Teshaboev M.M., Phd, TUIT Fergana branch, Uzbekistan, Fergana city
Abstract: In the current period or in the process of globalization, it can be seen that the problem of corruption exists in almost every country in the world. But this does not mean that corruption is the same in all states. According to experts, the causes of corruption in different countries are different and are determined by the historical stage of development and the presence of socio-economic problems, as well as the level of development.
This article scientifically examines the prospects for improving the quality of education and non-corruption education in the new Uzbekistan.
Keywords: new reforms, innovative projects, regional economic organizations, quality of education, ministry of Preschool Education, corruption, innovation.
Annotatsiya: Hozirgi globallashuv davrida yoki jarayonida korrupsiya muammosi jahonning deyarli har bir mamlakatida mavjudligini ko'rish mumkin. Ammo bu - barcha davlatlarda ham korrupsiya bir xil degan ma'noni anglatmaydi. Ekspertlarning xulosasiga ko'ra, korrupsiyaning vujudga kelish sabablari turli mamlakatlarda turli xil bo'lib, tarixiy rivojlanish bosqichi hamda ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy muammolarning mavjudligi hamda taraqqiyot darajasi bilan belgilanadi.
Ushbu maqolada yangi O'zbekistonda ta'lim sifatini oshirish va korrupsiyasiz ta'lim istiqbollari ilmiy jihatdan tadqiq etilgan.
Kalit so'zlar: yangi islohotlar, innovatsion loyihalar, mintaqaviy iqtisodiy tashkilotlar, ta'lim sifati, maktabgacha ta'lim vazirligi, korrupsiya, innovatsiya.
Аннотация: В нынешний период или в процессе глобализации можно увидеть, что проблема коррупции существует практически в каждой стране мира. Но это не значит, что коррупция одинакова во всех государствах. По заключению экспертов, причины возникновения коррупции в разных странах различны и определяются историческим этапом развития и наличием социально-экономических проблем, а также уровнем развития.
В данной статье научно исследованы перспективы повышения качества образования и бескоррупционного образования в новом Узбекистане.
Ключевые слова: новые реформы, инновационные проекты, региональные экономические организации, качество образования, министерство дошкольного образования, коррупция, инновация.
It was emphasized that the harmonization of our country's economy with the world production system, the requirements of the world market and the processes of economic integration improves the quality of products, reduces its cost, forces manufacturers to introduce new technologies and promotes accelerated market reforms. In quality education - a healthy
environment: the concept pays special attention to the introduction of effective mechanisms to combat corruption and ensure transparency: in the field of higher education, the "non-corruption sphere"; elimination of bureaucratic factors between teachers and students; professional development, preparation and implementation of research and development, control and monitoring, recruitment and appointment of personnel, study of the activities of higher education institutions and ensuring transparency in other processes in the system; identified mechanisms such as optimizing the academic load of the teaching staff, increasing the productivity of employees of the higher education system education based on the widespread introduction of modern information and communication technologies in professional activities.
Against the background of consistently implemented reforms in our country in the field of education, such goals as the further development of our Motherland, the upbringing of young people in harmoniously developed personalities, the training of specialists with higher education for industries are being implemented. It is no coincidence that the term "knowledge economy" appeared in the economic dictionary ten years ago. This shows the importance of developing a highly qualified economy of modern workers, which cannot be achieved without quality education. In the modern world, the quality of education has become one of the most important factors of economic competitiveness.
Unfavorable behavior and corruption-related problems are present to varying degrees in all countries of the world. Prevention is more important and effective, that is, prevention, than the organization of conflict, which requires great efforts and means to combat this disease. It is always necessary to remember how corrupt the socio-economic life in the country is, and that this, to the detriment of statehood, is an obstacle to the prosperity of the country.
Corruption is the biggest obstacle to the development of society and the building of a democratic state. He can take control of all spheres of the state and society. For example, the economy, law and order, education, as well as any sphere of the state will go bankrupt as a result of corruption.
Today, the uncompromising fight against corruption attracts our special attention more than ever. For example, the Ministry of Justice, in order to increase the legal awareness and legal culture of the population, through the legal information channel in social networks, regularly informs about the normative legal acts adopted in the republic. We can take this as a small but viable example of the fight against corruption in our country. The Ministry of Justice carries out its activities on the analysis of regulatory legal acts. This contributes to a uniform understanding among the population of the true meaning of normative legal acts. In addition, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Combating Corruption" clearly defines the current executors of this law. At the same time, it should be noted that the Anti-Corruption Agency, first of all, is defined as a competent authority engaged in combating corruption. We expect that the presence of a body directly dealing with this area and giving it numerous powers will show a positive result in the anti-corruption system.
