Останнш часом у всьому свМ зростае кшьксть катастроф природного характеру, як обумовлен змтою клiма-ту на Землi. Для розробки заходiв щодо захисту апаратних ресурав вiд наслiдкiв дп стихшних лих використано метод проeктiв. Опрацьований згИдно його положень метод включав поетапний збiр ведомостей щодо дп стихшних лих на апаратш ресурси телекомуткацшног мережi, гх аналЬ i розробку вИдповИдних протидш.
Виявлен дп i прояви вражаючих факторiв, як не увшшли до Ымейств вИдповИдних вражаючих факторiв перелжу "Характер дш i проявiв вражаючих факторiв природних НС", але дш яких викликавться визначеними джерелами потенцшних НС i позначавться на працездат-ностi апаратних засобiв. Розроблена матриця характеру дй i проявiв вражаючих факторiв природних НС.
На основi Класифгкатора надзвичайних ситуацш Украгни побудовано Ревстр природних загроз апаратним засобам телекомуткацшног мережi. Выявлен новi джерела НС, як становлять загрози апаратним засобам (13 пози-цй). Процес глобального потеплЫня посилив шкИдливу дгю вИдомих небезпек i визначив низку нових, як пропонувть-ся класифгкувати. "Каталiзатором" небезпек може стати антропогенний вплив, який вiдрiзняють сприяння змтам клiмату, штучна модифгкащя середовища.
Мтливкть природно-антропогенного середовища не дозволяв представити повтстю обгрунтоват, детально систематизован природнi загрози, дп i прояви вражаючих факторiв та вiдповiднiсть гх визначеним загрозам. Перелгк вИдомих захисних дш включав оргатзацшн заходи i заходи протидИ виявленим загрозам. Вiдповiдно до кнуючого досвi-ду, апаратн ресурси тежкомуткацшног мережi мають вИдповИдати принципу надмiрностi, за якого виконувться оперативна реконфiгурацiя. Пропонувться застосовува-ти резервування лтш зв'язку шляхом трирiвневого муль-типлексування iз взавмонезалежними мiж собою рiвнями мультиплексування
Ключовi слова: апаратний ресурс телекомуткацшног мережi, вражаючий фактор небезпеки, природна загро-за, ститйне лихо, трирiвневе мультиплексування каналiв зв'язку
UDC 621.39:364.25
[dOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2020.2066921
P. Anakhov
Department of Infrastructure Systems National Power Company "Ukrenergo" S. Petliury str., 25, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01032 E-mail: [email protected] V. Zhebka PhD, Associate Professor* E-mail: [email protected] G. Grynkevych PhD, Associate professor* E-mail: [email protected] A. Makarenko Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor** E-mail: [email protected] *Department of Telecommunication Systems
and Networks*** **Department of Mobile and Video Information Technologies*** ***State University of Telecommunications Solomianska str., 7, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680
Received date 20.04.2020 Accepted date 16.06.2020 Published date 30.06.2020
Copyright © 2020, P. Anakhov, V. Zhebka, G. Grynkevych, A. Makarenko This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)
1. Introduction
Over the past few decades, the number of natural disasters caused by global climate change on Earth has been increasing worldwide:
- frequency of hydrometeorological disasters is growing: floods, droughts, heat and cold waves, hurricanes and storms [1, 2];
- frequency of geological disasters is growing: landslides, avalanches, soil erosion [2, 3];
- frequency and prevalence of fires is growing in savannahs and forests [2, 4].
Such extreme events periodically occur in each of the regions of the world. The economic damage from them is measured in huge amounts [3].
It is noted that the most threatening consequences of warming for the regions of the world are waiting for the seafood industry, agriculture, tourism, insurance compa-
nies; in addition, coastal settlements sensitive to sea level rise [3].
The increase in the number of disasters caused by global climate change, determine the need to develop recommendations for the protection of one of the main sectors of modern production - telecommunications, for example [5-9].
However, the variability of the modern natural-anthropogenic environment can cause changes in the intensity, power and the list of threats. Global warming is one of the factors that accelerates the invasive process, the available information about the "aggression" of invasive species in relation to the local environment [10]. The seismicity of the regions is largely determined by microseismic oscillations of the lithosphere, which are caused by a shift in the frequency spectrum of natural oscillations of water bodies, in turn, depend on the water level [11].
This state of affairs forces to review the list of threats, analyze their effect, and develop protective measures.
2. Literature review and problem statement
The Recommendation of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) ITU-T L.92 (10/2012) presents the most devastating natural disasters threatening telecommunications [6].
Their statistics are given in ITU-T Recommendations L.1502 (11/2015). These are floods (25 %);strong winds (22 %); earthquakes (22 %); forest fires (13 %); landslides (6 %); severe frosts (6 %); others (precipitation and heavy rainfall, increased atmospheric moisture content, severe frost and intense heat, heavy snowfall, heavy ice, etc. - 6 %) [7].
The effects of hazards on telecommunications determine the resources of the telecommunications network (TCN). Fig. 1 presents a matrix of environmental factors caused by natural disasters and the stability of TCN hardware resources to this action. Elements of the matrix represent the degree of influence of the factor on the resource: insignificant (I), moderate (M) and significant (S).
