20 QUTal and Practice A^ÍCU""^
Journal Bulletin of Stavropol Region
UDK 338.48
Elfimova Y. M.
Abstract: This article includes analysis of problems of Key words: tourist and recreational potential, sustaindevelopment of tourist and recreational potential as a fac- able development, mining and recreational areas, resort tor of sustainable development of the region. This paper infrastructure, strategic industries, the region's economy. discusses the need to develop the program of development of the region in which the main directions of development of the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic can be a wellness area, mountain tourism, ski sport.
Elfimova Y. M. -
Associate Professor, Candidate of economic Sciences,
Faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourisme
Stavropol State Agrarian University
Stavropol, Russia
Tel.: +79054453185
E-mail: [email protected]
The sustainability of economic development in separate region is the need to create conditions for sustainable economic development through the effective use of all existing sanatorium-resort and tourist-recreational potential.The flow of tourists across the country and in certain regions is growing every year and in large quantities. Karachay-Cherkessia Republic (further KChR), which occupies a key position geographically, in the tourist cluster of the North Caucasian Federal district, Krasnodar region and Republic of Adygeya, has enormous natural, cultural and historical tourism resources, tourism in the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic may be one of the main sectors of socio-economic development of the region.
Karachay-Cherkessia Republic is quite rich natural resource potential due to its location. According to the nature of the surface there are three areas in the country: mountain, foothills, plains. The majority of the territory is occupied by mountains Karachay-Cherkessia Republic (about 80 %). In the republic there is the highest top of the Caucasus and all Europe - Mount Elbrus that does the republic by a recognizable point on the map of the world. The Karachay-Cherkessia Republic has favorable climate for tourism development, is rich with water, land, mineral and other resources. Also in mountains of KChR widely known centers of the international tourism, mountaineering and mountain skiing - Dombai, Teberda, Arkhyz are located. Also the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic has rich history and historical and cultural potential. It is promoted by the fact that many nationalities live in the republic, each of which has rich history of formation of the people. It is possible to double the gross regional product of the republic, according to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation only by the development of tourism in the KChR. Thus, there is
a need to develop a program for the development of the region in which the main directions of development of the Karachay-Cherkessia can be a wellness area, mountain tourism, skiing sport.
According to the Federal law «About bases of tourist activity in the Russian Federation» of 24.11.96 № 132-FZ, the Concept of the Federal target program «Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2016)», the approved order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 19.07.2010 N 1230-R, issued a decree on approval of the Republican target program «Development of tourism in the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic for the period till 2016» dated August 04, 2011 N 245 [1].
The full implementation of the Program events will allow to turn KChR in one of the largest centers of tourism in the Russian Federation.
The main objective of the program was the creation of favorable economic conditions for the further sustainable development of tourism and the maximum satisfaction of consumer demand for tourist services.
It is expected for the years 2011-2016 the construction and development of new tourism and recreational and health facilities under this program, such as an all-season tourist-recreational complex «Arkhyz» (Arkhyz village); recreation and fitness complex «Gil-su»; tourist and recreational complex «Mara» at the pass Gum-Bashi, tourist and recreational complex «Mara» at the pass Gum-Bashi (stage 2), and in the tract Ran-Sirt, tourist and recreational complex in the tract Shaylyk-Sirt, tourist and recreational complex in Hurzukskogo historical complex , tourist and recreational complex at the northern foot of Mount Elbrus, the historical complex in the Lower Arkhyz museum-reserve; the expansion of tourism and recreation complex
A gricultural
Bulletin of Stavropol Region
№ 4(24)/2 Supplement, 2016
«Honey Waterfalls», the ski slopes on the mountain Semenov-Bashi (Dombay Village.), tourist and recreational complex «Garaly».
The total amount of funding for the program amounts to 19877815.5 thousand rubles, which is forward-looking and is subject to annual adjustment in view of the national budget possibilities. To finance the activities of the program may attract funds as the federal budget and local budgets. The volume of funding for 2014-2016 years of the program after the adjustment is 8127893.81 thousand rubles. The amount of funding, designed in 2011, for a period 2014-2016. It differs significantly from the amount calculated in 2013 for the relevant period. The amount of funding in 2011 for a period 20142016 is 42579711 thousand rubles, and the payment in 2013 was 8437028.5 thousand rubles. Thus, the volume of financing increased by 4177317.5 thousand rubles, which explains the instability of the national budget and the ability to adjust for the following years.
All KChR tourist resources can be grouped into several mountain recreation areas, which already have their own tourist centers, facilitating transport links with interregional highway Maikop- Karachaevsk- Kislovodsk: «Teberda - Dombay» in Karachai district and the city of Karachayevsk; «Nizhny Arkhyz» and «Arkhyz» in Zelenchuk region; «Honey falls», «Uchkeken» and «Showat»Malokarachaevskiy in the area; «Mara» in the Karachay and Ust-dzhugutinsky areas; «Uzunkol», «Gil-su» and «Mahar» in the Karachay area; «Big lab» in the Urupskiy area.
There are a number of large investment projects, such as all-season mountain resort «Honey Waterfalls» tourist-recreational complex «Mara», all-season resort «Arkhyz» and resort «Dombai».
Plan an all-season mountain resort «Honey waterfalls» are designed to build no less than sixty jobs. On the territory of tourist and recreational complex was built in the Museum «Karachai yard», a summer cafe on 280 seats. The total investment is about 195 million rubles.
Tourist and recreational complex «Mara» has great potential for the development of sightseeing and recreational activities. Currently, in the territory of tourist-recreational complex «Mara» has three towing cable cars (1300 m, 350 m and 220 m), equipped ski runs 5 km, mini-hotels, three cafes,
two kebab, ski rentals, snowboard , sledges, tubing, horses, snowmobiles, helicopters and more.
In March 2012 there was the official opening of the first objects of all-season resort «Arkhyz» - quad cable car 860 meters in length and two ski lines with doubles in the first village resort «Arkhyz-1650», laid in accordance with European standards.
The development of the resort has some social burden, its implementation will contribute to the development of transport, services, agriculture and processing industry KChR further will create about 10 thousand. Jobs in related and associated sectors.
The construction of hotel infrastructure and the ski resort of the first ensemble - village «Arkhyz-1650».
The concept of ski resort involves the creation of a developed resort infrastructure for a complete wellness and family vacations. Much attention is paid to the development of KChR resort Dombay.
Resorts are one of the main resources of the KChR, so tourism is recognized as one of the strategic sectors of the economy of the region. In recent years there has been steady growth of the number of tourists in the country. So according to the Ministry of Tourism and Resorts of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia in 2014, tourist flow increased by 47 %, the expected results by the end of 2016, provided by the program: increasing the number of arrivals in KChR foreign and Russian tourists more than doubled in relation to 2012 year, an increase of one and a half times compared to 2012 the number of rooms of tourism accommodation; an increase of paid services to the subjects of the tourism industry to the population more than doubled in relation to 2012; the creation of additional jobs in the tourism infrastructure maintenance and other neighboring sectors is not less twelve thousand people.
So, it is possible to draw the following conclusion that tourism in general develops in recent years in Karachay-Cherkessia Republic steadily and dynamically, in a consequence of what it is recognized as one of strategic industries of economy of the region. When carrying out all major actions for enhancement of management and functioning of all fields of activity, the region can reach a worthy position among all subjects of Russia.
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