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Аннотация научной статьи по праву, автор научной работы — Sarpekov Ramazan Kumarbekovich

The relevance of the research topic is due to the theoretical and practical significance of issues related to development in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the EAEU) legal mechanisms for the protection of human rights and freedoms. The uneven course of the process of constitutionalization of administrative justice in various EAEU member states is revealed, its features characteristic of different EAEU member states are shown, including those related to the perception of the constitution as a value, problems of ensuring its supremacy and direct action within national jurisdiction, ways of influencing constitutional norms on legislative regulation. These features are considered in the context of the relationship of constitutional processes with the dynamics of socio-economic and political development of these countries. Along with this, it was noted that an important part of it will be the introduction of amendments to the constitutions of these states, as well as the adoption of new legislative acts. The paper presents an analysis of current trends and directions of development of constitutional and legal regulation of administrative justice in the EAEU member states. It is shown that both are caused by both internal and external factors. The author attributed the perception of the ideas of constitutionalism by these states and their introduction into domestic relations, as well as the intensive development of constitutional legislation, the improvement and differentiation of judicial mechanisms for the protection of human rights to internal ones. The influence of international law norms on national legal systems, the implementation of relevant norms and principles in them, the borrowing of constitutional and legal institutions existing in the legal systems of other countries, the expansion of interstate cooperation, integration processes in the Eurasian space, further harmonization and, in part, unification of the legislation of the EAEU member states are considered as external factors. The effect of these factors creates prerequisites for the convergence of approaches to the constitutional and legal regulation of public relations related to the organization and functioning of administrative justice in the EAEU member States. An objective need has been identified for the formation of common standards for this regulation for the countries of the Union, the implementation of which will contribute to the convergence of the vectors of their constitutional and legal development and the further strengthening of a single legal space.

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Sarpekov Ramazan Kumarbekovich

Director of the Institute of Legislation and Legal Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan; email: [email protected]

Abstract. The relevance of the research topic is due to the theoretical andpractical significance of issues related to development in the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the EAEU) legal mechanisms for the protection of human rights and freedoms.

The uneven course of the process of constitutionalization of administrative justice in various EAEU member states is revealed, its features characteristic of different EAEU member states are shown, including those related to the perception of the constitution as a value, problems of ensuring its supremacy and direct action within national jurisdiction, ways of influencing constitutional norms on legislative regulation. These features are considered in the context of the relationship of constitutional processes with the dynamics of socio-economic and political development of these countries. Along with this, it was noted that an important part of it will be the introduction of amendments to the constitutions of these states, as well as the adoption of new legislative acts.

The paper presents an analysis of current trends and directions ofdevelopment of constitutional and legal regulation of administrative justice in the EAEU member states. It is shown that both are caused by both internal and external factors. The author attributed the perception of the ideas of constitutionalism by these states and their introduction into domestic relations, as well as the intensive development of constitutional legislation, the improvement and differentiation w of judicial mechanisms for the protection of human rights to internal ones. The influence of q international law norms on national legal systems, the implementation of relevant norms and S principles in them, the borrowing of constitutional and legal institutions existing in the legal s systems of other countries, the expansion of interstate cooperation, integration processes in the q Eurasian space, further harmonization and, in part, unification of the legislation of the EAEU | member states are considered as externalfactors. The effect of these factors creates prerequisites S for the convergence of approaches to the constitutional and legal regulation of public relations > related to the organization andfunctioning of administrative justice in the EAEU member States. H An objective need has been identified for the formation of common standards for this regulation g for the countries of the Union, the implementation of which will contribute to the convergence of E the vectors of their constitutional and legal development and the further strengthening of a single C legal space.