Table 1 shows typical effects of natural disasters on TCN elements in more detail.
Tower Antenna
Equipment room
_Fibre Optic_
Twisted pair and coaxial cables
Grid supply
Standby generators
Satellite Earth Stations HVAC
« M S
s Ji
■a's j
s s
& 5 </> -a
L: Low; M: Moderate; H: High
The fibre optic installation should take note of the risk of landslides and heavy rainfall; their respective installation should avoid areas with a high risk of landslides. Location dependent.
Demands on grid supply may increase beyond its capacity when temperatures rise due to more requirements for cooling._
Fig. 1. The effect of environmental factors due to climate change on the hardware resources of a telecommunication network [7]
Table 1
Typical consequences of natural disasters and possible measures to reduce damage from them [6]
Disaster Effects G Protection Measures
1 2 3 4
High water Flooding of cable ducts; potential damage to cables P Restrictions on the location of telecommunication facilities in areas of possible flooding; the establishment of heavy concrete structures in places of possible post-mortal swelling of the soil; the establishment of retaining structures between external objects and steep landslide hazardous slopes
C Installation of waterproof doors and water pumps; sealing the ends of plastic pipes (in hatches/shafts of the underground infrastructure) with foam filler; installation of drainage pumps and waterproof partitions in cable ducts
M Installation of flood sensors and control systems for cable ducts; installation of systems for early detection of emergency situations
Tsunami Damage to external telecommunications facilities; damage to coastal energy systems P Placement of telecommunication facilities and linear cable structures (LCS) on a hill; compliance with the conditions for the spatial separation of the main and backup communication lines (CL) by transmission media; giving preference to laying communication cables in gas pipelines for maintaining cables under low pressure (GMCLP) along the river bottom compared to laying along the bridge (near the mouth of the river) to provide power to telecommunication facilities by duplicating power sources and power supply cables
Hurricanes/ tornadoes/ typhoons/ wind storms/ strong wind Collapse of the supports of the overhead communication line (OCL), radio towers; rush, damage to the OCL P Strong wind protection
C Installation of additional structures for compensating wind loads (vertical struts, cable braces) at an expected wind speed of more than 40 m/s with steel wires; use of fastening between poles; attaching artificial dampers to protect cables from vibration
Earthquake Destruction of external telecommunication facilities; GKKNT breaks and cable breaks P Earthquake-resistant construction; construction restrictions within seismically active tectonic faults; increasing the resistance of materials used in external telecommunication facilities to earthquakes
C The use of rubber gland seals for penetration into cable ducts, the adoption of measures to ensure the tightness of the hatch cover to the neck of the cable well, the use of flexible joint joints for GMCLP and seismic modeling; Install vibration sensors or damping systems
M Installation of emergency detection systems
Wildfire OCL firing support; damage to the OCL P Use of fire protection (isolation with clean stripes of land - mainly in rural areas)
C Protection of external telecommunications facilities using non-combustible or flame retardant materials; the use of non-combustible materials in cable structures
M Installation of emergency detection systems
1 2 3 4
Landslide Destruction of underground GKNT; LCS damage P Construction restrictions in landslide hazardous places; assignment of telecommunication facilities from landslide hazardous slopes; increasing the stability of landslide hazardous slopes
C Periodic inspection installation of monitoring systems, monitoring by measurement
M Installation of emergency detection systems
Severe frost, snow, ice or heat Equipment destruction P For the trouble-free operation of telecommunications equipment subject to extreme heat or cold, appropriate countermeasures should be provided; for the trouble-free operation of telecommunication equipment located in places with sharp temperature fluctuations, appropriate countermeasures must be provided
C Protection of cable sewers from snow penetration by sewer manholes and the use of antifreeze as a coolant in GMCLP
The precautionary measures to reduce losses from natural disasters for TCN, proposed in accordance with ITU-T Recommendations L.92, are divided into groups (Table 1). Separately, groups of measures (G) for the prevention of natural disasters were identified: preventive measures (P), countermeasures (C), monitoring (M) [6].
ITU recommendations [6, 7] are limited to the list of the most destructive dangers to date and how to protect against their action. However, they do not address other potential dangers for telecommunications.
An extended list of natural disasters in the amount of 38 items that may occur in Ukraine in various sectors of the national economy of the country is given in the National Classifier DK 019: 2010 "Classifier of emergency situations" (from 11.10.2010, No. 457). However, in DK 019:2010 there are no "indicative" dangers of the global warming period: temperature rise [7, 8], sea level rise [7, 8], and changes in precipitation regimes [8]. In addition, the document does not discuss how to protect a telecommunication network.
The performed analysis of the literature shows the feasibility of conducting a study devoted to examining the growing threats of the telecommunication network as a result of global warming, analyzing their impact on network hardware resources and developing countermeasures.
3. The aim and objectives of research
The aim of research is to develop measures to reduce the losses of the telecommunication network from the effects of natural disasters in general, and new threats of global warming in particular.
