Научная статья на тему 'Public-civic communication and principles of its formation'

Public-civic communication and principles of its formation Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
state-civil communication / public administration / mass media / the principle of democracy / державно-громадянська комунікація / публічне управління / засоби масової інформації / принцип народовладдя

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Chaplay Iryna Vіtalіivna

In this articl the state-civil communication in the context of current research approaches is explored. Its main attributive system properties in the public administration are defined. The areas of the growing of influence of civil communication on democratization of public administration in Ukraine are highlighted and expressed. The pressing need of formation of such a state and civil communications, whose purpose is the realization and protection of constitutional law on freedom and on obtaining and dissemination of information is substantiated.

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Схарактеризовано державно-громадянську комунікацію у контексті сучасних дослідницьких підходів. Визначено її атрибутивно-системні властивості в публічному управлінні. Виділено та оцінено напрями посилення впливу громадянської комунікації на демократизацію системи публічного управління України. Обґрунтовано назрілу необхідність формування такої державно-громадянської комунікації, метою якої є реалізація та захист конституційних прав громадян на свободу отримання і поширення інформації.

Текст научной работы на тему «Public-civic communication and principles of its formation»

UDC: 728

Chaplay Iryna Vitaliivna,

PhD in Public Administration, Executive Director of the Presidium of the civic scientific organization, "Ukrainian Assembly of doctors of science in public administration ", Assistant professor of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometovskaya, 2, tel.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610

Чаплай 1рина Вталйвна,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, виконавчий директор Президп Всеукрат-cbKoï асамблеï докторiв наук з державного управлтня, доцент кафедри публiчного адмШстрування, Мiжрегiональна Ака-демiя управлтня персоналом, Украта, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610

Чаплай Ирина Витальевна,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, исполнительный директор Президиума Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, Украина, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610


Abstract. In this articl the state-civil communication in the context of current research approaches is explored. Its main attributive system properties in the public administration are defined. The areas of the growing of influence of civil communication on democratization of public administration in Ukraine are highlighted and expressed. The pressing need of formation of such a state and civil communications, whose purpose is the realization and protection of constitutional law on freedom and on obtaining and dissemination of information is substantiated.

Keywords: state-civil communication, public administration, mass media, the principle of democracy.


Анотащя. Схарактеризовано державно-громадянську комунiкацiю у кон-текстi сучасних дослiдницьких пiдходiв. Визначено 11 атрибутивно-системнi властивостi в публiчному управлiннi. Видiлено та оцшено напрями поси-лення впливу громадянсько'1 комушкаци на демократизацiю системи пу-блiчного управлiння Украши. Обгрунтовано назршу необхiднiсть форму-вання тако'1 державно-громадянсько'1 комушкацп, метою яко'1 е реалiзацiя та захист конституцiйних прав громадян на свободу отримання i поширення шформаци.

Ключовi слова: державно-громадянська комушкащя, публiчне управлш-ня, засоби масово'1 шформацп, принцип народовладдя.


Аннотация. Исследована государственно-гражданская коммуникация в контексте современных исследовательских подходов. Определены ее атрибутивно-системные свойства в публичном управлении. Выделены и оценены направления усиления влияния гражданской коммуникации на демократизацию системы публичного управления Украины. Обосновано назревшую необходимость формирования такой государственно-гражданской коммуникации, целью которой есть реализация и защита конституционных прав граждан на свободу получения и распространения информации.

Ключевые слова: государственно-гражданская коммуникация, публичное управление, средства массовой информации, принцип народовластия.

Target setting. In the context of globalization and transformation of social and political systems, to the organization of public civic communication should be given special attention. This process is one of the key in the formation of civil society and contributes to social and political activity of the population and sustainable development of society.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Among the scientists who deal with this subject, it is advisable to select the following: A. An-tonov, A. Afonin, V. Bebik, M. Bilynska,

T. Butyrskaya, A. Walewski, T. Vasy-levska, B. Holub, L. Honiukova, N. Hrytsiak, N. Hudyma, V. Hurkov-skyy O. Dmytrenko, N. Dniprenko, V. Ivanov, V. Charles, L. A. Klymanska, V. Kazakov, V. Korolko, V. Kuybida, N. Logunov, D. Nelipa, I. Panteleichuk, O. Petroye, G. Pocheptsov, O. Puhkal, V. Rebkalo, V. Rizun, Y. Romanenko, A. Savkov, S. Seregin, G. Sitnik, I. Shur, S. Teleshun, I. Chaplay and others.

Analysis of the scientific developments of foreign and domestic scientists indicates that the concept of "state-civil communication" is the subject

of research and use of the sufficiently large range of natural and human sciences. At the same time, some questions of research of functional features, principles of public-civic and democratic resource of the system impact on the effective interaction of public authorities and the public, so far, have not found their solution in the complex science of public administration.

The purpose of the article is to study of approaches to the definition of "public-civil communication" and isolating of the basic principles of its formation.

The statement of basic materials.

In the scientific literature, the concept of "communication" began to be used in the early twentieth century. Interest to the studying of this phenomenon gradually increased, due to the invention of technical means of communication, telegraph, telephone, radio, allowing people to transmit information over long distances.

Today, in the science of public administration, there are more than a dozen of approaches in interpreting of this category, both domestic and foreign literature. Their essence lies in that the communication is the interaction between people, arising in the process of information exchange. Economic, political and social changes in governance, integration processes are always accompanied by changes in communication.

