УДК 664-4
DOI 10.29141/2500-1922-2023-8-4-8 EDN UXQVFA
Quality Development of Soft Drinks Based on the Qualimetric Model Engineering
Larisa A. Mayurnikova1, Tatiana V. Krapiva1, Arkady A. Koksharov1 Anastasia A. Drill2
Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation 2Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation H [email protected]
Keywords: Abstract
A number of doctrinal documents of the Russian Federation define the need For the non-communicable chronic disease prevention, and as a consequence, the health promotion by including specialized foods in the diet. From the list of homogeneous product groups, beverages are the most convenient for the functional property development, have simple production technology and are in demand with different population groups. All of those things determine the prospects for further development of the alcohol-free beverages. To forecast the quality and consumer characteristics of the projected alcohol-free beverages, a man developed a process for qualimetric model engineering of the expected assortment properties of drinks based on aspen leaves containing substances with pronounced antioxidant properties based on the example of the Yugorsky drink. The relevance of such research consists in the complex development including the maximum quality properties set of the projected product, in the formation of which engineers, consumers and experts participate. The development process of a qualimetric model for the quality engineering of beverages consists of five stages: identification of significant indicators inherent in this product group; "properties tree" developmen alcohol-free beverages; selection or development of scales for the beverage consumer properties assessment, weighting coefficient determination; complex (integral) indicator determination of the beverage quality. The authors emphasize the stages study depth importance of the new product development process and the degree of its detailing, depending on the knowledge and vision of all participants in the process.
For citation: Larisa A. Mayurnikova, Tatiana V. Krapiva, Arkady A. Koksharov, Anastasia A. Drill. Quality Development of Soft Drinks Based on the Qualimetric Model Engineering. Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2023. Vol. 8, No. 4. Pp. 79-88. DOI: 10.29141/2500-1922-20238-4-8. EDN: UXQVFA.
Paper submitted: August 1, 2023
alcohol-free beverages; qualimetric model; quality engineering; consumer properties; integral quality indicator
Проектирование качества безалкогольных напитков на основе процесса построения квалиметрической модели
Л.А. Маюрникова1, Т.В. Крапива1, А.А. Кокшаров1 А.А. Дриль2
Кемеровский государственный университет, г. Кемерово, Российская Федерация 2Новосибирский государственный технический университет», г. Новосибирск, Российская Федерация Н [email protected]
Ключевые слова:
безалкогольный напиток;
квалиметрическая модель;
Рядом доктринальных документов Российской Федерации определена необходимость профилактики неинфекционных хронических заболеваний и, как следствие, укрепления здоровья населения за счет включения в рацион специализированных продуктов питания. Из перечня однородных групп продуктов напитки наиболее
показатель качества
удобны для проектирования функциональных свойств, отличаются несложной технологией производства и востребованы разными группами населения, что определяет перспективность дальнейшего развития рынка безалкогольных напитков. Для прогнозирования качественных и потребительских характеристик проектируемых безалкогольных напитков на примере напитка «Югорский» разработан процесс построения квалиметрической модели прогнозируемых свойств ассортимента напитков на основе листьев осины, содержащих вещества с выраженными антиокси-дантными свойствами. Актуальность исследований подобного рода заключается в создании комплекса, включающего максимальный набор свойств качества проектируемого продукта, в формировании которого принимают участие разработчики, потребители и эксперты. Процесс построения квалиметрической модели проектирования качества напитков состоит из пяти этапов: выявление значимых показателей, присущих данной группе продуктов; построение «дерева свойств» безалкогольных напитков; выбор или разработка шкал для оценки потребительских свойств напитков, определение коэффициентов весомости; определение комплексного (интегрального) показателя качества напитков. Авторы подчеркивают важность глубины проработки этапов процесса проектирования нового продукта и степени их детализации, зависящей от знаний и видения всех участников процесса.
Для цитирования: Larisa A. Mayurnikova, Tatiana V. Nettle, Arkady A. Koksharov, Anastasia A. Drill. Quality Development of Soft Drinks Based on the Qualimetric Model Engineering //Индустрия питания|Food Industry. 2023. Т. 8, № 4. С. 79-88. DOI: 10.29141/2500-19222023-8-4-8. EDN: UXQVFA.
Дата поступления статьи: 1 августа 2023 г.