To achieve this aim it is necessary to solve the following objectives:
- determine the list of threats to the hardware resources of the telecommunications network, which may be stipulated by global warming;
- analyze the effect of threats on the telecommunications network;
- develop countermeasures.
4. Method of developing measures to protect the telecommunications network from the effects of natural disasters
The research material is a natural and anthropogenic environment, which is exposed to natural disasters.
A method to achieve this aim is technology, which should end with reasonable proposals for protecting the telecommunications network from the effects of natural disasters.
The developed method for developing measures to protect the telecommunications network from the effects of natural disasters includes the phased collection of information about the effects of natural disasters on the hardware resources of the telecommunications network, their analysis and the development of appropriate countermeasures.
At the initial stage, a list of threats is determined, the occurrence of which can be caused by processes that accompany global warming of the climate on Earth.
At the second stage, an analysis is made of the influence of observations of the effects of natural disasters on the functioning of the telecommunication network.
At the final stage, a synthesis of possible measures to reduce losses from certain threats is performed.
5. Synthesis of measures to reduce losses from natural disasters
5. 1. Threats, the occurrence of which may be caused by processes that accompany global warming on Earth
The stability of hardware resources in natural threats is ensured provided that the onset of the limiting state is not allowed [12]:
5 (r, t )> F (r, t), (1)
where S (r, t) - value of the resistance criterion to the action of the damaging factor (DF). r - radius vector of the point of the DF field; t - time; F(r,t) - DF value.
Table 2 is a list of the damaging factors of natural emergencies, the nature of their actions and manifestations, according to the RF standard GOST R 22.0.06-95.
The damaging factors form a matrix, the rows of which are their names in alphabetical order, and the columns are the characters of action and manifestation in decreasing order of frequency of occurrence in the list. The matrix elements are denoted in the form Fn f, where n - the number in order of DF name, f - the number in order of the characteristic action and manifestation of the damaging factor in a variety of items. A fragment of the matrix is shown in Fig. 2.
The nature of the actions and manifestations of the damaging factors of natural emergencies [13]
Emergency source DF name/designation The nature of DF action and manifestations
1 2 3
Earthquake Seismic/F8 6 Seismic shock
Seismic/F8 4 Rock deformation
Seismic/F8 2 Blast wave
Seismic/F6 5, F6 4. Volcanic eruption (see Source: ES «Volcanic Eruption»)
Seismic/F2 13, F2 3.. Surge of waves (tsunamis) (see Source: ES «Tsunami. Storm surge of water»)
Seismic/F8 3 Gravitational displacement of rocks, snow masses, glaciers
Seismic F8 5 Surface water flooding
Seismic/F8 1 River bed deformation
Physical/Fu 2 Electromagnetic field (EMF)
Eruption Dynamic/F6 5 Earth shake
Dynamic/F6 4 Earth deformation
Dynamic/F6 11 Ejection, loss of eruption products
Dynamic/F6 i3 Movement of lava, mud, stone flows
Dynamic/F6 12 Rock gravity displacement
Thermal/F9 5 Burning cloud
Thermal/F9 2 Lava, tephra, steam, gases
Chemical/F12 1 Pollution of the atmosphere, soil, hydrosphere
Thermophysical/F10 1 Pollution of the atmosphere, soil, hydrosphere
Physical/F11 1 Lightning discharges
Landslide. Landslide or talus Dynamic/F6 2 Displacement (movement) of rocks
Gravitational/F5 2 Displacement (movement) of rocks
Dynamic/F6 5 Earth shake
Gravitational/F5 5 Earth shake
Dynamic/F6 6 Dynamic, mechanical pressure of displaced masses
Gravitational/F5 6 Dynamic, mechanical pressure of displaced masses
Dynamic/F6 1 Hit
Gravitational/F5 1 Hit
Karst dips Chemical/F12 3 Rock dissolution
Hydrodynamic/F2 9 Rock dissolution
Chemical/F12 4 Destruction of rock structure
Hydrodynamic/F2 10 Destruction of rock structure
Chemical/F12 2 Movement (leaching) of rock particles
Hydrodynamic/F2 7 Movement (leaching) of rock particles
