Научная статья на тему 'Psychological peculiarities of life position determination in adolescence'

Psychological peculiarities of life position determination in adolescence Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Ondo Anghe A.

The article presents the results of the experimental study of the psychological features of the formation of a person's life position in adolescence, depending on the physical aspect of adolescent consciousness. The necessity of such a study is substantiated, the initial data of the experimental study and its methodology are described. The levels of individual's directions (physical, spiritual and social) and criteria (self-understanding, autosympathy, autonomy) of teenager's life position and his / her personal determinants (orientation towards the future, general self-efficacy, frustration tolerance) are investigated. The selected results of factor analysis are presented as factors that influence the formation of life position of teenager. According to the results of the cluster analysis, a typology of adolescents' life position was formed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Psychological peculiarities of life position determination in adolescence»




Ондо Анге А.М.



Ondo Anghe A.


В статп наведеш результати проведеного експериментального дослвдженпя психологiчних особливо-стей становления життево! позици у шдликовому вiцi в !хшй залежностi ввд тiлесного аспекту самосввдо-мостi шдлтгка. Детально обгрунтована необхiднiсть такого дослщження, описанi вихiднi данi експериментального дослщження та його методологiя. Дослщжеш рiвнi окремих напрямiв (тiлесного, духовного та сощального), критерив (саморозумiння, аутосимпапя, автономнiсть), становлення життево! позици шдлита та його особистiсних детермiнант ^iem^^ на майбутне, загальна самоефективнiсть, фрустра-цiйна толерантнiсть). Наведенi видiленi результата факторного аналiзу фактори, як1 впливають на фор-мування життево! позици. За результатами кластерного аналiзу сформована типолопя життево! позицi! пiдлiткiв.


The article presents the results of the experimental study of the psychological features of the formation of a person's life position in adolescence, depending on the physical aspect of adolescent consciousness. The necessity of such a study is substantiated, the initial data of the experimental study and its methodology are described. The levels of individual's directions (physical, spiritual and social) and criteria (self-understanding, autosympathy, autonomy) of teenager's life position and his / her personal determinants (orientation towards the future, general self-efficacy, frustration tolerance) are investigated. The selected results of factor analysis are presented as factors that influence the formation of life position of teenager. According to the results of the cluster analysis, a typology of adolescents' life position was formed.

Ключовi слова: життева позищя, шдлгтковий вж, особиспсш детермшанти, самодетермшащя, орiе-нтацш на майбутне, загальна самоефективнють, фрустрацшна толерантшсть, рiвнi сформовапосп життево! позици.

Keywords: life position, adolescence, personal determinants, self-determination, future orientation, overall self-efficacy, frustration tolerance, levels of life position formation.

Target setting. A person living in society and interacting with others always takes some kind of life position, which is manifested in opinions, judgments, actions, concessions and even inaction in all spheres of existence and activity. The life position of a person is a set of typical behavioral acts, a stable line of behavior and activity that has developed during his/her life. Although the base of life position is settled in the childhood and is formed on the basis of psycho-physiological data, such as the neuro-psychological formation peculiarities, the type of thinking, the adolescence, as the age of transition from childhood to adulthood, takes dominant place in its formation. Life position embodies the relationship of the individual and society and stands in as an integral socio-psychological characteristic of the individual. The richer and more diverse the social relations of the individual are, the more active the formation of the signs of socialization, and the wider the choice of those values that a person will absorb as a basis for his/her life position will be. The inner circle of a teenager, social attitudes and norms, conflicts and crises form and sharpen the fundamental features of the life position that will accompany a person all his life. Values and plans, crystallized in adolescence, determine the life of the person for many years to come. In

many cases, the right life position helps in personal development and early achievement of goals, but it needs to take into account the individual life traits of each person, because this position will further determine the perception of the world and the human environment. Formed life position helps to preserve the integrity of the inner world and achieve self-realization in the future. In its presence, the subject has a brighter process and result of self-actualization with a holistic worldview and orientation in public life. Life position, acting as one of the main regulators of social behavior in specific conditions, provides a perspective of life and development of personal individuality. It is the challenge for psychologists working with adolescents to help in correct and successful formation of a life position, and therefore it requires detailed research within the framework of psychological science, which makes it extremely urgent task of this scientific intelligence.

In our study, we proceeded from the fact that the phenomenon of life position should be analysed in accordance with the laws of human being. From the point of view of philosophy the existence of each separate person prevails in three dimensions: 1) as life of the separate biological being; 2) as socially-historical be-

ing, that is as a set of social connections and the relations; 3) as spiritual being, that is as a set of values and meanings, consciousness and activity. Existing in these three dimensions, a person constantly experiences complex collisions of spirit and body, personal and collective consciousness, spirit and objects created in the social and cultural environment. At the same time, the existence of each individual cannot be considered in isolation from the existence of the environment, the existence of society and the existence of the Universe, and the regular dependence of natural and social existence are respectively transformed into the laws of human behavior, values and meanings of human life. This principle, so-called joining the world principle is necessary for a full human existence, because a person exists in unity with nature and society, it is the center of activity, objectification of meanings and values. Thus, we can assume that a person exists in the unity of his/her social, spiritual and physical forms of his life [1, p. 27]. Respectively, the individual's life position should be analysed in three main directions of human existence: physical, social and spiritual.