One of the important directions defined by the Strategy for the Food Products Quality Improvement in the Russian Federation is the rationalization of the existing framework and the development of a new theoretical and methodological one for engineering and assessing consumer properties of food products, in particular specialized products1. The food raw materials variety, on the one hand, and the increase in consumer requirements for product quality, on the other hand, drive the need for the new approach search to the engineering and construction of its compositions at an early stage [1]. In this regard, specialists in the field of nutrition apply various methods of prototyping food products based on scientific-based theories and principles: balance, combinatorics, functionality, supply and demand, and others that enable to optimize the engineering process [2-4]. One of the methods of the engineering solution search is the qualimetric model development of the project, which is a set of its characteristics determining the ability to meet stated or anticipated needs. The scientific and practical significance of this method is due to its application breadth. Objects for a forecast and (or) a quality assessment can be as following: scientific and technical researches, educational environment, techno-
1 Strategy for the Food Products Quality Improvement in the Russian Federation until 2030 Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1364-r Dated June 29, 2016.
logical food production equipment, food products and other objects of human activity [5-13].
The methodological basis for the qualimetric model engineering is a set of modeling stages (an algorithm for constructing a "properties tree"), quantitative characteristics in the form of weight coefficients, qualimetric scales (a quality measure of simple properties), methods and tools for calculating a complex indicator of the food product quality [14].
When building a model, goal setting plays a special role. It enabes forming an initial solution set to improve the consumer properties of the developed product. Its basis is a quality and safety indicators nomenclature developed by design engineers, previously, considering consumer expectations.
Prospects for the qualimetric model application at the engineering stage relate to the basis detect-ability of innovative products - the development novelty based on the modernization, improvement, modification processes with subsequent intellectual property consolidation.
The modern market offers a wide range of various homogeneous food product groups that satisfy the increasing consumer preferences. These products differ in appearance, consistency, taste, as well as the degree and time of accessibility by the body. So, in the process of chewing solid food, a person learns the spectrum of taste sensations (taste, aroma, aftertaste) and enjoys food. At the same time, liquid food tends to be absorbed quicker and utilized
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more fully in the body. Such food products include milk and fermented milk drinks, juices, nectars, syrups and beverages based on fruit and vegetable raw materials.
The scientific and technical literature analysis demonstrates that among homogeneous food product groups, when developing and engineering products with specified properties, a man pay an increased attention to alcohol-free beverages, which market is constantly growing [15]. The scientific community acknowledges that medicinal and technical plant raw materials are a promising source of biologically active substances in the alcohol-free beverage development and production. The advantage of this product group lies in the variety of plant raw materials, simplicity of beverage production technology, economic accessibility for a wide range of consumers, traditional consumer perception, etc. Considering the factor of hierarchy, multidimensional^ and relying on modeling principles, there is a qualimetric model engineering utility of the developed beverages quality of different compositions for different target consumer groups.
The research aim is to develop a process for a qualimetric model engineering of the projected properties of the Yugorsky drink based on the fermented aspen leaves extract. The authors plan to apply developed qualimetric model for development of a drink line with different tastes and functional orientation. The recipe basis of drinks includes among with the base (sugar syrup and organic acids) an extract from fermented aspen leaves.
Research Objects and Methods
The objects of the study were the following: alcohol-free beverages based on extracts of medicinal and technical plant raw materials approved by TR CU 021/2011 "On Food Safety"; governing documents regulating the quality and safety of soft drinks; the results of a sociological consumer and expert survey (questionnaire) in the field of quality assessment of this homogeneous product group.
Research methods: analysis of governing documents regulating the quality and safety of alcohol-free beverages in order to identify individual and complex indicators (GOST, TR CU, SanPiN); random sampling survey to identify quality indicators "through the consumer eyes" (sample size - 110 respondents aged 18 to 60 years); systematization of indicators characterizing the alcohol-free beverage quality based on complex of engineer, consumer and expert view in the generalized nomenclature form; method of identifying and deleting applicable in order to avoid duplication of quality indicators included in the general list (nomenclature) according to the engineer consumer and expert opinion; a calculation method for determining a complex indicator.
Research Results and Its Discussion
Quality in qualimetry is a set of product properties; each may obtain different significance in the overall assessment depending on the product group and social significance. Thus, the qualimetric quality assessment of a particular object (product) aims at finding approach to build a "properties tree", i.e. determining an integral quality indicator through the ensemble and structure formation of individual properties and its characteristics.