Gravitational/F5 12 Displacement (collapse) of rocks
Gravitational/F5 4 Earth deformation
Deposition (failure) fo the soil Gravitational/F5 4 Earth deformation
Gravitational/F5 11 Soil deformation
Coastal processing Hydrodynamic/F2 13 Wave beat
Hydrodynamic/F2 8 Soil erosion (destruction)
Hydrodynamic/F2 17 Soil particle transfer
Gravitational/F5 13 Displacement (collapse) of rocks in the coastal part
Groundwater level rise (flooding) Gravitational/F3 1 Groundwater level rise
Hydrodynamic/F2 15 Groundwater flow hydrodynamic pressure
Hydrochemical/F4 3 Soil pollution (salinization)
Hydrochemical/F4 4 Corrosion of underground metal structures
Channel erosion Hydrodynamic F2 3 Hydrodynamic pressure
Hydrodynamic/F2 4 River bed deformation
Tsunami. Water storm surge Hydrodynamic/F2 13 Wave beat
Hydrodynamic/F2 3 Hydrodynamic pressure
Hydrodynamic/F2 8 Soil erosion (destruction)
Hydrodynamic/F2 6 Flooding (ES code 20590)
Hydrodynamic/F2 19 River water uptake
1 2 3
Mudflow Dynamic/F6 2 Displacement (movement) of rocks
Gravitational/F5 2 Displacement (movement) of rocks
Dynamic/F6 1 Hit
Gravitational/F5 1 Hit
Dynamic/F6 8 Mechanical pressure of the mudflow
Gravitational/F5 8 Mechanical pressure of the mudflow
Hydrodynamic/F2 16 Mudflow hydrodynamic pressure
Aerodynamic/F 11 Shock wave
High water level (floods) Hydrodynamic/F2 1 Water flow
Hydrochemical/F4 1 Water flow
Hydrodynamic/F2 5 Hydrosphere, soil pollution
Hydrochemical/F4 2 Hydrosphere, soil pollution
Jams, ice jams Hydrodynamic F2 18 Water level rise
Hydrodynamic/F2 14 Hydrodynamic pressure of water
Snow avalanche Gravitational/F5 7 Displacement (movement) of snow masses
Dynamic/F6 7 Displacement (movement) of snow masses
Gravitational/F5 1 Hit
Dynamic/F6 1 Hit
Gravitational/F5 10 Pressure of displaced snow masses
Dynamic/F6 10 Pressure of displaced snow masses
Aerodynamic/F1 10 Shock wave
Aerodynamic/F1 8 Sonic boom
Strong winds, including squalls and tornadoes, incl. hurricanes, typhoons, wind storms Aerodynamic/F1 7 Wind flow
Aerodynamic/Fi 3 Wind load
Aerodynamic/F1 4 Aerodynamic pressure
Aerodynamic/Fi 1 Vibration
Aerodynamic/F1 9 Strong air discharge
Aerodynamic/F1 6 Whirlwind
Heavy dust storm Aerodynamic/F1 5 Blowing and filling of topsoil
Heavy rain Hydrodynamic/F2 1 Water flow
Hydrodynamic/F2 6 Flooding (ES code 20590)
Very heavy snowfall Hydrodynamic/F2 11 Snow load
Hydrodynamic/F2 12 Snow drifts (ES code 20335)
Strong snowstorm Hydrodynamic/F2 11 Snow load
Hydrodynamic/F2 2 Wind load
Hydrodynamic/F2 12 Snow drifts (ES code 20335)
Heavy ice Gravitational/F5 9 Ice load
Dynamic/F6 9 Ice load
Gravitational/F5 3 Vibration
Dynamic/F6 3 Vibration
Large hail Dynamic/F6 1 Hit
Heavy fog Thermophysical/F10 2 Reduced visibility (cloudy air)
Very severe frost Thermal/F9 4 Soil, air cooling
Very intense heat Thermal/F9 3 Soil, air heating
Low water/drought Aerodynamic/F1 2 Soil drying
Thermal/F9 1 Soil drying
Lightning strikes Electrophysical/F7 1 Electric discharges
Wildfire, steppe, field, peat bog Thermophysical/F10 5 Flame
Thermophysical/F10 3 Heat flow
Thermophysical/F10 7 Heatstroke
Thermophysical/F10 6 Clouding of air
Thermophysical/F10 4 Hazardous smoke
Chemical/F12 1 Pollution of the atmosphere, soil, hydrosphere
Effect of danger
1 aerodynamic 7 electrophysical 12 chemical
1 Vibration df\ \ Electric discharges df7 , Pollution of the atmosphere, soils, hydrosphere dfu i
2 Soil drying df\ 2 - Movement (leaching) of particles of rock dfn 2
3 Wind load dfi 3 - Dissolution of rocks dfu 3
4 Aerodynamic pressure df! 4 Destruction of rock structure df 12 4
Blowing and backfilling - -
Fig. 2. Fragment of the matrix of the nature of actions and manifestations of the damaging factors of natural emergencies
Table 3 provides a list of natural disasters that could lead to emergencies. The National Classifier DK 019:2010 was taken as the basis. The table is supplemented by phenomena that were not included in the classifier: from the matrix of environmental factors caused by climate change and the hardware resources of the telecommunication network, Fig. 1 [7]; Table 1 "Typical consequences of natural disasters and possible measures to reduce damage from them" [6]; from Table 2 "The nature of the actions and manifestations of the damaging factors of natural emergencies" [13].