The development of material production complicated the structure of state institutions and determined the need of ensuring the effective functioning of the communication. As a result — there was a complete system of state-civil communication that became actively influence on society.

By carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the definitions of state and civil communication, its possible to say that the state and civil communication is a special environment of formation, distribution and operation of socially significant information regarding the activity of state institutions, which aims to impact on social groups and individuals by the result of using a comprehensive set of media (hereinafter — the media), including print media, radio, television, Internet resources [1, p. 123].

To the instruments through which the process of state-civil communication is carried out scholars place great importance in the communication process. Thus, L. L. Resnyanska argues that the media can help citizens make political-ideological, social and socio-cultural identification [2]. The famous Russian scientist I. M. Dyalashynski notes that media provide awareness of citizens , promote a better understanding of government processes. Media is one of the most expeditious and most reliable barometer of public opinion. They are designed to provide feedback power with the people to put issues before state authorities. Media in Ukraine — a major force that largely determines the views, opinions and ideas of people and affect on a political decisions. Media is an essential component of state-civil communication in Ukraine.

The law of our country provides the creation of the such media space that will contribute to sustainable social development and civil society. So, today, the Law of Ukraine "On Information" guarantees freedom of thought, opinion and expression does not allow unlaw-

ful restrictions of freedom of the media, defines the basic principles of media, including equality, respect of human rights, diversity of opinion and others.

Consequently, public-civic communication provides:

• link of individuals with non-profit, non-governmental public organizations, and also between structures of civil society;

• the possibility of participation of individuals and structures of civil society in developing, discussing of questions and making decisions in the economical, political and social spheres of the government [1].

Accordingly, public civic communication promotes to the creation and development of citizenship and civil society and promotes its values. It must obey to the goals of civil society, to provide people with information required for decision-making in the state. Tools of state-civil communication should allow to citizens to see that they can become active participants of public life.

Already its not enough just pay attention to the problem questions in public administration. Citizens need to see how they could play their role, to change anything, to be heard — how they could participate more in public life. Thus, the active participation of citizens — the key to understanding civil cosiety and one of the main principles formation of state-civil communication [3, p. 274-275].

Today, state-civil communication, highlighting the activities of the institutes of civil society must try to convey to people the idea, the basic principles of public authorities, to arouse interest to the process. The second principle, on

which holds state and civil communication — the principle of democracy.

Public and civil communication should comprehensively cover the process of life of the country: in the sufficient volume, to report about the functioning of democratic institutions, enabling the citizens increasingly realize the right of participation in the affairs of state (presidential and parliamentary elections, referenda, et al.), inform about the government activities, acceptance of state regulations that governing the life of society, participation in shaping the political and legal culture of citizens and others.

Public and civil communications, today should determine the status of NGOs and associations, to be an integral part of civil society. Comprehensive coverage of government organizations strengthens confidence in public officials, creates an atmosphere of friendship and goodwill in the community.

Conclusions. Today, learning the advanced experience of foreign countries, we can say the pressing need of the formation of a such a state and civil communications whose purpose is the realization and protection of constitutional law of citizens on freedom and obtainment and dissemination of information [4].

Public and civil communication should unite government representatives, civic associations, media and other organizations operating in the field of media. Resolving the disputes that arise in the process of activity of media, she must contribute to the objective problems understanding of the information space and to ensure its further harmonious development, focused primarily

on the defense of civil rights and interests of people [5].

The basic principles of formation of public-civil communications should be: truthfulness; objectivity; integrity; respect for human values; humanism; social justice; equality and freedom of citizens and others.

Thus, the harmonious state and civil communications — an essential condition of the strength of the foundations of civil society that protects its interests and human values.


1. Olshansky D. V. (2011) Psykholohyia mass [Psychology of the masses], SPb, p. 368 [in Russian].

2. Resnianskaia L. L. (2001) Dvusto-ronniaia kommunykatsyia: metodyka orhanyzatsyy obschestvennoho dya-loha [Bilateral communication: the methodology of organizing a public dialogue], ucheb. posobye: Mosk. hos. un-t ym. M. V. Lomonosova. Fak.

zhurnalystyky [y dr.]. — M. : Pul's, 22, [in Russian].

3. Dzyaloshinskaya M. (1999) Rol' pressy v formyrovanyy v Rossyy hrazhdans-koho obschestva [The role of the press in the formation of civil society in Russia], Rol' pressy v formyrovanyy v Rossyy hrazhdanskoho obschestva: sb.; otv. za vyp. M. Dzialoshynskaia. — M.: Ynstytut humanytarnykh kom-munykatsyj, p. 296, [in Russian].

4. Rol' pressy v formyrovanyy v Rossyy hrazhdanskoho obschestva [The role of the press in the formation of civil society in Russia]: sb.;otv. za vyp. M. Dzialoshynskaia. — M.: Ynstytut humanytarnykh kommunykatsyj, 1999. — p. 296 [in Russian].

5. Lukashenko A. G. Rol' pressy v for-myrovanyy v Rossyy hrazhdanskoho obschestva [Belarus in the Modern World: Speech at a Meeting with BSU]: / Ofytsyal'nyj ynternet-portal Prezydenta Respublyky Belarus'. — Rezhym dostupa: http: //www/presi-dent.gov.by/press49929.html#doc — Data dostupa: 10. 09. 2016. [in Russian].

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