PROSPECTS OF HELICICULTURE DEVELOPMENT AS AN INNOVATIVE INDUSTRY OF AGRICULTURE In UKRAINE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
heliciculture / heliciculture market / snail farming / small business / family farm.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Zubar I., Onyshchuk Yu.

The article substantiates the concept of "heliciculture" as an activity aimed at growing industrial species of snails in order to obtain products intended for further processing or direct human consumption. The content of this predicate in terms of its prospects as a new direction of agricultural production is analyzed. The historical genesis of the tradition development of snail products consumption is analyzed, as a result of which the first mentions in the history of Ancient Rome, as well as France and Italy are revealed. An analysis of the dynamics and current state of development of domestic heliciculture entrepreneurship, which showed a rapid growth in the number of snail farms and increasing exports of snails to Europe. A review of the world market for edible snail products has been carried out, where there is a noticeable tendency to a gradual annual increase in the consumption of heliciculture products. Spain, France, China and Italy are among the main consumer countries, while Morocco, Indonesia, Romania and Bulgaria are leading the way. The key elements of the technological process of growing edible snails are analyzed, which allowed us to conclude about the complexity of this production. The main products of heliciculture are meat, caviar and snail secretion. The key advantages of Ukraine as a producer and exporter of heliciculture products are highlighted, including the availability of labor, proximity to markets, high land supply, dissatisfaction with global demand for these products, which makes it significant for the development of heliciculture as an agricultural production. The key problems that hinder the development of snail farming are summarized, namely: legislative regulation, limited industrial production capacity, lack of diversified processing, limited information and research. The key directions of development of the heliciculture industry are determined, among which: organization of production and marketing heliciculture cooperatives, provision of in-depth processing and year-round uninterrupted production, development of agro tourism on the basis of snail far

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ефективносп дшльносл територiальноl громади в штересах кожного учасника, який входить до и складу; зниження рiвня iнвестицiйного, виробни-чого i технолопчного ризику; забезпечення фшан-сово! незалежносп i високо! лiквiдностi; наукова обгрунтовашсть моделi економiчного розвитку та критерпв 11 рацiональностi.

Висновки. 1. Автори дослiдження встановили, що попередження кризових ситуацiй можливе через використання багатопрофтно! диверсифжацп, що позитивно вплине на формування ново! стратеги розвитку територiальноl громади. Саме ж тери-торiальна громада - об'еднання, в якому диверси-фжащя ризику мiж учасниками i зниження рiвня ризику для кожного з яких можливi внаслвдок взае-мно! акцшно! участi.

2. Для уточнення загальнонаукових пiдходiв до антикризового управлшня територiальними громадами, у статт дiстала подальшого розвитку система раннього попередження i реагування на кри-зовi ситуаци у територiальнiй громадi через ураху-вання ризишв.

3. У процесi дослщження було прийнято за ви-схвдну iдею, що представленi теоретичнi аспекти щодо врахування ризику вкладень сум грошових кошпв учасник1в територiальноl громади у шдпри-емство, для якого е загроза опинитися у кризовому сташ актуалiзують питання з оцiнювання i аналiзу впровадження нового напряму розвитку тдприем-ства, яке потребуе додаткових фшансових ресурсiв при несприятливому (кризовому) сташ.

Обгрунтоваш теоретичнi аспекти щодо поль тики управлiння кризовим станом територiальноl громади будуть використанi у подальших досль дженнях щодо розробки вiдповiдного теоретичного щдгрунтя - теори кризових явищ, !х виникнення, розвитку, методичного забезпечення, а також здш-снення ще! роботи як на рiвнi окремого учасника

теpитоpiaльноï гpомaди, тaк i теpитоpiaльноï ^о-мaди в цiломy.

Список лiтератури

1. Bondarchuk Mariia I Approaches to ranking causes of management crises in an industrial and commercial association II Шуковий жypнaл Львiвськоï полiтеxнiки «Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management», Volume 2, Number 1, 2015., P.15

2. Bondarchuk M.K. Theoretical and Methodical Approaches to the Estimation of the Income of the United Territorial CommunitiesI Dzhuryk Kh.B., Bondarchuk M.K., Gonchar O.I.II Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 6th International Conference on Strategies, Models and Technologies of Economic Systems Management (SMTESM 2019), Volume 95, Pages 467-469 URL : http :IIcreativecommons.org/licenses/by-ncI4.0I).DOI: 10.2991Ismtesm-19.2019.90

3. Бондapчyк М.К. Моделювaння доxодноï чaстини бюджетy об'eднaниx теpитоpiaльниx гро-мaд/ Бондapчyк М.К., Джypик Х.Б.. // Шуково^о-pетичний жypнaл Хмельницького нaцiонaльного yнiвеpситетy - Хмельницький. - 2019. - № 4, Том 2 (272). - С. 11-16. ISSN 2307-5740 DOI: 10.31891/2307-5740/

4. Smith R.I. Strategie Management and Planning in the Public Sector, Longman I Ciril Service Collade, Harlov, 1994. P.278.