Table 3
Register of natural threats to telecommunications network hardware
ES code. Title The effect of th natural threat on hardware
Protection Measures
1 2
20110. Earthquake See Table 1, Table. 2
See Table 1, Fig. 3, cable protection from EMF exposure (f11 2) can be carried out by insulating coatings, tread, cathode or drainage installations, line-protective grounding [14]; to protect cables from the effects of EMF (F11 2), calibration, cascade protection and grounding of CL, the installation of arresters and fuses are used; the establishment of lightning rods on OCL and cables - on CL [15]
Solar flare Radio emissions, increasing magnetic field strength [15, 16]
Alerts, changes in regulations and standards that determine the parameters of equipment operation, the creation of a reserve of necessary facilities and equipment, and the training of forces for restoration (repair) [16]; from the EMF action (F11 2) - as in an earthquake (code 20110)
20210. Eruption of a mud volcano See Table 2
See Fig. 3 [6]
20220. Landslide See Fig. 1, Table 1, 2
See Table 1, Fig. 3
20230. Collapse or talus See Fig. 1, Table 1, 2
See Table 1, Fig. 3
20240. Deposition (failure) of the earth's surface See Table 2
See Fig. 3
20250. Karst dips See Table 2
See Fig. 3
20260. Rising groundwater table (flooding)) See Table 2
See Fig. 3, protection of underground metal structures from corrosion (F4 4) can be carried out by insulating coatings, tread, cathode or electrodrainage installations, line-protective grounding [14]; restrictions on the location of telecommunication facilities in areas of possible flooding [8, 9]; artificial increase of planning marks of the surface of the territory; normative compaction of the soil when filling of pits and trenches; ensuring proper drainage of surface water, the construction of protective structures [17]
20310. Precipitation-related phenomena Flooding, flooding [8]
As for cases of flooding (code 20260), flooding (code 20590)
20311. Heavy rain See Fig. 1, Table 2
See Fig. 3
20312. Large hail See Table 2
20313. Very heavy snow See Fig. 1, Table 1, 2
See Table 1, Fig. 3
20314. Very heavy rain (rain and sleet) The combined effect of heavy rain (code 20311) and very heavy snowfall (code 20313)
Accordingly, as for heavy rain and very heavy snowfall
Change in precipitation patterns May cause precipitation (abyss) of the earth's surface (code 20240) [8]
Accordingly, measures - as in the case of precipitation (abyss) of the earth's surface
1 2
20320. Meteorological temperature
20321. Very severe frost See Table 1, 2
See Table 1
20322. Very intense heat See Table 1, 2
See Table 1
Temperature increase See Fig. 1, may cause equipment overheating [8]
Application of ventilation and air conditioning systems [7, 8]; revision of equipment protection requirements [8]
20330. Meteorological, other
20331. Strong wind, including squalls and tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, wind storms See Fig. 1, Table 1, 2
See Table 1
20332. Severe dust storm See Table 2; overvoltage on the VLAN wires [15]
From the EMF action (F11 2) - as in an earthquake (code 20110)
20333. Strong sticking of snow The action is similar to the action of strong ice (code 20334)
Accordingly, as for strong ice
20334. Heavy ice, incl. as a result of an ice storm See Table 1, 2, Fig. 1
See Table 1, monitoring of guttering; methods aimed at preventing guttering; Methods associated with the removal of ice formed [18]
20335. Snow drifts See Table 2
See Table 1
20336. Snowstorm See Table 2; overvoltage on the OCL wires [15]
See Fig. 3, from the action of EMF - as in an earthquake (code 20110)
20337. Heavy fog See Table 2
Not found
Increased atmospheric moisture [7] See Fig. 1, can accelerate hardware corrosion [8]
View equipment protection requirements; condensate monitoring [8]
Lightning strikes [7, 13] See Fig. 3, Table 2; the lead sheath of the underground cable melts, the jute braid burns out, the insulation burns, the cable conductors melt, etc. [15]
Cable protection from electrical discharges (F7 1) can be carried out by insulating coatings, tread, cathode or drainage systems, line-protective grounding [14]; protection of equipment from direct lightning strikes is carried out using an external lightning protection system [19]; shielding, connections of metal elements, grounding, surge protection devices are used to protect against secondary effects of lightning [19]
20410. Strong (high) unrest of the sea and the reservoir The action is similar to the effect of a high water level (high water, high water) (code 20510)
special foundations (F2 13) are assigned for OCL supports [20]
20420. High or low sea level High sea level action similar to high water level action (code 20510) low sea level action similar to low water/drought action (code 20520)
Accordingly, for the case of high sea level - as for high water level for the case of low sea level - as for low water/drought
Sea level rise [7] See Fig. 1, corrosion acceleration of coastal infrastructure, flooding [8]
Viewing the heights of reference points for some calculations of telecommunication equipment [8]
20430. Early freeze-up or fast ice Undefined
20440. Threatening icing of ships Undefined
Tsunami. Storm surge of water [13] See Table 1, 2
See Table 1, Fig. 3, special foundations (F2 13) [20] are assigned for protection against wave impacts for OCL supports
20510. High level of water (floods, floods), including flash floods See Fig. 1, Table 1, 2
See Table 1, Fig. 3
20520. Low water level/ drought (low water level) See Table 2
20530. Jams, ice jams See Table 2
20540. Mudflow See Table 2
See Fig. 3
1 2
20550. Snow avalanche See Table 2
See Fig. 3
20560. Low water The action is similar to the action of low water/drought (code 20520)
How to protect against water shortage/drought
20570. Early ice formation and the appearance of ice in navigable water bodies and rivers Undefined
20580. Intensive ice drift Damage to the OLC supports [20]
On floodplains with severe ice conditions, special foundations are assigned to the OLC supports [20]
20590. Flooding See Table 2
See Fig. 3
Shore processing [13] See Table 2
See Fig. 3
Channel erosion [13] See Table 2
20610. Forest fire See Table 1, 2
See Table 1
20620. Steppe fire See Table 1, 2
See Table 1
20630. Field fire (on agricultural land) See Table 1, 2
See Table 1
20640. Peat bog fire See Table 1, 2
See Table 1
Contact mechanical failure:
- collisions See Table 4 [21]
See Table 5
- gnawing See Table 4 [21]
See Table 5
- destruction See Table 4 [21]
See Table 5
Performance degradation:
- biocontamination See Table 4 [21]
Cleaning leaves and debris in the OCL locations [8]
- bioobstruction See Table 4 [21]
Cleaning leaves and debris in the OCL locations [8]
- biofouling See Table 4 [21]; the defeat of underground cables by a lightning current that flows along the roots of trees [15]
Cleaning leaves and debris in the OCL locations [8]
Biochemical destruction:
- bio-consumption in the process of nutrition See Table 4 [21]
See Table 5
- chem. action of released substances See Table 4 [21]
See Table 5
Biocorrosion See Table 4 [21]
See Table 5
The resulting registry (Table 3) includes both a detailed list of telecommunications network threats and a description of their impact on hardware and related countermeasures.
