Научная статья на тему 'Psychological Problems of Penitentiary System of Nigeria'

Psychological Problems of Penitentiary System of Nigeria Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
psychological problems / adaptation to prison / disadaptation in prison / social adaptation / cluster analysis

Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Natalia M. Romanova, Ringo O. Ekedegwa, Konstantin A. Kiselev

The article is devoted to social and psychological problems of the prisoners’ personality of “Oba” and “Ibara” prisons in Nigeria. Interactionism is used as a basic methodological approach and it allows to take into consideration the interaction of the personality in small and big social groups. The methods of research are: the personal questionnaire, and qualitative and quantitative analysis. The social and psychological factors influencing the personality of a prisoner were singled out as an outcome of the questionnaire survey. After cluster analysis we subdivided the factors into internal (a factor named "Uncritical self-esteem" – "Critical self-esteem") and external. The last ones are divided into factors connected with the prison ("adaptation to prison" – "disadaptation in prison", a time factor) and factors connected with the prisoner's attitude towards the social norms ("Factors of social adaptation" "Factors of social disadaptation").

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Текст научной работы на тему «Psychological Problems of Penitentiary System of Nigeria»

International Annual Edition of Applied Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015.

Psychological Problems of Penitentiary System of Nigeria

Natalia M. Romanova

Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia romanovaNM@info .sgu.ru

Ringo O. Ekedegwa

Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia [email protected]

Konstantin A. Kiselev

Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia [email protected]


The article is devoted to social and psychological problems of the prisoners' personality of "Oba" and "Ibara" prisons in Nigeria. Interactionism is used as a basic methodological approach and it allows to take into consideration the interaction of the personality in small and big social groups. The methods of research are: the personal questionnaire, and qualitative and quantitative analysis. The social and psychological factors influencing the personality of a prisoner were singled out as an outcome of the questionnaire survey. After cluster analysis we subdivided the factors into internal (a factor named "Uncritical self-esteem" - "Critical self-esteem") and external. The last ones are divided into factors connected with the prison ("adaptation to prison" - "disadaptation in prison", a time factor) and factors connected with the prisoner's attitude towards the social norms ("Factors of social adaptation" - "Factors of social disadaptation").

Key Words: psychological problems, adaptation to prison, disadaptation in prison, social adaptation, cluster analysis.


The social and psychological analysis of penitentiary system of any country is necessary for diagnostics of this system from the point of view of its ability to carry out the constructive modifications of the prisoners' personality in context of psychology, and ability to enhance the life and humanization of all systems.

As it appears from the modern status analysis of Nigerian penitentiary system, the prisons are considered to be one of the government agency which is badly in need of urgent reforming.


Being the form of punishment, the prison is a place where all of the prisoners are forcedly limited in various liberties under the power of the state. Within the criminal justice system, the people who are officially accused or condemned for crimes are in the custody in prison or in pretrial detention center. They have to be there until they are presented to the Court which is to define their guilt or to finish the period of the imprisonment to which they were sentenced after being admitted guilty in a Court.

All around the world the main function of the prisons is to keep the accused or convicted people. The Nigerian prison system is for punishment and control.

The appropriation of penitentiary system serves to such humane purposes as readaptation, resocialization, correctional education, on the one hand, and protection of society against criminals, on the other.

Overpopulation is one of the major and specific problems of the Nigerian prisons. As a result, there are outbreaks of such diseases that cause deaths of many criminals in the prison.

The other problem is that the prisons usually have a destructive influence on the individuality instead of being a rehab facility.

Among the convicted people there are about half of them who have diagnosis of mental disorder. In addition, imprisonment aggravates the problems with mental health and produces new ones for those who have never had them before [1].

As a way of attendance for the mental health of the convicted, the penitentiary system is directed not only to the treatment, but to the prisoners' mental health stabilization.

In case when the individual has serious psychological problems, such as hallucinations or psychosis, the person can be provided with the appropriate professional treatment. However, the minimum attention is paid to the convicted people with the increased anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental problems, which do not lead to radical changes in behavior. Thus, the penitentiary system of Nigeria does not provide proper maintenance of prisoners [1].

The violence from other prisoners and guards and the official misconduct from prison administration lead to psychological traumas, raise the anxiety level and cause depression and progression of phobias and posttraumatic stress disorder. It refers to those prisoners who had no serious problems with mental health before.