There are the following stages of numeric quality assessment using qualimetric methods:
• attribution of the studied product to a certain homogeneous product group, considering its specifics and identification features;
• approach to the product quality as a technical system with the definition of individual and complex indicator list at all stages of engineering and development, giving a comprehensive description of the product;
• generalization and systematization of the indicators identified for this product, followed by the "tree of properties" (a multi-level hierarchical diagram) development;
• scaling in order to compare an unknown quantity with a known one, previously set and described in the official standardized documentation for the object under study;
• method selection for determining parameters and calculating the weighting coefficients of each of the single and complex indicators identified for the product under the study at each level of the hierarchical model;
• method development for calculating a generalized, complex or integrated quality indicator, considering the functional correlation between the quality indicators of the products under study.
The quality formation and assurance of products is a multidimensional problem requiring the vision of all participants in the process "from the idea to the consumer". The task of the first stage of the process of developing a qualimetric model for predicting the quality of soft drinks is to establish a nomenclature of quality indicators of the designed product, which should give the most complete description of its properties. For innovation engineers the approach to identifying the product properties is associated with certain difficulties and requires considering many factors, such as classification affiliation of a particular product, social significance, the list and features of the specified functional properties of the product at the engineering stage, etc. The problems that engineers of new types of specialized food products may face include the fragmentation of regulatory documents for a product group, the unified classification lack of specialized products in the presence of a sufficient number of copyrights, etc.
The quality indicators list of the projected beverage is a set of properties, including the requirements in the current governing documents regulating quality and safety; product quality indicators (properties) from the perspective of a consumer, that determines (forms) demand, i.e. quality "on the consumer tongue". An important addition to the quality indicators nomenclature of the projected product were indicators determined by an independent party - experts in the field of quality assessment of homogeneous groups. These include indicators of functionality, patentability, etc.
Thus, while setting the indicators list of the drink quality, there were three key blocks:
1) indicators regulated by standards, sanitary rules, technical regulations and other types of governing documentation;
2) quality indicators determined on the basis of the consumer survey;
3) quality indicators determined on the basis of the expert judgement in the field of quality assessment of individual homogeneous food product groups (alcohol-free beverages).
Consequent, the quality indicators of the third block combine the first two blocks inherently, i.e. they include two types of quantitative assessment of the food product quality at the same time. This is due to the fact that experts can simultaneously consider both the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation and the indicators that are important from the consumers point of view, since they themselves are consumers. In addition, the innovation engineers and experts are qualified specialists in the field of solving scientific and production issues, possess the conceptual apparatus in their field of knowledge, have the skill of its exact application in a particular case. Due to the experience, authors enable to judge about the low level of consumer awareness, and as a result, often a subjective attitude to the product quality assessment.
Based on the principles of voluntariness and preparedness, an expert group was formed. It contains of 16 specialists with experience in the production and quality assessment of alcohol-free beverages for at least five years. The group consists of lectures and staff of the departments of the Food Industry Technological Institute of the Kemerovo State University and leggers of specialized food industry enterprises of the region.
By means of an expert survey (competent determination by specialists), a man specified significant quality indicators of drinks:
1) safety indicators: toxic elements - lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury; microbiological indicators -pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella; the number of mesophilic aerobic microorganisms;
coliform bacteria; yeast and mold (indicators selected by experts considering the requirements of TR CU 021/2011 "On Food Safety");
2) physico-chemical indicators: volume fraction of ethyl alcohol, mass fraction of dry substances, acidity (indicators selected by experts considering the requirements of GOST 28188-2014 "Soft Drinks. General Technical Conditions");
3) organoleptic indicators: appearance, color, taste and aroma (indicators selected by experts considering the requirements of GOST 28188-2014 "Soft Drinks. General Technical Conditions");
4) indicators of packaging and labeling: packaging material and its integrity; information completeness on the label (including those characterizing the beverage affiliation to the functional one); readability (font clarity and readability) and clarity (indicators selected by experts considering the requirements of TR CU 005/2011 "On Packaging Safety", TR CU 022/2011 "Food Products in Regard to Its Marking");
5) consumer properties: organoleptic properties; beverage composition; amount of food additives used; functional properties; safety; price, including cost and margin level; sales promotion measures, including advertising; packaging design and originality, packaging convenience, packaging usability; shelf life of the drink. Consumers during the survey and experts through a survey in the form of a personal interview named this nomenclature of properties separately. Furthermore, the entire working group discussed obtained results.
