Перспективы Науки и Образования
Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)
Адрес выпуска: https://pnojournal.wordpress.com/2023-2/23-02/ Дата поступления: 26.11.2022 Дата публикации: 30.04.2023
Л. М. МитинА, Г. В. Митин, С. О. Щелина
Психологический анализ перспективных исследований непрерывного педагогического образования в рамках принципа конвергентности: традиции и инновации
Введение. В настоящий момент, в связи с быстроизменяющимися экономическими, политическими и социальными условиями, требования к обучению педагогов постоянно возрастают, целью обучения в вузе становится не только усиление внимания к личностному и профессиональному развитию будущих молодых специалистов, но и повышение общей культуры и эрудиции обучающихся.
Целью исследования является проведение психологического анализа, синтеза и обобщение наиболее перспективных результатов исследований, направленных на конвергенцию традиций и инноваций в современном и будущем педагогическом образовании.
Материалы и методы исследования. Методический инструментарий исследования содержит анализ научной литературы, посвященный исследованиям современного российского непрерывного педагогического образования, изучение, систематизация и концептуализация научных трудов ученых и практиков России и стран СНГ (2020-2022). Кроме того, пакет методических материалов содержит разработки, позволяющие уточнить необходимость создания инновационного (системного личностно-развивающего) подхода к практике подготовки будущих педагогов.
Результаты. На основе анализа научных трудов и проведенных нами исследований был разработан инновационный (системный личностно-развивающий) подход в педагогическом образовании, направленный на профессионально-личностный рост не только отдельно взятого педагога, но и развитие всех субъектов образовательной системы. В его основу легло единство принципов, целей, содержания и форм организации педагогического процесса.
Заключение. Новая практика профессиональной подготовки будущих педагогов строится на основе единой стратегии планирования личностного и профессионального роста, инновационной психологической технологии профессионального развития личности будущего педагога, основанной на преемственности культурных традиций и научных технологий, реализованных в развивающих образовательных программах.
Ключевые слова: непрерывное педагогическое образование, личностно-профессиональное развитие, системный личностно-развивающий подход, конвергентность, преемственность традиций и инноваций, полисубъектная общность «педагог - обучающийся», благоприятная образовательная среда
Ссылка для цитирования:
Митина Л. М., Митин Г. В., Щелина С. О. Психологический анализ перспективных исследований непрерывного педагогического образования в рамках принципа конвергентности: традиции и инновации // Перспективы науки и образования. 2023. № 2 (62). С. 453-467. сЬи 10.32744/рБе.2023.2.26
Perspectives of Science & Education
International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)
Available: https://pnojournal.wordpress.com/2023-2/23-02/ Accepted: 26 November 2022 Published: 30 April 2023
L. M. Mitina, G. V. Mitin, S. O. Shchelina
Psychological analysis of prospective studies of continuous pedagogic education within the framework of the convergence principle: traditions and innovations
Introduction. Currently, due to rapidly changing economic, political and social conditions, the requirements for training teachers are constantly increasing, the purpose of studying at the university is to increase not only the attention to the personal and professional development among young specialists, but also to students'general culture and erudition.
The study is aimed at conducting a psychological analysis, synthesis and generalization of the most promising research results for converging the traditions and innovations in modern and future pedagogic education, as well as on the basis of the results obtained, developing innovative practices of students' psychological training at the target, content, technological, organizational and strategic levels.
Materials and methods of research. The methodological tools of the research contain the analysis of scientific literature devoted to the research of modern domestic continuous pedagogical education, the study, systematization and conceptualization of scientific works of scientists and practitioners of Russia and CIS countries (2020-2022). In addition, the package of methodological materials contains developments that make it possible to clarify the need to create an innovative (systemic personality-developing) approach to the practice of training future teachers. The analysis of the research presented mainly in the monograph "Teacher in the context of personal and professional development: reality and prospects" (2020-2022) and the collection of scientific articles "Strategies and resources of personal and professional development of a teacher: modern reading and systematic practice" (2020-2022).
Results. Based on the analysis of scientific works and research conducted by us, an innovative (systemic personality-developing) approach in pedagogical education was developed, aimed at professional and personal growth not only of a single teacher, but also the development of all subjects of the educational system. It is based on the unity of principles, goals, content and forms of organization of the pedagogical process.
Conclusion. New practice of professional training of future teachers is based on a unified strategy for planning personal and professional development as well as innovative psychological technology of professional development among future teachers, based on the continuity of cultural traditions and scientific technologies implemented in developing educational programs.
