CHEMICAL PROBLEMS 2022 no. 4 (20) ISSN 2221-8688
UDC 544.54
Kh. Mammadov, U. Aliyeva-Jabbarly, H. Shiraliyeva
Institute of Radiation Problems Ministry of Science and Education Republic ofAzerbaijan B. Vahabzadeh, 9, AZ1143, Baku, Azerbaijan e-mail: xagani06@mail. ru
Received 27.08.2022 Accepted 25.10.2022
Abstract: The radiolysis ofpurified water, its mixture with carbon dioxide, and also with the addition of salt of potassium chloride isotope (40KCl) and plant mass to this system were carried out in order to study the mechanism of radiolytic processes taking place in the plant mass in the presence of the natural potassium isotope (40K) contained in it. It revealed that in the presence of 40KCl in the system, the formation of trace amounts of molecular hydrogen is observed (in accord with an insignificant dose of radiation from 40K). A decrease in the rate of formation of molecular hydrogen with an increase in the concentration of CO2 is observed during the radiolysis of a two-component system (H2O - CO2). An increase in the rate offormation of molecular hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane and relatively heavy hydrocarbons (C6, C7, C8) accompanied by an increase in the absorbed dose of ionizing radiation (at stable concentrations of all components of the system) is observed when studying the kinetics of the formation of radiolysis products of the multicomponent system "H2O - CO2 - 40KCl - organic matrix".
There is a tendency to reduce the rate of formation of molecular hydrogen and methane and increase the rate of formation of CO and relatively heavy (C6, C7, C8) hydrocarbons with an increase in CO2 concentration. The rates of formation of all products (H2, CO, CH4, and relatively heavy hydrocarbons) grow with an increase in the amount of organic matter in the mixture (at stable concentrations of CO2, H2O, and 40KCl). it found that an increase in the mass of the organic matrix in the analyzed multicomponent system stimulates an increase in the formation of all radiolysis products. There is a decrease in the rate of formation of H2 and CH4, a relatively slow increase in the rate of formation of carbon monoxide, and an increase in the rate of elementary reactions of the transformation of light radiolysis products (H 2, CO, CH4) into relatively heavy products (C6, C7, C8) together with an increase in CO2 concentration. The results obtained show the expediency of taking into account the contribution of ionizing radiation from radionuclides present in the environmental components, when considering multistage biochemical mechanisms of photosynthesis in order to explain the initiation of energy-intensive processes of CO2 and H2O decomposition.
Keywords: radiolysis, 40K isotope, H2O-CO2 mixtures, plant mass, hydrocarbons. DOI: 10.32737/2221-8688-2022-3-347-357
The main part of the soil is formed by chemical compounds in the form of various minerals. The study of various forms of chemical elements occurrence in minerals, organic residues and emissions, soil colloids; the determination of the amount of oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, bicarbonates, nitrates, nitrites, sulfates, and phosphates in soil samples
make it possible to assess the ecological state of the soil [1-9].
Carrying out systematic systematic measurements and studies to obtain results on the distribution of radionuclides, heavy metals and other xenobiotics in water, soil and vegetation, information for predicting changes and the rate of changes in the environment are
CHEMICAL PROBLEMS 2022 no. 4 (20)
important for solving many environmental problems.
Systematic studies made it possible to reveal that all environmental objects (water, soil and vegetation) contain natural radionuclides, including 40K and 22Na isotopes [10, 11].
The dose rate of gamma radiation from different parts of the soil are 0.02-0.15 |iSv/h. The activities of the 40K isotope in soil minerals and green vegetation are 0.8-2.5 Bq/kg and 0.83.0 Bq/kg, respectively. These values for 22Na are 1.0-3.0 Bq/kg and 0.6-2.0 Bq/kg, respectively. The activity values of radionuclides (except for 40K) in vegetation minerals are 1.4-1.7 times higher than their values in water minerals of nearby water sources. However, the activity values of the 40K
isotope are 7-10 times higher in vegetation minerals than their values in water minerals. The value of the degree of assimilation of the 40K isotope from water by the vegetation cover is approximately 5-7 times higher than the degree of assimilation of radioactive isotopes of other elements by plants which indicates a higher efficiency of the process of assimilation of 40K by plants from water [11]. The examination of the influence of natural radionuclides on the processes taking place in environmental objects, the role of ionizing radiation from radionuclides in the course of complex multistage processes in the vegetation cover are important sources of arguments for the predictability of possible changes in the habitat of living organisms.
