UDC: 37.014.3(477)
Ivatsko Tetyana Serhiivna,
graduate student of the Department of Management and Administration of the Municipal Higher Educational Institution "Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education" 21100 Vinnytsia, vul. Hrushevskoho, 13, tel.: 096 35027 19, e-mail: elfxf2002@ gmail.com, https://orcid.0rg/OOOO-OOOI-9736-4852
1вацко Тетяна Сергйвна,
астрантка кафедри управлтня та ад-мжстрування Комунального вищого на-вчального закладу "Втницька академгя неперервнт освти", 21100 м. Втниця, вул. Грушевського, 13, тел.: 096 35027 19, e-mail: [email protected], https:// orcid.org-0000-0001-9736-4852
Ивацко Татьяна Сергеевна,
аспирантка кафедры управления и администрирования коммунального высшего учебного заведения "Винницкая академия непрерывного образования", 21100, г. Винница, ул. Грушевского, 13, тел.: 09635 02719 e-mail: [email protected], https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9736-4852
Abstract. The article examines the communication skills of the head of education for building a dialogue and purposeful formation of a new generation of modern leaders. It was found that a public leader, whose professional competence is a specially prepared deep process of the exchange of meanings, during which there are qualitative changes in the relations between the participants in the conditions of the democratic development of society. It has been established that in this context, it becomes necessary to purposefully form communication skills in the context of conducting a dialogue both in organizing internal and external relations in the context of a new generation of professionals who must adequately respond to social challenges, introduce and produce ideas in conditions of using the establishment of relations with the public, effectively broadcast social and cultural values, have the ability to conduct negotiations and business communication, but also exchange basic social values and communicate with a mass addressee.
It was investigated that an important condition for the effectiveness of the work of a specialist in public administration is to take into account the gender component when considering conflicts in the organization's environment, to avoid gender stereotypes and to form the gender sensitivity of one's own and colleagues. Such accounting is a significant step in building the European educational space and reducing the level of conflict in the team; the indicated ways of introducing the educational program "Basic skills of a mediator in an educational institution and society", which has been successfully tested with 2015. It has been substantiated that the communication skills of the head of education for building a dialogue acquires a new meaning of mediation and dialogue, which will allow the formation of communication technologies and his skills in the field of ethical requirements of democracy, openness of the public sphere, freedom of the media, ensuring national interests, etc.
Keywords: generation, public, business communication, public leader, communication, professional competence, civil servant, mediation, conflict, dialogue
Анотащя. Розглянуто комушкативш навички керiвника осв^и для по-будови дiалогу та щлеспрямованого формування hoboï генераци сучасного керiвника. З'ясовано, що професшна компетентшсть публiчного керiвника е спещально шдготовленим глибинним процесом обмшу смислами, шд час якого вщбуваються яюсш змши в стосунках мiж учасниками в умовах демократичного розвитку сустльства. Встановлено, що у цьому контексп не-обхщним стае щлеспрямоване формування комушкативних умшь в умовах проведення дiалогу як в оргашзаци внутршшх, так i зовшшшх зв'язюв в умовах ново!' генерацп професiоналiв, як мають адекватно реагувати на су-спiльнi виклики, впроваджувати та продукувати вде!' в умовах використання налагодження взаемин i3 громадськiстю, ефективно транслювати соцiальнi й культурнi цiнностi, мати умшня ведення переговорiв та дшового сшлку-вання, обмiну базовими сусшльними цiнностями та комунiкацiï з масовим адресатом.
Дослщжено, що важливою умовою ефективносп роботи фахiвця з пу-блiчного управлiння е врахування гендерно!' складово!' пiд час розгляду кон-флшпв у середовищi органiзацiï, уникнення гендерних стереотишв та формування гендерно!' чутливостi свое!' та колег. Таке врахування вщповщатиме вагомому кроку у побудовi европейського освiтнього простору та зменшен-ню рiвня конфлiктностi в колективц зазначено шляхи впровадження осв^-ньо!' програми "Базовi навички медiатора в закладi освiтi та громадГ', яка успiшно апробована з 2015 року. Обгрунтовано, що комунiкативнi навички керiвника освiти для побудови дiалогу набувають нового змiсту медiацiï та дiалогу, який надасть можливiсть сформувати технологи комушкацп та ово-лод™ навичками в галузях етичних вимог демократа, вiдкритостi публiчноï сфери, свободи ЗМ1, забезпечення нацiональних iнтересiв тощо.
Ключовi слова: генеращя, громадськiсть, дiлове стлкування, публiчний керiвник, комунiкацiя, професiйна компетентшсть, державний службовець, медiацiя, конфлiкт, дiалог.