5. 2. Analysis of observations of the effects of natural disasters on the functioning of the telecommunication network
Characteristic actions and manifestations of damaging factors that affect the performance of the hardware were
found (Table 3), but are not mentioned in the list of Table 2 "The nature of the actions and manifestations of the damaging factors of natural emergencies", namely:
- for phenomena related to precipitation (code 20310), to flooding (F2 6, code 20590) of linear-cable structures of telecommunication transport networks located in lowlands, inspection and inspection wells, as well as underground structures and data centers located in the coast and on urban lands, the risks of flooding are added (increase in ground-water level F3 1, hydrodynamic pressure of the groundwater
flow F2 15, soil contamination (salinization) F4 3, corrosion of underground metal structures F4 4, code 20260) [8];
- in cases of a strong dust storm (blowing and filling of the topsoil F1 5, code 20332) and a strong snowstorm (snow load F2 11, wind load F2 2, snow drifts F2 12, code 20336) small grains of sand and ice crystals flying at high speed above the ground as a result of friction, they receive electric charges that they give to hanging wires in a collision with the latter. As a result, overvoltages are created on overhead lines;
- the thermal damaging factor "Heat flow" F10 3 is assigned to the phenomena associated with fires in natural ecological systems (code 20600). At the same time, the consequences of strong heating of the underground cable can be a lightning strike;
- the physical damaging factor "Electromagnetic field" (F11 2) is assigned to the phenomena associated with the earthquake (code 20110). At the same time, as a result of changes in the magnetic field of the Earth, they can be caused by a magnetic storm caused by a solar flare;
- the physical damaging factor "Electromagnetic field" (F11 2) is assigned to the phenomena associated with the earthquake (code 20110). At the same time, overvoltages on the OCL overhead wires , caused by the action of an electromagnetic field, are created as a result of climbing over small grains of sand (strong dust storm, code 20332) and ice crystals (strong snowstorm, code 20336).
Identified natural threats to hardware that are not included in the base table "Register of natural threats to telecommunications network hardware".
1. In the "traditional" for global warming, an increase in temperature, an increase in the atmospheric moisture content, changes in precipitation regimes and an increase in sea level are attached:
- severe ice due to an ice storm (let's note that only in the USA during 1949-2000. Ice storms led to 87 large-scale accidents, causing damage in the amount of 16.3 billion USD [22]);
- solar flares (for example: September 1-2, 1859 disabling telegraph networks in Europe and America; August 4, 1972 -the telephone network of the state of Illinois (USA), it is noted that significant differences arising from a sharp change in the Earth's magnetic field due to a magnetic storm potentials between points on the earth's surface that are remote from each other affect the operation of single-core communication circuits (remote supply via wire-to-ground system, signaling circuits, etc.) [16]. For long-term passage along the circuit, earth currents can lead to damage in electronic equipment [15]);
- lightning strikes [15].
2. There is evidence of biological attacks on communication cables [10]:
- high humidity and temperature contribute to the growth of molds, which reduce the strength of the protective covers of the cable and change the properties of water-blocking materials;
- termites, ants, tree bugs and larvae damage the protective cover of the cable; ants and termites release active acid secretion, which, when in contact with the cable, can cause corrosion of metal elements;
- overhead cables damage birds; in addition, their livelihoods are characterized by a high content of chemically and biologically active substances, which are aggressive environments for cable sheaths.
The development and behavior of native species in the context of global warming, their impact on telecommunication equipment requires a detailed study. Invasive species require even more calculated attention.
Known methods for disrupting the operational state of electronic and electronic computing devices that can cause a combination of organisms or their communities are given in Table 4.