Methodical part
Radiometric measurements were carried out using inSpector-1000 and Radiagem-2000 (USA, Canberra) radiometers equipped with alpha, beta and gamma radiation detectors. Determination of radionuclides and their activity was carried out by gamma spectroscopy (spectrometer of Canberra company equipped with HPGe detector) using certified point sources for comparative analyzes [10, 11, 12].
The experiments were carried out under static conditions by irradiating glass ampoules filled with the studied mixtures. The filling of ampoules with carbon dioxide, as well as the purification of water from dissolved gases, were carried out using an experimental vacuum installation. The installation consists of a vacuum part, glass volumes for storing initial liquids and gases, a measuring part (pressure gauges) that allows working up to pressures of 2.105 Pa. A schematic diagram of a vacuum installation designed to pump out gases dissolved in liquid water is given in previously published works [13, 14].
The glass ampoules intended for filling the studied mixtures were previously connected to the vacuum outlet of the installation and pumped out to 10"2^10"3 Pa (for 30 minutes at T>500 K, and then for another 30 minutes at room temperature), after which they were disconnected from the vacuum installation and filled with the studied systems: H20, H20 -CO2, 40KCl - H2O - CO2, 40KCl - H2O - CO2 -
"organic matrix". Various quantities (1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 g) of green leaves of the olive tree (Olea europaea L.) repeatedly washed with distilled water were chosen as the organic matrix.
Gases were evacuated by a vacuum installation equipped with vacuum lamps, traps, oil and mercury manometers, and glass vessels with three-way vacuum cocks to purify water from dissolved gases. The water used is repeatedly (4-5 times) purified according to the cycle "freezing - vacuum filling - pumping out -ice thawing - slow pumping out of dissolved gases" at 293 K.
Qualitative analysis of the studied components was carried out using a gas chromatograph GC-2010 (Shimadzu, Japan) at a temperature of 398 K, with a flame ionization detector (FID) connected to a Supelco Nucol capillary column (30mx0.32mm). Helium (99.995%) was used as a carrier gas. The radiolysis products (H2, CO, CH4) were analyzed by chromatography at room temperature on a "Gasochrome 3101" gas analyzer equipped with a thermochemical detector and a packed column (3 m x 3 mm) filled with activated carbon at the factory. The flow of atmospheric air forced by the factory mini-pump of the device was used as a carrier gas. Hydrocarbons were analyzed also, on an Agilent 7890A chromatograph (Agilent, USA) equipped with two detectors for operation in
two modes: for the analysis of hydrocarbons at a temperature of 398 K with a FID connected to a capillary column (30 m x 0.32 mm) GC-Gaspro, as well as for hydrogen analysis at room temperature with a katharometer connected to a capillary column (30 mx0.53 mm) Supelco CarboxenTM. Helium (99.995%) was used as a
carrier gas in both modes.
Irradiation of glass ampoules filled with test mixtures was carried out with ionizing gamma radiation from 60Co sources of a powerful gamma installation "YK-120000". The dose rate absorbed in the irradiation zone was 6.6 kRad/hour (0.066 kGy/hour).
Results and discussion
The current analysis of the mineral impregnated with an aqueous solution of 40KCl
composition and appearance of vegetation on salt with an activity of 40K brought to 2.5
different areas of green plants, as well as the Bq/kg) showed a relatively high growth rate of
comparison of the appearance of green spaces vegetation in soil areas containing high
grown in experimental areas (on soil with a concentrations of 40KCl (see Fig.1). natural activity of 40K 0.8 Bq / kg and on soil
Fig. 1. Appearance of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), corn (Zea mays) and coriander (Coriandrum sativum) grown on ordinary soil with natural activity 40K 0.8 Bq/kg (a - beds on the left and picture b) and on soil impregnated with an aqueous solution of chloride salt 40K with activity brought up to 2.5 Bq/kg (a - beds on the right and picture c).
The course of photosynthesis is described by the overall equation as follows:
6CO2 + 6H2O ^ C6H12O6 + 6O2 (1)
The high endothermicity (3080 kJ/mol) of dissociation energy of the O-H bond (485-498 this reaction is due to the high values of the kJ/mol or 5.0-5.2 eV/mol) in the water
molecule and the C=O bond (799 kJ/mol or 8.3 eV/mol.) of carbon dioxide molecule [11, 12]. Low energies of visible light quanta (below 5 eV/quantum) are insufficient to break the C=O bond. However, the high energies of gamma radiation quanta from the 40K isotope easily explain the dissociation of carbon dioxide and water molecules into the corresponding radicals and ions. The presence of 40K isotopes in all environmental objects (in water, soil and vegetation), relatively high growth rates of plants in soil areas containing relatively high concentrations of 40KCl, the presence of photosynthesis variants on the cytoplasmic membrane of extreme halobacteria or in the absence of chlorophyll and oxygen, in the depths of large lakes and seas of the planet in the presence of long-wavelength infrared radiation (from volcanic lava) testify in favor of considering the role of ionizing radiation from 40K at the initial energy-intensive stage of photosynthesis, i.e. dissociation of CO2 and H2O molecules [11].