Аннотация. Рассмотрены коммуникативные навыки руководителя образования для построения диалога и целенаправленного формирования нового поколения современного руководителя. Выяснено, что профессиональная компетентность публичного руководителя является специально подготовленным глубинным процессом обмена смыслами, во время которого происходят качественные изменения в отношениях между участниками в условиях демократического развития общества. Установлено, что в этом контексте необходимым становится целенаправленное формирование коммуникативных умений в условиях проведения диалога как в организации внутренних, так и внешних связей в условиях нового поколения профессионалов, которые должны адекватно реагировать на общественные вызовы, внедрять и продуцировать идеи в условиях использования налаживания отношений с общественностью, эффективно транслировать социальные и культурные ценности, иметь умение ведения переговоров и делового общения, обмена базовыми общественными ценностями и коммуникации с массовым адресатом.
Доказано, что важным условием эффективности работы специалиста публичного управления является учет гендерной составляющей при рассмотрении конфликтов в среде организации, избегать гендерных стереотипов и формировать гендерную чувствительность свою и коллег. Такой учет будет отвечать весомому шагу в построении европейского образовательного пространства и уменьшению уровня конфликтности в коллективе; указаны пути внедрения образовательной программы "Базовые навыки медиатора в заведении образования и общества", которая успешно апробирована с 2015 года. Обосновано, что коммуникативные навыки руководителя образования для построения диалога приобретают новый смысл медиации и диалога, который позволит сформировать технологии коммуникации и овладеть навыками в области этических требований демократии, открытости публичной сферы, свободы СМИ, обеспечение национальных интересов и т. п.
Ключевые слова: генерация, общественность, деловое общение, публичный руководитель, коммуникация, профессиональная компетентность, государственный служащий, медиация, конфликт, диалог.
Formulation of the problem. In the
conditions of the democratic development of Ukrainian society and in the
process of moving towards building a democratic state, the issues of transparency and openness of the activities of
state authorities, the formation of trust in them become a priority [1-9; five]. In this context, it becomes necessary to purposefully form a new generation of professionals who are able to adequately respond to social challenges, work equally in the development of ideas, use innovative technologies to establish relations with the public, effectively broadcast social and cultural values, and have not only negotiation and business communication skills, but also the exchange of basic social values and communication with the mass addressee. That is why an important condition for the effectiveness of the work of a public head of education is to take into account the gender component when considering the entire range of topics that relates to conflicts in the youth environment (causes, types, consequences for adolescents, etc.), to avoid gender stereotypes and to form gender sensitivity of one's own and colleagues. Such accounting is a significant step in building an educational space and reducing the level of conflict in the team. One of the ways can be considered the development and implementation of the educational program "Basic skills of a mediator in the institution of education and society", this program has been successfully tested with 2015 [8]. This is confirmed by the norms of the Law of Ukraine "On ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men", the National Action Plan for the implementation of the recommendations set out in the concluding observations of the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in the Eighth Periodic Report of Ukraine on the Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All
forms of discrimination against women, the National Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 "Women. World. Safety". Basic mediation skills "is provided by the tasks of the Law of Ukraine "On Education" from 05.09.2017 No.3 2145-19 (Articles 6, 12) [9], the State Social Program "National Action Plan for the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child" for the period up to 2021, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from April 5, 2017 No.230-r, the State Target Program for the restoration and development of peace in the eastern regions, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from December 13, 2017 No.1071, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 08.08.2017 No.1127 "On approval of the action plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the development of the psychological service of the education system of Ukraine for the period with 2020", etc. [5, 7, 8]. The communication skills of a modern leader for building mediation and dialogue take on a new meaning. This is due to the need to develop new teaching methods in accordance with the technologies of managerial communication, whatever the leader possesses in the field of ethical requirements of democracy, openness of the public sphere, freedom of the media, ensuring national interests, and the like. At the same time, the personality of a public leader must meet the expectations of the public and ensure the trust of society and citizens in public service, contribute to the realization of human and civil rights and freedoms [4].
