Psychological features of the students' legal profile as subject of interaction
Tatyana N. Scherbakova*, Tatyana Yu. Marinenko
Don State Technical University, Gagarin Sq., 1, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation *E-mail: [email protected]
"ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4114-185X Abstract
In the introduction, the justification of the relevance of the research of determinations of success of the students' legal profile as subject interactions in conditions of modern realities is presented. The results of theoretical analysis of subjective factors that cause success achievement in interpersonal contacts of miscellaneous sorts are presented. The directions of the students' manifestations of coping-strategy are described. They are directed to overcome the risks of interaction. Substantial characteristic of psychological features of activity of lawyers is given. The novelty of the research consists in the identification and the description of subjective factors of students' success of the legal direction of preparation in various situations of interaction. In the contents of the article, the analysis features communicative control, and the strategy of behavior in the conflict is included comparative. The "Materials and methods'' section shows the questionnaires and methods we used in our research: "Assessment of communicative control in communication" by M. Snider, "The strategy of behavior in the conflict" by K. Thomas, the questionnaire "I am a subject of interaction" by T. N. Scherbakova. It also includes the information about respondents - the 128 students from Southern Federal University. The role of student representations about factors successful interactions is shown in the section Results. In this module, the analysis results contain empirical research of the level of self-checking in communication and trends behavior in the conflict. In the Discussion, the description and interpretation of results of empirical research of subjective determinants of achievement of success in interaction situations are submitted. Data of empirical research show that there are resources and risks of law students' ideas about success factors and regulation of behavior as subjects of interaction. The role of representations of students - lawyers in the determination of the efficiency of their behavior in the conditions of communicative risks is for the first time shown. In the Conclusion, the existence of resources and risks of success of the identity of the student of a legal profile as a subject of interaction is emphasized. The model of psychological programs is presented. It increases the students-lawyers level of success in situations of interactions in modern conditions.
preadaptation, law student, success interactions, self-checking, subjective determinants, communicative competence, competitiveness.
For citation
Scherbakova, T. N., Marinenko, T. Yu. (2021). Psychological features of the students' legal profile as subject of interaction. Innovative Science: psychology, pedagogy, defectology, 4(3), 46-54. doi: https://doi.org/10.23947/2658-7165-2021-4-3-46-54
Психологические особенности студента юридического профиля как субъекта взаимодействия
Татьяна Н. Щербакова*, Татьяна Ю. Мариненко
Донской государственный технический университет, Ростов-на-Дону,
Российская Федерация
*E-mail: [email protected]
"ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4114-185X
Во Введении представлено обоснование актуальности исследования детерминации успешности студента юридического профиля как субъекта взаимодействия в условиях современной реальности. Представлены результаты теоретического анализа субъективных факторов, обуславливающих достижение успеха в межличностных контактах разного рода. Описаны основные направления проявления копинг-стратегий студентов, направленных на преодоление рисков взаимодействия. Дана содержательная характеристика психологических особенностей деятельности юристов. Новизна исследования заключается в выявлении и описании субъективных факторов успеха студентов юридического направления подготовки в различных ситуациях взаимодействия. В содержании статьи включён сопоставительный анализ особенностей коммуникативного контроля и стратегий поведения в конфликте. В разделе Результаты показана роль представлений студентов о факторах успешного взаимодействия. В данном модуле содержится анализ результатов эмпирического исследования уровня самоконтроля в общении и тенденций поведения в конфликте. В Обсуждении результатов представлено описание и интерпретация результатов эмпирического исследования субъективных детерминант достижения успеха в ситуациях взаимодействия. Данные эмпирического исследования показывают наличие ресурсов и рисков представлений студентов-юристов о факторах успеха и регуляции поведения как субъекта взаимодействия. Впервые показана роль представлений студентов -юристов в определении продуктивности
их поведения в условиях коммуникативных рисков. В Заключении подчеркивается наличие ресурсов и рисков успешности личности студента юридического профиля как субъекта взаимодействия. Представлена модель психологической программы повышения уровня успешности студентов- юристов в ситуациях взаимодействия в современных условиях.