The probability of emotional support of another prisoners or prison administration is extremely small. The support of relatives can play a crucial role to prisoners in rendering help with overcoming of the psychological problems with the isolation and those ones, which are shown as a depression and psychic tension [2].

The problems with mental health, which the prisoner gains in prison, promote an increase in risk of relapse and worsening of a post-penitentiary re-adaptation.

It should be noted that violation of the rights of prisoners does not cause public sympathy as they has broken the law.

It is known that about 70% of the convicted are taken into custody again within three years after their release. Many researchers underline that people who get to places of detention lose much more than just a freedom. They also lose the independence, self-respect, personality, friends and the possibility of a choice.

Being imprisoned is connected with different problems: thus, the individual demonstration of the feelings is considered as a sign of weakness by other convicted people and they take advantage of it. Communications of the prisoners are associated with showing distrust to each other, suspiciousness and increased vigilance. On the contrary, the prison gives real opportunities for those who are ready to use them. The matter concerns the possibility of prisoners' participation in educational, rehabilitation and confessional programs.

The problem. Psychological aspects of imprisonment and its consequences for prisoners have been always considered as significant. Almost half a century ago, Gresham Sykes wrote: "life in a high security prison leads to extreme frustration". Since then almost nothing has changed [3].

Besides, long adaptation to imprisonment and disappointment in life cause certain psychological problems. So J. Travis and M. Waul [4] noted that social and psychological adaptation to places of imprisonment forms stereotypes of such way of thinking and activity that are extremely destructive but such after-effects are individual and reversible. It should be noted that not every imprisoned person is completely disconnected from society or psychologically suffer from experience of being imprisoned.

Essentially, the prison is a stressful factor, with a long-termed consequence of effect. In the process of adaptation to the asperities of prison life, its model and its norms of communication with other individuals many prisoners constantly need to psychologically reconstruct themselves, but usually to a negative side. A work of prison system often runs counter to the very purpose of imprisonment according to which it is necessary to form a law obedient person in the process of imprisonment.

Purposes of research

Thematic justification of this research is connected with growth of need for improvement of living conditions for prisoners around the world, especially in


Nigeria. The research of psychological consequences of being imprisoned will help to solve this problem.

The goal of research is to identify the features of psychological impact on prisoners in penitentiary systems of Nigeria

The research task includes:

1. To analyze the theoretical and methodological base of research.

2. To find out features of imprisonment impact on a psychological state of prisoners;

3. To define if the peculiarities of treatment with prisoners influence their psychological state;

4. To determine whether the programs of psycho-pedagogical and professional socialization are available to affect the psychological state of the prisoners;

5. To define if the placing of the prisons in close vicinity to the place of residence of relatives and friends influence the psychological state of the prisoners.

6. To find out if there is an influence on a psychological state when the visitors stay alone with the prisoner without any supervision of the prisons officers.

7. Figure out the influence of the presence of social objects in prison on a psychological state of prisoners.

The research methods:

1. Questionnaire.

2. Method of monitoring conditions of detention.

3. Statistical data analysis.

4. Qualitative data analysis.

Research significance. The results of this research will be valuable for formation of the measures for resocialization of criminals after a served term, providing the psycho-prophylactic help with decrease in level of psychological problems about being imprisoned.

Characteristics of the research base. In Abeokuta, state Ogun, Nigeria, prisoners of Ibara and Oba prisons have been studied.

Theoretical basis


For this study the social and psychological paradigm of interactionism is used conducing apperception of society as a whole by studying social interactions in small groups. The paradigm of interactionism generalizes the fundamental forms of social interaction and is considered to be a basis for studying the personality as a part of the world of significant objects. These objects can include material ones, activities, the relations of the other people and even symbols [5; 6].

C.H. Cooley [7] and H. Blumer [8] focused their attention on human interactions in small group, communication and influence of the staff on the personality. In a classical example of the interactionism studies the sociologist H. Becker [9] shows the importance of involvement in deviant behavior through interaction with other individuals who were also involved in antisocial behavior.

G. Ritzer [10] notes that from the point of interactionism, the majority of forms of criminal or normal behavior is shaped by knowledge gained from the intimates.

The usage of the theory of interactionism in our research is proved by the fact that it is the best way of explaining the interaction between prisoners and prison inspectors. The use of this theory will help with the creation of the more humane approach to interaction with a criminal personality.