The use of management communications by a modern leader is not just a professional personality. The research has shown, if we take into account only the communicative aspect, then the speech of professionals is characterized by communicative isolation, addressing the "mysterious". But it is also necessary to take into account that the social communication of the leader has social significance due to the functions of the civil service: after all, this is the language spoken by the authorities, the basis of which is communication. Researchers determine that communication is one of the most important ways of conceptualizing and realizing and understanding reality, but speech, like communication in general, more or less clearly reflects the structure of sociopolitical power in a particular society [2], and citizens depend on its effectiveness stick to her side. The key form of development of the communicative competence of the communication of the head is the public sphere, which is closely related to the formation of civil society.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The study of scientific sources showed that the research is based on the research of L. A. Pashko, Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Professor of the Department of Parliamentarism and Political Management of the National Academy of State Administration, who proves in his works and substantiates the content of the communicative competence of the head of a public authority, the typology sociocultural personality of the language [7]. In her writings, N.B. Larina, Candidate of Pedagogy, First Deputy Director of the Insti-
tute for Advanced Training of Leading Personnel of NASU, Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine, considers the creative potential of oral speech in managerial activity as a social and professional phenomenon within the framework of administrative discourse, in which those of his parameters that are formed by his profession and reflect the life and professional dominant, methods of developing such competence through axiological communication trainings, coaching [4, 7]. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the communication skills of a specialist in public administration for building a dialogue as the communication skills of a modern leader.
Presentation of the main research material. Let us analyze the latest research and publications of the problem. However, first, let's find out what is included in the definition of "civil servant" and "local government official". In accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "On Civil Service" and on "On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies" [8]:
a civil servant is a citizen of Ukraine who holds a civil service position in a state authority, another state body, its staff (secretariat), receives wages from the state budget and exercises the powers established for this position directly related to the performance of tasks and functions such a public body, and also adheres to the principles of public service [6]; a civil servant is a citizen of Ukraine who holds a civil service position in a state authority, another state body, its staff (secretariat), receives wages from the state budget and exercises the powers established for this position directly related to the performance of tasks and functions
such a public body, and also adheres to the principles of public service [6];
To get into government service, you need to pass a competition. As well as serving in local governments (with a few exceptions) [6, 9].
The competition is carried out in accordance with certain requirements for the professional competence of a candidate for a civil service position based on the results of an assessment of his personal achievements, knowledge, skills, moral and business qualities for the proper performance of official duties.
At the legislative level, it is clearly defined that professional competence is the ability of a person, within the limits of authority determined by the position, to apply special knowledge, skills and abilities, to identify the appropriate moral and business qualities for the proper performance of established tasks and responsibilities, training, professional and personal development [8]. For persons applying for entry into the civil service, there are requirements for their professional competence, which are divided into general and special. General requirements are clearly spelled out in the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service". Special requirements for persons applying for positions in the civil service of categories "B" and "C" are determined by the subject of appointment, taking into account the recommendations approved by the central executive authority, which ensures the formation and implements the state policy in the field of civil service. And persons applying for positions in the civil service of category "A" must meet the standard requirements (including special ones) approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
In 2016, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Concept for the introduction of positions of specialists on reform issues. Its goal is to create the necessary conditions for the preparation and implementation of national reforms by updating and strengthening human resources by attracting qualified and competent specialists — specialists on reform issues [8].
For various categories of positions of specialists in reform issues, the competence "communication and interaction" has its own requirements.
For state secretaries of ministries, these are:
• the ability to identify interested and influential parties and develop partnerships.
• the ability to effectively interact, listen, perceive and express thought.
• the ability to speak publicly in front of an audience.
• the ability to convince others through arguments and consistent communication.
For the head of the expert group, these will be:
• ability to listen to opinions;
• ability to express your opinion, express yourself clearly (orally and in writing), persuade;
• ability to speak to an audience.
And for government experts, these
• the ability to listen and perceive thoughts;
• ability to listen to opinions, express themselves clearly (orally and in writing);
• willingness to share experiences and ideas, openness in the exchange of information;
• orientation towards team results.
As you can see, there are different requirements for different categories of managerial positions. If for the head of the expert group the priority is the ability to express one's opinion, persuade and the ability to speak in front of an audience, then for a state expert it is important to listen and perceive thoughts, the willingness to share experiences and ideas, openness in the exchange of information, as well as focus on team results. Consider a few more competencies and requirements for various communication requirements of the head, namely [1, 4].
Ability to conduct public speaking:
• The ability to establish contact with the audience, transmit information and receive feedback;
• The ability to clearly, consistently, structured and clearly state their position;
• The ability to apply the techniques of public speaking.
Conducting business negotiations:
• Ability to prepare mutually beneficial options for cooperation / issue resolution;
• Ability to identify the interests of the parties, analysis of their strong and weak positions;
• The ability to build argumentation and counter argumentation.
Ability to substantiate one's own position:
• The ability to correctly place accents and arguments;
• The ability to correctly formulate theses;
• the ability to use techniques of comparison and generalization, bringing arguments by examples.
Ability to conduct a dialogue:
• to hear and perceive the thoughts and views of other participants in the dialogue;
• to direct towards an open decision-making, which is most acceptable for all participants in the dialogue, takes into account the interests and needs voiced by them;
• on the orientation of the presentation of different views and opinions on the subject of discussion;
• take responsibility for managing the dialogue process.