Table 4
Classification of biological damage to electronic and electronic computing devices [21]
Biodeteriora-tion type Explanation
1. Mechanical failure upon contact (caused mainly by macroor-ganisms having dimensions comparable to product dimensions):
- collisions birds with radio antennas
- gnawing materials by rodents, or species
- destruction usually occurs in the process of feeding organisms
2. Deterioration of operational parameters:
- biocontamination allocation of organisms and their metabolic products, the action of which as a result of wetting with water or absorbing moisture from the air leads to a change in product parameters
- bioobstruction spores of fungi and bacteria, plant seeds, parts of mycelium of fungi, bird droppings, excreta of organisms, dying organisms
- biofouling * bacteria, fungi, sponges, mollusks and other organisms, enhances metal corrosion
3. Biochemical destruction (caused mainly by microorganisms that are microscopic in size and invisible to the naked eye):
- biological consumption during nutrition associated with preliminary chemical destruction by the enzymes of the starting material, sometimes only one component (usually a low molecular weight compound, for example a plasticizer, stabilizer). Such destruction opens the way for physical and chemical corrosion, leads to a deterioration in the thermodynamic properties of the material and its mechanical destruction under the action of operational loads
- chemical effects of released substances the chemical effect of the products of the exchange of microorganisms, which increases the aggressiveness of the environment, stimulates corrosion processes
4. Biocorrosion biocorrosion on the face of the material-organism is due to the action of amino and organic acids, as well as hydrolysis products; it is based on electrochemical processes of metal corrosion under the action of microorganisms
Note: * - lightning currents that flow along the roots of plants can cause damage to the underground cable [15]. The fact that an increase in temperature stimulates their growth is noted in [8]
In the literature accessible to the authors, no data were found on the effects on the hardware of a telecommunication network of the following natural threats:
- early ice formation or fast ice (code 20430);
- threatening icing of ships (code 20440);
- early ice formation and the appearance of ice in navigable water bodies and rivers (code 20570).
5. 3. Synthesis of possible measures to reduce losses from certain threats
Specific measures known from the literature for protecting telecommunications network hardware from certain
natural hazards are summarized in the Register (Table 3). The generalized measures are described further and are reduced to recommendations for the protection of linear cable structures and organizational measures.
Practical recommendations for protecting key telecommunications facilities, communication cables, from some pests are given in Table 5.
Table 5
Protection of communication cables from pests [23]
Pest Protection element
Rodents Armored steel wire, aramid yarns or fiberglass rods
Birds Steel sheath or steel laminated tape
Ants and termites Polyamide sheath
Woodpeckers and termites Armor-curved steel or brass bands
Wood insects and their larvae Protective cover from steel strips with a thickness of 0.2 mm with a bituminous composition
To protect the line-cable structures from atmospheric and hydrological threats, it is proposed to lay them underground. Fig. 3 presents examples of enhanced measures to protect underground linear cable structures.
To protect hardware from natural threats (Table 3), the following organizational measures are proposed:
- to protect against geophysical (code 20100) and geological phenomena - to maintain the readiness of monitoring, forecasting, warning systems; decide on the feasibility of
building in hazardous areas; maintain the readiness of forces and means to eliminate the consequences of the action;
- for protection against meteorological phenomena (code 20300) - to identify precursors, detect disasters; notify the population; establish a strict procedure for building codes in high-risk areas; develop emergency plans in in high-risk areas;
- for protection against hydrological marine phenomena (code 20400) - conduct and refine risk assessments and hazard identification; organize a centralized monitoring and control system; identify and specify areas with the most dangerous and frequent anomalies and determine the risks of emergencies in them; strengthen measures to protect territories in hazardous areas; create a reserve of funds and equipment for recovery;
- to the extent possible, eliminate or minimize the linking of communication infrastructure to the electricity network infrastructure, providing backup power through diesel generators, autonomous wind and solar power plants.
When assessing the reliability of a telecommunication channel, its resistance to threats is determined by the channel availability coefficient, which is calculated by the formula [24]:
k = t /(t +1-
w / \ w w y
where tw, t^ - the duration, respectively, of the work and disability of the channel, the stability of which is determined by inequality (1), after a certain control time interval (t +1-).
Fig. 3. Examples of measures to protect underground line-cable structures from the experience of Japanese telecommunications experts [6]: 1 — sliding joint for manholes (a gas pipe connection); 2 — sliding joint for gas pipelines; 3 — sliding connection with a stopper; 4 — flexible connection for sinking the wall of the cable shaft; 5 — flexible connection
of cable channels; 6 — flexible connection of sections of the gas pipeline for penetration into the building; 7 — flexible connection; 8 — sliding joint+coupling; 9 — sliding connection with a stopper+concrete cable tray; 10 — sliding connection with a stopper+connecting sleeve; 11 — reinforced concrete manhole cover; 12 — building user services; 13 — cable channel; 14 — cable shaft; 15 — cable duct; 16 — sinking bridge; 17 — inspection well (IW); 18 — revision well (RW); 19 — normal soil; 20 — water-saturated soils; 21 — directions of displacements; 22 — wall of the building; 23 — flexible corrugated gas pipeline
According to existing experience, the hardware resources of a telecommunication network must comply with the principle of redundancy, in which an operational reconfiguration is performed. It is proposed to apply reservation of communication lines due to alternative technologies, for example, optical transmission technology in free space, high-frequency communication over power lines. All this, first of all, concerns the transport network common for telecommunication services users.