Keywords: continuous pedagogical education, personal and professional development, systemic personal-developmental approach, convergence, continuity of traditions and innovations, polysubject community "teacher - student", favorable educational environment
For Reference:
Mitina, L. M., Mitin, G. V., & Shchelina, S. O. (2023). Psychological analysis of prospective studies of continuous pedagogic education within the framework of the convergence principle: traditions and innovations. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 62 (2), 453-467. doi: 10.32744/ pse.2023.2.26
istorically established traditions of education are the basis of orienting the pedagogical system of any country, being based on traditional folk ideas, which are manifested in the form of the best achievements of culture and moral principles. Such ideas are considered the core of national identity being in continuity, without which the process of preserving and transferring the accumulated early social experience to the future generation may become difficult.
The modern development of the education system in different countries is characterized by the search for an optimal match between established traditions and new trends associated with entering the world educational space, which unites national educational systems of different types and levels, significantly differing in philosophical and cultural traditions, the level of goals and objectives, and their qualitative state.
The new tasks of the UN and UNESCO include among the priorities the protection of the well-being of children, ensuring their access to continuing education, increasing the number of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation, exchange of information on research results reflecting the most promising trends.
McKinsey Consulting Company conducted a study in 25 countries of the world "Lessons from the analysis of the best education systems in the world". Nothing is said about Russia in the published report, but the problems of education mentioned in it seem unusually similar to ours. The main conclusion of the study is as follows: the quality of the education system cannot be higher than the quality of teachers working in it. The conclusion results in three key recommendations: 1) it is necessary that suitable people become teachers for this; 2) they should be given training that would improve the effectiveness of teaching; 3) it is necessary to ensure conditions under which every student without exception would receive a quality education.
Currently, foreign researchers pay great attention to the training of future teachers: the problems faced by novice teachers when they move on to real educational situations [1], the training of future teachers, including with the use of polysubject interaction "teacher-student" [5; 9], the organization of teachers transition from preschool education to elementary school [7], etc.
The leading direction in the development of modern scientific knowledge is recognized as interdisciplinarity, which is a new form of the fundamental nature of science and education and achieved through convergence [4].
Currently, it is necessary to talk about the modern world educational space as a single organism being formed, with the presence of global trends in each educational system, the preservation of diversity and adherence to national ideas and traditions.
Russian civilization has always been a distinct, special one, different from the Western. Its value system is even alternative to the West. In Russia, the moral educational ideal of a folk is its distinctive mental trait or civilizational dominant [35]. And even taking into account the unfavorable and dramatic events of previous years, folk memory was preserved and transmitted in the form of folk art: in art, literary works, in the traditional foundations in education and training. Thus, a certain core of historical memory was formed, ensuring the preservation of national values despite the catastrophes and global crises.
It should be noted that committing to national ideas and defending their identity did not prevent national education from building an open system of education endowed with new,
progressive ideas, and using the best examples of world experience in developing children, their education and upbringing.
Domestic education has always been national and focused on personal development approaches. Such education took into account the spiritual values available in society. This is confirmed by outstanding Russian teachers (K.D. Ushinsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, etc), famous educational psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, P.P. Blonsky, V.V. Davydov, etc.), ascetic teachers who were focused on developing child's personality, taking into account the best achievements of foreign science and practice, including the ideas of I.G. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Rousseau, J. Korczak, J. Piaget, A. Maslow, K. Rogers and others.
In the XX-XXI centuries, during the post-Soviet period, Russian education began to borrow the ideas of Western technologies and values, which gradually began to distort the guidelines of the previous education system, bringing to the fore two basic principles:
• education is only a process of learning and transferring accumulated experience (which contradicted early ideas that education performs the role of not only training, but also education and development of the younger generation);
• the totalitarianism of the former (Soviet) system, expressed in the form of personal unfreedom, thus must be replaced by the totalitarianism-free, "tolerant" Western values of permissiveness, acting as our children's property.
It is obvious that during the Soviet period, schools were different - they both had disadvantages and significant advantages.
After the collapse of the USSR, all Soviet elements were quickly replaced by a mix of Western ideas and pseudo-Russian innovations.
The substitution of spiritual and moral education by a surrogate composed of questionable values can lead to the spiritual and moral degradation of society as well as the marginalization of people [27].
Thus, the existing spiritual and moral values got deformated (including the concepts of conscience, freedom, love, etc.) not only in the education system, but also in society as a whole. Considering this problem in detail, we will focus only on the distortion due to the shift of moral values, the axiological (value) basis of personality formation - the value attitude to the student - and the distortion of interpersonal relations as a free spiritual unity of people into a community of like-minded people (conciliarity).