Thus, in the long term of interactionism it is possible to work with an entire completeness of the studied personality.

Design of research

This research was provided with a questionnaire. This method was used for the purpose of the nature of psychological impact detection on prisoners and their behavior in conditions of being in places of confinement.


All in all the selection made 100 examinees of both the persons under investigation and the convicted. There are 75% of male respondents, and 25% female ones. The used research tool (questionnaire) is considered to be the most suitable as it covers the range of the person relations and, thus, it reflects the perceived content of reality. Every answer in the questionnaire was considered by the expert for definition of degree in which the imprisonment psychologically affects the behavior of examinees.


As a result of the questionnaire method usage, the facts about psychological impact of being imprisoned were received with the purpose of determination the degree psychological impact of conditions in prisons of Nigeria on the prisoners.

Methods of data analysis

On the basis of the questionnaires, these research data is analyzed by means of SPSS ver 20. The method of mathematical statistics with the analysis of the psychological, social and economical characteristics of the respondents and the cluster analysis are used.


In the research the questionnaire method is used for the purpose of studying the nature of psychological impact of being imprisoned in places of confinement. The following data is obtained as a result.

Table 1: Distribution of Respondent by Age, education, marital status and length of service

AGE N of respondent (%) LEVEL OF EDUCATION N of respondent %

18-28 (7M, 5F) 12 12 Primary (4M, 5F) 9 9

29-38 (15M, 10F) 25 25 Secondary (36M, 30F) 66 66

39-48 (38M, 10F) 48 48 Tertiary (12M, 5F) 17 17

49 and above (M) 15 15 Non-formal (8F) 8 8

total 100 100 Total 100 100

MARITAL STATUS N of respondent (%) LENGTH OF SERVICE (YEARS) N of respondent (%)

Married (12M, 9F) 21 21 1-18 (8M, 25F) 33 33

Single (32M, 30F) 62 62 19-28 (25M, 3F) 28 28

Divorced (4M, 7F) 11 11 29-38 (M15) 15 15

Widow (6F) 6 6 39-above (21M, 3F) 24 24

Total 100 100% Total 100 100

Legend: M - male, F - female, % - Percentage, N - numbers

Table2: Main data

Is Nigeria Prison under-populated? Do you think that you have stayed long in the prison?

Frequency % Valid % Cumulati ve % Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive %

Valid yes (3M, 4F) 7 6.8 7.0 7.0 yes (31M, 10F) 41 39.8 41.0 41.0

no (70M, 23F) 93 90.3 93.0 100.0 'no (15M, 44F) 59 57.3 59.0 100

To tal 100 97.1 100 'Total 100 97.1 100

Missing System 3 2.9 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Are you comfortable with the prison accommodation? The prison population can lead to outbreak of epidemic

Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive % Frequ ency % Valid % Cumula tive %

Valid yes (3M) 3 2.9 3.0 3.0 Valid yes (30M, 57F) 87 84.5 87.0 87.0

no (76M, 20F) 96 93.2 97.0 100 no (9M, 4F) 13 12.6 13.0 100

To tal 99 96.1 100 Total 100 97.1 100

Missing System 4 3.9 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Are you being feed well in the prison? Do you find pleasure associating with other inmates?

Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive % Frequ ency % Valid % Cumula tive %

Valid yes (2M) 2 1.9 2.0 3.0 Valid yes (26M, 20F) 46 44.7 46.0 46.0

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no (30M, 68F) 98 95.1 98.0 100 no (24M, 30F) 54 52.4 54.0 100

To tal 100 97.1 100 Total 100 97.1 100 46.0

Missing System 3 2.9 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Is there good synergy between all inmates and prison staffs? Do you think you are guilty of the offences charged against you?

Frequency % Valid % Cumulati ve % Frequency % V /alid % Cumulat ive %

Valid yes (39M, 30F) 69 67.0 71.9 71.9 yes (18M, 9F) 27 26.2 2 7.0 27.0

no (14M, 13F) 27 26.2 28.1 'no (33M, 40F) 73 70.9 7 3.0 100

To tal 96 93.2 100 71.9 'Total 100 97.1 1 00

Missing System 3 6.8 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 26.2 Total 103 100

Prison staffs relationship make prisoners feel better emotionally Can we say the prison system is a rehabilitation centre?

