Aldashev I. T. lecturer
Fergana State University Uzbekistan, Fergana Aldashev S. T., master Andijan Pedagogical Institute Andijan, Uzbekistan
Annotation: Teachers who use ICT in their work came to the conclusion that information technologies are intended only for researchers, teachers who like to learn new things. Because they care about the level of their professional abilities, they are concerned that the children of the next century will respond to their scientific potential.
Key words: computer technology, electronic culture, intelligence, interactive whiteboard, ideal factors, individual, universal.
The 21st century is the age of high computer technology. The modern child lives in the world of electronic culture. The role of the teacher in information culture is also changing - it needs to become a coordinator of information flow. This means that the teacher must master modern methods and new educational technologies in order to communicate with the child in one language.
Human speech is an indicator of one's intellect and culture. The clearer the speech, the more figuratively expressed, the more important a person is as a person and the more valuable he is to society. Modern life sets new goals for the student: fluency in language, ability to interact with different people in different situations, and at the same time, to feel free and confident. That is why the communication technology of education is innovative in our time.
The processes of education and upbringing do not develop a person on their own, but they can develop when they take an active form. It is necessary to organize the activities of the student for his development. There is no development in passive comprehension of learning material. For example, no matter how many pages a child reads, if he does not remember the letters, he will not be able to learn to form words from them - he will not develop any reading skills. It is the child's own actions that can be the basis for his or her future development.
Younger students are less focused and less likely to focus on one type of activity after another. However, the student's attention is enhanced when he or she is given the opportunity to change any object, geometric shapes, inscriptions, color, size, or shape on the board. For example, in mathematics, the use of computer tools, interactive whiteboards, children's interest increases, and
at the same time, the intensity of the lesson increases. All students are involved in the learning process. The large amount of material does not bother children, but allows them to actively study the activities in the form of games. This is a very important factor, because the most active activity for a six to nine year old is play. An interactive whiteboard is a very handy tool that makes the process of teaching mathematics visual, bright, and agile. Accelerating the learning process is important for elementary school students.
The difference between the information society and its predecessors is that the main factor in it is not material, but ideal factors - knowledge and information. The distinctive features of such a society are:
- increasing the role of information in society;
- increasing the share of information communications, products and services in people's lives;
- Creating a global information space. [1]
It is fun for both students and teachers to work in the classroom. Informational processes taking place in modern society require rapid improvement of the education system, the definition of educational goals that take into account the needs and interests of the state, society and the individual. Therefore, the development of new educational standards remains a priority. New social demands set educational goals for students, such as cultural, personal, and cognitive development. An important task of the modern education system is to form a set of "universal learning actions" that provide students not only with the acquisition of specific knowledge and skills in the sciences, but also the skills of "teaching reading".
The rapid development of primary school students requires teachers to have a firm commitment to all teaching and learning activities. The social role of the teacher is to provide children with important, equal and mandatory requirements, to assess the quality of educational work.
The teacher must take into account their individual characteristics in order to choose this or that method of influencing students.
School children need to be taught to listen purposefully and watch, to develop observation.
The education system cannot lag behind the requirements set by modern society and the society is experiencing an era of rapid informatization. At the present stage, the computerization of the school is the most pressing problem of education. Now all teachers understand that.
The introduction of information and communication technologies in the activities of primary school teachers is the main goal of modernization of education - to improve the quality of education, increase educational opportunities, ensure the harmonious development of a well-rounded personality.
The use of information technology in primary education leads to a qualitatively new state of technological training of young students. The
reorganization of teacher's activities under the influence of "electronic means" is accompanied by integration processes. Combining information technology tools with traditional teaching tools allows elementary students to combine their work lessons with information.
In simple forms of teaching (face to face), student's actions are always defined and directed by the teacher. He decides to the students what to do, at what moment, in what sequence, for what purpose. And, of course, he determines for himself what and how to do in class (even outside of class). He directly teaches and teaches students to study. [3]
1. Aldashev I., Komilova Z., Nazirjonova F. "Theoretical and methodological basis of using multimedia technologies in teaching foreign languages" "Экономика и социум" №2(81) 2021
2. Aldashev I., Otaxonov N., Rahmatov O. "Boshlang'ich ta'lim jarayonini axborotlashtirish omillari" "Экономика и социум" №2(81) 2021
3. Жабборова С.Т. "Методика преподавания русского языка как иностранного и ее связь с другими науками" "Экономика и социум" №6(73) 2020