The predominance of "conditional" values in society makes it impossible to educate a holistic, psychologically stable personality, because such an individual tries to satisfy his own functional complementarity (from Latin Complementum - meaning "supplement") due to other factors. At the same time, such a person does not feel a sense of gratitude, believing in the necessity to be given more than being able to give in return. Under such conditions, a person does not develop the skill of responsibility for the actions and choices; moreover, the personality itself is dominated by such traits as infantilism, personal helplessness, emotional immaturity, marginal consciousness, procrastination, perfectionism and a complete or partial lack of ability to perceive other people's points of view and opinions. Such a path is the cultivation of egocentrism in society, which hinders personal and professional development.
Student's personal potential can be developed only on condition that the value of the personality development - pedagogical orientation - is included in the system of teacher's personal and professional characteristics determining the teacher's value attitude towards the student's personality and vice versa - the student's attitude to the teacher's personality, realized in special forms of interaction between them, generating a qualitatively new
self-developing community in which polysubject interaction contributes to personal and professional development among all subjects of education.
For creating a new high-quality self-developing "teacher - student" polysubject community, it is necessary to reconsider the established system of views on teacher psychology, reconstructing the principles of psychological and pedagogic theory and teaching methods, as well as conducting theoretical and empirical research on the most prospective areas of psychological competence concerning the features of teachers' continuous personal and professional development within the framework of the convergence principle, which erasing the boundaries between scientific and technological knowledge, cultural traditions and scientific technologies.
Thus, the purpose of this study is to study and analyze modern scientific research aimed at the convergence of traditions and innovations in modern and future pedagogical education, their synthesis, generalization and, as a result, the development of a new innovative approach to the practice of psychological training of students of pedagogical specialties.
Methods and materials
To date, the problems of continuous pedagogical education, the competent organization of the practice of teacher training, his personal and professional development and polysubject interaction "teacher-student" are still relevant, especially with the development of new forms, methods, ways of developing the educational process, its digitalization, the active introduction of inclusive education, inclusion in the general educational structure of psychological andpedagogical classes, etc.
These topics are becoming more and more acute and interesting for educational researchers, as a result of which articles, monographs, textbooks are published in Russia and other countries, scientific conferences, forums, symposiums and other scientific events dedicated to pedagogical education are held (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, etc.). The most revealing problems of continuing pedagogical education, in our opinion, is the collective monograph "Teacher in the context of personal and professional development: reality and prospects" and a collection of scientific articles "Strategies and resources of personal and professional development of a teacher: modern reading and systematic practice", released as a result of the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Strategies and resources of personal and professional development of a teacher: modern reading and systematic practice" (4 - July 5, 2022, FSBI "Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences", Moscow), which reflected the majority of modern research on this topic.
This theoretical analysis was based on the works of researchers, the results of which are presented mainly in the mentioned monograph.
Since this article analyzes the research of continuing pedagogical education within the framework of the convergence principle, we consider it appropriate to clarify the interpretation of the concept of "convergence", which is defined differently in different sources:
• The concept of "convergence", "convergent technologies" (comes from the English Converging, which means "united by common interests" or "converging"), such a term is often used in such fields as Economics, Sociology, Management and other modern studies. This term first appeared at the end of the twentieth century in the works of M. Castels [8].
• The term is used to define the process of converging nano- and bio-, information,
cognitive and social technologies based on their system-synergetic integration. The result of convergence is represented by creating a multistructural environment for ensuring human life [11].
• In Pedagogy this term is understood as a combination of neuropsychology with cognitive, information and communication and pedagogical technologies [6].
• Convergence is also expressed not only in the form of a process of mutual influence of several parts on each other, but also as a "blurring of boundaries" between certain disciplines and technologies, leading to certain results arising at the junction of several scientific fields [10].
• Convergence is a new scientific and technological order, based on approaches of NBICS technologies, where "N" means "nano", "B" - "bio", "I" -"information technologies", "C" - "cognitive technologies", and "S" - social technologies [20].
• Convergence, being interdisciplinarity, is a kind of response to the process of combining academic knowledge and the integrative nature of current scientific knowledge [50].
Converging cultural traditions and new scientific technologies is reflected in such research areas as:
• continuing pedagogical education development vector;
• developing professional qualities among teachers in the conditions of informatization and digitalization;
• forming a polysubject community of the role of "teacher - student" at all stages of education using various technologies and learning formats;
• a teacher as a subject of creating psychologically favorable and comfortable conditions within the framework of educational activities for students who have requirements for special educational conditions and development trajectories;
• teacher and psychologist: ways of professional complementary interaction and cooperation;
• psychological problems in the process of education and training.
