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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Pazukhina Svetlana V.

The author analyzes the social and psychological characteristics of adolescents with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior. It was revealed that a high level of verbal and physical aggression, instability of mental states, impulsive behavior, inadequate self-esteem, a low level of self-control, communication problems, pronounced deformations in all socially significant spheres of relations characterize them. A low level of morality is a characteristic feature for the adolescents with deviant behavior. They are dominated by hedonistic, material and criminal motives of behavior. The revealed socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents with deviant behavior, correlated with the data of various researchers, indicate a rather large percentage of deformations in all socially significant spheres of relations between these children. With a high degree of probability, it makes it possible to predict unfavorable options for their development without targeted intervention at the level of psychological assistance and psychocorrection. The author formulates recommendations for taking into account the data obtained in the process of resocialization of pupils of special educational closed institutions for students with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior in terms of psychological correction, preventive work, and monitoring the dynamics of the rehabilitation process on the basis of the research.

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Liao, Jianwen and Welsch, Harold, Roles of Social Capital in Venture Creation: Key Dimensions and Research Implications (2008). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership Historical Research Reference in Entrepreneurship, Available at SSRN: https: //ssrn.com/abstract=1507581


The author analyzes the social and psychological characteristics of adolescents with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior. It was revealed that a high level of verbal and physical aggression, instability of mental states, impulsive behavior, inadequate self-esteem, a low level of self-control, communication problems, pronounced deformations in all socially significant spheres of relations characterize them. A low level of morality is a characteristic feature for the adolescents with deviant behavior. They are dominated by hedonistic, material and criminal motives of behavior. The revealed socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents with deviant behavior, correlated with the data of various researchers, indicate a rather large percentage of deformations in all socially significant spheres of relations between these children. With a high degree of probability, it makes it possible to predict unfavorable options for their development without targeted intervention at the level of psychological assistance and psychocorrection. The author formulates recommendations for taking into account the data obtained in the process of resocialization of pupils of special educational closed institutions for students with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior in terms of psychological correction, preventive work, and monitoring the dynamics of the rehabilitation process on the basis of the research.


adolescents, deviant (socially dangerous) behavior, socio-psychological characteristics, resocialization


Svetlana V. Pazukhina,

Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, Tula 125, Lenin Avenue, Tula, 300026, Russia [email protected]

1. Introduction

The analysis of age dynamics allows us to conclude that there is a tendency towards earlier involvement in criminal activities and an increase in the criminal activity of younger children. The negative growth in juvenile crime rates is strongly influenced by the abuse of alcohol, drugs and other toxic substances, lack of stable interests, lack of fulfillment, unemployment, multiple examples of negative behavior in the closest social environment and the characters broadcast by the media (M. A. Tikker, 2014; N. N. Vasyagina, 2018). The specifics of the social situation of development and age-related neoplasms of adolescence are such that many minors, due to personal immaturity, the lack of formation of moral and ethical values, the ineffective nature of the educational means and restraining mechanisms used in relation to them, are quite easily involved in asocial and antisocial groups (both real, and virtual). There they acquire bad habits, get used to an antisocial lifestyle, antisocial behavior begins to take hold (S. P. Akutina, A. A. Semavina, 2016; L. O. Kovtun, 2012; E. R. Chernoborodov, 2008). Today, this trend extends not only to adolescent boys, but also to girls (O. A. Us, M. I. Kashirina, 2016).

2. Materials and Methods

The aim of the study was to identify the socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior and to take into account the data obtained during the organization of their resocialization process. The study involved inmates of a special educational closed institution for students with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior. The following groups of methods were used: theoretical methods: study and theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, analysis of regulatory and instructive-methodological documents, educational programs, generalization of pedagogical teaching experience, modeling; empirical methods: observation, experiment, standardized diagnostic techniques; data processing methods: quantitative and qualitative analysis of research results. The diagnostic toolkit included the Freiburg multivariate personality questionnaire FPI; aggressiveness test (questionnaire by L. G. Pochebut); a technique for diagnosing general self-esteem (questionnaire by G. N. Kazantseva); the method of diagnostics of moral self-assessment "(by L. N. Kolmogortseva); test for assessing self-control in communication (by M. Snyder); a questionnaire to identify the adolescent's attitude to school knowledge; questionnaire of communicative tolerance by V. V. Boyko.