Key words: constitution, constitutionalization, administrative justice, Eurasian Economic s Union, protection of human rights and freedoms, legality, legal regulation, efficiency of the A judicial system. o


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Рамазан ^марбек^лы Сэрпеков

Цазащстан Республикасыныц Зацнама жэне щущыщтыщ ащпарат институтыныц директоры, з.г.к., Цазащстанныц ецбек сщрген щайраткер1, Цазащстан Республикасы, Нур-Султан щ.; e-mail: [email protected]

Аннотация. Зерттеу тащырыбыныц взектшт Еуразиялыщ экономикалыщ одащща (бу-дан эр1 - ЕАЭО) мYше мемлекеттерде адам щущыщтары мен бостандыщтарын щоргаудыц щущыщтыщ тетттерт дамытуга байланысты мэселелердщ теориялыщ жэне практика-лыщ мацыздылыгымен неггзделген.

ЕАЭО-га мYше мемлекеттердщ барлыгында эюмшшк юстицияны конституциялан-дыру Yдерiсiнiц б1ркелю еместт аныщталган, оныц ЕАЭО-га мYше эр мемлекеттщ вз1-не тэн, соныц iшiнде Конституцияны щундылыщ реттде щабылдаумен, оныц Yстемдiгiн жэне улттыщ юрисдикция шегiнде тжелей iс-щимылды щамтамасыз ету мэселелерiмен, конституциялыщ нормалардыц зацнамалыщ реттеуге эсер ету тэсiлдерiмен байланысты ерекшелiктерi кврсетшген. Бул ерекшелттер Конституциялыщ процестердщ осы елдердщ элеуметтж-экономикалыщ жэне саяси даму динамикасымен взара байланысы тургысынан щарастырылады. Сонымен щатар, оныц мацызды щурамдас бвлт осы мемлекеттердщ Конституциясына тYзетулер енгiзу, сондай-ащ жаца зацнамалыщ актiлердi щабылдау болатыны атап втшген.

Fылыми мащалада ЕАЭО-га мYше мемлекеттерде эюмшшк юстицияны конституци-ялыщ-щущыщтыщ реттеудi дамытудыц щазiргi замангы Yрдiстерi мен багыттарына тал-дау усынылган. Олардыц екеуi де шю жэне сыртщы факторларга байланысты екендт кврсетшген. Автор шк фактор реттде бул мемлекеттердщ конституционализм идея-ларын щабылдауын жэне оларды imrn щатынастарга енгiзудi, сондай-ащ конституциялыщ ™ зацнаманыц щарщынды дамуын, адам щущыщтарын щоргаудыц сот тетттерт жетiлдiру 8 мен саралауды жатщызады. Сыртщы факторларреттде халыщаралыщ щущыщ нормалары-SB ныц улттыщ щущыщтыщ ЖYйелерге эсерi, олардагы тиiстi нормалар мен щагидаттарды ^ имплементациялау, басща елдердщ щущыщтыщ тэртiбiнде жумыс wтейтт конституци-^ ялыщ-щущыщтыщ институттарын негiзге алу, мемлекетаралыщ ынтымащтастыщты кецей-^ ту, Еуразиялыщ кецiстiктегi интеграциялыщ процестер, ЕАЭО-га мYше мемлекеттердщ §■ зацнамасын одан эрi Yйлестiру жэне штара бiрiздендiру щаралды. Осы факторлардыц g щолданылуы ЕАЭО-га мYше мемлекеттерде эюмшшк юстицияны уйымдастыру мен олар-е дыц жумыс iстеуiне байланысты щогамдыщ щатынастарды конституциялыщ-щущыщтыщ i реттеуге квзщарастарды жащындастыру Yшiн алгышарттар жасайды. Одащ елдерi Yшiн о осы реттеудщ ортащ стандарттарын щалыптастыруга объективтi щажеттшт, олар-g ды wm асыру олардыц конституциялыщ-щущыщтыщ даму векторларын жащындастыруга ^ жэне бiрыцгай щущыщтыщ m^^i^i одан эрi ныгайтуга ыщпал ететтдт айщындалган. s Tyümdi свздер: конституция, конституцияландыру, эюмшшк юстиция, Еуразиялыщ g экономикалыщ одащ, адам щущыщтары мен бостандыщтарын щоргау, зацдылыщ, щущыщтыщ ¿9 реттеу, сот ЖYйесiнiц тшмдшт.


