Tatiana Mamma
Senior Lecturer, Head of the Scientific and Methodological Center, Institute of the Human Brain. N.P.
Ankylosing spondylitis RAS, NMC Owl-Nyanka LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Valeria Karpinskaya
Leading expert, Institute of the Human Brain. N.P. Ankylosing spondylitis RAS, NMC Owl-Nyanka LLC, St.
Petersburg, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The digital world dictates its own rules for mastering the surrounding reality, where a greater role is given to cognitive functions and less to motor and sensory ones. Motor characteristics are included in all types of activity and testify to the real potentials, resources and reserves of the body as a whole. Usually, problems of sensorimotor development are expressed in clumsiness, poor coordination, delayed speech development, difficulties in sound pronunciation, and emotional and communication disorders. On the basis of LLC Scientific and Methodological Center Owl-Nyanka, a diagnostic procedure was created, the purpose of which is to determine the consistency of the sensorimotor spheres. The aim of the current study was to teach the effectiveness of solving sensory-motor tasks in children aged 5-6 years. The results were compared with the data on some subtests of the metric scale from N. Ozeretsky's studies of motor giftedness in children. Quantitative data on the motor activity of children aged 5-6 in the 1930s and 2021s were given using the subtest "Labyrinths". Based on the study, the following conclusions can be drawn: the time taken to solve sensorimotor tasks in children who passed the test in 2021 compared with children in 1930 decreased. At the same time, a decrease in accuracy was recorded: modern children made more mistakes when passing mazes. In addition, difficulties were found in orienting in the space of one's own body and in the task of maintaining balance. The importance of sensorimotor development in the functioning of cognitive processes, including abstract thinking, is emphasized both in the works of physiologists and psychologists of the last century (N.A. Bernshtein, B.G. Ananiev), and among contemporaries (E.A. Sergienko, B. M. Velichkovsky). In this regard, programs to study the dynamics of the formation and development of sensorimotor skills are relevant in the framework of preschool and school education.
Keywords: sensory and motor development, cognitive and emotional development DOI:
Irina Pankratova
Assistant professor, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Southern Federal University", Rostov-on-Don, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The relevance of our study is that in the modern world there is a great danger of the impact of computer games and network communication on the mental health of children. Also, the theoretical and practical aspects of creating psychological conditions for the prevention of gambling addictions in children have not been sufficiently developed. Thus, there exists a practical need to solve the problem of gambling addiction, and to explore the creation and testing of developments aimed at preventing this type of addiction. The aim of the current study was to investigate the risky internet behavior of adolescents. Our study involved 60 schoolchildren aged 10-14, who were subsequently divided into