3. Results

Analysis of the results allowed us to draw a number of conclusions about the social and psychological characteristics of adolescents prone to socially deviant behavior.

Thus, according to the method of L. G. Pochebut, half of the adolescents in the sample had high indicators on all five scales of aggression. This was manifested in the fact that minors with socially deviant behavior verbally express their aggressive attitude towards other people, using verbal abuse, swearing and show aggression with the use of physical force. In interpersonal communication, they showed emotional alienation, accompanied by suspicion, hostility, and ill will (S. V. Pazukhina et al., 2019). The data of our research on this indicator were generally consistent with the results of other studies. So S.V. Marishin using A. Assinger's test "Assessment of aggressiveness in relationships" revealed that 30% of the convicted minors he studied were overly aggressive, 50% were moderately aggressive, and only 20% were overly peaceful, the reason of which was their lack of confidence in their own strengths and capabilities. At the same time, in 20% of respondents, aggressiveness was destructive (S. V. Marishin, 2013).

The use of the FPI multivariate personality questionnaire revealed that 40% of adolescents had a high level of neuroticity, where high marks indicate the presence of a pronounced neurotic syndrome of the asthenic type with psychosomatic disorders; 30% had an increased level on the scale of spontaneous aggressiveness, indicating signs of intensive psychopathization, which was a prerequisite for impulsive behavior. In 10% of the subjects had high values on the scale of depression, which indicated the development of signs characteristic of psychopathological depressive syndrome. On the scale of "irritability", it was revealed that 30% of minors had an unstable emotional state with a tendency to pessimism and affective reaction. They have such characteristic features as frequent mood swings, increased excitability, irritability, and insufficient self-regulation. 25% of adolescents in a closed institution did not show social activity, did not have a pronounced need for communication. They were predisposed to stressful responses in a passive-defensive manner to ordinary life situations. 25% of the respondents were anxious, not self-confident enough, constrained, and had difficulties in social contacts.

Most of the sample studied by us consisted of adolescents with a low level of morality (70%) with a pronounced negative attitude towards the corresponding moral qualities (a sense of duty, responsibility for their actions, caring for others, etc.). The most important desire for minors in this group was to be able to order others around; to be rich; to own the most modern computer; to have many servants and dispose of them; to possess what no one else has and never will. Other scholars also point to the lack of formation of moral standards, ideals and worldview among convicted minors. Thus, Yu. A. Zaitseva and O. I. Kolesova revealed in their research that the listed socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents with socially deviant behavior are combined with their lack of specific life goals and aspirations, age-related negativism and self-dissatisfaction (Yu. A. Zaitseva, O. I. Kolesova, 2011).

The overwhelming majority of the subjects (90% of the sample) had a low level of self-control in communication. The behavior of such adolescents remains unchanged in different situations, there is no flexibility or variability of behavior in relations with other people. Only 5% of the respondents easily adapted to new situations, responded flexibly to changes in the situation or in the requirements, they felt good in different roles, and could predict the impression they would make on others. These results overlap with the data from other studies. Thus, results on the M. Snyder scale of social self-control obtained by A.S. Karyukhina and T.T. Shchelina indicated that the majority of students in closed institutions were characterized by an average level of social self-control. They revealed that a rather high percentage of such pupils could significantly decrease in a short time period without appropriate purposeful work, without creating adequate conditions. A high level of volitional control was noted only in 10% of the group, half of the respondents were characterized by a low level of volitional control (A. S. Karyukhina, T. T. Shchelina, 2015). The problems of the lack of formation of strong-willed character traits manifested in minors in an insufficient level of purposefulness, independence, organization (Yu. A. Zaitseva, O. I. Kolesova, 2011).