Let's consider these directions in more detail.
I. Converging the cultural traditions and new scientific technologies as a strategy for developing continuous pedagogic education.
The changes taking place in the world and society directly affect the requirements for the training of a modern teacher. It is possible to fulfill the order of the society to the teacher in compliance with pedagogical principles (primarily the humanization of education) and a number of conditions: psychological, pedagogical, organizational, methodological and didactic [36]. Education, according to N.A. Shaidenko and S.N. Kipurova, is the most dynamic factor influencing the personality of the student, his worldview, professional consciousness and self-awareness, in this regard, it is necessary to strive for his fundamentalization, individualization, humanization, humanization, relying on multidimensional pedagogical theories, the basis of which was the humanistic tradition [37].
According to S.I. Nevdakh [30], the conditions of organizational and methodological support for forming professional competencies in the field of constructive interaction among young teachers were highlighted, the main characteristics and features of these competencies were considered, taking into account the analysis of the results of an empirical study in the field forming and demand for the development of these competencies among future teachers.
In their research, changes in pedagogic education under the influence of cultural foundations and principles were considered by O.V. Gukalenko and L.T. Tkach [16]. The
scientists described the need to plan the structural content of the foundations of continuing pedagogic education on the example of an educational project, the purpose of which was the development of cultural artifacts by students as well as forming their cultural and pedagogic identity in the conditions of vocational education and training. In their works, the authors also outlined the basic principles and mechanisms that make it possible to include in pedagogic education the information reflecting a holistic multicultural picture of the world.
E.V. Onishchenko [31] describes the analysis of the identified trends and patterns of modernization in modern higher pedagogic education, where the phenomenon of retroinnovation in the context of assessing its role and place is assessed. The author considered the features of this concept in modern research of historical and pedagogical orientation. Also, the characteristics of the permissible possibilities for transforming certain author's pedagogical concepts and theories, as well as methodological technologies for organizing the educational process, popular in other historical periods, in the process of training future young specialists of higher education institutions at the beginning of the XXI century, were described.
Z.V. Lukashenya [21] considered the converging teachers' continuing education from the point of view of the consulting support, having pedagogical technology, accompanied by certain methodological foundations and laws, as well as the principles of implementing in pedagogical activity. The mechanism of consulting interaction was revealed at the "consultant - client" level. A collective entity from the professional personnel reserve, where specialists have received special game technical training in the form of a "consulting service", was declared as a consultant. The main ways for implementing consulting support are game modeling and schematization. Convergence in the technology of consulting support for continuing education is described at the level of integration of the stated methodological approaches, information support interdisciplinarity, integrating forms and methods of communicative interaction among participants in consulting events.
II. Teachers' professional development in the era of informatization and digitalization: resources and barriers.
Russian psychologist V.I. Panov, in his research on the topic of studying the professional development of a teacher in the conditions of digitalization of education, noted the fact that at the moment the requirements for the subjectivity of a teacher, his personal and professional qualities, as well as his communicative abilities are increasing. Since for high school students the Internet is a natural means and a necessary condition for their daily life, teachers have to master the network space for interaction with students, despite the fact that for most teachers the Internet remains an object that needs to be mastered and treated as a source of threats and risks for the psychological development of schoolchildren [34]. An integral part of the teachers' work was conversations with students about the dangers that lie in wait for children on the Internet about what they consider risky behavior on the web: unproductive behavior in the information environment; demonstration of indifference or quick temper, aggressiveness, etc. [32]. Gradually, the role of the teacher as the subject of pedagogical influence is changing into the subject of pedagogical interaction and facilitation. The scientist and his colleagues described a model of the ecopsychological formation of the subjectivity of the teacher's personality, and also analyzed the ecopsychological typology of subject-environment interactions in the pedagogical environment [33].
Another Russian scientist M.M. Kashapov considered the resource thinking being an intellectual skill of a person who finds various ways to solve problems creatively in various fields of professional activity and life in general. Teacher's resource thinking serves as a
meta-resource, the implementation of which ensures the effective management of activities performed by students based on the maximum use of mental resources. As the basis of resource thinking, the author considered absenteeism as a professionally important quality of a teacher, necessary for his successful work with gifted students [18], and suprasituativity as a cognitive resource for the implementation of structural-functional and procedural-productive positions of the individual [19].