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Сарпеков Рамазан Кумарбекович

Директор Института законодательства и правовой информации Республики Казахстан, к.ю.н., Заслуженный деятель Казахстана, Республика Казахстан, г. Нур-Султан; e-mail: [email protected]

Аннотация. Актуальность темы исследования обусловлена теоретической и практической значимостью вопросов, связанных с развитием в государствах-членах Евразийского экономического союза (далее - ЕАЭС) правовых механизмов защиты прав и свобод человека.

Выявлено неравномерность протекания процесса конституционализации административной юстиции в различных государствах-членах ЕАЭС, показаны его особенности, характерные для разных государств-членов ЕАЭС, связанные, в том числе, с восприятием конституции в качестве ценности, проблемами обеспечения ее верховенства и прямого действия в пределах национальной юрисдикции, способами воздействия конституционных норм на законодательное регулирование. Эти особенности рассмотрены в контексте взаимосвязи конституционных процессов с динамикой социально-экономического и политического развития этих стран. Наряду с этим отмечено, что его важной составной частью станет внесение поправок в конституции этих государств, а также принятие новых законодательных актов.

В работе представлен анализ современных тенденций и направлений развития конституционно-правового регулирования административной юстиции в государствах-членах ЕАЭС. Показано, что и те, и другие обусловлены как внутренними, так и внешними факторами. К внутренним автор отнёс восприятие этими государствами идей конституционализма и внедрение их во внутригосударственные отношения, а также интенсивное развитие конституционного законодательства, совершенствование и дифференциацию судебных механизмов защиты прав человека. В качестве внешних факторов рассмотрено е влияние норм международного права на национальные правовые системы, имплемента- Т цию в них соответствующих норм и принципов, заимствование конституционно-право- К вых институтов, существующих в правопорядках других стран, расширение межгосу- н дарственного сотрудничества, интеграционные процессы на Евразийском пространстве, ИИ дальнейшую гармонизацию и, отчасти, унификацию законодательства государств-членов Т ЕАЭС. Действие этих факторов создает предпосылки для сближения подходов к консти- А туционно-правовому регулированию общественных отношений, связанных с организацией и функционированием административной юстиции в государствах-членах ЕАЭС. Выяв-


лена объективная потребность в формировании общих стандартов этого регулирования а



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для стран Союза, реализация которых будет способствовать сближению векторов их конституционно-правового развития и дальнейшему укреплению единого правового пространства.

Ключевые слова: конституция, конституционализация, административная юстиция, Евразийский экономический союз, защита прав и свобод человека, законность, правовое 5 регулирование, эффективность судебной системы. о


DOI: 10.52026/2788-5291 2022 68 1 13

Introduction Political and legal transformations in the EAEU

Since the creation of the EAEU, many member states have led to the approval of new

scientific papers have been written on the constitutional values and principles of law,

harmonization of the legislation of its member legislative definition of the contours of further

states. In particular, the issue offocusing attention development of their legal systems. on the direction of the constitutionalization Today, an important role in the mechanism

of administrative justice is being considered. of realization and protection of the rights and


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interests of individuals and legal entities has an administrative (extrajudicial) and judicial procedure for appealing against illegal decisions and actions of the public administration. The right of complaint acts, on the one hand, as a right-a guarantee of the exercise of any of the constitutional rights belonging to him, on the other, as a form of citizen's participation in the management of the affairs of society and the state - in cases of appeal against illegal decisions of public authorities in the interests of a large group of people or society as a whole.

The current stage of the legal development of the EAEU member states is characterized by the increasing influence of integration processes on it, which have a noticeable impact on constitutional development, contribute to the strengthening of constitutionalism, the formation of homogeneous legal institutions aimed at protecting the rights and interests of the individual, as well as contributing to the improvement of public administration. As a result of this impact, the internationalization of law and the further normalization of the main spheres of public life are taking place.