The kinetics of the formation of radiolysis
products in the systems H2O, H2O - CO2, 40KCl - H2O - CO2, 40KCl - H2O - CO2 - "organic mass" under the influence of ionizing gamma radiation were studied so as to study the course of chemical processes in a mixture of water with carbon dioxide in the presence of mass green vegetation. Repeatedly washed with distilled water different quantities (1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 g) of green leaves of olive trees (Olea europaea L.) were chosen as the organic matrix. Performed radiometric measurements showed that the activity of radiation from 5.0 gr. 40KCl salt in one ampoule was 40 Bq. Filled with the indicated mixtures ampouyles before irradiation at a powerful gamma installation were stored for 30 days around a vessel containing a weak source of gamma radiation (filled with 40KCl salt) with an activity of 1000 Bq. Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are indicative of the kinetics of the formation of radiolysis products of the studied mixtures irradiated at the high-power gamma installation YK-12000.
Fig. 2. Kinetics of hydrogen production during radiolysis of water and mixtures of water with carbon dioxide.
Note that no hydrogen formation was observed during the chromatographic analysis in ampoules filled with water and a mixture of water with carbon dioxide, which were stored for a month around a weak source with an activity of 1000 Bq.
However, the presence of a trace amount
of hydrogen was detected in ampoules containing multi-component systems stored for 30 days near a weak radiation source. This amount ((0.1-0.2) x 1014 molecules/cm3) was much lower (more than 106 times) than the values of the hydrogen concentration (shown on kinetic curves in Fig. 4) formed in the ampoule
under the action of ionizing radiation from the powerful gamma installation YK-120000.
Fig. 3. Kinetics of hydrogen formation during radiolysis of mixtures "5 g KCl - 25 ml. H2O - 30, and 90 mm.Hg.col. CO2 - 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 g. organic mass".
Fig. 4. Kinetics of formation of carbon monoxide during radiolysis of mixtures "25 ml H2O - 30
and 90 mm.Hg.col. CO2", "5 g 40KCl - 25 ml H2O - 30 and 200 mm.Hg.col. CO2 - 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 g organic mass".
Fig. 5. Kinetics of hydrocarbon formation upon radiolysis of mixtures "5 g KCl - 25 ml H2O - 90 mm.Hg.col. CO2 - 1 g organic mass".
Fig. 6. Kinetics of hydrocarbon formation upon radiolysis of mixtures "5 g KCl - 25 ml H2O - 90 mm.Hg.col. CO2 - 5 g organic mass".
Fig. 7. Kinetics of hydrocarbon formation upon radiolysis of mixtures "5 g KCl - 25 ml H2O - 90 mm.Hg.col. CO2 - 10 g organic mass".
Fig. 8. Kinetics of hydrocarbon formation upon radiolysis of mixtures "5 g KCl - 25 ml H2O - 200 mm.Hg.col. CO2 - 10 g organic mass".
Fig. 9. Kinetics of hydrocarbon formation upon radiolysis of mixtures "5 g 40KCl - 25 ml H2O - 90 mm.Hg.col. CO2 - 10 g organic mass".
The energy of a gamma quantum from 40K is 1.45 MeV. The radiation-chemical yield of hydrogen formation from water is 0.3-1.0 molecules/100 eV [12]. Gamma rays emitted by a source with an activity of 1000 Bq emit a total energy over 30 days of 1000 x 30 x 24 x 3600 x 1450000 eV = 3.8 x 1015 eV, which corresponds to the formation of no more than 0.4 x 1014 H2 molecules from pure water in an ampoule during 30 days. The formation (radiation-chemical yield) of hydrogen during the radiolysis of organic matter is approximately ten times higher, which corresponds to the formation of no more than 4.0 x 1014 molecules or 0.1 x 1014 H2/cm3 molecules in the ampoule, taking into account that the volume of the ampoule is 40 cm3.
The value obtained by calculation explains the detected "dark effect of the formation of trace amounts of hydrogen" in ampoules containing mixtures of "40KCl-H2O-CO2-organic mass".
