Psycho-physical state as the basis for the manifestation of special physical fitness of young ski racers
S.V. Kostareva1
PhD, Associate Professor A.I. Popova1 PhD, Associate Professor S.S. Gorbunov1 R.R. Ibragimov1
1Tchaikovsky State Physical Education and Sport Academy, Tchaikovsky
UDC 796. 015.682
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to substantiate the concept of "psychophysical state" and to reveal its connection with the special physical fitness of young ski racers.
Methods and structure of the study. The conducted scientific work is based on the method of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature.
Results and conclusions. In the course of theoretical analysis, the concepts of "psychophysical qualities" and "psychophysical state" are revealed. The significance of the physical and mental readiness of ski racers during the transition from the stage of initial training to the stage of sports specialization has been revealed. The requirements for the special physical fitness of young athletes at the stage of initial specialization are determined. The main features of this stage include the emergence of control measures, including standards for special physical training in the form of ski racing in classic and free style, as well as an increase in the number of control and main starts. At the same time, high demands are made on the technique of skiing.
Keywords: young ski racers, psychophysical qualities, psychophysical state, normative requirements, special physical fitness.
Introduction. In the training process of young cross-country skiers, physical training plays an important role, since it is aimed at developing all the physical qualities necessary for a skier's sports activities. Physical training is the basis for the development of physical qualities and increasing the functionality of the body of a young athlete in cross-country skiing.
Young cross-country skiers include athletes undergoing staged long-term training with a gradual increase in sportsmanship, which includes: preliminary training corresponding to the initial training stage at 9-11 years old, the initial specialization stage, divided into initial (first two years) and advanced specialization (3 to 5 years).
When moving from the stage of initial training to the stage of sports specialization, young ski racers for the first time pass the control and conversion standards
for special physical training in the form of races with a classic and free style of movement [10].
In accordance with the federal standard of sports training for the sport of "cross-country skiing", at the stage of sports specialization, the number of control competitions is doubled compared to the stage of initial training (from three starts to six), and the number of main competitions is tripled (from two up to six) [10]. Competitive activity requires the ability of young athletes to tune in at the start of the competitive distance and work it out to the finish line. At the same time, N.N. Melentieva and R.V. Puzyrevsky show that children are not always psychologically ready for them [6, 11]. There is a contradiction between the need for a sufficient level of special physical fitness, which ensures the passing of control and conversion standards, and insuf-
ficient psychophysical readiness of young ski racers for the first competitive starts.
Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate the definition of the concept of "psychophysical state" and to reveal its connection with the special physical fitness of young cross-country skiers.
Methods and structure of the study. The conducted scientific work is based on the method of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature. The theoretical basis of the study was the works of M.A. Kolpinskaya, S.V. Makeeva, G.I. Mokeeva, A.V. Adchenko, N.N. Melentieva.
Results of the study and their discussion. During the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, it was revealed that physical training is a basic component in the training process of young cross-country skiers. A sufficient level of preparedness allows you to cope with increasing physical exertion and master the technique of skiing.
According to N.G. Ozolin, one of the reasons for improper technique is a low level of physical fitness. It is more difficult to correct a technique than to re-teach it, so it is important to pay attention to physical training with young athletes. With a low level of physical fitness, it will be difficult to cope with the requirements for the technique of skiing [8].
The level of development of one or another physical quality of a skier is determined by the specificity of cross-country skiing. Therefore, all physical qualities and abilities can be divided into basic and additional. The main ones include general and speed-strength endurance, while the additional ones include strength, speed, flexibility, general and special coordination, dexterity, balance [3].
Often, when considering physical qualities, they imply a complex set of physiological and mental properties of an organism, which determines the kinematic, dynamic and energy characteristics of a person's movement and call them psychophysical qualities [13].
Kinematic characteristics are associated with the manifestation of space-time indicators and reflect the degree of manifestation of such physical qualities as dexterity, speed and endurance.
Dynamic characteristics are closely related to such a physical quality as strength and are manifested in maximum, explosive, starting strength, strength endurance and speed-strength abilities [9].
The energy characteristics of the movement of the human body are manifested in the physical qualities
of endurance and strength and reflect the work of the functional systems of the human body.
All characteristics of movement are closely related to the manifestation of a person's motor abilities, which largely depend on his innate anatomical, physiological, biochemical and mental characteristics. When the psychophysical qualities of an athlete change, the psychophysical state also changes, which manifests itself in a holistic reaction of the body to external and internal influences that occur when performing activities that are significant for a person and aimed at achieving a useful result.
Optimal psychophysical state provides an opportunity for an athlete: to maintain a positive emotional state in difficult conditions of training and competition; maintain a high level of physical performance; show intellectual, strong-willed qualities necessary in the race, despite the influence of factors that cause negative emotions, mental tension.
In the literature, the psychophysical state is considered as the preservation and development of its mental processes, morphological and physiological characteristics and their corresponding performance, providing adequate behavior in the circumstances and is accompanied by mental comfort with a maximum life expectancy [5].
The psychophysical qualities necessary for a skier-racer include: moral and psychological qualities - personal (temperament, character traits, motives, etc.); cognitive (memory, attention, thinking, perception); moral (moral values, attitudes towards people, readiness for self-improvement, etc.); socio-psychological (ability for positive interpersonal interaction, tolerance, non-conflict) [12].
The team of authors S.A. Kolpinskaya, M.A. Mikhalchenko et al., conducting research on university students, revealed a direct and strong connection between the physical and mental state and a high correlation between the psychophysical state and human activity. Based on the results of scientific analysis, they substantiated the existence of such a concept as a psychophysical state, including two components in it: mental (mental characteristics of the individual) and physical (physical health and development, functional and motor capabilities) [4].
Under the physical condition understand the readiness of a person to perform physical work, physical education and sports. The physical state is determined not only by any one indicator, but by a combination of interrelated features, and primarily such
as physical development, physical performance, functional state of organs and systems, gender, age, physical fitness [2].
High physical and psychological readiness of cross-country skiers is not only a guarantee of a successful result in competitions, but also a prerequisite for long-term professional activity. In the process of physical training, the necessary level of development of physical qualities is achieved, which ensures the ability to maintain a high pace of competitive struggle. While the psychological one allows you to form motivational attitudes and a willingness to realize your potential at the starts. Physical and psychological readiness is necessary for a ski racer for a successful start, the correct distribution of forces over the distance and finishing [11].
Conclusions. The psychophysical state is the basis for the manifestation of special physical fitness of young cross-country skiers. From this position in sports training, the concept of "psycho-physical state" is considered by the authors of the article as an integral complex of relatively stable values of kinematic, dynamic and energy characteristics of a person's movement, manifested in the aggregate of physiological, biochemical and mental processes occurring in a certain period of time in the body associated with physical performance. , character traits and personality traits of an athlete, reflecting the mechanisms of action of increasing specific physical loads and determining the effectiveness of achieving sports results in relation to the requirements of the chosen sport.
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