In addition, in the theoretical part of our study, we have identified the following criteria for a life position: self-understanding, autosympathy, autonomy, which represent the three realms of the phenomenon being studied — cognitive, affective, and behavioral. Self-understanding is an empirical criterion for the cognitive component of a life position; it is a special manifestation of self-awareness, a cognitive representation of what a person thinks of themselves with who they really are. Self-understanding is a relatively new phenomenon in psychology, associated with personal growth and self-actualization, as well as with the process and result of finding the meaning of one's existence. Autosympathy is an empirical criterion for the affective component of life position formation; it is a system of personal attitude, the dominant among which is self-image or self-adjustment. Autosympathy - the experience of self-worth, self-acceptance, self-image in various spheres of human life. Autonomy is an empirical criterion of the behavioral component of the life position formation in adolescence, which could be demonstrated in self-determination and independence, the ability of social pressure resistance, in thinking and behaving independently, assessing oneself based on personal standards, self-regulation of one's own behavior.

According to abovementioned directions and criteria, as well as depending on the previously defined personal determinants (orientation towards the future, overall self-efficacy, frustration tolerance), we conducted an experimental study of the life position among adolescents.

Recent research and publications analysis.

Among the latest scientific research related to the theme of the work, it should be noted the works of I.V. Abaieva, I.V. Anfalova, I.F. Arshava, S.V. Bonkalo, I.R. Zainahabdinov, O.M. Kikinezhdi, O.L. Kononko, T.O. Larina, V.V. Lukianenko, T.N. Lukianenko, Ye.A. Liubachevska, V.N. Markin, Ye.O. Mititsyna, I.V. Mykhailova, T.A. Nechytailo, N.V. Panova, L.V.

Pomytkina, Ye.P. Rubtsova, O.O. Tiunova, V.V. Kha-bailiuk, V.P. Chudakova.

Highlighting of previously unsolved parts of the overall problem. Despite the interest in this and related topics, in general, the problem of forming a life position in adolescence is unsolved.

The purpose of the article: the experimental study of psychological peculiarities of life position determination in adolescence.

Presentation of the main material of the study.

The first step of the experimental part of our study has become the selection of a sample group that will take part in it. So, it was decided that 235 respondents (1315 years old) including 117 pupils of 13-14 years old and 118 pupils of 14-15 years old of "Prosvita" TEC (Odesa city), "Khabad" TEC (Odesa city), will take part in ascertaining experiment. The ascertaining experiment was conducted in April-May 2015.

The following provision became the hypothesis of the study: the success of the life position determination of a teenager will increase if the process is to consider the image of the physical I and integrative bases of personality development, holistic understanding of the nature of life position, its functional characteristics, criteria and levels of formation.

For the measurement of separate areas of the life position formation we have chosen: 1) for the determinant — orientation toward the future, index — self-understanding and physical direction — "The Questionnaire of self-reflection of physical capacity" by H.V. Lozhkin, A.Yu. Rozhdestvenskyi [2], additionally there has also been used "The Method of Unfinished Sentences" for the diagnosis of generalized attitudes by S.I. Podmazin, O.I. Sibil [4] rev. by I.V. Mykhailova and "The Methods of Life Strategies of the Individual Research" by M.O. Mdivani, P.B. Kodess [3]; 2) for the determinant — frustration tolerance, index — autosympathies and spiritual direction — "Verbal frustration test" by L.M. Sobchyk (children's version) [5]; 3) for the determinant — self-efficacies; index — autonomy and social direction — "Scale of overall self-efficacy" by R. Schwarzer, M. Yerusalem, V. Romek [6]. Mathematical and statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using 9* - criterion of Fisher's angular transformation and rs - Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Statistical processing and graphical presentation were carried out using the computer program SPSS (version 22.0). When choosing these methods, we took into account their accessibility, ease of use, availability of data on the validity, reliability, as well as the possibility of obtaining significant results for our experiment. The specified complex of methods was preliminarily approved confirming the adequacy of its use and allowing to use it for the solution of the challenges.