III. Forming a "teacher - student" polysubject community at different stages of education and in various learning formats.
V.A. Tolochek's research deals with the effectiveness of interaction and successful joint activity between a teacher and students in social organization. The author proposed a classification of the following existing dyads: 1) complementary social (or social) dyads; 2) supportive social associations; 3) professional complex interactions; 4) professional creative interactions; 5) kinship relationships; 6) spontaneous relationships; 7) destructive (parasitic, exploitative or oppressive) relationships; 8) antisocial relationships. Currently, the question of studying the first type of dyads, building social relations on the principle of "educator -educated", "teacher - student", "teacher - student", etc. remains significant in the education system [43]. At the moment, the problem of studying the first type of dyads, building social relations on the principle of "educator - educated", "teacher - student", "teacher - student", etc. remains important in the education system. It is thanks to these dyads that students, under the clear guidance of a teacher, can correctly develop inclinations, abilities (general and special), professional abilities, professionally important qualities (PVK), competencies that complement team qualities, dyadic complementary qualities, etc. [42].
The results of a theoretical and empirical study of a team of scientists makes it possible to determine a set of psychological conditions for successful overcoming and preventing continuity crises in developing student's personality. According to the results of the study, three main succession crises were identified: the crisis in transiting a student from general education to higher education, the crisis of the "middle of learning" at the university and the crisis of transiting from studying at the university to the implementation of professional activities [28]. The complex of psychological conditions for the successful overcoming the emerging crises is substantiated in the following: 1) a high degree of forming a polysubject community; 2) a high level of developing personal and professional skills of a future specialist; 3) the presence of a formed high level of self-awareness and constructive psychological defenses among students. Psychological programs were also developed and introduced into the pedagogical learning process aimed at preventing and correcting continuity crises in education and development among students [25].
Such scientists as T.N. Tikhomirova and S.B. Malykh in their works studied the features of interaction in the dyad "Teacher - Student". The authors believed that the development of this polysubject community contributes to the cognitive development of students and affects their academic success. the peculiarities of the child's relationship with the teacher are associated with the individual profile of the development of cognitive abilities, the formation of their structure, and also depend on sensitivity to the microenvironment conditions of education [41]. The scientists analyzed the structure of interpersonal communication in the Teacher - Student dyad at the stage of primary education, identified the main categories conducted by the teacher for the implementation of educational activities that are related to the control and provision of psychological support to students, as well as related to the stimulation of active cognitive activity of students. An important factor was conducting a study at the beginning of training aimed at establishing links between individual interaction
indicators and comparing the results with the level of intelligence at the end of the first year of study, as well as comparing academic performance by the end of primary school [22].
N.A. Aminov and I.I. Osadcheva in their research considered the peculiarities of human character in the field of "student-teacher". The study involved students of the final grades of schools, as well as students of colleges and universities. The results obtained made it possible to determine the presence of individual psychological differences, as well as psychophysiological features of behavior in the learning process. For example, students with a high level of social intelligence and a high level of anxiety turned out to have a weak nervous system, they feel people better, form friendly relationships, resolve problem situations better, and often take responsibility for the team. This ratio is part of pedagogical abilities, since it characterizes a special "sensitivity" to interaction in learning [2]. The connection of the strength of the nervous system as the ability to concentrate and perseverance with existential fulfillment (meaning of life), metacognitive qualities and the internal factor of self-disclosure of abilities was also found. These features formed the basis for the development of the typology of the characters of students in the process of educational activity. This typology describes the features of student behavior in the learning process, which allows organizing more effective work between the teacher and students, which in the long term will have an impact on improving the quality of learning [3].
IV. A teacher as a subject of creating a psychologically favorable educational environment for students with special development trajectories.
An important issue in pedagogy is the educating intellectually gifted children. E.I. Shcheblanova [38] pays special attention to the professional training among teachers working with this category of children. According to the author, the basis of professional training is developing the acceptance of the flexibility of the gifted children development in all its diversity. The approaches to identifying giftedness at different age stages and its further development through the use of various learning strategies were also described.
Speaking about giftedness, A.A. Melik-Pashayev divided it into artistic and pedagogical. In his research, he considered a wide range of psychological and pedagogical problems: from theoretical issues of creativity and giftedness to age-related prerequisites for artistic development that children possess, from general features of art pedagogy to specific recommendations for the development of artistic giftedness of students [24].The author noted that a teacher who teaches artistic disciplines, apart from deep pedagogical knowledge, should have his own creative experience. In this case, students' artistic and aesthetic development will be more effective.