5. Pомaнюк В. Оценга степени децентpaли-зaции госyдapственного yпpaвления в PK. -http://www.romanyuk.com/2007I03Ipost_7.html.

6. Rysin V., Kashchshyn V. BUDGET EVALUATION UNITED TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Sciences of Europe (Praha, Czech Republic. VOL 2, No 56 (2020)) https:IIwww.europe-science.com/wp-content/uploads/2020I10IVOL-2-No-56-2020.pdf



Zubar I.

Candidate of economic sciences Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine

Onyshchuk Yu.

Candidate of economic sciences, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University, Ukraine


The article substantiates the concept of "heliciculture" as an activity aimed at growing industrial species of snails in order to obtain products intended for further processing or direct human consumption. The content of this predicate in terms of its prospects as a new direction of agricultural production is analyzed.

The historical genesis of the tradition development of snail products consumption is analyzed, as a result of which the first mentions in the history of Ancient Rome, as well as France and Italy are revealed. An analysis of the dynamics and current state of development of domestic heliciculture entrepreneurship, which showed a rapid growth in the number of snail farms and increasing exports of snails to Europe. A review of the world market for edible snail products has been carried out, where there is a noticeable tendency to a gradual annual increase in the consumption of heliciculture products. Spain, France, China and Italy are among the main consumer countries, while Morocco, Indonesia, Romania and Bulgaria are leading the way.

The key elements of the technological process of growing edible snails are analyzed, which allowed us to conclude about the complexity of this production. The main products of heliciculture are meat, caviar and snail secretion.

The key advantages of Ukraine as a producer and exporter of heliciculture products are highlighted, including the availability of labor, proximity to markets, high land supply, dissatisfaction with global demand for these products, which makes it significant for the development of heliciculture as an agricultural production.

The key problems that hinder the development of snail farming are summarized, namely: legislative regulation, limited industrial production capacity, lack of diversified processing, limited information and research.

The key directions of development of the heliciculture industry are determined, among which: organization of production and marketing heliciculture cooperatives, provision of in-depth processing and year-round uninterrupted production, development of agro tourism on the basis of snail far

Keywords: heliciculture, heliciculture market, snail farming, small business, family farm.

The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and organizational and economic aspects of the functioning and effective development of farms for growing and processing snails and substantiate the prospects of heliculture as a branch of agriculture based on the analysis of world experience.

Methodology and research methods. In the course of the research general scientific research methods were used: monographic (for a comprehensive analysis of helici, supply and consumption of meat, caviar and other products, as well as export-import market conditions), comparative analysis (comparison of production and consumption of snails in Ukraine and abroad), calculation, statistical comparison and grouping (determination of current trends in the number of snails and prospects for their production), as well as abstract-logical (generalization and formulation of conclusions).

Results. Small business and farming, in terms of active development of a market economy, is one of the main determinants of forcing the development of the national economy. In most European countries, small-scale family production provides a positive dynamics of economic growth and gross domestic product, contributes to the restructuring of the economy, and the combination of own labor participation with private ownership of the farmer provides a quick payback, freedom of market choice. Proximity and direct participation in the sales process allows farmers to respond quickly to volatile demand, saturating markets with the right goods and services, while integrating innovation and creating new jobs in rural areas. Small business is characterized by high mobility, contributes to the de-monopolization of markets and the development of healthy competition.

Small-scale farming in Ukraine, as well as in the EU has a quantitative advantage, however, unlike European counterparts, domestic farmers have not achieved a dominant share in GDP production, so it is important to find innovative areas of production, including a trend towards niche or craft products.

Innovation, according to foreign scientists [19], is a tool that can increase the competitiveness, viability and effectiveness of farms. An innovation should be socially useful, appropriate and economically viable. When innovations are implemented by considering the technical, human and organizational resources, the dynamic capabilities and the strategic positioning of the farm will be enhanced. According to the innovation process allows identifying appropriate technologies

and best organizational practices, which will be transferred for satisfying specific needs of the productive activity. In this perspective, heliciculture, as one of the new and promising areas of small business development in the field of agriculture, trade and food industry, has recently attracted increasing attention of scientists. For domestic science, this vector of scientific intention is new and little known, so the historical genesis of the formation of heliciculture as a full-fledged industry is not sufficiently scientifically traced and the main technological processes of production are not fully substantiated. The lack of information of scientific content regarding the safety and usefulness of the product, its environmental friendliness and cooking traditions among chefs and restaurateurs of the world, limits the development of the market of this delicacy in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and organizational and economic aspects of the functioning and effective development of farms for growing and processing snails and substantiate the prospects of heliciculture as a branch of agriculture based on the analysis of world experience.