Frequency % Valid % Cumulati ve % Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive %

Valid yes (47M, 30F) 77 74.8 77.0 77.0 yes (13M, 17F) 30 29.1 30.6 30.6

no (4M, 19F) 23 22.3 23.0 'no (38M, 30F) 68 66.0 69.4 100

To tal 100 97.1 100 100 'Total 98 95.1 100

Missing System 3 2.9 Missing System 5 4.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Do activities in the prison have direct impact on you? Prison authorities organize rehabilitation programs for inmates

Frequency % Valid % Cumulati ve % Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive %

Valid yes (30M, 26F) 56 54.4 56.0 56.0 yes (12M, 13F) 35 34.0 35.0 35.0

no (20M, 24F) 44 42.7 44.0 no (33M, 32F) 65 63.1 65.0 100

To tal 100 97.1 100 100 'Total 100 97.1 100

Missing System 3 2.9 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Inmates partake in vocational activities while in the prison Illiterate inmates in the prison can now read and write due to the availability of educational acquisition program in the prison system

Frequency % Valid % Cumulati ve % Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive %

Valid yes (36M, 40F) 76 73.8 76.0 76.0 yes (30M, 23F) 53 51.5 53.0 53.0

no (14M, 10F) 24 23.3 24.0 100 no (20M, 27F) 47 45.6 47.0 100

To tal 100 97.1 100 'Total 100 97.1 100

Missing System 3 2.9 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Availability of educational/skills acquisition program affects inmates psychologically Are you happy staying in the prison?

Frequency % Valid % Cumulati ve % Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive %

Valid yes (47M, 45F) 92 89.3 92.0 92.0 yes (8M) 8 7.8 8.0 8.0

no (8F) 8 7.8 8.0 100 'no (40M, 52F) 92 89.3 92.0 100

To tal 100 97.1 100 'Total 100 97.1 100

Missing System 3 2.9 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Inmates are often allowed to have conjugal visit Inmates staying with their visitor without supervision make them feel better emotionally

Frequency % Valid % Cumulati ve % Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive %

Valid yes (10M, 15F) 25 24.3 25.0 25.0 yes (45M, 47F) 92 89.3 92.0 92.0

no (45M, 30F) 75 72.8 75.0 100 no (4M, 4F) 8 7.8 8.0 100

To tal 100 97.1 100 'Total 100 97.1 100

Missing System 3 2.9 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Inmates are allowed to stay in prison that is close to their family Do you get satisfaction being away from home?

Frequency % Valid % Cumulati ve % Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive %

Valid yes (10M, 12F) 22 21.4 22.0 22.0 yes (12M, 5F) 17 16.5 17.0 17.0

no (48M, 30F) 78 75.7 78.0 100 no (20M, 63F) 83 80.6 83.0 100

To tal 100 97.1 100 'Total 100 97.1 100

Missing System 3 2.9 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Are you allowed to receive visitors in the prison? Do you have freedom within the prison premises?

Frequency % Valid % Cumulati ve % Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive %

Valid yes (40M, 49F) 89 86.4 89.9 89.9 yes (38M, 20F) 58 56.3 58.0 58.0

no (7M, 3F) 10 9.7 10.1 100 'no (10M, 32F) 42 40.8 42.0 100

To tal 99 96.1 100 'Total 100 97.1 100

Missing System 4 3.9 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Inmates are often entitled to have visitors Inmates staying with their visitor without supervision make them feel better emotionally

Frequency % Valid % Cumulati ve % Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive %

Valid yes (15M, 16F) 31 30.1 31.0 31.0 yes (42M, 50F) 92 89.3 92.0 92.0

no (35M, 34F) 69 67.0 69.0 100 no (7M, 3F) 8 7.8 8.0 100

To tal 100 97.1 100 'Total 100 97.1 100

Missing System 3 2.9 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Are there social amenities in the Prison? Have you been ill since you were convicted?

Frequency % Valid % Cumulati ve % Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive %

Valid yes (15M, 20F) 35 34.0 35.0 35.0 yes (30M, 43F) 73 70.9 73.0 73.0

no (30M, 35F) 65 63.1 65.0 100 no (17M, 10F) 27 26.2 27.0 100

To tal 100 97.1 100 'Total 100 97.1 100

Missing System 3 2.9 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Are there social amenities in the Prison? Have you been ill since you were convicted?