"The ultimate goal of the reforms carried out in Uzbekistan is also to build a rule-of-law state and civil society. At present, the constitutional and legal foundations for the construction of such a state and society have been created"[1, 134].
Large-scale work is underway to radically improve the country's education system, improve its quality and efficiency, and strengthen the material and technical base of educational institutions. At the same time, transparency of admission processes to higher education institutions, prevention
of corruption and bribery in education was also strengthened. Considering this important factor, we paid special attention to the theoretical analysis of corruption in higher education. Before highlighting the concept of corruption in higher education, it is worth dwelling on the concept of "corruption". The term corruption comes from the Latin word "corruption", which means "evasion of bribes". According to later views, the term corruption comes from the Latin word "corrumpere", meaning "spoilage, nausea, loss of strength".
Prior to the start of the new stage of reforms, little attention was paid to preschool education in Uzbekistan. The situation changed in 2017, when the Ministry of Preschool Education was established. If earlier the level of coverage of children with this form of education was only 27%, by the end of 2019 it had grown to 44.5%. The number of state preschool institutions increased 1.5 times during this period (from 4,940 to 7,500), private - 3 times (from 269 to 783). If in 2017 51 thousand teachers worked in the preschool education system, then by the end of 2019 - more than 80 thousand. Much attention was paid to the training of personnel for preschool education. In order to better train specialists, 97 pedagogical colleges have completely come under the jurisdiction of the CIS. Quotas for preschool education have been increased in all pedagogical universities. An Institute for retraining and advanced Training of managers and specialists of preschool educational institutions has been opened in the CIS. In order to organize healthy and safe nutrition in kindergartens, conditions have been created for the purchase of food for preschool institutions directly from manufacturing enterprises, experimental nutrition using catering has been established. Specialization of school education in Uzbekistan, a well-developed school infrastructure has been created, which made it possible to fully cover children with general primary and secondary education. The overall level of admission to general primary and secondary education remained at 99%. Decentralization of education in schools during the reform of secondary education, education resumed in grades 10-11. The share of teachers with higher education in secondary schools exceeded 80%, which can be considered an indicator of the quality of education.
"The national orientation of education is one of the principles of the national training program of Uzbekistan. It requires a new system of education aimed at preserving and enriching the inseparable harmony of education with national history, folk traditions and customs, respect for the history and culture of other peoples"[2, 3].
The education reform was accompanied by an increase in the salaries of teachers of secondary schools, which increased in three stages and, as a result, increased by an average of 50%. During the reforms, 4 academic lyceums were also liquidated, the educational and material base of which did not meet modern requirements. 54 secondary schools, remote from universities and with a low level of admission of graduates to higher education institutions, were gradually transformed into professional colleges. At the same time, new innovative technologies of scientific and technical education are increasingly being introduced in the world. Prerequisites and conditions are being created in Uzbekistan for the transition to such educational technologies, which is reflected in the concept of development of the public education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030. Of great importance in this direction is the creation of a system of presidential schools, where gifted children who have graduated from the fourth grade are selected based on the results of testing.
Presidential schools are already operating in Tashkent, Namangan, Nukus and Khiva, this year schools are opening in Bukhara, Jizzakh, Kashkadarya, Samarkand and Fergana, in 2021 they will open in Andijan, Navoi, Surkhandarya, Syrdarya and Tashkent regions. Specialized
educational institutions with in-depth study of ICT, exact sciences, as well as aerospace and astronomy are being created. Thus, by presidential decrees, the al-Khorezmi School and the Mirzo Ulugbek boarding school at the Institute of Astronomy of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan were established in Tashkent. There are also special specialized schools. In 2015, an elementary private robotics school "Robokidz Education" was established in Tashkent, where courses in robotics, elementary programming and the "Internet of Things" are taught. And in 2017, the global private school "Artel" was opened, focused on the in-depth study of mathematics, physics, chemistry. Robotics, 3D modeling and programming are also taught here.
Continuing vocational education vocational education reforms are carried out on the basis of the Presidential Decree of September 6, 2019 "On additional measures to improve the system of vocational education". In accordance with this decree, a new system of continuing professional education is being introduced: primary, secondary and secondary specialized vocational education. Vocational training centers for adults and unemployed citizens are being created. The Vocational School provides vocational education to graduates of grades 9. Most of the time spent here is devoted to practical classes. Training includes family entrepreneurship, construction, services, animal husbandry, poultry farming, beekeeping and fishing. Reform of the quality of education, orientation to world standards colleges provide training of specialists with general secondary education in full-time, evening and correspondence forms of education for at least two years. For college graduates, large potential employers create portfolios of orders based on the current and future needs of employees, which guarantee the employment of graduates.
