Научная статья на тему 'Psychological aspects of migration and organization of learning in a multicultural educational environment'

Psychological aspects of migration and organization of learning in a multicultural educational environment Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Abdullayeva S.H.Q., Patrakov E.V.

The main purpose of the article is to classify different motives of migration on the base of theoretical analysis and to find their relations to possible risks in multicultural educational environment. Methodology and methods of research. The main scientific sources of the research were the fundamental theoretical works by foreign and native scientists on social and psychological aspects of migration, motivation of migration, and psychological risks of multicultural educational environment. The methods of theoretical analysis, synthesis, and translation of scientific literature were used for determining the main guidelines of the research. Results. The article shows the role of migration motives in the formation of psychological risks in a multicultural educational environment, the classification of migration motives, and correlation between the basic characteristics of behavior and motives of migration. Scientific novelty of the article lies in the systematization of migration motives and in the theoretical foundation of the relationship between psychological risks that could arise in society and in a multicultural educational environment depending on the migration motives. Practical significance. The article could be of interest to school psychologists working in multicultural environment as well as to specialists who interact with migratory population groups.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Psychological aspects of migration and organization of learning in a multicultural educational environment»

Сибирский психологический журнал. 2017. № 65. С. 104-111


УДК 37.015.3

DOI: 10.17223/17267080/65/8

Abdullayeva Samira Heydar Qizi, Patrakov Eduard V.

Ural Federal University named after the first President ofRussia B.N. Yeltsin (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)

Psychological aspects of migration and organization of learning in a multicultural educational environment

The main purpose of the article is to classify different motives of migration on the base of theoretical analysis and to find their relations to possible risks in multicultural educational environment.

Methodology and methods of research. The main scientific sources of the research were the fundamental theoretical works by foreign and native scientists on social and psychological aspects of migration, motivation of migration, and psychological risks of multicultural educational environment. The methods of theoretical analysis, synthesis, and translation of scientific literature were used for determining the main guidelines of the research.

Results. The article shows the role of migration motives in the formation of psychological risks in a multicultural educational environment, the classification of migration motives, and correlation between the basic characteristics of behavior and motives of migration.

Scientific novelty of the article lies in the systematization of migration motives and in the theoretical foundation of the relationship between psychological risks that could arise in society and in a multicultural educational environment depending on the migration motives.

Practical significance. The article could be of interest to school psychologists working in multicultural environment as well as to specialists who interact with migratory population groups.

Key words: migration; psychology of migrants; ethnical identification; multicultural educational environment.


Multiculturalism in society is not only a new opportunity for personal development and economy but it is also the basis for a large number of psychological risks. All around the world migration flows are constantly increasing; nowadays approximately a quarter of billion people live outside of their birthplace country, moreover Russia takes the second place in the world in migration after the United States [18]. Migration is being widely explored from

the standpoints of sociology, cultural studies, economics, religious studies, and law. The scale and inconsistency of this phenomenon evokes great scientific interest which in the last decade has been implemented mainly in complex socio-psychological and ethno-psychological research projects.

Along with the obvious economic efficiency migration represents psychological risks in the education system as well. We believe that education is that social institution which is capable of both enhancing and neutralizing these psychological risks.

Literature review

It should be noted that there is a tendency in the world to substantially increase research on the psychological aspects of migration. Table 1 presents the results of search queries in the categories of "Psychology" and "Social science"; the search subject corresponds to the keywords of the article. The ratio of scientific databases www.scopus.com and www.webofknowledge.com is not shown separately; the averaged indicators are presented.

T a b l e 1

The results of the analysis of search queries on the psychological aspects of migration and the multicultural educational environment (the number of published articles)

Scientometric base Years

Before 2000-s 2000-2005 2006-2010 2011-2016

Russian Science Citation Index 2 34 56 147

SCOPUS/WoS 11 25 44 156

Leading in these studies are countries hosting migrants: The USA, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, and in recent years the number of Russian studies has increased. Taking into account the fact that a lot of articles are published in Q1 and Q2 journals these articles are considered to be fundamental with high scientific and socially applied significance. Note that the number of articles on this subject in top-rated journals also increases.

The psychological content of migration is mainly reflected in studies on motivation of migration [22], national identification [21], personal values of migrants [20, 23], sociodemographic characteristics of migrants [6], and socio-psychological aspects of multiculturalism [7, 14].