Regarding their attitude towards themselves, 60% of adolescents in the sample had a high self-esteem, which in most cases was inadequately inflated. Teenagers tend to overestimate their capabilities. The main danger of such self-esteem lies in the overestimated expectations from the outside world, which can lead to the development of negative mental states in the event of the teenager's inability to satisfy their ambitions in the real world. In this aspect, our data are somewhat at odds with the study of A.S. Karyukhina, T.T. Shchelina. In their study, they established that juvenile convicts were characterized by low self-esteem, isolation, problems in building relationships with others, conformism, ambivalent attitude towards their actions and deeds, negativism towards oneself, dissatisfaction with oneself, inadequate level of claims. Negative self-attitude, according to A. S. Karyukhina and T. T. Shchelina, prevailed in 53% of juvenile convicts (A. S. Karyukhina, T. T. Shchelina, 2015). At the same time, A. A. Rean established that self-esteem in delinquent adolescents could be either inadequately inflated or deflated. The main thing that is inherent in them in both cases is the presence of a conflict between self-esteem and the assessment of society (the so-called interactional conflict of self-esteem). In his works, A. A. Rean showed that problems in the sphere of attitudes towards oneself were a trigger for the development of delinquency. He connected the possibilities of correcting this layer of relations with the adolescent's achievement of success in a significant sphere of activity and changes in social assessment (A. A. Rean, 2004).

A low level of cognitive attitude towards learning prevailed in 80% of the subjects. This leads to a high probability of formalism in the assimilation of knowledge, the presence of learning difficulties. Adolescents with such an attitude perceive study as a difficult duty; they do not associate the acquisition of knowledge and skills with future self-realization in professional activity.

Attitude towards work. The studied adolescents in this area were dominated by negative attitudes, in particular, the attitude of insignificance, rejection, neglect, rejection. They perceived labor as an attribute of losers and "weaklings". 55% of the respondents had a negative attitude to work. According to A. A. Rean, the possibilities for psychocorrection in this area are significant, but only at an early stage of delinquency.

It is important to combine psychocorrectional and psychopedagogical work, including the involvement of the family (with the preservation of educational functions in it) (A. A. Rean, 2004). In delinquent adolescents, negative attitudes towards other people prevail: attitudes of wariness, competition, rejection, expectations of hostility (A. A. Rean, 2004). The results of observations of pupils and conversations with the staff of a closed institution allow us to say that, in accordance with the typology of behavior in a conflict situation by K. Thomas, the most rare strategy used by adolescents was a compromise (10%), cooperation and avoidance were infrequent (15% each); some of the subjects were inclined to adapt (25%), the most common option for resolving a disputable situation was rivalry (35%).

Most of the respondents had an average level of tolerance, i.e. they do not always accept the personality of another person and do not always understand them. In the studied sample, adolescents did not have very high indicators in terms of the level of empathy in all the studied channels. This is reflected in the fact that they do not always understand others, cannot put themselves in the place of the interlocutors and understand them at the intuitive level.

The obtained results showed that 45% of pupils had a negative attitude towards the family, 45% were negative towards children.

4. Discussions

The results of the study and the revealed socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents with socially deviant behavior, correlated with the data of other researchers, indicate a rather large percentage of deformations in all socially significant spheres of relations between convicted juveniles. It makes it possible to predict unfavorable options

for their development with a high degree of probability and at the same time without purposeful interventions at the level of providing psychological assistance and psychocorrection.

Delinquent behavior of minors is formed under the influence of a number of external and internal factors. The study of its causes and manifestations in adolescents at risk should be carried out through the organization of a comprehensive diagnosis of the relevant socio-psychological characteristics of juvenile offenders. Competently structured diagnostic work, generalized results and highlighting the individual characteristics of pupils allows one to build and carry out psychocorrectional and preventive activities with them purposefully and consciously. This ultimately should have a positive effect on the process of resocialization and development of the minor's personality.

A great potential in this process is assigned to the involvement of deviant adolescents with creative and/or sports activities (I. V. Koroleva, 2003; A. A. Samokhina, 2002); psychologizing educational and preventive activities, strengthening the role of medical and psychological assistance in the correction and resocialization of deviant behavior of minors (A. V. Vilkova, 2018); referring to the positive experience of foreign countries (I. I. Salamatina, 2007).

