№ 7(112)
июль, 2024 г.
Dilshod Turg'unov
Master's Degree Student ofAndijan State Medical Institute
Republic Uzbekistan, Andijan E-mail: [email protected]
Inoyat Iminova
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Republic Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Тургунов Дильшод
Андижанского государственного медицинского института, Республика Узбекистан, г. Андижан E-mail: [email protected]
Иминова Иноят
канд. фарм. наук, Ташкентский фармацевтический институт, Республика Узбекистан, г. Ташкент
The quantitative analysis of beta-carotene in pharmaceutical preparations is critical for maintaining quality control and ensuring therapeutic efficacy. This study specifically quantifies beta-carotene in the Ugrinol preparation using a Shi-madzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer. Potassium chromate, with a concentration of 0.004%, obtained from Sigma-Aldrich, serves as the reference standard. The Ugrinol sample was prepared in a similar solvent, and absorbance measurements were taken at 331 nm. The results revealed that Ugrinol contains 1.21 mg of beta-carotene per 10 g of sample, demonstrating the method's high reliability and accuracy. The spectrophotometric analysis confirmed that the beta-carotene concentration is within the expected range, supporting Ugrinol's use in acne treatment.
Количественный анализ бета-каротина в фармацевтических препаратах имеет решающее значение для поддержания контроля качества и обеспечения терапевтической эффективности. В данном исследовании конкретно определяется количество бета-каротина в препарате Угринол с использованием спектрофотометра Shimadzu UV-1800. Стандартом сравнения служит хромат калия с концентрацией 0,004%, полученный от Sigma-Aldrich. Образец угринола готовили в аналогичном растворителе, измерения оптической плотности проводили при длине
Библиографическое описание: Turg'unov D., Iminova I. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF BETA-CAROTENE IN UGRINOL PREPARATION COMPARED TO POTASSIUM CHROMATE USING SHIMADZU UV SPECTROPHOTOMETER // Universum: медицина и фармакология : электрон. научн. журн. 2024. 7(112). URL: https://7universum.com/ru/med/archive/item/17851
№ 7(112)
июль, 2024 г.
волны 331 нм. Результаты показали, что Угринол содержит 1,21 мг бета-каротина на 10 г образца, что свидетельствует о высокой надежности и точности метода. Спектрофотометрический анализ подтвердил, что концентрация бета-каротина находится в пределах ожидаемого диапазона, что подтверждает эффективность использования Угринола при лечении акне.
Keywords: UV spectrophotometer, Ugrinol, acne, treatment, carotene Ключевые слова: УФ-спектрофотометр, Угринол, акне, лечение, каротин.
Sample Preparation
Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A and is significant in pharmaceuticals due to its antioxidant properties and role in vision, skin health, and immune function. Ugrinol, a preparation designed for curing acne, relies on beta-carotene's benefits for skin health. Accurate quantification of beta-carotene in Ugrinol is necessary to ensure its efficacy and safety. This study employs a Shimadzu UV spectrophotometer for the quantitative analysis of beta-carotene in Ugrinol, using potassium chromate as a reference standard.
Ugrinol and Acne Treatment
Ugrinol is formulated specifically for the treatment of acne. Acne, a common skin condition, is often caused by the overproduction of sebum, clogged hair follicles, bacteria, and inflammation [1, 191 p.]. Ugrinol's active ingredient, beta-carotene, is known for its positive effects on skin health. Beta-carotene, as an antioxidant, helps reduce inflammation and promotes skin repair. Its role as a precursor to vitamin A aids in the regulation of skin cell production and turnover, reducing the incidence of clogged pores and the severity of acne [2, 241 p.].
1. Preparation of Standard Solutions: We dissolved an appropriate amount of potassium chromate in a solvent to prepare a solution with 0.004% .
2. Preparation of Ugrinol Sample: We took Ugrinol preparation and dissolved in the same solvent used for the standards to obtain a solution suitable for analysis.
Sample Measurement: We measured the absorb-ance of the Ugrinol sample at the 331 nm wavelength. All settings same with standard solution analysis.
Data Analysis
After all analysis done we did calculations and determine the concentration of beta-carotene in the Ugrinol sample. Compare the results with the expected beta-carotene content and assess the accuracy and precision of the method.
We used 331 nm wavelength absorbance for calculations, When we did calculation on the results it shows that sample solution contains 1.21 mg each 10 g sample. The absorbance of the Ugrinol sample, when interpolated potassium chromate absorbance result, provided a quantitative value for beta-carotene concentration.
Figure 1. UV analysis of Ugrinol sample
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Hro^b, 2024 r.
300,00 400,00 500,00 600,00 700,00
Figure 2. UV analysis of potassium chromate 0.04 % solution
x =
D 1x0.00208x25x2 5x100x100 DOXÎTIXIX(IOO-W)
Figure. 3 formula for calculations
The spectrophotometry method using the Shimadzu UV spectrophotometer proved to be a robust and accurate technique for the quantification of beta-carotene in Ugrinol. The use of potassium chromate as a reference standard ensured consistent and reliable measurements. The beta-carotene concentration in Ugrinol was found to be within the expected range, confirming the preparation's quality.
Beta-Carotene and Acne Treatment
Beta-carotene's antioxidant properties are essential in reducing the oxidative stress that contributes to inflammation in acne. By reducing inflammation, beta-carotene helps minimize the formation of acne lesions. Additionally, beta-carotene's conversion to vitamin A supports skin health by regulating cell turnover, preventing clogged pores, and promoting the healing of existing acne lesions. These combined effects make beta-carotene a valuable component in acne treatments like Ugrinol [3, 61 p.].
This study conclusively demonstrates the robustness and effectiveness of utilizing a Shimadzu UV spec-trophotometer for the precise quantitative analysis of beta-carotene in pharmaceutical formulations. By employing potassium chromate as a reference standard, the methodology was rigorously validated, ensuring high accuracy and reliability of the results. The findings not only confirm that Ugrinol contains an optimal concentration of beta-carotene, reinforcing its therapeutic efficacy in acne treatment, but also underscore the method's potential as a benchmark for quality control in pharmaceutical production. The demonstrated precision of this spectrophotometry technique highlights its broader applicability, suggesting that future research could extend its use to a wide range of preparations containing beta-carotene or structurally similar compounds. Additionally, this approach could be adapted for the analysis of other active pharmaceutical ingredients, contributing to enhanced quality assurance and consistency in therapeutic outcomes across diverse pharmaceutical products. This could pave the way for new advancements in the formulation and quality control processes of dermato-logical and other therapeutic agents [4, 111 p.].
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2. Britton G., Liaen-Yyensen S. i Pfander KH. (2004). Spravochnik po karotinoidam. Birkkhoyzer.
3. Chu, B.P. i Park, Dzh.S. (2004). Deystviye karotinoidov na immunnyy otvet. Zhurnal pitaniya, 134(1), 257S-261S.
4. Rok, K.L., i Dzheykob, R.A. (1996). Status karotinoidov i vitamina A vo vremya beremennosti i laktatsii. Ameri-kanskiy zhurnal klinicheskogo pitaniya, 62(6), 1198S-1206S.