The research into the kinetics of the formation of products during the radiolysis of the above systems led to the following conclusions:
- the rate of CO formation grows with increase in the concentration (pressure) of CO2 in the H2O - CO2 mixture, the rate of H2 formation decreases and no formation of hydrocarbons is observed in this case. The formation of hydrocarbons during the thermal catalysis of the H2O - CO mixture in the presence of ionizing rays is considered in [11];
- the rate of formation of CO with increase in the concentration (pressure) of CO2 from 30 to 200 mm.Hg.col. in mixtures "5 g 40KCl - 25 ml H2O - CO2 - 1.0, 5.0 and 10.0 g organic matrix" increases, and the rates of formation of H2 and CH4 decrease. At the same time, the total amount of formed relatively heavy hydrocarbons (C2-C8) does not change significantly;
- an increase in the rate of formation of H2, CO, CH4 and relatively heavy hydrocarbons (C2-C8) is observed with increase in the amount of organic matter in mixtures "5 g 40KCl - 25 ml H20 - 90 mm.Hg.col. CO2 - organic matrix";
- the rate of formation of molecular products with increase in the absorbed dose of radiation in the system "5 g 40KCl - 25 ml H2O -30 mm.Hg.col. CO2 - 10 g organic matrix" do not change significantly and the accumulation of
products is observed in proportion to the value of the absorbed dose.
The revealed regularities prove conclusively the observed high growth rates of vegetation in soil areas containing high concentrations of 40KCl, which are microsources of ionizing radiation that create relatively higher doses than in similar soil with vegetation (with relatively low growth rates) containing relatively low concentrations of 40KCl. The rapid growth and maturation of fruits of figs (Ficus carica L. ) and white mulberries (Morus alba L.), after a certain growth phase, the
accumulation of glucose and fructose in them during summer days and nights, testifies in favor of the proposed version.
The formation of heavier hydrocarbons and carbohydrates in the studied multicomponent systems under the influence of ionizing rays can be explained as being due to the mechanism of formation of heavy molecules, described in detail in [13, 14], which consists of a sequence of numerous elementary reactions with a number of values of their rate constants indicated.
The considered and obtained data (presence of 40K isotopes in all environmental objects), the efficiency of the process of assimilation of 40K from water by plants, the relatively high rates of plant development in soil areas containing high concentrations of 40KCl, the presence of photosynthesis and the absence of chlorophyll and oxygen, on the cytoplasmic membrane of extreme halobacteria, in the depths of large lakes and seas of the planet in the presence of long-wavelength infrared radiation /from volcanic lava/, qualitative
changes in the composition of fruits of figs /Ficus carica L./, white mulberries /Morus alba L./ both in summer days and at night, the high value of the C=O bond energy in carbon dioxide molecules, which is much higher than the energy of visible light quanta) indicates the expediency of taking into account the role of ionizing radiation from 40K at the initial energy-intensive stage of initiating the dissociation of molecules (CO2, H2O, etc.) when considering traditional multistage biochemical mechanisms of photosynthesis.
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Х. Маммадов, У. Алиева-Джаббарлы, Х. Ширалиева
Институт Радиационных Проблем AZ1143, Баку, ул. Б.Вагабзаде, 9; e-mail: xagani06@,mail. ru
Аннотация: С целью изучения механизма радиолитических процессов, протекающих в растительном массе в присутствии содержащейся в ней естественного изотопа калия ( К), был проведен радиолиз очищенной воды, ее смеси с двуокисью углерода, а также с добавлением в эту систему соли хлорида изотопа калия (40KCl) и растительной массы. Было установлено, что в присутствии 40KCl в системе наблюдается (соответствующий незначительной дозе излучения от 40К) образование в следовых количествах молекулярного водорода. При радиолизе двухкомпонентной системы (Н2О - СО2) с повышением концентрации СО2 наблюдается снижение скорости образования молекулярного водорода. Изучением кинетики образования продуктов радиолиза многокомпонентной системы «Н2О -СО2 - 40KCl - органическая матрица" было установлено, что с повышением поглощенной дозы ионизирующего излучения (при стабильных концентрациях всех компонентов системы) наблюдается повышение скорости образования молекулярного водорода, моноокиси углерода, метана и сравнительно тяжелых углеводородов (С6, С7, С8). С увеличением концентрации СО2 наблюдается тенденция снижения скорости образования молекулярного водорода и метана и повышения скорости образования СО и сравнительно тяжелых (С6, С7, С8) углеводородов. Увеличение количества органической массы (при стабильных концентрациях СО2, Н2О и 40KCl) сопровождается увеличением скорости образования всех продуктов (Н2, СО, СН4 и сравнительно тяжелых углеводородов). Было установлено, что увеличение массы органической матрицы в исследуемой многокомпонентной системе стимулирует рост образования всех продуктов радиолиза. С увеличением концентрации СО2 наблюдается снижение скорости образования Н2 и СН4, сравнительно медленное повышение скорости образования моноокиси углерода и повышение скорости элементарных реакций
преврашения легких продуктов радиолиза (Н2, СО, СН4) в сравнительно тяжелые продукты (С6, С7, С8). Полученные результаты указывают на целесообразность учета вклада ионизирующего излучения от присутствующих в компонентах окружающей среды радионуклидов, при рассмотрении многоступенчатых биохимических механизмов фотосинтеза, с целью объяснения инициирования энергоемких процессов разложения СО2 и Н2О.