Frequency % Valid % Cumulati ve % Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive %

Valid yes (15M, 20F) 35 34.0 35.0 35.0 yes (30M, 43F) 73 70.9 73.0 73.0

no (30M, 35F) 65 63.1 65.0 100 'no (17M, 10F) 27 26.2 27.0 100

To tal 100 97.1 100 'Total 100 97.1 100

Missing System 3 2.9 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Do you receive proper treatment? The availability of social amenities make inmates feel better

Frequency % Valid % Cumulati ve % Frequency % Valid % Cumulat ive %

Valid yes (10M, 16F) 26 25.2 26.0 26.0 yes (35M, 40F) 85 82.5 85.0 85.0

no (34M, 40F) 74 71.8 74.0 100 no (5M, 10F) 15 14.6 15.0 100

To tal 100 97.1 100 'Total 100 97.1 100

Missing System 3 2.9 Missing System 3 2.9

Total 103 100 Total 103 100

Availability of social amenities in prison affects inmates psychologically

] frequency % Valid % Cumulative %

Valid Yes ( 40M, 46F) 86 83.5 86.0 86.0

No ( 7M, 7F) 14 13.6 14.0 100

Total 00 97.1 100

Missing System 3 2.9

Total 03 100

There are 12% of respondents at the age from 18 to 28, 25% aged from 29 to 38, 48% aged from 39 to 48, 15% of respondents aged from 49 years and older.

There are 62% of respondents who are not married and 21% who are married. About 11% are divorced while 6 % of them are widowed.

There are 92% of respondents who have a certain education level while 8 % have no education at all (all of them are women).

Despite the information about the Nigerian prison system unloading, our research figured out that there are 93% of respondents who believe that the prison in Nigeria is overcrowded, 41% of the respondents are imprisoned for a long time, and 3% of confined respondents agreed that they feel comfortable in prison. The 87% of respondents consider that a big amount of prisoners feel psychological discomfort. Many of them believe that there can be an outbreak in prison because of its overpopulation.

As for a question of the psychological influence of the principles of treatment with prisoners, 2% of the inmates agreed that they are fed well, 54% do not agree that they get pleasure, communicating with their cellmates while 67% believe that they have good relations with prison inspectors. There are 27% of prisoners who admitted that they are guilty of commission of crime, being found guilty. 77% of respondents declared that, the relations with prison inspectors allow them to feel emotionally better.

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About 30% of prisoners admitted the prison as a rehabilitation center, 56% found that the prison effects them directly while 76% agreed that they take part in the programs of professional skills development. 47% noticed the reduced availability of educational program in penitentiary system and 92% agreed that existence of such program would psychologically help them.

As for the psychological impact of the treatment with prisoners, 8% of inmates are glad to stay in prison, 25% have an opportunity to gain a visit of the spouse, 92% of prisoners prefer to visit them without supervision while 78% of prisoners declare that they are not allowed to stay in such prisons that are too close to the places of residence of their families.

Emotionally, prisoners feel better with visitors when they are not under the supervision and 92% agreed with it. 31% consider that they have the right for

visitors, 58% are allowed to walk in prison, 86% are allowed to have visitors in prison while 17% are satisfied with the distance of prison from their home.

35% of respondents said that there are social services in prison, 73% used to get ill after conviction while only 26% received the proper treatment. 85% considered that the existence of social services would make them feel better, and 86% agreed that existence of social objects in prison would have positive influence on prisoners in psychological term.

Results of the cluster analysis of the received results

To pick out the major factors of psychological influence, which form adaptive symptom complex of the personality, the cluster analysis by a grouping method by Minkovsky was carried out. As for the grouping level, the fifth stage was chosen. In addition, data from all versions of answers in the questionnaire was registered in the SPSS complex and the statistical analysis of their interrelation was carried.

The received clusters have equally diffused characteristic. The 7 types of the psychological factors influencing prisoners in places of detention are singled out.

The first type of factors is connected with the term spent behind the bars. It formed a cluster, which included the term of the sentence of 19 years with full satisfaction of the prisoner with the distance from a place of detention to the house. We connect this cluster with the temporary influencing factor.