V. Teacher and psychologist: ways of professional cooperation
Psychological and pedagogic interaction is an urgent question in modern school. I.V. Dubrovina notes the special role of a psychologist in continuous education. In her opinion, the cooperation of teachers and psychologists at all stages of training allows to keep social situations of cultural interaction under control [13]. The author believes that the cooperation between teachers and psychologists at all stages of training makes it possible to keep social situations of cultural interaction under control [12].
I.V. Vachkov in his research reveals this problem from the other side, pointing out the possible difficulties of interaction between a psychologist, teachers and the administration of an educational institution. The difficulties described by the scientist come from his own experience, which allowed him to compile a typology and determine the causes of controversial situations, and then develop recommendations for the prevention of their occurrence, including on the integration, implementation, accessibility and safety of
educational resources, applications and tools of distance educational technologies for schoolchildren [46]. His works also describe an algorithm for effective interaction of all participants in educational relations [45].
One of the important problems of modern schools is the greatly increased number of migrant children. In solving this problem, it is also impossible to do without the help of a teacher-psychologist; in cooperation with a class, a psychologist helps to adjust the foreign students'adaptation. K.A. Tsyganova [44] examines the experience of "school counselors" acting as school psychologists using the example of Japanese immigration policy. The problem of this system is the lack of effective interaction among consultants, psychologists and teachers, which further affects the quality of education.
VI. Problems of upbringing and educative learning: modern understanding and psychological and pedagogical practices
The modern education system is constantly changing due to the new tasks as well as teachers' approach to their solution is changing accordingly. T.T. Shchelina conducted a study among educational institutions teachers, considering the their preparedness for conducting educational work. The obtained results show an insufficient level of teachers readiness to solve new problems of the modern educational system. At the moment, teachers are not ready for the implementation and design of new educational programs, because they do not yet have sufficient psychological and pedagogical competence in solving complex professional tasks and situations of interaction with parents on education issues [39], and also need to create an environment of health-saving education in educational institutions, preservation of health and comprehensive development of personality as students, and teachers in order to avoid psychological problems [40]. In connection with the data obtained, it is worth paying special attention to the professional development of teachers in this matter and the creation of a model of health-saving activities of educational institutions.
E.N. Volkova conducted a study of the ideas of classroom teachers concerning the manifestation of aggression among adolescents in the educational space. The results show a strong differentiation of teachers' ideas about the manifestations of aggression in adolescent communities. Teachers consider problems in child-parent relations to be one of the main reasons for aggressive behavior among students. In their opinion, the emotional state of a teenager depends directly on the style of family upbringing and closeness with parents. However, according to modern teachers, the influence of the school environment, as well as the individual and personal characteristics of a teenager, do not have such a big impact on the manifestations of aggressiveness among students. It is noteworthy that in his theoretical and empirical studies, the author demonstrates that any change in the social environment, the appearance of new socialization institutions in a child contain risks of adolescent bullying [47]. Teachers, making conclusions about the situation of adolescent bullying and manifestations of adolescent aggression, are based primarily on their characteristics of emotional intelligence [48].
In the studies of other authors [17] the results of studying the modern teachers' readiness for innovations in pedagogical activity, as well as their pedagogical effectiveness are presented. 1/3 of teachers have a low level of self-regulation, as well as low indicators of readiness for innovation. To improve these indicators, the authors proposed the following algorithm:
1. Conducting psychodiagnostics aimed at identifying the characteristics of personal properties and the regulatory sphere among teachers, as well as determining their current self-regulation level.
2. Developing the teachers' motivational sphere. At this stage, activities aimed at increasing their motivational potential concerning implementing the innovative activities are carried out.
3. Developing and implementing corrective measures.
4. Joint work on choosing the future trajectory of future teachers development.
Comparing the traditional approach in pedagogy with modern scientific technologies demonstrates the need for changes in teacher training. Now there is an increasing need for continuous pedagogical education based on a systematic personal development approach.
According to L.M. Mitina, a modern teacher needs to develop a high level of integral personality characteristics in order to implement effective interaction in the field of "teacher-student". The main task with this approach is to focus on the value of the student, psychological comfort and developing the creative realization. At this stage, the implementation of this approach is hampered by the low level of personal development among teachers, their rigid role-playing behavior, lack of flexibility in making new decisions, as well as the manifestation of psychological defensive reactions. This is also confirmed by the recent research, which deals with the peculiarities of the influence of teacher's professional and personal development level on the students' psychological comfort in a global crisis [26; 29].