Fig. 4 shows the functional diagram of the network, the increase in resources of which is carried out due to three-level multiplexing with mutually independent multiplexing levels. The principle of independence is also supported within the levels: due to the frequency and time separation of signals, separation of signals by physical nature (electrical, optical), separation by media (free space, artificial guides).
Fig. 4. Functional diagram of a multichannel communication system: I — level of multiplexing channels with frequency v and time t signal separation; II — level of multiplexing channels with separation of signals by physical nature f(E); Ill — level of multiplexing of channels with separation of signals with transmission medium f(x, y, z), where k, /, m, n — corresponding channels; MX — modulator, DMX - demodulator [25]
The availability factor of the proposed communication system, built from n duplicated channels of the telecommunication network, is calculated by the formula:
k„, = 100 x
1 -fi(i - k /100)
, i = 1,2,3,,.,n,
where ki - availability factor of the i-th communication channel.
6. Discussion of the results of the study of natural threats to the telecommunications network and measures to reduce damage from them
As a result of studies, characteristic actions and manifestations of damaging factors that were not included in the Table 2 "The nature of the actions and manifestations of the damaging factors of natural emergencies" were revealed, but the effect of which affects the operability of hardware (Table 3) - 6 positions of emergency sources. Natural threats to hardware were identified that were not included in the register of natural threats to telecommunication network hardware (Table 3) - 13 positions of emergency sources. No data were revealed on the impacts on the hardware of the telecommunications threat network - 3 positions of emergency sources.
Global warming is one of the factors that accelerates the invasive process. Available information on the "aggression" of invasive species in relation to local flora and fauna. The danger catalyst can be anthropogenic impact, which is distinguished by the promotion of climate change, the artificial modification of the environment. There is evidence of attacks on communication cables, electronic and electronic computing tools that can cause invasive and indigenous populations of organisms or their communities, plants under global warming.
The limited amount of work, the variability of both natural and anthropogenic (artificial) environments do not allow, firstly, to provide reasonable, systematized actions and manifestations of damaging factors in detail and their compliance with certain natural threats, and secondly, a complete list of protective actions that has become would be a panacea for all ills and forever.
Therefore, no data has been identified on the protection of hardware from a number of actions and manifestations. To protect the TCN, in addition to organizational measures, cable laying and installation of linear cable structures underground is proposed. Recommendations are given on protecting communication cables from rodents, birds, ants and termites, woodpeckers, wood insects and their larvae.
According to existing experience, the hardware resources of a telecommunication network must comply with the principle of redundancy, in which an operational reconfiguration is performed. It is proposed to apply the reservation of communication lines by three-level multiplexing with mutually independent multiplexing levels. The principle of independence is also supported within the levels: due to the frequency and time separation of signals, separation of signals by physical nature (electrical, optical), separation by media (free space, artificial guides).
As a result of the study, the ES sources have been identified; they constitute natural threats to hardware, but are not mentioned in the National Classifier of Ukraine DK 019:2010. The global warming process has amplified the harmful effects of known dangers and identified a number of new ones that are proposed to be classified. A significant threat to the telecommunications network is the accelerated evolution of bio-vision in a changing natural environment. The "catalyst" of the danger can be anthropogenic impact, which is distinguished by the promotion of climate change, artificial modification of the environment.
The study is a continuation, firstly, of ITU's research to identify threats inherent in global warming, and secondly, to identify measures to protect telecommunication network resources from them. Future research should continue to identify possible "latest" threats, acting on their prevention. This will prevent emergency situations, in particular in the field of telecommunications. Another area of future research is a deeper analysis of the effects of natural disasters. As practice shows, they can have a significant list of damaging factors, which requires advancing additional requirements for the stability of hardware resources.
7. Conclusions
1. A method has been developed to develop measures to protect the telecommunications network from the effects of natural disasters. The method is easily formalized and algorithmized, and includes a phased collection of informa-
tion about the effects of natural disasters on the hardware resources of the telecommunication network, their analysis and the development of appropriate countermeasures. The method can be used in the formation of orders for information and communication research, in studies of a wide range of extreme impacts on the natural and anthropogenic environment, in particular those that have departmental and regional directions, in developing measures to counter impacts, in developing relevant strategic and current research plans programs.
2. A register of natural threats to the telecommunication network hardware has been developed, containing data on the impact of the hazard and measures to protect it. The
main position of the registry is that measures to protect any resource of a telecommunication network are adequate influential phenomena on the resource, and are directly dependent on the nature of the action and the manifestations of threats that form the appropriate matrix.
3. To protect the telecommunications network from natural threats of global warming, it is proposed to use a network whose resources are increased through three-level multiplexing with multiplexing levels that are independent of each other. Three-level multiplexing allows to optimize the telecommunications network at the design and modernization stages, in particular, duplicated network resources in the conditions of established restrictions.
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