0 5 10 15 20 25

Tcrt*v_EHJCATKN 1 1

Do_vajjpM 5jjd£facdori_ bdni™ hart YES 5 t

Aqc -1 jrri 4

Lflrigih a" zeTfice^cxz1 5

Lflrigih a" 1 4

Lflrigih a' Jfco^c 1 ^

Figure 1. The dendrogram of a temporary factor

The second type of influencing factors is connected with such characteristics as the confession, the age of 29-38, satisfaction with the frequency of relatives visits, the aim that the prison is a rehabilitation center in some way, the feelings of social activities necessity (sports, art), participation of the administration in rehabilitation programs, keeping good relationship with prison inspectors, receiving appropriate medical treatment, the availability of social services (sports centers, games, opportunity to buy something, medical clinics), being married. We call this psychological factor "A factor of the positive adapting influence". It provides the prisoner's adaptation to the normal society and integration into it.

Figure 2. The dendrogram of positive adaptation to society

The third cluster shows such influencing factors as satisfaction from prison conveniences, prison food, feelings of happiness being imprisoned, unwillingness of prison social services improvement, primary or unfinished education, age of 18-28, depreciation of educational programs, denial of the negative influence of the prison on the personality ("the prison - the school of life"), small number of visitors, the tolerant relation to the prison officer presence during family and friends visits.

This cluster is connected with an adaptation factor of the prisoner to the places of detention opposed to the previous one, which was characterized by the positive influence on possible adaptation to the society. The prisoners with such factor either have no education or have finished secondary school. Poverty and lack of opportunities force them to be more attached to the prison environment where they have to get food and shelter themselves. We call this factor "A factor of positive adaptation to prison conditions".

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Figure 3. The dendrogram of positive adaptation of the prisoner to prison

The fourth cluster is characterized by such phenomena as a small imprisonment term, conflict relationship with the prison inspectors and bad experience of not being free. We connect this factor with understanding the factors, which negatively influence the prisoner's adaptation to prison conditions considering the small term of imprisonment - "The disadaptive prison factors".

Figure 4. The dendrogram of the disadaptive factors

The fifth cluster is connected with such parameters as a positive estimation of the participation in educational programs, realization of the negative influence of the other prisoners on the personality, a desire to stay alone with the visitor in prison, a lack of being happy staying in prison. This cluster is connected with the international factors influencing conscious perception of them in prison with a critical assessment of the situation. We call this factor "A critical self-assessment".

skills_K"^sldcri_(3^airi_afifcca; Jr#rjKsjKycholc£lcJlly_YES 4 f--

rfriite-5 _s toy _Vi1 fhjhrt ry1 s I dotJJmJ braer_wl feu: on c era YE S 53

T]Tc_pcpjl ¿mi oncfjhejpri s ol_l mute* jw^afl vraly_YES 23 —P™

SocljJ_jir.ortdos_lnj3rison_jffKK Jiviurs jMyohrtoglcflllyYES f 3 — —

Are_y co_ al I cwedtojoc ci vfa_v I s I rcre J n jhe_pri s on_Y E S 59 -

Are_y«ij"iappi_siaylng_lnjj"(c- prison NO 50 -

Figure 5. The dendrogram of the cluster "A conscious critical self-assessment".

The sixth cluster includes such categories as lack of social services, opportunities to meet the relatives, lack of rehabilitation programs, a refusal to admit the guilt, lack of the correct treatment, taking prison not as the rehabilitation center, coming through a serious illness after detention, etc. This cluster is connected with the negative factors causing psychological problems of the person. We call it "Factors of social disadaptation".

Qffl c ere rcl ad cos hi p_nufc c_prt s coon; Jteel beocr_ancl coal I jr_YE S 35 —

females _ jrc ¿J I cwcd_co_s cay J n_p<1 s on_c I os ejo ■ Jhd rjuri I y _H0 5 b —

hmacss _arajoBon_al I owedjojwv e_c onj _y I s I t_NQ 5 j_!

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Social aircrJtics r~ake irr-a-jC-j 'ocl befKf_YES [ 1 —1

EiQi_yiBU_Hnh_yiBU_Bnjpdllf_iBl_l«fe irtfi«_NQ 34 "H

[ririaßes panah c J ray ad oral ac I vides wt" JI ft J njhe_pi1 s on_Y ES 43 —

Hiye yoLi tccri_lll _slncft_you were- convlcoedYES 6 f -

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Figure 6. The dendrogram " Factors of social disadaptation".