Ключевые слова
преадаптация, студент-юрист, успешность взаимодействия, самоконтроль, субъективные детерминанты, коммуникативная компетентность, конкурентоспособность
Для цитирования
Щербакова Т. Н., Мариненко Т. Ю. Психологические особенности студента юридического профиля как субъекта взаимодействия// Инновационная наука: психология, педагогика, дефектология. 2021. Т. 4, № 3. С. 46-54. doi: https://doi. org/10.23947/2658-7165-2021-4-3-46-54
In modern society, proclaiming the idea creation of the legal environment of interaction increases social value and prospects of legal professions. At the same time, the quality problem of vocational training of the lawyer as the subject of social professional interactions is updated. The professional activity of the modern lawyer is characterized by the high density of communicative activity, responsibility, the raised index of frustration, and stress (Scherbakova, Misirov & Misirov, 2016; Lipinsky, Berdnikova & Schnaider, 2020; Nosik, Khomenko & Krasytska, 2021; Podorozhna et al, 2020; Yavorskiy, Milova & Bolgova, 2020). This circumstance demands from the expert in the field besides accurate and profound knowledge, the existence of certain personal qualities, the high level of development of social and communicative competence. Today understanding of point of activity, the ability is important for the future expert to sense-creativity, to the initiative, research to activity, to design of own development (Abakumova & Kagermazova, 2008; Dzhiga, 2020).
Psychologists note that the success of professional activity in the legal sphere shipped in a social context depends on several subject factors defining the stability of lawyer's personality, his ability to control situations and to choose the constructive coping strategy in difficult situations, to use individual resources rationally. A valuable cluster of individual systems of subjective factors defining the success of the expert in the law field are abilities of analytical, estimated, reflexive and predictive types. The high level of development of these abilities allows not only one to be guided adequately in a relevant situation, but also promotes a preadaptation to future conditions of activity course (Asmolov, Shekhter & Chernorizov, 2017; Shcherbakova, Misirov, Hakobyan & Zhitnaya, 2019).
Psychologists underline that the activity of the lawyer is characterized by the increased psychological tension of communications, a high probability of the emergence of psychological barriers, and conflicts (Nazarov, 2020).
Today we pay attention that the professional activity of lawyer specialists proceeds in the conditions of high situational and predictive uncertainty, against the background of a conflict situation between norms and rules of conduct in society and violation of norm that creates the raised moral loading. The high communicative and social competence, the existence of the created subject civic stand, adherence to principles, and tolerance is important at the same time (Abakumova & Kagermazova, 2008).
It should be borne in mind that today there are significant transformations of the value-semantic sphere of students as subjects of the educational process (Abakumova, Ryadinskaya & Golubova, 2018), including through the implementation of a meaning dialogue in the learning process (Sharapa & Agasiyan, 2019; Pronenko, Kovaleva & Popova, 2020).
It is possible to allocate a row of characteristic features of legal activity specifics:
- constant communication with subjects of complicated communication (defendants, suspects), victims, and witnesses;
- existence of a large number of extreme, acutely conflict situations;
- independence, personal responsibility;
- psychological overloads, dynamic working conditions, violation of the mode of daily activity, constant readiness for the execution of professional duties
- need of the solution of the vital questions affecting honor, advantage, and freedom of other people.
The typicality of legal activity stress is caused by the high density of the stress agents: social assessment of result and behavior, physical danger, uncertainty, need to work quickly and effectively in extreme conditions. Psychologists emphasize the following characteristics: self-assessment, adequacy, valence, and meaningfulness (Nepogodina & Yarusheva, 2020).
Psychologists understand psychological culture as the peculiar personal new growth of the professional that is formed in the training course of higher education, integrating special psychological knowledge, skills, and abilities which is necessary for productive communication. The psychological competence, in turn, increases the efficiency of the lawyer's professional activity in general, promoting its further professional growth, allows to choose adequate motivation of achievement of success, reducing risks (Pankratova, 2018; Sokolovich, 2020).
A great role in the realization of the psychological component of students' vocational training of a legal profile has to be devoted to the development of subjective communicative control, ability to control the behavior in situations of different complexity, and also the formation of adequate strategy of behavior in the conflict.
Materials and methods
The following techniques are used in the research: "Assessment of communicative control in communication" (M. Snider), "The strategy of behavior in the conflict" (K. Thomas), the Questionnaire "I am a subject of interaction" (T. N. Scherbakova). Students of the law department of Southern Federal University acted as respondents. 128 students participated in the research.