Using "The Modified Questionnaire of Self-Actualization Diagnostic SAMOAL" (A.V. Lazukin adapted by N.F. Kalina) and "Questionnaire of self-reflection of physical potential" by H.V. Lozhkin, A.Yu. Rozhdestvensky among the studied adolescents we found out three levels of formation of each of the life position directions - physical, social and spiritual -high, low and medium. The comparison of quantitative results of each of the levels of this group of respondents

allowed us to state that the medium level is dominant in all structural components of life position in adolescence. The medium level of a life position formation is expressed as follows: physical (^=55.7%), social (^=63.37%) and spiritual (^=54.89%) directions. This is because adolescence is the age of the personality determination, not all person judgments are enshrined in the character traits, the person is still tense, unbalanced, conflict, having a number of doubts about him/herself and the surrounding world.

On the contrary, adolescents with a low level of formation of one or more directions of life position determination of physical (^=28.1%), social (^=21.31%) and spiritual (^=28.02%) direction need psychological help, because they have problems of self-realization, conflict with social norms, difficulties in communicating with other people, both adults and peers, are emotionally unstable, anxious and insecure, often hate their own body, have personal disintegration, eating disorders, other psychological disorders.

The combination of high levels of all three directions of life position formation - physical (^=16.2%), social (^=17.47%) and spiritual (^=17.09%) is optimal for the harmonious personality formation. Such adolescents are also in search of their own I, but they are active members of society, perceive themselves positively and seek ways of their spiritual development. They can be considered as already formed personalities and have all opportunities for harmonious and successful further development.

The next step of the study was to measure the levels of personal determinants development in adolescents (orientation towards the future, overall self-efficacy, frustration tolerance) using "The Method of Unfinished Sentences" by S.I. Podmazin and O.I. Sibil rev. by I.V. Mukhailova, "The Scale of Overall Self-Efficacy" by R. Schwarzer, M. Yerusalem, V. Romek, "Verbal frustration test" by L.M. Sobchyk. According to summarized indicators, adolescents who participated in the study were also divided into three groups: with high, medium and low levels of personal determinants development.

The pupils of teenage age who experience the integrity of time prospect with a positive orientation of thoughts in the future and understanding of the importance of the realistic life plan creation and future professional self-realization were classified as the group with a high level of personal determinants development of a life position formation. Frustration tolerance as an affective personal determinant is manifested in this case at a high level in the experience of emotional stability under the influence of frustrators (values and subjects) in various spheres of life (family, intimate, educational, social). The overall self-efficacy in their behavior acts as confidence in their own abilities, their adequate evaluation with the expectation of success.

Psychological characteristics of the medium level of personal determinants of life position formation, in adolescence, we believe to be the presence of time self-adjustments in self-awareness that is consistent in time horizon by connecting the protective mechanisms limiting self-awareness and constructive manifestations of

a life position. These pupils experience emotional stability episodically under the influence of only certain frustrators (values and subjects). Manifestations of overall self-efficacy at this level are displayed in the inadequate assessment of one's own abilities, which is accompanied by persistent confidence in success and its expectation based on external support, this leads to ineffective, immature behavior. At this level, there is a contradiction of two opposite trends: the desire for autonomy and infantile orientation to parental care.

The low level of personal determinants of a life position in adolescence is typical for the testees, who have unbalanced time self-adjustments that are not integrated with a time horizon. They have a negative attitude to the future, which leads to a lack of desire to build a life plan, denial of the importance of professional self-realization. Frustration tolerance is expressed in these testees at a low level, by obsessive recreation of negative experiences under the influence of frustrators (values and subjects). The overall self-efficacy is characterized by uncertainty in one's abilities, their underestimation.

From the analysis of the obtained data we concluded that the optimal level for the life position formation is believed to be the high level of personal determinant formation, but a dominant level among teenagers is the medium one, due to the psychological characteristics of this age, in particular, insufficient awareness of the importance of a positive attitude to the future, the contradictions in time self-adjustments, in the experience of emotional stability and self-efficacy, use of protective mechanisms, which leads to destructive manifestations of the life position. The presence of a low level of all personal determinants in a significant part of adolescents, which can lead to psychological problems of deviant behavior, social anomie is a matter of concern. This situation requires a psychologist, teacher, parents intervention and the psycho-correctional work performance.

The data obtained during the ascertaining experiment were analyzed by us with the help of factor and cluster analysis. The data of ascertaining experiment analysis allowed us to reveal the correlation between the levels of separate directions of a life position formation and personal determinants formation which relate to each other.

As the result of factor analysis we have identified four factors that, in our opinion, have the greatest influence on the life position determination of adolescents: 1) the most powerful factor F1 - "traditional values -the desire for self-realization, distinctness of plans", is bipolar and explains 45.3% of the total variance; 2) factor F2 - "uncertainty, the importance of the microenvironment views - confidence, the importance of socio-cultural status", is bipolar and explains 19.6% of the total variance; 3) factor F3 - "problematization of plans, friends - pessimism, parents" is bipolar and explains 12.1% of the total variance; 4) factor F4 - "situational-ity" is unipolar and explains 10.5% of the total variance.