Among Ukrainian scientists such scientists as S.E. Petropavlovska, V.O. Zemlyak, V.A. Burlaka, V. F. Shevchuk devoted their works to the study of the theoretical and methodological basis, the dominant trends in the development of heliciculture as a branch and marketing component of the market of relevant products. , S. Belyaev, M.M. Kryvyii. The current state of world development of snail farming and the historical genesis of heliciculture as a full-fledged branch of agriculture is fully described in the works of foreign scientists, among which are the scientific works of R. Conte, P. Vecchione, J. Cobbinah, A. Vink, B. Onwuka.

The study of the chosen topic should begin with the substantiation of the exposition of the predicate "heliciculture". The term itself comes from the name of the genus of large gastropods "Helix" (Latin Helix -"curl") [16]. Analyzing foreign sources, we pay attention to the definitions of Italian scientists R. Conte and P. Vecchione [15], who understand heliciculture as "the process of growing snails". In the manual "Snail Farming: Production, processing and marketing" [16] heliciculture is described as "a system of growing snails in open or closed conditions." Thus, the term "heliciculture" should be understood as an activity aimed at growing in closed and / or natural conditions of industrial species of snails in order to obtain products for further processing or direct human consumption.

The consumption of snail meat has been historically known for a long time, due to the high concentration of protein, iron, amino acids needed by the human body and low fat. From a nutritional point of view, the high nutritive value of the snails'meat makes thema suitable and healthy alternative to other conventional meat sources. The average contents of macro-nutrients of 100 g of edible snail meat are: 12.9 g of proteins, from 0.6 g to 1.5 g of fats (polyunsaturated mainly), 2.4 g of minerals (Ca, P, Fe e Cu) and 60 mg of vitamin A . Compared to beef, pork and chicken, snail meat contains less proteins,whilst being smaller in fats and higher in vitamins. According to the scientific researches [1], [14], it also has a high nutritional value: in such a product the protein content is at the level of 1218% (in chicken - up to 14%) and, fat - 0.6-1.5 % (in beef and poultry - 10%). Also the composition of heliciculture products includes a number of useful phospholipids (within 50%), 1.0-1.5% carbohydrates, 1.5-2.0% minerals (predominant with calcium compounds associated with organic radicals), macro-and micronutri-ents, so these products can be used in medical and health diets and healthy eating, which is currently a consumer trend in developed countries.

Referring to the results of research by foreign scientists [15,16], we conclude that since prehistoric times man ate snail meat, which was also used as a strategic food reserve in case of famine, as evidenced by the results of archaeological excavations in ancient Rome during which there were found fried snail shells. In ancient Roman chronicles, scholars mention the breeding of snails in "deaf" gardens, which provided cool, moist caves, shady lands, planted with special, "dining" vegetation, often surrounded by water to prevent their escape. The Roman historian Pliny described Fulvius Girpin's farm 2,000 years ago as follows: "In his gardens he set up separate sections for individual races of snails to suit every taste of his guests." [13] British historical sources describe the "wall fish" consumed during Lent [16]. There are also historical mentions in Slavic history, which are mentioned in the works of scientists Burlaka V.A., Shevchuk V.F., Belyaev S.M. [1], describing the first snail farm that existed in the Crimea in the XIX Art, on which edible grape snails were grown especially for the royal family. Scientists also cover the facts about the intensive development of heliciculture in the Trypillia period on the territory of Ukraine, as well as during the Holodomor in 19321933 and in the difficult post-war period of 1945-1948 [1].

Recently, the dynamics of growing food gastropods shows intense growth every year and is becoming a full-fledged industry due to its real economic value.

For example in some Southern European countries heliciculture represents a thriving market activity as far as food production and (recently) cosmetics are concerned. Italy is a world leader in the sector with an annual sales volume of 265 million euro. From 1995 Italian snail production and consumption have increased nearly four times, with consumption still largely relying (about 70%) on imports. The entire Italian heliciculture has more than seven thousands rearing plants extended over a surface of about 5.2 thousand ha, whilst in the South of Italy alone there are 1150 farms spread out over 998 ha The prevailing rearing system is represented by extensive (outdoor breeding and fattening) farming which characterizes about 83% of the total national snail farmed surface. On the other hand, the intensive (indoor breeding and fattening) or mixed (indoor breeding and outdoor fattening) systems are less common. On thewhole heliciculture represents a low-tech and low-capital investment activity, with constrained fertilizers and energetic inputs and a low level of mechanization. In the Italy it is an emerging zootechnical activity carried out by young entrepreneurs [18].