Additional prerequisites for this are formed as a result:

- the accession of the EEC member States to a number of international instruments in the £ field of human rights protection, which obliges 8 them to bring their national legislation into line g with the norms and principles of international ^ law;

1 - increasing the public need for more * effective resolution of disputes arising from i public law relations in these countries; | - improving judicial mechanisms that ensure o human rights in accordance with constitutional | goals, as well as building a democratic, rule->s of-law state taking place during constitutional g reforms in the EAEU member States.

< In these conditions, there is a need to c further strengthen the constitutional and legal

< foundations of the relationship between a k citizen and the state, to search for optimal legal £ mechanisms that guarantee human rights and tj implement effective public administration. o One of the tools designed to solve this problem

0 is the Institute of Administrative Justice. Its m institutionalization in the EAEU member states

1 is connected with the ideas and practice of g constitutionalism, the need to expand the use of k legal management methods that form the basis ^ for the formation of an effective mechanism for ^ protecting the rights and legitimate interests tj of citizens from illegal actions (inaction) of 00 administrative bodies.

Currently, constitutional justice, acting in the form of constitutional courts (Russia, Armenia, Belarus), the Constitutional Council (Kazakhstan) and the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Kyrgyzstan) is one of the integral elements of modern constitutionalism. Constitutional control plays an important role in the mechanism of human rights protection, in the formation of the legal foundations for the democratization of public life and the construction of a strong rule of law State.

Thus, in the modern constitutional and legal regulation of human and civil rights and freedoms, there is a tendency to expand human rights institutions, which are reflected in the legislation of the EAEU member states. In this regard, administrative justice, being an independent institution for the protection of human rights, is based on the constitutional recognition of natural rights, as well as mutual responsibility of the individual and the State. The expansion of human rights mechanisms will contribute to better protection of human rights, will reduce the burden on the courts, facilitate public access to justice and will become an additional measure to protect the rights and interests of individuals and legal entities.

Therefore, it is necessary not only to develop, but also to bring together the approaches of the member States of the Union to the constitutional and legal regulation of public relations related to the organization and functioning of administrative justice. The search for solutions to these problems can be greatly facilitated by conducting comparative legal studies that can reveal a common, special and unified understanding in the dynamics of constitutional and legal registration of administrative justice in the EAEU member States, outline a common coordinate system for the development of appropriate regulation, identify points of convergence in the formation of its Eurasian standards.

Materials and methods

To achieve the research goal, the universal dialectical method of cognition was used, as well as private scientific and special research methods based on it: comparative legal, systemic, formal legal, methods of legal modeling.


The current stage of legal development in the EAEU member States is characterized by the growth of integration processes that promote the adoption of unified legal institutions aimed

at protecting the interests of the individual and limiting power. Under the influence of these processes, the internationalization of legal relations and the further normalization of the main spheres of public life take place.

We believe that administrative justice, being one of the integral elements of modern constitutionalism, through which judicial protection of human and civil rights and freedoms is carried out, plays an important role in the process of democratizing public life and building a rule of law state.

Consideration of the structure of administrative justice from the point of view of its genesis allows not only to identify the main constitutional characteristics of this institution, but also to trace the stages of its emergence and development, as well as to show the place and role of the state in the judicial system. Of course, administrative justice as an Institution of a modern democratic state has deep roots reflecting historical, cultural, political and other features of the formation of human rights mechanisms.

Its origin is inextricably linked with the legal doctrine of the rule of law, widespread in the XIX century in Europe and America. One of the most important signs of the rule of law is the obligation of the administrative authority to act in the spirit of secundum legem, that is, within the framework of the law and in ways that do not contradict it.

According to many scientists, «the need to limit executive power by law follows from the concept of the rule of law based on the principles of democracy, constitutional legality and the priority of human rights» [1].

Y. Tsikov believes that «the basis of public law is the constitution, the provisions of which are modified by general administrative law for certain spheres of state activity» [2].

