -0,1005x + 1,5609
1946-1975 years.
y = -0,0462x + 0,7379
1976-2010 years.
y = 0,043x - 0,7734
oo oo oo
runoff of rivers Sokh
1976-2012 years.
y = 0,038x - 0,7085
1976-2015 years.
y = 0,0329x - 0,6116
2,00 0,00
1976-2012 years.
y = 0,0647x - 1,2484
4,00 2,00 0,00
Figurel. The chronological charts of annual runoff of rivers Sokh, the water level of wells and their trend The level of groundwater in these periods in most cases from period to period decreased
This is not a change in runoff of water feeding the underground rivers. And the well 1 in the basin of the river Isfairam where during 1946-1975 it was observed rise ofgroundwater level we can see the opposite scene; in the absence of warming in the 1946-1975 the ground water level was higher than in the periods ofwarming. However, chronological charts and trend of the annual river runoff and groundwater levels give each other more consistent results.
Figure 1 shows the chronological charts and trend of annual
runoff of the river Sokh corresponding to the three aforementioned periods. In these graphs to facilitate comparison of the average annual runoff is presented in normalized form (q-q0)/y, where q is average annual runoff, m 3, q0is term average annual runoff, y is standard deviation of annual runoff. As can be seen from the figure, the changes of runoff of the river Cokh takes place in accordance with changes in temperature. Trend changes in runoff of the river Cokh until 1945 had a positive value, in 1975-1976 — negative, after 1976 again positive.
Table 2. - Glaciers area of the Basin of the river Sokh
Years Glaciers area, km 2 Difference, km 2 Annual change in the area of glaciers, km 2/year
1948 170
1968 258,7 +88,7 4,44
1975 282,7 +24,0 3,43
1980 244,1 -38,6 -6,44
2001 198,3 -45,8 -2,20
It should be noted that the increased runoff of the river Cokh during the warming may be temporary, since this increase is not due to increased rainfall in the catchment area of the river, but it is a result of increased melting of glaciers, which quickly reduced area (Table 2) [2]. This may subsequently lead to large changes in the runoff regime of rivers.
Changes in the level of groundwater in the basin of the river Cokh is fixed since 1934 to facilitate of data comparison of the
runoff of the river Cokh and the level of groundwater, the latter is also given in the form of a normalized (h-h0)/y, where h is average groundwater level in a given year, h0 is a mean value, y is a standard deviation of annual values of groundwater level.
These normalized values of groundwater level on the aforementioned periods of warming are shown in Figure 1 b-d. Comparison of these graphs shows matching the trend of groundwater level on all three points of observations of the trend of the river Sokh. How-
ever, there are significant differences in the chronological course. the groundwater level in the period to 1945 warming deep dip in Especially striking is the presence in the chronological course of the middle of the period.
1934-1945 years.
y = 0,0453x - 0,2954
1,00 0,00
4,00 2,00 0,00 -IgJF -2,00 9 ! -4,00
1946-1975 years.
y = -0,0337x + 0,523
- runoff of rivers Isfairam -trend
1976-2004 years.
y = 0,0362x - 0,5421
3,00 2,00 1,00 0,00
' 7 7 8 8 ^ •> to >J>
- runoff of rivers Isfairam -trend
Figure 2. The chronological charts of annual runoff of rivers Isfairam, the water level of wells and their trend
To determine the prevalence of these changes, such charts were made and other river basin. Figure 2 shows similar charts for Isfairam nearby river, it is also a river glacier-snow feeding. As seen in Figure 2, the trend indicators of the runoff of the river Isfairam and groundwater levels in wells in its basin resembles what was observed in the Sokh River.
1. Солиев. Э.А. "Фаргона водийси дарёлари суви ок;имини икдим узгариши шароитида бахрлаш" География фанлари номзоди илмий даражасини олиш учун таедим этилган диссертация автореферата: - Т. - 2008. - 32 бет.
2. Шерматов. М.Ш, Умаров. УУ Рахмедов. И.И:. "Гидрогеология" - Т,: УзМУ, - 2007. - 116 бет.
3. Солиев Э. А. "Фаргона водийси дарёлари суви ок;имини икдим узгариши шароитида ба^олаш". География фанлари номзоди илмий даражасини олиш учун тайёрланган диссертация. - Наманган - 2008. - 89 бет.
Kamalov Bakhodir Asamovich, Namangan State University, professor of the department of ecology E-mail: kamolov-1942@ Abdurahmanov Sohib Turdialievich, Namangan State University, teacherof the department of ekology E-mail: sohib-1978@
On the formation of soil moisture
Abstract: As a result of the discussion of the experimental material it was concluded about tangible role of condensation and adsorption of atmospheric moisture in the formation of soil moisture
Keywords: Adsorption, atmospheric moisture, condensation, limnogram, soil moisture, surface air layer, the diurnal variation of the water level.