Romania wasn't exempted neither, as most European countries, from the fever of raising snails. The farming of edible snails has evolved in Romania, especially during the period 2004-2008, when many farmers were attracted by the idea of getting almost immediate benefit with little investment and not much technical effort. Some of the farms founded in this period were financed by the SAPARD Program, dedicated to support the efforts being made by the Central and East European applicant countries in the preaccession period, as they prepared for their participation in the common agricultural policy and the single market . The mirage of getting rich was sustained by several foreign companies, advertised by the National Agency for Agricultural Consulting. The contracts signed between the Romanian farmers and different technology and material providers proved to be inconvenient for the farmers who found themselves without a market and production place, already substantially diminished due to the application of an unadjusted Italian method that wasn't purchased by the companies as contracted.

In the 1980s, the consumption of these mollusks in the world was at the level of 320 thousand tons per year (Fig. 1), most of these snails were collected in nature, in Eastern European countries such as Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, and only 5 thousand tons (1.5%) was grown in specialized farms. As of 2019, the consumption of snails reached 427 thousand tons / year, and industrial production increased to 72 thousand tons / year (16.9%).

600 400 200 0



2000 2010

Consumption, total, thousand tons ■ Produced on farms, thousand tons

Fig. 1. World production and consumption of snail meat


Source: formed by the authors according to [15], [9]

Edible land snails range in size from about one millimeter in length to giant African species that can reach up to 30 cm in diameter. Five main species of the genus "Helix" are most often grown in industrial production: "Helix aspersa" (Muller and Maxima), "Helix pomatia" (Linnaeus), "Helix vermiculata" (or Eobania vermiculata), "Helix lucorum" (Linnaeus) and "Helix aperta". Of these, "Helix aspersa" (Aspersa Maxima

and Aspersa Muller) account for almost 50% of the total due to the ability to adapt and survive in artificial environments, as well as high reproduction and growth rates [15].

Recently, heliciculture has become popular in Ukraine and every year domestic farmers increase exports (Table 1).

Table 1

Import / export of snails from Ukraine by country

2015 p. 2016 J. 2017 j. 2018 p. 2019 P-

Indicator thousand tons thousand tons thousand tons thousand tons thousand tons

dollars dollars dollars dollars dollars

Grown, total - 286 - 383 - 379 - 130 - 185,2

Export 266 260 360 347 358 347 117 90 252,8 166,5

Poland 0 0 0 0 7 5 28 18 60,5 33.3

Lithuania 66 63 270 260 351 342 62 54 116,2 101,0

Czech. Republic 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 18 76,1 32.2

Romania 200 198 90 87 0 0 0 0 0 0

Import 0 0 5 1 52 12 65 20 112,7 35

Poland 0 0 0 0 47 11 63 19.5 110,1 33.2

Lithuania 0 0 1 0.3 5 1 2 0.5 2.6 1.8

Czech. Republic 0 0 3 0,7 0 0 0 0 0 0

Source: generated by the authors according to [9]

In 2016, Ukraine exported almost 350 tons of snails, which is four times more than the export of the traditional domestic product - lard. This trend was also observed in 2017, where according to statistics, snail meat exports amounted to 347 tons against 31 tons of exported lard [11]. The exception was 2018, when only 90 tons of mollusks were sold abroad from Ukraine, which was the lowest result in the last four years. Snail breeders explained this situation by deciding to leave most of the crop to expand the uterus to increase livestock in the future. Thus, in 2019, 166.5 tons of snails were exported from our country, which in value terms amounted to 252.8 thousand dollars, which is almost twice as much as in 2018. In 2018, the geography of exports was limited to only three countries. The largest share was occupied by Lithuania (60%), which bought snails worth 62 thousand dollars, followed by the Czech Republic (20%) worth 27 thousand dollars. and Poland (20%) in the amount of 28 thousand dollars. Imports of snails in the same year amounted to 20 tons worth 65 thousand dollars. The main importer was Poland - 97% of all deliveries to Ukraine (in physical terms - 19.5 tons) for 63 thousand dollars. and Lithuania - 3% (0.5 tons) for 2 thousand dollars [5].

The average cost of an imported snail is $ 3.5 / kg. Helix Aspersa Muller (small gray) and Helix Aspersa Maxima (large gray) are mostly purchased because they have the best nutritional characteristics and are popular on the market. As there are very few bases for training and practical experience in heliciculture in Ukraine, domestic farmers gain experience abroad, where they buy a breeding herd. According to the data of practicing farmers [8], [11] 97% of imports of uterine snails and, accordingly, training programs to Ukraine come from Poland.