Graduates of the technical school who have successfully completed educational programs have the right to continue their studies at higher educational institutions on the basis of an individual interview without entrance tests, starting from the 2nd year of the relevant bachelor's degree directions. Thus, there is an opportunity to continue training and expand professional knowledge and training. Quality standards of higher education On April 20, 2017, a presidential decree approved a program for the comprehensive development of the higher education system for 2017-2021, including measures to radically improve and improve the quality of higher education. The procedure for admission to higher education institutions was changed, exams were held from August 1 to August 15, and their results were published the next day. They canceled testing in universities in creative areas. Since September 2017, the teaching load on teachers has decreased in favor of conducting research. The correspondence form of education has been restored. The salaries of university professors have doubled.
The independence of universities has increased. Since the 2018/2019 academic year, leading universities have independently developed curricula and programs in the relevant areas and specialties of education, taking into account the demand of personnel consumers. Universities are allowed to additionally accept students at additional contract rates. As part of the education reform, teacher training programs have been revised and brought into line with international standards, and the national student assessment system has been modernized in cooperation with international systems such as PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS. In 2020, Uzbekistan joined the European Association for Quality Assurance of Higher Education as an observer. The presidential decree of October 8, 2019 "On approval of the Concept of development of the higher education system of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period up to 2030" provides for the creation of 16% in 2023, 57% and 85% of higher education institutions in 2025. In 2030. At the same time, the transition to this system has already begun. In particular, the Ministry of Public Education has prepared a broadcast of
lessons for all classes in accordance with the curriculum. The official telegram channel of the Ministry of and the channel on the YouTube video hosting began to publish a schedule of TV programs and a live recording for all classes. Also, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education has formed online resources on higher education standards and has launched a Telegram channel, where they began to post materials for self-study. At the same time, the process of forming more than 3,500 electronic textbooks in various disciplines continued on the Library of Innovations website.
Every year, leave was granted to parents of pupils of preschool educational organizations and junior schoolchildren of secondary schools, including those who had worked for less than 6 months. Timely payment of wages to employees of preschool, general education, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, sports and cultural institutions funded from the state budget and whose activities have been suspended is guaranteed. Persons caring for children under the age of 14 were paid a temporary disability allowance in the amount of 100% of the average salary. The measures taken have allowed to solve three main issues related to the closure of educational institutions. The first is the care of pupils of preschool and general education institutions, the second is the provision of material assistance during quarantine, the third is the possibility of continuing the educational process remotely.
Problems that need to be solved problems that need to be solved in the field of education in Uzbekistan. Despite the dynamic growth of preschool education before the pandemic (it is obvious that quarantine restrictions have slowed the growth of the sector, which at the end of the year may be lower than last year), the coverage of children remains low; 44.5% in Uzbekistan compared to neighboring countries, where the coverage rate exceeds 70%. When the pandemic is over, there will be no shortage of appropriate institutions. There are also schools where children study in two shifts. This suggests that the available capabilities of educational institutions are inferior to their needs. It is necessary that the construction of new residential areas in cities and districts be carried out at a rapid pace in order to ensure the large-scale construction of new schools, as well as to provide them with computer classes, modern equipment, including laboratories, and high-speed Internet access.
Summing up, we can say that during the four years of the new stage of reforms in all spheres of education in Uzbekistan, there are serious reasons to bring them to a qualitatively new level that meets modern international requirements. But most of the existing problems have not yet been solved. The sphere of education is quite "conservative" in terms of reforming the region, as it objectively trains personnel, educates people in the future life. It takes twenty years to prepare a new generation for life, and this problem cannot be solved in three to five years. Qualified applicants are required to train highly qualified specialists in universities. For the successful development of the school, more and more complex curricula are being developed, therefore it is necessary to develop the abilities of children and prepare them qualitatively in preschool institutions.
In the fight against corruption, the law can serve as the most powerful weapon. He allows his defenders to deal with any problem, giving them adequate rights and privileges. We believe that expanding the circles of law enforcement, strengthening public control in all spheres of society, as well as strengthening propaganda work, so that all citizens living in our country have a full understanding of corruption and a deep understanding that punishment for it is inevitable.
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