GOST R 51740-2016 "Technical Conditions for Food Products. General Requirements for the Development and Design" consists of requirements for the technological documentation development of new products implicating indicators that are not included in GOST for a homogeneous product group (in our case, alcohol-free beverages). Still, these indicators enable quality and safety identification of this functional food product. Therefore, it is required to introduce a new indicator - the regulated content of the functional ingredient - antioxidant activity (AOA) in the second paragraph of the significant indicators list (physico-chemical), considering the functionality of the developed Yugorsky drink based on fermented aspen leaves. AOA reflects the amount of biologically active substances contained in plant raw materials as a prescription component. Its presence and quantity can act as an identification feature when declaring the drink status - "functional". The AOA amount characterizes the consumer properties of "reliability" or "storage capacity", since it is included in the list of physico-chemical indicators and must satisfy the consumer throughout the shelf life of the drink required by the relevant document.
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The constant expansion of the food product range to saturate the market is inherent in the updating and implementation of the labeling system -a time-consuming process, difficult to accomplish in practice. The analysis of scientific and technical literature demonstrates that in order to promote new food products, a man put the terms "natural", "eco", "farmer" on the label. However, there is a gap between the development, production, introduction of food products based on new and (or) unconventional types of raw materials with specified properties to the market and the development, implementation of national standards (normative documents, methodological recommendations, etc.) attaching terms and definitions in the field of standardization and requirements for this kind of food products. Any additional information indicated on the packaging must be proved. TR CU 022/2011 "Food Products in Regard to Its Marking" attaches this rule, which means it is mandatory.
A man must pay close attention to the labeling of specialized products. In this case, the following rule can be applied: accessibility, sufficiency, reliability. The label must provide the consumer with comprehensive information about the food substances (biologically active substances) contained in the food product. Mandatory information includes the quantitative and qualitative composition of a functional food ingredient, particularly a percentage of the daily requirement; recommendations for consumption and contraindications.
Generalization of the information obtained enables to determine the indicators and properties nomenclature characterizing the selected group of food products -alcohol-free beverages for the construction of a qualimetric quality assessment model.
The second stage task of the aimed at building a "properties tree " of the alcohol-free beverage being developed. The authors analyzed a wide list of product quality requirements obtained at the first stage and reduced it in order to eliminate duplicate or contradictory indicators with its mandatory subsequent systematization. A man structured the final list using the methodology of building "properties tree" developed by Valentina S. Yankovskaya [14] and based on the following principles:
• the individual indicators belong to the last level (the right side of the "properties tree"), other levels place complex indicators consisting of a certain set of individual indicators;
• indicators have a justification for grouping according to common characteristics in each group;
• all the weighting coefficients of quality indicators (regardless of the level) are equal to one in total, and characterize one complex indicator;
• the overall product quality level reflects the zero-level indicator; mathematically, it is a gener-
alized, complex or integral quality indicator, as can be expressed as a percentage (from 0 to 100 %) or normalized (from 0 to 1) [14].
The result of this stage was the "properties and indicators tree" for the alcohol-free beverage being developed (Fig. 1). Its formation is based on the quality decomposition principle as a technical system. By successive multilevel subdivision a man divided complex properties into groups of less complex ones, and those into simple ones, in turn, until a detailed picture of the properties of the projected product and its characteristics appears. The organo-leptic properties and the properties of packaging and labeling belong to the block of properties determined by regulatory documentation and to the block of consumer properties, simultaneously.
The third stage of engineering a qualimetric model involved the selection or development of scales. The indicators and properties of the drink have different significance degrees. Therefore, firstly, a man assessed the values of an individual property/ indicator on a three-level scale of quality characteristics (high, medium and low); secondly, a man implemented weighting coefficients - a quantitative significance degree characteristic of a separate quality indicator of the assessed product in the product quality formation as a whole or in the combined properties quality indicator formation for indicators being at the same level (weighting coefficients in fractions of one).