Snail farms in Ukraine began to appear in 2008, and now there are more than five hundred of different profiles. Since the beginning of 2016, the number of companies that have received the rights to supply heliciculture products to the EU market, having received the appropriate certificate, has begun to grow rapidly. As of the end of 2019, seventeen enterprises in Ukraine received such a certificate (Table 2), in 2016 there were five.

Ukrainian farmers sell snails mainly to the market of the European Union. This is the main opportunity to earn, because the culture of consumption of such products in the domestic market is extremely low, and manufacturers are not optimistic for its improvement [3].

Over the past three years, Ukraine has also been intensively increasing imports of snails, the vast majority of which are breeding stock for further breeding in Ukraine. Ukraine has also joined the countries producing a new fashionable delicacy - grape snail caviar. The high price of the delicacy is justified, because the extraction process is quite time consuming and time consuming. In addition, the uterine snail is very expensive.

The problem of domestic heliciculture is that in Ukraine about half of the snails are still collected in nature, and the capacity for their processing and freezing in Ukraine has units of enterprises. After all, it is in frozen and canned form prefer to buy snails abroad.

Table 2

List of certified enterprises-exporters of heliciculture products in Ukraine

Enterprise Location Type of economic activity (according to NACE) Date of Certificate

Ravlyk LLC Volyn region, Lutsk 01.49 Breeding of other animals 19.05.2016

PE "Volyngroup Rombud" Volyn region, village Zubylne 01.49 Breeding of other animals 19.05.2016

JV Neris Toris LLC Volyn region, Kovel 46.11 - Activities of intermediaries in trade of agricultural raw materials, live animals 19.05.2016

FOP Pershko VP Zhytomyr region m. Ovruch 01.49 Breeding of other animals 07.10.2019

Ltd. UFYA-Organic Kyiv region, village Gavronshchina 01.49 Breeding of other animals 25.11.2019

Escarprod of Ukraine LLC Lviv region, Lviv 46.38 Wholesale of other food 14/04/2016

Ovotrade-Ukraine LLC Lviv region, Busk 01.49 Breeding of other animals 27/11/2019

FG "Davidko" Lviv region, village Yablunivka 01.49 Breeding of other animals 27/11/2019

FOP Gnidets MI Lviv region, village Sinkovichi 01.49 breeding of other animals 25.11.2019

Galicia Pomatiya LLC Lviv region, town Dashava 10.20 Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs 21.05.2019

LLC "Organichnyi Ravlyk" Lviv region, village Malchytsi 01.49 Breeding of other animals 07.10.2019

Aulika LLC Lviv region, village Birky 01.70 Hunting, trapping and related service activities 19/05/2016

LLC "KOSH 3" Odessa region, Rozdilna 10.91 Manufacture of animal feeds for farm animals 27/11/2019

FG "Ravlyk-2016" Poltava region, village Voinovka 01.49 Breeding of other animals 27/11/2019

Ukrainian Ravlyk LLC Poltava region, village Shcherbany, 46.38 Wholesale of other food 27/11/2019

FG "Ukrsneil" Rivne region, village Pryvilne 01.49 Breeding of other animals 27/11/2019

Ukrravlik LLC Kharkiv region, village Zircuny 01.49 Breeding of other animals 27/11/2019

LLC "Escargo de burgun" Kharkiv 46.38 Wholesale of other food 27/11/2019

FG "Smachnyi Ravlyk" Chernihiv region, village Dovzhyk 01.49 Breeding of other animals 11/12/2019

Source: formed by the authors according to [7], [4]

Analyzing the technology of cultivation, we can summarize four systems of organization of the snail farm:

1. Snails are outside.

2. Snails are grown in boxes with a controlled climate.

3. Snails are grown in closed systems (plastic tunnels or greenhouses).

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4. Snails reproduce in a controlled closed environment, and then (after 6 - 8 weeks) are moved to open enclosures for maturation.

There are five stages in the life cycle of the commercial snail: spawning, incubation, young growth, fattening and maturation of livestock.

In the first year, heliciculture requires the purchase of breeding stock, which is placed on pasture at the rate of up to 25 individuals per square meter. Snails selected for breeding are introduced into the reproductive zone

in early spring. After the incubation period, the mol-lusks are kept up to three months of age in a protective room (greenhouse) that can hold 4-5 million whitebaits. They grow to 1.5-2 cm and then they are moved to the field. There they live on special pallets, 200-600 individuals are placed on one of them, after which they are transferred to plots for commercial growth. When the snail has grown to commercial size, the uterus is selected for the next year, which will winter until next spring. The phase of "winter rest" occurs when snails reach a state of rest (anabiosis) in special cold chambers. The state of "maturity" is characterized by hardening of the edge of the snail's lip. At this stage, they are subjected to a cleaning procedure in a cool place without food and water. This stage lasts up to seven days in order to rid their digestive system of soil and food residues. As a result of cleaning, snails lose up to 20% of their body weight and are drawn into the shell, but are able to stay alive for more than two months if kept in a cool environment of about 4-6 ° C. In this phase they are transported and sold on the market [15].