The obtained results make it possible to formulate a conclusion that in crisis conditions teachers are able to adhere to a high level of development in the presence of professional flexibility and focus on results. These qualities contribute to developing professionally significant competencies: the ability to control emotions and take students' emotional state into account, as well as the ability to self-reflection. Thanks to this, students are shown positive attitudes and the correct behavior model. The technology of constructive change in teacher behavior developed at the formative stage made it possible to change the negative possibilities of the crisis (instability of the situation, risks, social and psychological contradictions) into a personal resource that contributes to creating a favorable educational environment around oneself.
Table 1
Psychological specifics of the innovative (systemic personality-developing) approach in pedagogic education
Levels Innovative approach (systemic personal development)
Setting a goal The choice of the goal depends on the choice of personal characteristics and skills of activity necessary for a modern teacher.
Informative (personal) The choice of the professional and personal development object. The versatile development among teachers contributes to forming the necessary personality qualities: a high level of self-awareness, flexibility, professional dedication and competence. A teacher can achieve this by solving the emerging internal contradictions: "I am acting", "I am reflected" and "I am creative". The result of solving these contradictions is represented by creative self-realization in the profession, achieving the uniqueness of the individual.
Informative (interpersonal) Choosing a interpersonal interaction model. Teachers' activity is carried out in different models of interpersonal interaction, for example: "teacher-student", "student-students", "teacher-student-parents-psychologist". The inclusion of a larger number of subjects in interpersonal interaction can provide better results for each of them. At the beginning of the joint activity, the teacher and the students set the desired goal and determine the tasks by which this goal can be achieved. In the future, a development strategy is being developed and reflexive communication is being built.
Informative (professional) Determining the content of education. The content of psychological and pedagogic disciplines in the future is aimed at creating a holistic picture of the world and contributes to developing professional teacher's qualities, useful in the pedagogic activity in the future.
Technological The technological aspect is especially important in an innovative approach. At this level, the stages of behavior change, the processes occurring at each stage and a set of methods of influence are studied.
Organizational As the most important components of future teachers' personal and professional development, a set of conditions is implemented - interpsychological, intrapsychological, inter-intrapsychological.
Strategic Orientation towards the professional development model, in which the main emphasis is on forming the ability to "go beyond the continuous flow" of daily practice. Stages of professionalization are the following: self-determination, self-expression and self-realization.
This study demonstrates the need for changes in the approach to training teaching staff. Based on the results obtained, it is clear that the changes should affect the target, substantive, technological and strategic level. This can be achieved while maintaining the principle of converging the traditional teaching along with an innovative approach in pedagogy. With this approach, professional and personal development is expected not only for a single teacher, but also for all subjects of the educational system.
An innovative approach in training the teaching staff [26; 29] is an integration between traditional and modern approaches, based on the unity of principles, goals, content and forms of organizing the pedagogic process. The created relationship between theoretical and practical disciplines develops teachers' purposefulness, integrity, continuity and consistency, creating a complex-targeted and organizational content basis for this training. Continuity of education ensures regular professional development of teaching staff. However, while organizing additional training, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics and specifics of the group.
_Discussing the results
The effectiveness of the implemented technology, revealed experimentally, makes it possible to recommend it for implementation in the teachers' professional training in all forms and levels of education. Thus, improving psychological and pedagogic training among university students aimed at developing their complex of integral personal characteristics (orientation, competence, flexibility, self-awareness) will let them work successfully in difficult conditions of social and cultural transformations of the transition to a post-industrial society.
The results obtained by us are consistent with the results of previously conducted studies of domestic education. In particular, O.V. Zhironkina [49], studying the basic principles and conditions for the formation and implementation of pedagogical convergence in domestic and foreign higher education, concludes that this phenomenon occupies a special place in the educational system, since it helps to outpace the needs of society in the training of highly qualified specialists with higher education who are able to carry out professional activities in conditions of penetration of technological convergence in various aspects of human life. V.V. Golub [14] in his research speaks about the importance of designing and creating an integrative innovation-oriented educational environment for the subsequent formation of personal and professional qualities of a future specialist. M.V. Gradov [15] successfully implements a convergent approach to the design of additional general educational general development programs of technical orientation.
In this article it is emphasized that modern social conditions impose new requirements on teacher training and encourage to change the content and technology of the professional and educational process at the university, increasing attention to personal and professional development, general culture and erudition among future teachers.
1. Providing continuous education among teaching staff is possible with a built-up holistic system based on a personality-developing approach. To solve this strategic task, it is necessary to update the methods and content of pedagogical activity, as well as to change the concept of teachers professional development.
