PROPER NAMES DERIVATIVES AS A DIACHRONIC ASPECT OF TEXTOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mzhelskaya O.K.

Research Problem. Nomination questions are still among the most popular ones and a large number of scientific papers are devoted to their study. However, the problem of semantic word formation, being the key one when studying the processes of nomination, does not receive a broad reporting in the scientific literature. Hence it is an integral part of diachroneity in textology. Research hypothesis. It is obvious in linguistics that toponyms as well as other proper names can be considered as a prominent reference point in text analysis. The research hypothesis is whether proper names can transfer to the category of words combining the nominative function with the connotative one or not. Full description of the sample. Onomastic derivatives are the empirical material of the study. Currently, it is possible to break up the collected empirical material into four groups. Features of Research Methodology. The study was conducted on the material of the modern Russian language using English to highlight some necessary specific features. It was performed in a diachrinic aspect, taking into account the existence and interaction of word-formation units within one time sample and the linguistic description method was adopted as the main one. Analyzed linguistic facts survey, generalization of theoretical studies concerning the issues of modern derivation, a comparative examination of the names of persons created using various methods of word production, helped to identify the specifics of their formation and scope of use, to classify the linguistic material taking into account structural and semantic features. Brief description of results. It is also possible to extend the methodology of word-formation analysis to units originated as a result of semantic derivation i.e. by means of metaphor, metonymy, conversion, contraction and expansion of the concept. If different lexemes could be organized in separate dictionary entries, it eliminated errors in the distinction between polysemy and homonymy. Main conclusion, findings, significance of the study. Many new nominations i.e. compound names of a person show a tendency to enter the commonly used vocabulary of the language and are already fixed in explanatory dictionaries as neutral lexemes. There is a great potential in the word-formation system of the Russian language.

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И1Й12587-94зхРоп нпе) Наука о человеке: гуманитарны е исследования Т. 14 № 2 2020

Раздел 1. Филологические науки

УДК 80 DOI: 10.17238Zissn1998-5320.2020.14.27

O. K. Mzhelskaya1

Omsk Humanitarian Academy, Omsk, Russian Federation

Proper names derivatives as a diachronic aspect of textology

Abstract. Research Problem. Nomination questions are still among the most popular ones and a large number of scientific papers are devoted to their study. However, the problem of semantic word formation, being the key one when studying the processes of nomination, does not receive a broad reporting in the scientific literature. Hence it is an integral part of diachroneity in textology.

Research hypothesis. It is obvious in linguistics that toponyms as well as other proper names can be considered as a prominent reference point in text analysis. The research hypothesis is whether proper names can transfer to the category of words combining the nominative function with the connotative one or not.

Full description of the sample. Onomastic derivatives are the empirical material of the study. Currently, it is possible to break up the collected empirical material into four groups.

Features of Research Methodology. The study was conducted on the material of the modern Russian language using English to highlight some necessary specific features. It was performed in a diachrinic aspect, taking into account the existence and interaction of word-formation units within one time sample and the linguistic description method was adopted as the main one. Analyzed linguistic facts survey, generalization of theoretical studies concerning the issues of modern derivation, a comparative examination of the names of persons created using various methods of word production, helped to identify the specifics of their formation and scope of use, to classify the linguistic material taking into account structural and semantic features.

Brief description of results. It is also possible to extend the methodology of word-formation analysis to units originated as a result of semantic derivation i.e. by means of metaphor, metonymy, conversion, contraction and expansion of the concept. If different lexemes could be organized in separate dictionary entries, it eliminated errors in the distinction between polysemy and homonymy.

Main conclusion, findings, significance of the study. Many new nominations i.e. compound names of a person show a tendency to enter the commonly used vocabulary of the language and are already fixed in explanatory dictionaries as neutral lexemes. There is a great potential in the word-formation system of the Russian language.