At the fourth stage of the qualimetric model engineering, a man determined the weighting coefficients. The basis for the coefficient values was the results of the second additional survey of experts. Specialists developed the following important features for the block of physico-chemical properties and safety indicators, including microbiological ones: the values of a single indicator in these blocks may either fully comply with the requirements of existing regulatory documentation, or not. The latter disables the further sales of products according to the non-compliance with the standard requirements. As a result, a man assessed these two blocks firstly, i.e. before evaluating other blocks and indicators. The researchers developed weighting coefficients and differentiated three quality levels for the rest indicators and properties. For each block of indicators/properties a man ascertained the following weighting coefficients:
• physico-chemical properties - 1.0 (this block performs separately from the others and represents a "veto coefficient", i.e. a variable equal to zero if there is non-compliance with the regulatory documentation requirements, and equal to one if it meets the requirements);
• safety indicators, including microbiological, - 1.0 (this block also performs separately and represents a "veto coefficient");
Expiration Date Storage Properties
Patentability Economic Properties
Sales Promotion Activities
Margin Level
Cost Price
Functional Characteristics Properties Determined by the Composition
Preservative Deficiency
Food Additives Number
Composition Naturalness
Clarity Environmental and Informational Properties of Packaging and Labeling
Information Completeness on the Package
Packaging Recurrence
Packaging Usability Packaging Design and Originality Package Integrity Packaging and Labeling Characteristics
Taste Organoleptic Properties
Mold Safety Properties (Reliability)
Number of Mesophilic Aerobic Microorganisms
Coliform Bacteria
Pathogenic Microorganisms, Incl. Salmonella
Functional Food Ingredient (BAS) Content Social and Functional Properties
Mass Fraction of Dry Substances
Ethyl Alcohol Volume Fraction
<и с <и О
Fig. 1. "Properties and Indicators Tree" of Alcohol-Free Beverages Рис. 1. «Дерево свойств и показателей» безалкогольных напитков
• organoleptic properties - 0.4;
• packaging and labeling properties - 0.1;
• properties determined by the composition - 0.3;
• economic properties - 0.1;
• storage capacity indicators - 0.1.
The fifth stage of the qualimetric model engineering process is the final one. The stage aim is to develop a method for calculating a generalized, complex or integrated indicator of product quality.
A man run the complex indicator calculation of the beverage quality. Its essence consists of the certain group totality of product properties. Weighting coefficients are appropriate for each individual indicator interrelated in a complex indicator.
When calculating complex indicators of the different property totality of the assessed object, a man considered the impact level of individual properties on the final quality indicator.
Solved Issue Solved Tasks
Fig. 2. Qualimetric Model Scheme for the Quality Assessment of the Yugorsky Drink Рис. 2. Схема квалиметрической модели оценки качества напитка «Югорский»
The researchers developed the formula for calculating the complex indicator as a weighted arithmetic mean:
K = Yx Zxi(B x psi x q),
where K - complex beverage quality indicator; Y and Z- safety indicators and physico-chemical indicators representing "veto coefficients" (if it meets the requirements, it is equal to one, otherwise it is zero); Bi - weighting coefficient of the /-block of consumer properties/indicators; psi-weighting coefficient of a single consumer property/indicator in the corresponding block; lq - quality characteristic of a single consumer property/indicator (it can take values of 2, 1 or 0).
If the safety indicators and (or) physico-chemical indicators are unsatisfactory, then the beverage quality is zero, regardless of the other indicator values and consumer properties, i.e. the drink cannot be used as intended, since it can damage the consumer health. Figure 2 demonstrates the graphical view of the obtained qualimetric model for the quality assessment of the alcohol-free beverage being developed.
The thesis demonstrates the relevance and prospects of the technical search objects engineering and search systems for the new technological solutions. The development and description of the process of the qualimetric model engineering enable to foresee and designate the nomenclature of
consumer properties preliminarily of the projected Yugorsky drink based on an extract from medicinal and technical plant raw materials, considering the knowledge, qualifications and experience of engineers, experts, as well as consumer expectations indicated during the sociological survey. The model is the base for the line development of functional drinks based on an extract from fermented aspen leaves. Its application enables:
• to develop beverages in demand on the market considering consumer preferences, on the one hand, and the healthy nutrition policy of the Russian population, on the other hand;
• to assess the quality level of existing beverages, including for the purpose of its modification with the use of new types of raw materials and technological solutions;
• to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the beverage competitiveness both at the development stage and in the process of its implementation on the market;
• to identify previously unknown (little-known) properties and indicators that require attention in the development and production of specialized beverages for different groups, considering socio-economic changes;
• to reveal a list of corrective actions based on the calculated comprehensive indicator of the beverage quality;
• to foresee the quality level of the new generation products being developed on the basis of the search projecting and engineering.
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Библиографический список
1. Новоселов С.В., Маюрникова Л.А. Управление инновационными проектами: разработка и практическая реализация инновационных проектов в сфере питания. СПб.: ГИОРД, 2021. 400 с. ISBN: 978-5-98879-211-6.