But in the context of our research these phenomena are essential not by themselves but in their application in the education system. In other words, for us the answers to the following questions are crucial: how important are the listed psychological aspects of migration for the educational environment? Do certain motivations for migration create psychological risks for society and for the educational environment in particular? How manageable are these risks? After all, children come along with adults and translate their culture in behavior and games [10]. Ultimately, it changes the educational environment which must

be more psychologically aseptic and allow to nurture pro-social activity of students, which is in demand by the whole society.

It should be noted that we have not encountered any studies analyzing the motives for migration in the context of possible risks of multicultural educational environment.

Methods and materials

Our research was analytic. Analyzing the sources [11, 15-17, 19] we could classify the motivation goals for migration in terms of psychological risks of educational environment in a following way: the goals expressed in the openness to changes; the goals expressed in preservation and self-preservation; the goals related to personal value and personal growth. At the same time it is possible to combine all these types of motivation. Values form a belief in the meaning of activity, which is a necessary condition for personal fulfillment. Such belief constitutes an inborn motivation tendency which is inherent in a person and is the most important motivator for personal development and behavior. At the same time values determine the choice of a model for using personal abilities in social interactions. It is not accidental that in many studies on the socio-psychological aspects of migration in analysis of multicultural environment researchers use the value questionnaire by Shalom Schwartz. This method is applied to study the dynamics of values in different groups and cultures. By values Shalom H. Schwartz understands the "known" needs directly dependant on culture, environment, and mentality of a specific society. The basis of the Schwartz's questionnaire is the theory that all values are divided into social and individual. When developing the questionnaire the author used the Rokich technique, which he qualitatively modified, expanded, and improved its conceptual basis [13].

Results of the research

In the context of motivation we would like to pay special attention to the value of personality; it is also an important phenomenon in the psychology of inter-ethnic relations.

The results obtained by various studies on migration values indicated that value of personality (as a value of preserving the authenticity of the personality) is associated with a stronger national identification [22]. Therefore, any system of adaptation in a society which violates national identity would be considered by an individual as a threat to personal integrity. In this case, for migrants there would be more characteristic "social closeness", a pronounced preference for uniting with people of their culture, or those who are closest to it.

The value of self-preservation. A higher preference for the value of self-preservation is usually associated with the preservation of social status, security, social, economic and psychological stability, the desire for harmony and fairly comfortable relationships with others. For people with this value it is peculiar to

look for partners with the interests and needs listed above [22]. There is also evidence of a link between the values of self-preservation and national identification (Roccas et al., 2010). That is, these people are more likely to seek for comfortable relationship with diasporas.

There are studies which prove that parents strive to transmit their leading motives and values to their children. Thus, we suppose that similar behavioral pattern could be also observed in educational environment, the classification of which is presented in the Table 2.

T a b l e 2

The main motives of migration

Dominant motivation The main characteristics of behavior Behavioral model

Motivation related to the openness to changes Professional and personal development Aspiration to improve social status and possibly to gain power Aspiration for new achievements High readiness to change a lifestyle, openness to new social contacts

Motivation related to the value of personality Ensuring security Adherence to traditions Correspondence and encouragement of national and religious identity Low readiness to change a lifestyle and to gain new social contacts

Motivation related to the value of self-preservation Psychological stability, harmony and fairly comfortable relationships with others Search for people and partners with common interests

Undoubtedly, the suggested model simplifies the whole range of multicultural relations but in our opinion it also opens the possibility to analyze various risks. Accordingly, each of these motivations requires an individual model of social integration.

For example, the studies [8] note that a multicultural educational environment is more psychologically risky than "ordinary". Researchers distinguish the following basic psychological risks of a multicultural educational environment:

1. High rates of teachers' professional burnout.

2. Great number of conflicts between students, and between students and teaching staff. Moreover, these conflicts are not classified as national conflicts; they could be of an interpersonal nature.

3. Low value of civil initiatives for senior students (low activity when they are involved in cultural and public life of a school or a district).

4. Social segregation and polarization are more pronounced.

But in the studies the types of behavior were not classified depending on the motivations of migration. Thus, comparing the dominant migration motives and psychological risks of a multicultural educational environment, we could theoretically assume that the risk "contribution" of each type to the environment is heterogeneous, as well as a prosocial activity of each group.

For social activity to be creative, constructive and to be in demand by society (that is, to be prosocial) it should be relevant to the condition of society.

