Научная статья на тему 'Psychological features of motivation of athletes in the aspect of theoretical analysis'

Psychological features of motivation of athletes in the aspect of theoretical analysis Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Ключевые слова
sports motivation / sports activity / athlete’s personality

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — S.N. Loseva, G.I. Sadigov

Objective of the study was to identify scientific aspects of considering the phenomenon of sports motivation as a psychological feature of athletes. Methods and structure of the study. Theoretical research methods were used: comparative typological (of great importance when analyzing literature on a research problem), method of generalization and systematization (generalization of concepts and definitions, establishment of general properties and characteristics based on scientific research in working with sources). Results and conclusions. The role of motivation in psychological science is defined, historical aspects of the study of motivation are described, and features of the manifestation of sports motivation are identified. The concept of personality in psychology is also defined, the specifics of the mental state of an athlete’s personality in the process of forming sports motivation are revealed. The findings reflect the key role of motivation in shaping attitudes towards sport, particularly during the formative years, highlighting the need for a meaningful approach to motivation research. This approach focuses on the significant influence of the social environment, nurturing strong self-esteem and realistically shaping athletes' aspirations, which ultimately improves mental toughness, determination and overall commitment.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Psychological features of motivation of athletes in the aspect of theoretical analysis»


Psychological features of motivation of athletes in the aspect of theoretical analysis

UDC 159.9

Dr. Art Hist., PhD, Associate Professor S.N. Loseva1 G.I. Sadigov1

Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk

Corresponding author: [email protected]

Received by the editorial office on 10.01.2024


Objective of the study was to identify scientific aspects of considering the phenomenon of sports motivation as a psychological feature of athletes.

Methods and structure of the study. Theoretical research methods were used: comparative typological (of great importance when analyzing literature on a research problem), method of generalization and systematization (generalization of concepts and definitions, establishment of general properties and characteristics based on scientific research in working with sources).

Results and conclusions. The role of motivation in psychological science is defined, historical aspects of the study of motivation are described, and features of the manifestation of sports motivation are identified. The concept of personality in psychology is also defined, the specifics of the mental state of an athlete's personality in the process of forming sports motivation are revealed.

The findings reflect the key role of motivation in shaping attitudes towards sport, particularly during the formative years, highlighting the need for a meaningful approach to motivation research. This approach focuses on the significant influence of the social environment, nurturing strong self-esteem and realistically shaping athletes' aspirations, which ultimately improves mental toughness, determination and overall commitment.

Keywords: sports motivation, sports activity, athlete's personality.

Introduction. This work contributes to the understanding and identification of the characteristics of sports motivation and offers possible solutions for creating effective implementation of sports activities. Research on athletic motivation is important for several key reasons. The first of these is increased productivity. Understanding the intricacies of sports motivation can enhance the ability of athletes and coaches to optimize performance. By identifying the factors that motivate athletes, coaches can tailor training, personal development, and strategies to better suit individual needs, resulting in improved athlete performance.

It is important to recognize the impact of motivation on an athlete's mental state, self-confidence and overall well-being. By uncovering these characteristics, coaches and athletes can work to create a positive, empowering environment.

People respond differently to different motivating factors. Coaches, armed with a deep understanding of sports motivation, can tailor their coaching styles and techniques to meet different motivational needs. This promotes more effective communication and understanding between coaches and athletes.

By understanding the nuances of sports motivation, coaches and athletes can engage in strategic planning, goal setting, and performance measurement. This, in turn, can lead to continuous improvement and sustainable success in the sports arena.

Objective of the study was to identify scientific aspects of considering the phenomenon of sports motivation as a psychological feature of athletes.

Methods and structure of the study. Theoretical research methods were used: comparative typological (of great importance when analyzing literature on a research problem), method of generalization and


systematization (generalization of concepts and definitions, establishment of general properties and characteristics based on scientific research in working with sources).

Results of the study and discussion. First, let's look at the existing definitions of motivation in psychological science. E.P Ilyin [3] notes that motivation controls human behavior. The most important aspect of motivational psychology is the assessment of the overall orientation of the individual, with an emphasis on either achieving success or preventing failure. It is widely believed that in the inherently competitive field of sports, the desire to achieve success must prevail. Thus, in the work of S.N. Loseva [4] identifies spirituality as a motivational component of giftedness. And this approach is confirmed by the importance of spiritual improvement for the development of personal qualities and volitional efforts in achieving the intended goal.

Research on the motivation of athletes to achieve success highlights the significant impact of well-structured education and training in promoting this motivational drive and reducing the tendency to avoid failure [5].