Administrative procedural law forms the central plane of intersection of the principles of the Constitution and administrative law or its execution.

After the proclamation of national sovereignty, the EEC member states entered an active phase of constitutional transformation of all spheres of public relations. This process continues to the present day, reflecting and carefully borrowing certain legal values and achievements of a modern democratic state.

It is also noteworthy that the process of constitutionalization of legal norms regulating

the sphere of relations between an individual and the state continues in the EAEU member states.

The Message of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On the state of constitutional legality» draws special attention to the need to increase the level of constitutionalization of the legislative array as the most important condition for further approval of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a rule of law state»1.

According to I.A. Kravets, «the process of constitutionalization of the legal order acts as a world-historical phenomenon associated with the ever-increasing trend of the legitimization of all spheres of public relations» [3].

In this direction, the problems of constitutionalization of administrative justice in the EAEU member states, the choice of a model of legal regulation, the scope of competence of courts, especially in terms of judicial discretion and the principles of institutional organization and functioning, are being actively discussed. At the same time, it should be taken into account that they are caused by the internal circumstances of each country, as well as the quantitative increase in human rights violations in the public legal sphere.

Meanwhile, the constitutions of the EAEU member states should contain more distinct norms and principles regarding the institution of administrative justice, which were expressed in the constitutional right to appeal, including to judicial authorities, decisions and actions (inaction) of officials committed in violation of the law, as well as the right to compensation for damage caused by illegal decisions and actions (inaction) of state bodies and other public sector organizations, as well as officials in the performance of their official duties [4].

Institutionalization of administrative justice is the most important prerequisite for the formation of a full-fledged judicial system and increasing the effectiveness of legal mechanisms for the protection of citizens' rights and freedoms.


The fundamental legal basis for the constitutionalization of administrative justice in the EAEU member States is the norms of the Constitution, which laid a solid foundation for further legal development and improvement of judicial mechanisms for the protection of



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1 Sm._ Poslanie Konstitucionnogo Soveta Respubliki Kazahstan «O sostoyanii konstitucionnoi zakonnosti v Respublike Kazah-stan» oglasheno na sovmestnom zasedanii Palat Parlamenta Respubliki Kazahstan 20 iyunya 2019 goda, // http_ // ksrk.gov.kz/ solutions/poslanie-konstitucionnogo—soveta-respubliki-kazakhst


human rights.

The constitutionalization of citizens' rights to judicial protection is an essential part of the process of forming a state governed by the rule of law, especially in the light of legal globalization and the interaction of national legal systems of the EAEU member States.

The constitutional guarantees for judicial protection provided for by the legislation of the EAEU member States need further development. Being an integral element of the institution of human rights, administrative justice acts as a universal guarantee of the protection of constitutional human and civil rights from administrative arbitrariness, as the criterion for the effectiveness of the judicial system and an indicator of the development of institutional mechanisms for the protection of human rights in a democratic society.

This process, due to objective factors, cannot proceed uniformly in all countries. There are features associated with the perception of the constitution as a normative value. There are problems of ensuring its supremacy and direct action. There are also different ways of influencing the norms of the constitution on legislative regulation.

In this regard, the ways of constitutional influence on public relations are an objective £ factor in the possible constitutionalization of 8 legal institutions and should be considered in <g the relationship of constitutional processes with ^ socio-economic and political relations, as well 1 as in the context of their dynamics. * At the same time, giving a legal norm or i idea a constitutional status and its further f legitimization at the legislative level has o its own peculiarities, associated with the | constitutionalization of a wide range of public >s relations, as well as with the evolutionary g development of the legal system.

< Ahugeroleintheprocessofinstitutionalization c of the principles of the administration of justice

< is played by the constitutional control bodies, k whose legal positions are aimed at realizing the £ constitutional potential, protecting the rights tj and freedoms of citizens and restricting power. o Administrative justice bodies can also play an

0 equally significant role, whose legal positions m are capable and should form the constitutional

1 culture of citizens and officials, perform a g preventive function in terms of preventing k illegal acts of subjects endowed with power ^ functions [5].