That is, while there is an understanding that the public service needs specialists who have sufficient communication skills. All these requirements for their competence are designed to help the effective work of public officials, including during the establishment of interaction with the public.
Practice and experience have shown that various forms of consultations (face-to-face and telephone, answers to written questions, "hot lines", etc.) complement the work with the public with a whole range. Consulting forms of work with the public already contribute to their content a certain element of active perception of the subject of cooperation. They provide the public with an opportunity to voice their opinion. At the same time, the role of a public servant should not be limited to just listening to the public. It is important for a dialogue to take place and a decision acceptable to all be made in the normative and legal plane.
The study showed that the main normative legal act governing the mechanism for holding public consultations in Ukraine is the Procedure for conducting public consultations on the formation and implementation of state
policy, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from November 3, 2010 No. 996. However, local governments it is only recommended to use this order in your work.
According to the Procedure for Public Consultations on the Formation and Implementation of State Policy, public consultations are carried out in the form of: public discussion (direct form); public opinion research (indirect form).
The general meeting is a multifa-ceted and multifunctional phenomenon. They can be viewed as a means of democracy and a form of local self-government; the organizational form of the activities of public organizations and the structural element of other forms of democracy; the form of realization of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen — a means of expressing the will of a complex of natural rights; a means of feedback between citizens and the state, and the like.
Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine" determines that a territorial community has the right to hold public hearings — to meet with deputies of the relevant council and officials of local self-government, during which members of the territorial community can hear them, raise a question and make proposals on issues local significance related to the jurisdiction of local government.
Various legislative acts define the possibility of holding public discussions, the forms of which are independently determined by local governments.
An important form of dialogue is the so-called advisory or coordination
councils, advisory committees, public councils — these are groups of volunteers from community representatives who work on a permanent basis in the mode of meetings and help to clarify the interests of society in those issues that are addressed by a public organization, government or local government.
The study and analysis of the normative acts of the research problem made it possible to determine the criteria for the effectiveness of the communication activity of a public administration specialist who ensures interaction with the public. These are: optimality (correspondence between the problem and the adopted means of solving it); effectiveness (reality of the results achieved); continuity (from the performance of one level, a transition is made to the next, more important, complex and promising one).
Achieving these criteria indicates a high level of his communication skills. One of them is dialogue [2, 3, 4].
Dialogue is a specially prepared deep process of the exchange of meanings, during which qualitative changes occur in the relations between the participants; exchange of meanings; qualitative change; organized process. The key in dialogue is building connections and relationships with yourself and others.
In the course of the study, we found that the results of the dialogue: the positions of the participants in the dialogue were heard, and the interests were taken into account; understanding each other's needs; an open and fair decision; the best solution for stakeholders. In doing so, we took into account the principles of forming a dialogue:
Doesn't hurt. Voluntary and self-determination of the parties. Participant inclusiveness. The balance of power. The choice of controlled communication and its confidentiality [3]. In the context of active use of the principles of dialogue, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to take into account the prerequisites for a successful dialogue: the diversity of experience of the participants involved in the dialogue; no need to resolve the issue during a specific dialogue meeting; balance of the relative strength of the parties to the dialogue [4].
Conclusions. So. Among the specific communication skills and abilities of a public administration specialist to conduct a dialogue, the following can be distinguished: 1) attentively listen, observe and memorize not only the phrases of the interlocutors, but also the manner of their behavior; 2) to establish simple and transparent communication between the participants in the dialogue; 3) identify the similarities and differences in the positions of the (conflicting) parties; 4) analyze and synthesize information about the problem; 5) diagnose and reward effective behavior; 6) create a model of effective behavior; 7) provide feedback between the participants in the process, excluding the "offensive" and "defensive" forms of communication; 8) inspire confidence in the participants in the mediation process; 9) encourage constructive conflict actions, 10) be patient and confident in the positive result of the dialogue.
Considering the above, we also draw attention to the important components of the dialogue, without which the dialogue will not be effective.
1. For an effective dialogue, it is important to take care of all the components and their balance:
intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual components.
2. Dialogue: provides an opportunity to get acquainted with other worldviews/ways of perceiving the world, to understand yourself and your beliefs, values, stereotypes of thinking and prejudice; still recognizes the importance of both objective facts and personal stories for understanding dialogue issues; improve communication skills; create conditions for a joint search for the most acceptable idea or further action; accompany the general analysis of the problem and create a good basis for joint action; ensuring the fundamental task of dialogue.
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