Regardless of the size and type of snail farm, the holding system must meet the following conditions:

1. Protection from escape. The nature of the snail is such that it is constantly moving, so if you do not install special barriers - they will run away;

2. Provision of the required area, according to the stage of cultivation (incubation, young animals, breeding snails or mature snails fattened for consumption). This is a very important factor, because snails are painful to tolerate overpopulation, it prevents their development and increases the risk of disease. The corresponding population density ranges from 100 pcs / m 2 for fry to 7-10 pcs / m 2 for commercial snails;

3. Availability of easily available and easy to consume snail food, as well as its uninterrupted supply.

4. Enhanced protection against insects, predators and pests.

Snails selected as breeding stock are placed in special rooms, which must contain food and water. Some

Italy 30 Export, tons Bulgaria

Spain 30 Lithuania

Czech Republic 230

Greece 240 Czech Republic

China 260 Romania

Lithuania 340 Greece

France 500

India 1300 Italy

Bulgaria 1500 China

Romania 1500 France

Indonesia 1900

Morocco 11600 Spain

farmers allow snails to lay their eggs in special peat boxes and then transfer them to an incubator, which is not recommended due to the risk of damage to the eggs during transportation. The selection snail can lay from one to three layings a season.

Nowadays, the largest importers of snails among the EU countries are Spain and France. The introduction of the snail as a food source in France was quite accidental. French wine merchants, who traveled to Burgundy each year, were often forced to stay overnight, where they were often served snail meat from surrounding vineyards. It was an unusual and spicy dish for them, which the merchants talked about after returning home to Paris. This aroused the interest of local cooks and gradually merchants began to bring the first baskets of snails to the French capital. Beginning in 1850, trade in Burgundy snails increased significantly with the advent of rail. Thus, this product has spread to France, Italy and Spain. The French then imported brown garden snails to California, and Italian immigrants were the first to bring the snail to the United States and Germany, where monks at monasteries began to practice snails [15]. Thus, this product has become widespread throughout the world. Today, the development of heliciculture in the world is associated with a dynamic growth of demand, and as the consumption of grape snails in the world is growing every year, the prospects of this market are quite significant, as demand is met only by 60-70% [10]. Europeans are not able to provide themselves with this product, so they are willing to buy products from Ukrainian producers, and given that in all EU countries except Malta and Crete, the collection of natural snails is prohibited, our farmers have wide horizons. The largest importer of the delicacy is France (1.9 thousand tons per year) (Fig. 2). Therefore, the prospects for cooperation between farmers and European countries can be confidently optimistic. There is also a significant demand for grape snails in Western Europe and Asia, where it is long ahead of supply [2].

Import, tons

3000 6000 9000 12000


0 3000 6000 9000 12000


Fig. 2. World snail meat turnover in 2018 Source: generated by the authors according to [9]

World trade in snail meat in 2018 amounted to 25.95 thousand tons of imports, 26.01 thousand tons of exports. [9] of them, Morocco was in the top three in terms of exports - 44.4%, Indonesia - 7.3%, Romania -5.8% (Ukraine's share in world exports - 0.4%), Spain's imports - 51 , 1%, France - 7.3%, China - 5%. Currently, the world sells mollusks for about $ 12 billion, of which only 17% are raised on special farms, and the rest are harvested in the wild.

According to the International Trade Center of the European Commission [9], export prices for Ukrainian snails vary in the range of 1.0-1.3 dollars / kg., For example, in 2018 the export price was 1. 3 dollars / kg, and imported 3, $ 25 / kg. This significant "price gap" can be explained by the fact that domestic companies usually sell snails of the species Helix Pomatia (wild grape

Analyzing the prospects of heliciculture, as a branch of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, it is necessary to determine the product range that is appropriate for the farmer. Thus, the most expensive products of heliciculture are caviar - within 1 thousand euros per kilogram and dried (lyophilized) snail secretion - more than 20 thousand euros per kilogram. Also, the cost of finished products and semi-finished products increases several times, relative to the sale of chilled snails. That is, it is expedient to diversify production in the direction of the organization of a closed cycle from fattening of fry to sale of a product to the final consumer where the offer on development of model of a helicicooperative will become expedient (fig. 3).

snail), which is widespread in Ukraine in nature. Peasants of the western regions collect them and sell them to harvesters for profit [2], and since this species has low food quality, the price is not high. The price of imports is much higher, as only uterine livestock of the more valuable species "Helix aspersa" (Muller and Maxima) are imported to Ukraine.