Despite the fact that researchers do not distinguish sports motivation separately, motivation in sports is considered as one of the main driving forces of an athlete. In general, research on motivation for success among people involved in sports indicates a higher level compared to those who do not participate in sports, and, in addition, this type of motivation can be effectively cultivated using special tools and techniques.

Thus, motivation as a fundamental psychophysiological process in human behavior includes a rich set of factors that control behavior, decision making and the degree of motivation itself. Hierarchy of needs theory outlines the structure of human needs, emphasizing that satisfaction of lower-level needs forms the basis for influencing higher-level needs. In addition, social motivation is identified as an affective system that influences individuals' efforts to navigate their social environment and maintain a balance between intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations.

As these ideas develop, it becomes clear that by understanding the intricacies of human motivational dynamics and needs, psychologists gain a deeper understanding of the complex interplay of factors that shape human behavior and decision-making. Hierarchy of needs theory and the social motivational ap-

proach shed light not only on the hierarchical nature of human needs and drives, but also on the flexible and dynamic interaction between affective and cognitive processes in motivation.

Speaking about motivation in the field of sports activities, G.B. Gorskaya, I.I. Tsaregorodtsev and S.V. Ily-insky [8] note that motives for playing sports manifest themselves in both direct and indirect forms, intertwined with personal and social expectations. Initially, people begin their journey in sports, driven by personal motives, but as they develop, many factors begin to shape their motivational structure.

Throughout this process, the awareness and overcoming of personal needs in favor of what is necessary increases. Moreover, the predominance of perfectionism in sports expectations, formulated by Yu.Yu. Chernyavskaya [10], emphasizes that the sphere of sports achievements helps in building ambitions, and therefore motivates to a sufficient extent. In the work of E.I. Berilova [1] notes the significant role of social expectations as integral components that form the motivational basis of athletes' behavior, leaving an indelible imprint on their attitudes and approach to future sporting achievements.

M.N. Firsov [9] assessed the psychological situation in training groups of athletes and made the following conclusions. In the structure of sports motivation, athletes in groups with a predominant permanent composition primarily demonstrate "achievement motivation," while athletes in groups with different contingents demonstrate a predominant "external motivation." In addition, the lowest scores in both groups relate to "self-development motivation" and "communicative motivation."

Thus, sports motivation within the framework of psychological science is a complex and constantly evolving phenomenon. The structure of sports motivation covers the interaction of internal and external factors, achievement motivation, competitiveness, social dynamics, psychological needs and desire for goals. Understanding this structural foundation is essential for coaches, sport psychologists, and athletes themselves, as it lays the foundation for maintaining sustained motivation, enhancing performance, and creating a positive, growth-oriented sports environment.

The structure of sports motivation includes the motive for achieving success, the motive for avoiding failure and the motive for the situation. This concept provides a comprehensive understanding of the intrinsic and extrinsic components that shape an individual's


Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I teoriya.ru I March I № 3 2024


motivation in the context of sport and performance. In general, understanding the structure of sports motivation in accordance with the concept of M.N. Firsov [9] is necessary to promote personal growth, optimize sports performance and develop motivational strategies, all of which contribute to more fulfilling and successful sports activities.

In empirical studies of the psychological characteristics of sports motivation, there is evidence that there are no changes in the dynamics of sports motivation by age groups, which indicates the absence of a significant correlation between the formation of sports motives and the process of growing up of respondents [7]. One of the studies [2] shows that in early adolescence, motivation does not show clear differentiation: both internal and external motives make a significant contribution to the formation of a positive worldview and the reduction of negative attitudes in the course of activity. However, in late adolescence, the number of relationships decreases, which reflects the restructuring of motives and the absence of dominant motivational regulators in the formation of dispositional optimism.

Conclusions. The study of motivation spans multiple perspectives and fields of study, revealing the multifaceted nature of human motivation. In this field, scholars have identified a social-motivational approach that distinguishes feedback motivation from action motivation, which represents a fundamental theoretical advantage. Research also emphasizes the importance of spirituality as a motivational component of giftedness that goes beyond traditional pragmatic motivation, noting the importance of qualities necessary for spiritual growth, such as focus, determination, and willpower.

Historical aspects of motivation research are described. Three main directions are identified: substantive theories of motivation, procedural theories of motivation and theories based on specific models of researchers. Features of the manifestation of sports motivation are revealed. Despite the fact that researchers do not distinguish sports motivation separately, motivation in sports is considered as one of the main driving forces of an athlete. In general, research on motivation for success among people involved in sports indicates a higher level compared to those who do not participate in sports, and, in addition, this type

of motivation can be effectively cultivated using special tools and techniques. The findings highlight the key role of motivation in shaping attitudes towards sport, especially during the formative years.


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