The seventh cluster is connected with such an evaluative dimension as a refusal of negative perception of prison influence on the personality, a denial of educational programs' positive influence, bad relations with cellmates, feeling of a sufficient freedom of movement, perception of being imprisoned for a long time. Thus, the examinees have a predominance of similar factors and consciously perceive the fact of imprisonment as a kind of a positive one and tolerantly treats it. We call it "A noncritical self-assessment".

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Figure 7. The dendrogram "A conscious noncritical self-assessment".


One of the most important problems of imprisonment is resocialization of the prisoner [11]. It leads to bringing the crime rate down in society. Identification of social and psychological problems will help to produce the methods of rehabilitation for prisoners. It concerns both the local level of a particular prison and the whole system of punishment.

For the appropriate functioning of the whole system of the correction of the convicted, it is necessary to explore a conglomerate of conditions that promote supportive atmosphere for teaching and participation in rehabilitation actions.

However, the results received in empirical research lead to an opposite conclusion about penitentiary system conditions. For example, a negative psychological influence on the prisoners occurs because of the overgrowth of the number of prisoners.

We found out that 93% of the Nigerian prisoners who took part in research complain of the prison cells overpopulation, while 41% of respondents are imprisoned for a long time, and they know all the problems in this institution. Thus, despite talks about unloading, the well-known problem of overpopulation in prison cells has not been completely solved yet, and the carried reforms do not lead to any result.

This situation makes negative psychological impact on prisoners. With such experience of being confined, the prisoner leaves prison and gets such a depressed and frustrated state that it will be difficult to the society to take the person as legitimate member back. The liberated person will feel as he is beyond the bounds of social relations and he will not be able to integrate into a public discourse and to become the full-fledged personality as before. This situation can lead ex-condemned to mental disorders, recidivism, involvement into forms of deviant behavior (drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.).

We found out that existence of the training, medical infrastructure and relationship with other people makes a psychological impact on the health of the prisoner. Poor nutrition and being imprisoned without final court judgment on guilt forces the prisoners to feel depressed in the society making the relations with the prison inspectors worse.

Besides, the availability of education and training program makes a positive psychological impact on the re-socialized person. Only 30% of prisoners agreed that the prison accomplishes the function of the rehabilitation center, 56% recognized that social activity (games, art) in prison has direct impact on their psychological health, 76% noted that they take part in professional skills formation, 92% agreed that existence of an educational program would help to stabilize their psychological state.

If the prison system does not represent the rehabilitation center as it has to be, so the improving education and training programs will not be enough, the purpose of imprisonment will admit defeat and psychological stability of the prisoners will be under the threat.

Emotionally, prisoners feel better with visitors when they are not supervised.

Existence of social services in prison has positive psychological impact on prisoners.

In the questionnaire, we consumed that the social and psychological factors influence the personality. After the cluster analysis we divided all factors into internal (a factor "A noncritical self-assessment" - "A critical self-assessment") and external. The last ones are subdivided into factors connected with the prison ("adaptation to prison" - "disadaptation in prison", a time factor) and factors connected with the inmate's attitude towards the acceptable norms of the society ("Factors of social adaptation" - "Factors of social disadaptation").


A negative factor for resocialization and adaptation of the person in a law-abiding society is keeping indoor and communication with a problem contingent. From the point of view of philosophy of correction and rehabilitation, it is counterproductive and can lead to a psychological imbalance. It is impossible to correct or rehabilitate the prisoner to life in society without giving him any responsibility. Re-adaptational functions of Nigerian prison system are counterproductive and the degree, with the help of which they can lead to reduction of the crime in Nigerian society, is minimal.


Negative psychological impact on the prisoners can be minimized only in case when the readaptation becomes the main goal of penal system. And in order to make the readaptation more effective, penitentiary institutions mainly have to be quite promptly and well financed by state-financed organizations and authorities. The Nigerian government has to care about development of adequate payment ways, the prisons staff to be well motivated, and also about hiring additional employees.

Besides, it is necessary to pay special attention to an individual, attention to the prisoners while taking measures of their corrections. This is connected with the fact that the same type of correction methods cannot be equally successful for all the criminals under different circumstances.


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