To prove the assumption that it is possible to identify different levels of life position of adolescents formation empirically, the cluster analysis, which allowed

to unite the subjects into homogeneous groups on the principle of short-range communication was used. A graphical representation of the hierarchical clustering tree is shown in Figure 1.

The data obtained as a result of hierarchical clustering allow us to say that by the combination of the studied parameters the sample is divided into two completely different groups, each of which is divided into four clusters. Thus, we divided the sample description of the life position of adolescents into eight clusters-groups, each of which has its own peculiarities.

During the cluster analysis of a life position of adolescents, we have obtained eight types of teenagers: 1)

persons with determined harmonious life position; 2) persons with determined life position; 3) persons with determined unbalanced life position; 4) persons with a life position which is in the process of formation; 5) persons with unstable life position; 6) person with the infantile life position; 7) persons with undetermined life position; 8) persons who need psychological help with life position determination. The clusters are determined by the level of formation of certain directions of life position (physical, social, spiritual) and the level of personal determinants development (orientation towards the future, frustration tolerance, overall self-efficacy).

Figure 1. Hierarchical clustering tree

After analyzing these clusters by quantitative, age, gender and grade, we obtained the following data.

The seventh and fourth clusters, 46 and 33 persons respectively, are the largest in terms of the number of persons. The smallest are the third, first and eighth clusters, 18, 24 and 24 persons respectively.

By age all clusters are mixed. But as by the dominant age the 1st, 2nd, 5 th clusters could be attributed to 14-year-olds, 6th and 8th clusters - 15-year-olds, 7th cluster - 13-year-olds, 2nd cluster - 14- and 15-year-olds, 4th - 13- and 14-year-olds,

All clusters include representatives of both genders, but only a few of them differ in the predominance of one gender: boys significantly predominate in the 3rd, 5th clusters, girls - in the 4th and 8th ones.

As regards the grades, the 1st, 2nd and eighth clusters are dominated by representatives of 9th grades, and the 6th cluster - by representatives of 8th grades, in all other clusters the representatives of the 8-th and 9-th grades are represented approximately equally.

If we consider these clusters-types more generally, we can conclude that we can group them on the basis

of life position formation: the first, second and third clusters - the high level of a life position formation, the fourth and fifth clusters - the medium level of a life position formation, the sixth, seventh and eighth clusters - the low level of a life position formation. All groups are mixed by gender and age.

Thus, at a more general level, we can divide all types of the life position formation of adolescents into two vectors: 1) positive, which does not involve turning to deviation (from the first to the fifth clusters); 2) negative, which is accompanied by a "departure" into deviation (the sixth, seventh and eighth clusters).

Conclusions and prospects for further research. Let's summarize our research:

1. Three levels of each of directions of a life position formation - physical, social and spiritual - high, low and medium were revealed among teenagers. The comparison of quantitative results of each of the levels of this group of respondents allowed us to state that the medium level is dominant in all structural components of life position in adolescence. This is because adolescence is the age of the personality determination, not all

person judgments are enshrined in the character traits, the person is still tense, unbalanced, conflict, having a number of doubts about him/herself and the surrounding world. Although the combination of high levels of all three directions of life position formation - physical, social and spiritual should be considered optimal for the harmonious personality formation.

2. According to the levels of personal determinants development in adolescents (orientation towards the future, overall self-efficacy, frustration tolerance), adolescents who participated in the study were also divided into three groups: with high, medium and low levels of personal determinants development. The optimal level for the life position formation should be considered a high level of personal determinants formation, but the medium level is dominant among adolescents, due to the psychological characteristics of this age. The presence of a low level of all personal determinants in a significant part of adolescents, which can lead to psychological problems of deviant behavior, social anomie is a matter of concern.

3. As the result of factor analysis four factors influencing on the life position determination of adolescents were specified: 1) the most powerful factor - "traditional values - the desire for self-realization, distinctness of plans"; 2) factor - "uncertainty, the importance of the microenvironment views - confidence, the importance of socio-cultural status"; 3) factor - "problem-atization of plans, friends - pessimism, parents"; 4) factor - "situationality".

4. During the cluster analysis of a life position of adolescents, we have obtained eight types of teenagers: 1) persons with determined harmonious life position; 2) persons with determined life position; 3) persons with determined unbalanced life position; 4) persons with a life position which is in the process of formation; 5) persons with unstable life position; 6) person with the infantile life position; 7) persons with undetermined

life position; 8) persons who need psychological help with life position determination. The clusters are determined by the level of formation of certain directions of life position (physical, social, spiritual) and the level of personal determinants development (orientation towards the future, frustration tolerance, overall self-efficacy).

The psychological peculiarities of manifestations of life position formation levels in adolescence obtained during the ascertaining experiment were taken into account in the development and testing of the psychocorrection events system during the formative experiment.


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