Ukrainian snail breeders have problems with the formation of a commodity batch, as a small farm can not provide a minimum batch of 10-18 tons. In terms of prices in the Ukrainian market there is a significant difference between export prices for live frozen snails and ready snail dishes from producers in the domestic market . The average export price was UAH 36.5 per kilogram, while the price of ready-made snail dishes (escargo) could be 10-20 times higher (Table 3).

Table 3

This model provides a three-level hierarchy of benefits:

The first level is profitability, which will increase as a result of the synergy of the other two aspects of the cooperative;

The second level is a partnership, which involves communication between internal and external production entities, which is facilitated by the interest of partners and members of the cooperative to increase profitability;

The third level is the benefit of using the cooperative's partners as a "source of knowledge", which is a means of solving existing production problems.

Commodity range of heliciculture

Product type, units Characteristic Price, UAH

Material for reproduction

Uterine livestock, kg Carefully selected representatives of their species, which give offspring at the beginning of the growing cycle. 300

Whitebait, kg Fattening young animals is one of the easiest ways to start your own snail farm. 6000

For cosmetic and pharmaceutical needs

Snail slime (pure substance), g Chilled snail mucus has found active use in cosmetology as an effective rejuvenating agent. 3,3

Snail slime (dry substance), g Lyophilized mucus. 1 gram of dry snail secretion dissolved in one liter of water is equal to one liter of snail secretion produced by the latter under natural conditions. 650

For food purposes

Finished snails (escargo), kg The finished semi-finished product, ready to eat, just needs to be heated 830

Snail fillet, kg Frozen or vacuumed snail meat without shell 1300

Live edible snails Live chilled snail in a shell 300

Snail caviar, g Helix aspersa snail caviar is the most expensive in the world 40

Source: formed by the authors according to [11], [8]

Fig.3. Helicicooperative model based on a three-level hierarchy of preferences Source: generated by the authors according to [17]

Assessing the prospects for the development of a new industry for the domestic agricultural sector -heliciculture, it is worth paying attention to key issues in this segment. Analyzing the domestic regulatory framework, we note that in this area, currently no regulations have been adopted. There is no state support, as the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 107 of 7.02.2018 "On approval of the Procedure for the use of funds provided in the state budget to support livestock, storage and processing of agricultural products, aquaculture (fish farming)" [6] is a clear list of livestock industries to which grants can be allocated, namely: sheep, goat breeding, beekeeping, animal husbandry, rabbit breeding, silkworm breeding and aquaculture. As you can see, there is no heliciculture in this list, so snail farmers have no legal grounds to apply for subsidies.

Another problem of heliciculture is the limited ability to export snails directly to the consumer country, avoiding intermediaries, from which Ukrainian farmers lose a significant part of potential profits, because the end buyer pays a higher price for the snail to resellers [10]. One of the ways to stimulate exports is the publication by the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection of the form "Veterinary certificate for import into the Union for placing on the market chilled, frozen, in shell, cooked, processed or canned snails intended for human consumption." , which is necessary for the export of these products from Ukraine to the EU [3]. According to this document, the quality of the exported product is regulated by a number of EU regulations:

1. The provisions of Regulation (EC) № 178-2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 January 2002.

2. Regulation (EC) № 852-2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs (OJ L 139, 30.04.2004, p. 1).

3. Regulation (EU) 853-2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 laying down specific health standards for foodstuffs of animal origin (OJ L 139, 30.04.2004, p. 55).

4. Regulation (EU) 2017-625 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15.03.2017 on official controls and other official regulations implemented to ensure the implementation of legislation on food and feed safety, rules for proper animal husbandry, environmental friendliness of plant products.

5. Council Directives 98-58-EC, 1999-74-EC, 2007-43-EC, 2008-119-EC and 2008-120-EC.

It should be noted that the heliciculture industry should develop as an organic direction of agricultural production. The determining factor for the success of the industry is the presence of one of the largest land banks in Europe, including one certified according to organic standards. However, the new Law of Ukraine "On Basic Principles and Requirements for Organic Production, Circulation and Labeling of Organic Products" on January 10, 2018 № 2496-VIII [6] has significant gaps and does not include in the list of branches of organic production such as heliciculture. This law only defines the general provisions of the legal basis for the production of organic products, and the functioning of its market and entities, the rights and responsibilities of local governments and executive authorities, and regulates key vectors of state policy in the field of organic products.