The analysis of the testing results of self-checking expressiveness in communication situations (M. Snider's technique) of the legal direction students shows that 27.5 % of them have a high level of self-checking, 48.4 % show average level, and 24.1 % - low level (fig. 1).
□ High level □ average lever @ Low level
Fig. 1. Self-checking Expressiveness in communication situations (the M technique. Snider)
We are obtained interesting data as the result of the identification of the behavior strategy in the conflict. Law students preferred the following strategies: I - rivalry, II - compromise, and III - cooperation. The data analysis of law students' representations about correct behavior type in the conflict showed that rivalry strategy based on the aspiration to approve own opinion, to achieve the goal choose 39.8 % as dominating strategy. The strategy of compromise reflecting aspiration to find an optimum way of participants' interests' combination is expressed in 31.7%. In fewer cases, future lawyers choose cooperation as an effective strategy assuming readiness to accept the joint decision and to develop a general behavior vector in conflict situation situations (29.5%) (fig. 2).
□ Rivalry nCompromise aCooperation
Fig. 2. The preferred behavior strategy in the conflict
The analysis of the research showed that legal profile students designated some characteristics of successful interaction subjects: ability to establish an optimum psychological distance, external appeal, positive modern mage, an attractiveness activity, charisma, grooming, confidence demonstration, and well-being, communicative and social competence.
Communicative abilities (33%), social intelligence (27%), ability to a constructive coping (21 %), ability to mobilization in problem situations (16 %), and vigor (12 %) are chosen as priorities.
Energy efficiency Mobilization in a problem situation Constructive Intelligence Social Intelligence Communication skills
■ 12%
fl 16%
■ 27%
■ 33°%
0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35
Fig. 3. Priority communicative abilities
There should be an actions system in vocational training lawyers. It must be aimed at the development of conflict competence and optimization of behavior strategies. Development of communicative control of law students is appropriate during the facilitating sessions and corresponding trainings aimed at increasing communicative competence level, improving individual self-checking technics in the interaction course.
Thus, today law students estimate characteristics of the image and constructive coping as a condition of successful interaction.
The data show that the law students participating in the research, give a priority to communicative abilities, social intelligence, and the ability to build constructive coping.
In the result of questioning, it was revealed a psychological portrait of successful subject interactions: competent in communication, sociable, modern, active, sure, critical, emotionally expressive, responsible, attractive, flexible, presentable, charming, interesting, unperturbable, capable to control communicative behavior in the interaction with different people.
At the same time, high communicative control showed rather low interest of legal profile students that can be explained as features of the student's period in personal development and insufficient level of communicative competence and deficiencies of subjective control systems. It is appropriate to apply to form and adjusting methods and to use training technologies.
Thus, focal groups of targeted psychological support of communicative control development and abilities of behavior operating depending on a specific communicative situation of legal profile students were created.
Possibilities of behavior optimization in the constructive resolution of conflict are connected with the development of cooperation strategy. This causes a need for the formation of cooperation targeting and understanding the technology of cooperation by students of this direction that can increase their conflict competence.
The personalized programs aimed at increasing of communicative competence of legal direction students for growth of efficiency of their interaction in the context of split-level society are demanded in modern higher education.
The programs including the system of the trainings focused on the development of a coping culture, system of self-control of communicative behavior, a reflection of the resources and risks as the subject of interaction in different contexts will be productive.
The analysis of empirical results of the research allows us to conclude that students of the legal direction have certain deficiencies in developing communicative competence. First, it is the risks connected with self-checking in communication, with the choice of coping-strategy and behavior strategy in the conflict. Professional
difficulties in the field of communication, interactions, and problem situations overcoming as effects of the designated risks can be formed in the future.
Several qualities found reflection in the maintenance of a psychological portrait of subject characteristics capable to make successful interaction. Their development can become the points of growth of productive communicative behavior of future experts in the legal activity sphere.
The results of the research of success factors of legal direction student as a subject of interaction can be widely used in the modern practice of professional education. The program of communicative competence increasing of future experts in the sphere of legal professions can include the following modules: self-knowledge; reflection, diagnostics of resources and risks; design; an individual way of development.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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