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The importance of the functioning of administrative justice on constitutional principles is determined by the following circumstances:

1. The Constitutions of the EAEU member states enshrine the right to appeal to state bodies, local self-government bodies and their officials. At the same time, it can only come from citizens of the country (Kazakhstan, Russia) or from any individuals (Kyrgyz Republic, Belarus, Armenia) with a reasoned response. At the same time, the very procedure for implementing the constitutional norm is regulated by the current legislation.

2. The Constitutions of all EAEU member States guarantee the right to judicial protection of violated rights, and some of them separately stipulate the right to appeal to a higher court to review their case (Russian Federation).

3. The Constitutions of individual EAEU member States enshrine the right to an out-of-court appeal procedure (Kyrgyz Republic), including specifying the addressee of the appeal - the Ombudsman (Armenia).

4. The Constitutions establish the right to appeal to international bodies in connection with the violation of their rights after exhausting all means (Kyrgyz Republic, Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Armenia).

5. At the constitutional level of States, the right to compensation for damage caused by illegal actions of state authorities, local self-government and their officials in the performance of official duties is proclaimed (Kyrgyz Republic, Belarus, Russian Federation, Armenia), or this right is provided for, but not specified in relation to public authorities (Republic of Belarus).

6. The right of individuals and legal entities to appeal against illegal decisions, actions (inaction) of public authorities at the constitutional level in a direct form and in full is not enshrined in any of the EAEU member states. The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for it only in relation to acts of state bodies and local self-government bodies, as well as public associations, and in the Republic of Belarus - in relation to decisions of local Councils of Deputies, their executive and administrative bodies.

7. The Constitutions of the EAEU member States establish the judicial system of the country, which includes only courts of general jurisdiction and the Constitutional

Court (Belarus2, Russia3), provides for the creation of specialized courts (Armenia), local (Kyrgyz Republic) or other courts, which include specialized administrative courts, but the establishment of which is regulated by constitutional law (Kazakhstan). Administrative courts are located within a single judicial system headed by the Supreme Court.

8. The possibility of administrative justice as an independent type of legal proceedings is provided for in the constitutions of individual countries (Russia, the Kyrgyz Republic), it is fixed in the current legislation at the level of codified acts (Armenia, the Russian Federation, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Kazakhstan), or it is not yet available (Belarus).

In the latter two States, disputes arising from public-law relations in connection with illegal decisions and actions of public administration that violate the rights of individuals and legal entities are considered according to the rules of civil proceedings. In Kazakhstan, the activity of administrative courts is limited to the consideration of cases of administrative offenses, but in accordance with the APPC of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2020 No. 350-VI, which, in accordance with part one of Article 175, in accordance with part one of Article 3 of the APPC of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is aimed at regulating relations related to the implementation of internal administrative procedures of state bodies, administrative procedures, as well as the procedure of administrative proceedings4.

9. At the constitutional level, the basic principles of justice are fixed, which guide all judicial bodies, including those considering administrative and legal disputes.

Thus, the constitutional legislation laid the foundations not only for the formation of administrative justice as a full-fledged institution of judicial protection of human rights in the EAEU member States, but also implies further improvement of human rights mechanisms based on constitutional principles.

The Republic of Kazakhstan provides for the possibility of an alternative method of filing a complaint to higher authorities (to a higher official) or to a court. The right to file a complaint is based on the constitutional right of a citizen

to send individual and collective appeals to state and local self-government bodies (paragraph 1 of Article 33 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan), as well as on the right of everyone to judicial protection of their rights and freedoms of self-government (paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan)5.

According to R. A. Podoprigora, the Constitution guarantees citizens a number of rights in the public sphere. However, the current opportunities to protect these rights are insufficient. Thus, in Kazakhstan, the possibility of citizens' participation in constitutional and legal disputes is limited. It seems that administrative justice is designed to solve issues that are solved by the bodies of constitutional control or justice in other countries [6].