If we focus on the problems in other vectors of snail development, such as the production of cosmetology components, it is worth focusing on the fact that

Ukraine does not produce its own farm equipment, feed and snail secretion equipment in accordance with EU standards and established imports and certification. abroad. In Ukraine. As of 2019, there was only one company that has an ozone device for the selection of mucus using the Italian innovative technology Mul-lerOne (TM "Zdravlik") [12].

Conclusions. According to the results of the study, the term "heliciculture" is substantiated, which, in our opinion, will provide a clearer perception of the prospects of this area of agricultural production. Helix Aspersa Muller (small gray) and Helix Aspersa Maxima (large gray) are of industrial value due to their dominant nutritional characteristics.

According to the results of the analysis, it is noted that snail farms in Ukraine began to appear in 2008. For the last 5 years, domestic farmers have been actively increasing the export of helici crops to European countries, but so far the share in world exports does not exceed 0.5%. Ukraine also intensively imports breeding stock for further reproduction.

The key problems of domestic heliciculture are summarized, including: the dominant tendency to harvest snails in nature, which is reflected in the price, limited capacity for processing and freezing products, the actual lack of regulatory framework to regulate the heliciculture, lack of own production of machinery and equipment, limited knowledge and scientific research results.

Summarizing the above research results, we summarize that in Ukraine there are ample opportunities for the rational use of both the natural population of grape snails and artificial breeding of valuable and promising food species. Prospects for domestic heliciculture are due to the high level of agricultural land supply, favorable climate for snail breeding, favorable geographical location near the main consumer - Europe, low satisfaction of demand of main consumers through own production, which is dominated by Spain, France and China.

It is worth noting that growing snails on farms in our country requires a high proportion of manual labor. This provides prospects for the development of entre-preneurship in the form of family farms, the labor participation of whose members will allow them to withstand price competition. But the full potential of this segment can be unleashed under the conditions of diversification of production to the manufacture and sale of final consumption products, including products with the highest added value: caviar, snail slime and semifinished products, and profitability and profitability in this area is proposed to boost the scheme of helici cooperatives. This will ensure the formation of more efficient large complex farms that can not only grow large volumes of snails, but also bring them ready for direct sale to European consumers. We also consider it necessary to build cooperative production facilities and certify products in accordance with all EU standards. It is better to keep snails indoors or in greenhouses, which will ensure an annual uninterrupted production cycle. It is worth paying attention to the prospects of organizing production and marketing helici-cultural cooperatives.

The availability of a sufficient amount of processing capacity on the territory of the country will allow to leave all added value in Ukraine. In addition, the development of agritourism based on snail farms is attractive.

Originality. A systematic approach to clarifying the definition of "heliceculture" is proposed. Based on a thorough study of official statistical information on the state of production of snail products, the importance of heliculture as a promising area of agricultural production is substantiated.

Practical value. The obtained research results can be used in the development of an effective concept for the development of the heliculture industry.


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Liskovych N.

assistant of Management of Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprise Department

Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistics National Aviation University Kyiv


The article is devoted to the study of the features of strategic positioning of air transport enterprises, which are due to the specifics of air transport services themselves, as well as the peculiarities of their organizational, legal and economic support. The strategic position of the air transport company is by its nature synthesizing, combines the positions of its product, brand and aviation business. The methodical toolkit of definition of a strategic position of the air enterprise on the basis of calculation of indices of its competitive advantages on the list of the defined competences based on branch and functional features of activity of air transport enterprises is offered.

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Keywords: aviation, aviation enterprise, strategy, strategic analysis, strategic management, air transportation, SWOT airline analysis.

To develop recommendations for improving the strategic positioning of a particular aviation enterprise, it is necessary to rely on its competitive position among domestic aviation enterprises of the same type of economic activity, taking into account the general determinants of global action, macro-, micro-levels, as well as

the level of an aviation enterprise. In Table. 1 presents the results of systematization of determinants of the external and internal environment of aviation enterprises that affect their strategic positioning, determine its capabilities and effectiveness.

Table. 1

Determinants of strategic positioning of aviation enterprises

Global level of action Global trends in human development, social production, scientific and technological progress, integration, disintegration and reintegration processes at the world, regional and interregional levels, global space, environmental disasters and pandemics, etc.

Macroeco-nomic level of action Rapid changes in indicators of the development of the national economy (GDP, inflation rates, national currency exchange rate, employment, unemployment, real incomes of the population, personal income), changes in the effective demand of the population, the emergence of military-political conflicts, natural disasters and man-made disasters, etc.

Microeco-nomic level of action Monopoly power, the state of competition in the air transportation market, the development of new market segments, regulatory and tax regulation of aviation business entities, partners and competitors from other industries, requirements for flight safety, availability of sources of financing for the renewal and replenishment of the aircraft fleet, alternative models of

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