2. The conducted research makes it possible to draw conclusions about the existence of a relationship between the personal and professional development of a teacher. In both cases, the teacher strives for self-development, performing a transformative function, and contributing to the introduction of innovative detail strategies into life.
3. As a result of a new approach to the professional training, the creative potential of all participants in the educational process is activated. Thanks to the commonality of "teacher - student" and an innovative approach in teaching psychological and pedagogic disciplines, effective training among future teachers is provided. In the future, this approach is applied in the conditions of continuous pedagogic education creating a space for constant self-development as well as improving teachers' professional skills.
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Информация об авторах Митина Лариса Максимовна
(Россия, Москва) Профессор, доктор психологических наук,
главный научный сотрудник ФГБНУ «Психологический институт РАО» E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8407-0978 Scopus Author ID: 6603400515 ResearcherlD: S-7763-2016
Митин Георгий Валерьевич
(Россия, Москва) Кандидат психологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник ФГБНУ «Психологический институт РАО» E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3124-0352 Scopus Author ID: 57218954367 ResearcherID: AAG-2392-202
Щелина Светлана Олеговна
(Россия, Арзамас) Кандидат психологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры общей и практической психологии ФГАОУ ВО ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского (Арзамасский филиал) E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2772-7520 Scopus Author ID: 57195248162 ResearcherID: ABI-6651-2020
Information about the authors
Larisa M. Mitina
(Russia Moscow) Professor, Doctor of Psychology, Chief Researcher Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8407-0978 Scopus Author ID: 6603400515 ResearcherID: S-7763-2016
Georgy V. Mitin
(Russia Moscow) PhD in Psychology, Leading Researcher Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3124-0352 Scopus Author ID: 57218954367 ResearcherID: AAG-2392-202
Svetlana O. Shchelina
(Russia, Arzamas) PhD in Psychological Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of General and Practical Psychology
Arzamas branch National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod E-mail: [email protected] ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2772-7520 Scopus Author ID: 57195248162 ResearcherID: ABI-6651-2020
Перспективы Науки и Образования
Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)
Адрес выпуска: https://pnojoumal.wordpress.com/2023-2/23-02/ Дата поступления: 14.11.2022 Дата публикации: 30.04.2023
А. В. Зобков
К вопросу о прокрастинации как психологической защите субъектности
Введение. Актуальность проблемы обусловлена необходимостью преодоления процесса прокрастинации в связи с нарастающей тенденцией к снижению активности личности в решении учебных и профессиональных задач, снижению социальной активности личности. В психологической науке достаточно хорошо изучены эмоциональные, мотивационные факторы прокрастинации, установлена связь с компонентами осознанной регуляции деятельности, отражающей нарушение субъектной активности. Вместе с этим практически отсутствуют исследования, раскрывающие значимость рефлексивных процессов с позиции целенаправленного торможения активности.
Цель исследования состояла в проверке предположения о положительной взаимосвязи рефлексивности с профориентацией в рамках общей гипотезы о том, что прокрастинация может выступать механизмом, защищающим субъектность индивида.
Материалы и методы. Использовались следующие методики: «Шкала прокрастинации» П. Стила в адаптации И.Н. Кормачевой, опросник рефлексивности А.В. Карпова, авторская анкета «Объективно-личностныепроявлениясубъекта деятельности».Висследованиипринялиучастиестуденты Гуманитарного института ВлГУ (г. Владимир, Российская Федерация) в количестве 61 человек, обучающиеся по очной и очно-заочной формам обучения в возрасте от 18 до 46 лет (Me = 28 лет).
Результаты исследования. Установлена значимая положительная взаимосвязь между рефлексивностью личности и её склонностью к прокрастинации (p < 0,01). Выявлен отрицательная взаимосвязь прокрастинации (p < 0,01) с ответственностью, самостоятельностью и инициативностью как объективными проявлениями субъектности.
Заключение. Полученные результаты будут интересны исследователям, занимающимся вопросами саморегуляции деятельности, в том числе учебной, специалистам в области психологии субъекта и развития личности. Могут быть использованы при проектировании образовательного пространства вуза, способствующего становлению субъектности обучающихся.
Ключевые слова: субъект, прокрастинация, саморегуляция, рефлексия, рефлексивность, личностный смысл, субъектный подход
Ссылка для цитирования:
Зобков А. В. К вопросу о прокрастинации как психологической защите субъектности // Перспективы науки и образования. 2023. № 2 (62). С. 468-483. doi: 10.32744^е.2023.2.27