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Information about Authors / Информация об авторах
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Catering Technology and Arrangements Department Kemerovo State University
650000, Russian Federation, Kemerovo, Krasnaya St., 6
Доктор технических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры технологии и организации общественного питания Кемеровский государственный университет 650000, Российская Федерация, г. Кемерово, ул. Красная, 6
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4592-8382
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Catering Technology and Arrangements Department Kemerovo State University
650000, Russian Federation, Kemerovo, Krasnaya St., 6
Кандидат технических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры технологии и организации общественного питания Кемеровский государственный университет 650000, Российская Федерация, г. Кемерово, ул. Красная, 6
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9441-8744
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Catering Technology and Arrangements Department Kemerovo State University
650000, Russian Federation, Kemerovo, Krasnaya St., 6
Кандидат технических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры технологии и организации общественного питания Кемеровский государственный университет 650000, Российская Федерация, г. Кемерово, ул. Красная, 6
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2782-5833
14. Янковская В.С. Разработка квалиметрической модели прогнозирования показателей качества и безопасности творожных продуктов: дисс. ...канд. техн. наук: 05.02.23. М., 2008. 274 с. EDN: https://www.elibrary.ru/npjxil.
15. Клещевский Ю.Н., Карташова Л.В., Николаева М.А. и др. Рынок безалкогольных напитков: состояние и перспективы развития // Вестник Кемеровского государственного университета. Серия: Политические, социологические и экономические науки. 2018. № 4. С. 86-94. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21603/2500-3372-2018-4-86-94. EDN: https://www.elibrary.ru/yveyep.
Mayurnikova, Larisa Alexandrovna
Маюрникова Лариса Александровна
Тел./Phone: +7 (3842) S8-36-2S E-mail: [email protected]
Tatiana Valeryevna
Татьяна Валерьевна
Тел./Phone: +7 (3842) 39-68-S6 E-mail: [email protected]
Koksharov, Arkady Andreevich
Аркадий Андреевич
Тел./Phone: +7 (3842) 39-68-S6 E-mail: [email protected]
Anastasia Alexandrovna
Анастасия Александровна
Тел./Phone: +7 (383) 346-07-64 E-mail: [email protected]
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Food Production Technology
and Arrangement Department
Novosibirsk State Technical University
630073, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Karl Marx St., 20
Кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры технологии и организации пищевых производств
Новосибирский государственный технический университет 630073, Российская Федерация, г. Новосибирск, ул. Карла Маркса, 20
ORCID: https://orcid.org 0000-0002-4114-4006
Contribution of the Authors:
Mayurnikova, Larisa A. - developing a qualimetric model idea of quality assessment, interpreting collected data on the food quality indicators, drafting a manuscript, considering all aspects of the research, the integrity of all article parts and its final version; Krapiva, Tatiana V. - formulating key goals and objectives, analyzing received data, critical revision with the introduction of a valuable intellectual remark, considering all aspects of the research, the integrity of all article parts and its final version; Koksharov, Arkady A. - formulating key goals and objectives, collecting data and interpreting the data obtained, critical revision with the introduction of a valuable intellectual remark, considering all aspects of the research, the integrity of all article parts and its final version;
Drill, Anastasia A. - developing key goals and objectives, collecting data, critical revision with the introduction of a valuable intellectual remark, considering all aspects of the research, the integrity of all article parts and its final version.
Вклад авторов:
Маюрникова Л.А. - формирование идеи квалиметрической модели оценки качества, проведение интерпретации собранных данных по показателям качества пищевой продукции, составление черновика рукописи, принятие ответственности за все аспекты работы, целостность всех частей статьи и ее окончательный вариант;
Крапива Т.В. - формулировка ключевых целей и задач, проведение анализа полученных данных, критический пересмотр рукописи с внесением ценного замечания интеллектуального содержания, принятие ответственности за все аспекты работы, целостность всех частей статьи и ее окончательный вариант;
Кокшаров А.А. - формулировка ключевых целей и задач, проведение сбора данных и интерпретация полученных данных, критический пересмотр рукописи с внесением ценного замечания интеллектуального содержания, принятие ответственности за все аспекты работы, целостность всех частей статьи и ее окончательный вариант;
Дриль А.А. - развитие ключевых целей и задач, проведение сбора данных, критический пересмотр рукописи с внесением ценного замечания интеллектуального содержания, принятие ответственности за все аспекты работы, целостность всех частей статьи и ее окончательный вариант.
The authors declare no conflicts of interests.
Авторы заявляют об отсутствии конфликта интересов.