Ключевые слова: радиолиз, изотоп 40К, смеси Н2О - СО2, растительная масса, углеводороды.
Üzvi matrítsa aLAva edílmís su va karbon qazi qarisiginda
RADíOLÍTÍK PROSESLaR X. Mammadov, Ü. aliyeva-Cabbarli, H. Siraliyeva
Azdrbaycan Respublikasi Elm vd Tahsil Nazirliyi Radiasiya Problemldri institutu AZ1143, Baki, B. Bahabzadd küg., 9; e-mail: [email protected]
Xülasa: Tarkibinda kaliumun tabii izotopunun (40K) i§tiraki ila bitki kütlasinda ba§ verán radiolitik proseslarin mexanizmini öyranmak maqsadila distilla edilmi§ suyun, onun karbon qazi ila qari§iginin, ham9inin kalium xlorid duzu (40KCl) va bitki kütlasi ila qari§iqlarinin radiolizi tadqiq edilmi§dir. 40KCl duzu hall edilmi§ sistemda iz miqdarinda (40K-dan cüzi §üalanma dozasina uygun miqdarda) molekulyar hidrogenin amala galmasi mü§ahida olunur. iki komponentli sistemin (H2O -CO2) radiolizi zamani CO2 konsentrasiyasinin artmasi ila molekulyar hidrogenin amala galma süratinin azalmasi mü§ahida olunur. "H2O - CO2 - 40KCl - üzvi matritsa" 9oxkomponentli sistemin radioliz mahsullarinin amala galma kinetikasini öyranilmasi ila müayyan edilmi§dir ki, sistemin bütün komponentlarinin sabit konsentrasiyalarinda ionla§dirici §üalanmanin udulmu§ dozasinin artmasi ila molekulyar hidrogenin, dam qazinin, metanin va nisbatan agir karbohidrogenlarin amala galma süratinda artim mü§ahida olunur (C6, C7, C8). Karbon qazinin konsentrasiyasinin artmasi ila molekulyar hidrogenin va metanin amala galma süratinin azalmasi, dam qazinin va C6, C7, C8 karbohidrogenlarin amala galma süratinin artmasi tendensiyasi mü§ahida olunur. Üzvi maddalarin miqdarinin artmasi (CO2, H2O va 40KCl sabit konsentrasiyalarinda) bütün mahsullarin (H2, CO, CH4 va nisbatan agir karbohidrogenlarin) amala galma süratinin artmasi ila mü§ayiat olunur. Müayyan edilmi§dir ki, tadqiq olunan 9oxkomponentli sistemda üzvi matritsanin kütlasinin artmasi bütün radioliz mahsullarinin amala galmasini stimulla§dirir. Sistemda karbon qazinin konsentrasiyasinin artmasi ila H2 va CH4 amala galma süratinda azalma, dam qazinin amala galma süratinda zaif artim va yüngül radioliz mahsullarinin (H2, CO, CH4) nisbatan agir mahsullara (C6, C7, C8) 9evrilmasinin elementar reaksiyalarinin süratinda ahamiyyatli artim mü§ahida olunur. Alinmi§ naticalar 9oxmarhalali biokimyavi fotosintez proseslarinin mexanizminda CO2 va H2O molekullarinin enerji tutumlu par9alanma proseslarinin izahi maqsadila atraf mühit komponentlarinda mövcud olan radionuklidlarin ionla§dirici §üalanmasinin ümumi prosesin realla§dirilmasinda töhfasinin nazara alinmasinin maqsadauygunlugunu göstarir. A?ar sözlar: radioliz, 40K izotopu, H2O-CO2 qari§iqlari, bitki kütlasi, karbohidrogenlar.