5. Conclusion

Thus, the analysis of the results of the study allows us to draw a number of conclusions about the socio-psychological characteristics of adolescents prone to delinquent behavior. Many minors with socially deviant behavior are diagnosed with high rates on all scales of aggression. Teens express their aggressive attitude towards another person both verbally and physically. The majority of minors with socially dangerous behavior are characterized by an inadequately inflated self-esteem. They also tend to overestimate their capabilities. Almost all subjects have a low level of cognitive attitude to learning, which provokes the emergence of formalism in the assimilation of knowledge, the emergence of difficulties in learning. Delinquent adolescents treat their studies as a heavy duty, consider it unnecessary in the future, and do not associate the acquisition of knowledge and skills with their future professional activities. Minors with socially deviant behavior are dominated by a low level of morality, a negative attitude towards spiritual and moral qualities, hedonistic, material, criminal motives of behavior. The vast majority of them have a low level of self-control in communication. Many respondents have an average level of tolerance, i.e. they do not always accept the personality of another person and do not always understand other people. The adolescents in the studied sample have rather low indicators of the development of channels of empathy, which leads to a poorly expressed ability to understand others, put oneself in the place of the interlocutor, and understand them at the intuitive level.

6. Recommendations

Based on the data obtained, recommendations can be formulated for taking into account the revealed socio-psychological characteristics of convicted minors in the process of their resocialization. In particular, we believe that the measures of psychological correction used in the course of resocialization of adolescents who have committed crimes should be aimed, first of all, at the formation of socially positive attitudes, the development of social and moral qualities of the individual, a change in the system of attitudes towards oneself, study, work, other people, things, life values; the formation of a new system of personal meanings; development of existing socially demanded abilities, professional interests and inclinations; awareness of the psychological characteristics of their behavior, the development of confident behavior as opposed to manipulative, aggressive, insecure, defensive; mastering the techniques of mental self-regulation of negative emotions and control of one's own states; the formation of

communication skills; training in algorithms for getting out of conflict situations in acceptable ways; development of the ability to understand, empathy, a tolerant attitude towards other people, as well as the needs for introspection, reflection, self-criticism, self-development, etc.

Monitoring the dynamics of the rehabilitation process of students with socially deviant behavior, in our opinion, should be associated with the development of a set of indicators that provide a holistic view of the social and psychological characteristics of the institution's pupils that are significant for resocialization; the state of the system of educational activities, about the qualitative and quantitative changes in it; providing a regular and visual presentation of information about the system of work with students (individual, taking into account the identified characteristics of specific adolescents and group based on the established patterns), its indicators and results; systematization of information about the state and development of educational activities, comparison of indicators that give an idea of the dynamics.

The main directions of primary prevention of socially deviant behavior in adolescents include the following: identification of unfavorable factors in the socialization of children, their living conditions and upbringing even before they negatively affect the behavior and the formation of the views of specific schoolchildren; elimination or neutralization of sources of harmful influences on adolescents, which can contribute to the formation of personal deformations, antisocial behavior, contribute to the emergence of criminal motivation, and in the future to the commission of offenses; providing a deterrent and corrective impact on students at risk; application of specific measures for organizing control over the activities of a delinquent teenager and the implementation of individual educational and preventive work with him on the basis of taking into account his social and psychological characteristics; complex application of various measures of influence -public, administrative, civil law, compulsory educational, socio-psychological - on minors with signs of socially deviant behavior in the early stages, avoiding delinquency.


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The presented article examines the features of the current demographic situation and government demographic policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The most important priority directions of government social programs, as well as modern trends, factors and criteria for the development of demographic processes dynamics in the Republic of Uzbekistan are analyzed. The authors revealed presumptive upcoming dynamics of the birth rate and the potential importance of the family in the system of value orientations of the young people of Uzbekistan on the basis of a sociological survey among the youth of Uzbekistan. They present forecast estimates of the prospects for increasing the birth rate in the next decade.


demography, birth rate, population, population growth, urbanization, family, family values


Olga I. Stepanova,

Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Philosophy and Logic Chair, National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbeck, 4, st. University, Tashkent, 100174, Uzbekistan

Aida M. Tyukmaeva,

Student, Faculty of Social Sciences, Area of Training "Philosophy. Area of Application",, National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbeck, 4, st. University, Tashkent, 100174, Uzbekistan

1. Introduction

1.1. Relevance of the problem:

In recent years, scientists, politicians and philosophers in the Republic of Uzbekistan have been particularly interested in one of the most acute problems of our time - the threat of overpopulation, which affects all spheres of social and political life. The rapid

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