The level of understanding of the significance and constructiveness of social activity and the desire to achieve general goals depend on exiting values and ideals and on the depth of mastery of existential values. By existential values we understand the values that determine the need to reveal inborn human characteristics in the development of social processes. Goal-oriented transformations could relate to the nearest social environment, organization, individual social groups, and regions or society as a whole.

Referring to the practice of psychological support of students, it should be mentioned that the modifications and changes in value system are very complex and time-consuming. Children and adolescence are more susceptible to these processes.

Along with values there are such concepts as: ethnic stereotypes, social context, social distance, and interethnic borders. From the point of view of psychological plasticity they could represent a superstructure in relation to motivation and values, that is, to be more available for psychological help.

Ethnic stereotypes have a number of functions. Among them there are explanation and justification of existing social relations, protection of community values, translation of cultural and historical experience of interaction between ethnic communities, and adaptation to a different ethnic environment. Ethnic stereotypes could even be considered as means for implementing interethnic relations.

At the same time ethnic stereotypes could impede the full and adequate understanding of people and distort the vision of social reality. In this study the methodological viewpoint of V.S. Ageev, who recognized that the direct contacts destroy and wear out ethnic stereotypes, is very important.

For interethnic relations the social context also plays an important role, that is: language, ideas, norms, values, rules, regulations, and restrictions that cover and regulate practically all aspects of life of an ethnic community. Insufficient mastering of this social context could lead to disruptions and destruction of interethnic interaction.

Thus, contacts of children with representatives of other ethnic communities specifically organized could help to remove ethnic stereotypes only if the above mentioned conditions are met. The removal of ethnic stereotypes would, in turn, contribute to leveling the above mentioned psychological risks.

Discussion and conclusion

Thus, we could conclude that motivation is a very complex psychological process and goes back to the values of a personality. Along with this, in the conditions of a multicultural society, various motivational goals could provoke various psychological risks, which could be translated in a multicultural educational environment.

At the same time, it is possible to single out the fundamental (basic) level in psychological aspects of migration, which consists in the purposes of

migration and "overbuilding" ethnic stereotypes, ideas about social distance, etc. All these factors are to some extent psychological risks for all subjects of the educational process.

For a school psychologist, who works in a multicultural educational environment, it is important to study migration motives as one of the fundamental factors for psychological help and adaptation in a multicultural educational environment.


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Received 14.08.2017;

Accepted 28.08.2017

Information about the authors:

Abdullayeva Samira HeydarQizi, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation). E-mail: [email protected] Patrakov Eduard V., Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation). E-mail: [email protected]

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ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ АСПЕКТЫ МИГРАЦИИ И ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ ОБУЧЕНИЯ В ПОЛИКУЛЬТУРНОЙ ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОЙ СРЕДЕ ПАТРАКОВ Эдуард Викторович, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой социальной безопасности Уральского федерального университета имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина (г. Екатеринбург, Россия). E-mail: [email protected]

АБДУЛЛАЕВА Самира Гейдар кызы, соискатель кафедры социальной безопасности Уральского федерального университета имени первого Президента России Б.Н. Ельцина (г. Екатеринбург, Россия). E-mail: [email protected]

Ключевые слова: миграция; психология мигрантов; этническая идентификация; поликультурная образовательная среда.

Б01: 10.17223/17267080/65/8

Цель работы - на основе теоретического анализа классифицировать мотивы миграции и выявить их связь с возможными рисками для поликультурной образовательной среды.

Методология и методика исследования. Основными источниками по теме исследования послужили основополагающие теоретические труды иностранных и отечественных исследователей, в которых рассмотрены социально-психологические аспекты миграции, мотивации миграции, а также психологические риски поликультурного общества в целом и поликультурной образовательной среды в частности. В процессе исследования были использованы методы теоретического анализа научной литературы, перевода, синтеза научных трудов.

Результаты. Показана роль мотивов миграции в формировании психологических рисков поликультурной образовательной среды. Представлены классификация мотивов миграции, взаимосвязь между основными характеристиками поведения и мотивами миграции.

Научная новизна заключается в систематизации мотивов миграции и теоретическом обосновании взаимосвязи психологических рисков, которые могут возникнуть в обществе и в условиях поликультурной образовательной среды в зависимости от мотивов миграции.

Практическая значимость. Материалы статьи могут быть интересны школьным психологам, работающим в многонациональных образовательных учреждениях, а также специалистам, взаимодействующим с мигрирующими группами населения.

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