A. B. Zelentsev explains that the constitutionalization of administrative law can be presented as a special kind of legal process, including the interpretation and transformation of current legislation, changing the practice of its application in terms of compliance with the norms, principles and goals of the Constitution.

The Constitution assumes that it should be at the center of administrative and legal regulation, act as the main source of administrative law and extend its effect directly to all bodies of public administration, forcing the execution of constitutional regulations. As a result, in the Constitution, any activity of the state administration must find its legal justification and boundaries. At the same time, both administrative and legal norms regulating the activities of the state administration and this activity itself can be subjected to judicial verification for compliance with the Constitution [7].

These rights, in our opinion, are integral elements of the mechanism for the implementation and protection of constitutional rights and freedoms, which are manifested in active human actions. Currently, the procedure for initiating an administrative procedure and considering an administrative case is regulated by the relevant norms of the CPC.

In this regard, the constitutional and legal regulation of administrative justice acts as the legal basis for further cooperation within the




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2 Constitution of the Republic of Belarus dated March 15, 1994 // https://online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=30404260&pos=8:-106#pos=8:-106

3 Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993 // http://pravo.gov.ru/proxy/ips/?docbody=&nd=102027595&in-telsearch=%EA%EE%ED%F1%F2%E8%F2%F3%F6%E8%FF

4 K^azaKßtan Respublikasini^ skimshilik rssimdik_procestik kodeksi K^azaKßtan Respublikasini^ 2020jilsi 29 mausimdasi № 350_ VIKRZ Kodeksi.//https_//adilet.zan.kz/kaz/docs/K2000000350 12.12.2022 g.

5 Konstituciya Respubliki Kazahstan Konstituciya prinyata na respublikanskom referendume 30 avgusta 1995 goda.// https// adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/K950001000_12.12.2021 g.




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framework of the common economic space of the EAEU member States.

In this regard, the constitutional and legal regulation of administrative justice is the legal basis for further cooperation of the EAEU member States within the framework of the common economic space.

The institution of administrative appeal, in accordance with Article 50 of the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, establishes the right to proper administration6.

According to the provisions of this article, everyone has the right, within a reasonable time for a fair examination by administrative bodies of their cases, to get acquainted with all documents related to them, except for legally protected secrets, during administrative proceedings.

Thus, the formation of administrative justice proceeds simultaneously in regulatory, political, socio-economic aspects and is closely related to the constitutionalization of various subsystems of law as a whole.

In accordance with article 16 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, everyone is guaranteed judicial protection of his rights and freedoms, the possibility of appealing to the court against decisions and actions (or inaction) of State authorities, compensation for damage caused by illegal actions of State bodies7.

The extrajudicial procedure of appeal in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus «On the Basics of Administrative Procedures», adopted on October 28, 2008, regulates issues related to the consideration of appeals, requests and complaints of citizens8.

Within the framework of this law, the obligation of pre-trial consideration of administrative disputes is provided.


The process of constitutionalization of administrative justice is also associated with increasing the role of the court in a State governed by the rule of law and expanding the scope of its activities, as well as strengthening the relationship of civil society with state institutions of power.

As you know, among international organizations, a special place on the protection of the rights of individuals by the EAEU member states is occupied by constitutional justice bodies aimed at ensuring the supremacy of the Constitution and maintaining the regime of constitutional legality.

Nevertheless, the fact that each individual State has its own peculiarities in accordance with the norms of its domestic national legislation, in connection with the development of administrative justice, issues of improving legislation still arise.

According to B. A. Zhetpisbayev, administrative justice is the core and center of the burden of the rule of law. Because anti-state decisions are made there on behalf of the state [8].

In this regard, for the implementation of full and effective administrative justice in the EAEU member states, its further legal constitutionalization remains relevant, as well as ensuring the real independence of the judicial branch of government.


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