Keywords: text analysis, methods of word formation, semantic word formation, derivatives, appellation, proper names, etymology. Paper submitted: June 12, 2020

For citation: Mzhelskaya O. K. (2020). Proper names derivatives as a diachronic aspect of textology. The Science of Person: Humanitarian Researches, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 44-48. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2020.14.2.7

Introduction. New words appear regularly in the language, and their study seems necessary and relevant at different stages of language system development.

Pavol Stekauer and Rochelle Lieber provided the historical development of theories of word formation within generative grammar, and afforded a solid introduction to the treatment of word formation in cognitive grammar, natural morphology, optimality theory, Lexeme Morpheme Base Morphology, onomasiological theory, and other recent frameworks. It looks specifically at individual English word formation processes (derivation, compounding, conversion) and reviews some of the ways in which they have been analyzed since Marchand's comprehensive treatment nearly five decades ago [1].

In addition, the trends of sense inheritance in chains of derivatives across open word-classes in English are explored in "Sense Inheritance in English Word-Formation" by Laurie Bauer and Salvador Valera. Recent decades have seen both extensive and intensive development of various theories of word-formation, however, the semantic aspects of complex words have, with a few notable exceptions, been rather neglected. This volume fills that

gap by offering articles written by leading experts in the field from various theoretical backgrounds [2].

One of distinguishing features of personal names is their great ability to form variants or derivatives. "Derivatives combine all derived names: short forms, hypocoristic forms, diminutives, familiar forms that cannot be clearly differentiated" [3]. In our opinion, any fact of secondary use of a name can be presented as an explication of one or several components of its meaning [4]. The names of a person help a native speaker to understand at the present stage of development of society certain fragments of the native world language picture.

For example, Sabine Lappe concerns the structure of truncated personal names in English. Truncations have received a lot of attention in recent years. Previously judged a highly irregular and idiosyncratic class of word-formation processes, truncatory processes have now become an important test case for the research program of prosodic morphology [5].

Robin Jeshion argues that a proper name, as it occurs in a sentence in a context of use, refers to a specific individual that is its referent and has just that individual as its semantic content, its contribution

Vol. 14 No. 2 2020 The Science of Person: Humanitarian

Part 1. Philological Sciences

to the proposition expressed by the sentence. Furthermore, a proper name contributes its referent to the proposition expressed by virtue of mechanisms of direct reference to individuals, not by virtue of expressing properties. Predicativists embrace an opposing view according to which proper names are just a special kind of common noun. Their semantic function is to designate properties of individuals. A proper name, as it occurs in a sentence in a context ofuse, expresses a property, and that property is its contribution to the proposition [6].

Linguists studying derivation focus their attention to the problems derivation structure, articulation and formality of the fundamentals, the multiplicity of motivations of derived words, the morphological processes associated with word formation, the issues of determining the specificity of the word formative meaning, and studying the semantic structure of the derived word.

The classical theory developed by Frege, Church, and Searle [7], says that naming, and reference in general, consists in our mentally connecting a set of properties with a name, our identifying something as having each of these properties, and our applying the name to the object by virtue of this identification. So, when concerning the theory of onyms maximum significance, the actual linguistic meaning is often replaced by the encyclopedic one [8].

Research program. The following research methods have been used to achieve the goal of the study,:

- theoretical methods: study and analysis of literature on the research problem, generalization, comparative analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparison, generalization;

- empirical methods: a comparative examination of the names of persons created using various methods of word production, helped to identify the specifics of their formation and scope of use, to classify the linguistic material taking into account structural and semantic features.

The study was conducted on the material of the modern Russian language using English to highlight some necessary specific features. It was performed in a synchronous aspect, taking into account the existence and interaction ofword-formation units within one time sample and the linguistic description method was adopted as the main one. Analyzed linguistic facts survey, generalization of theoretical studies concerning the issues of modern derivation, a comparative examination of the names of persons created using various methods ofword production, helped to identify the specifics of their formation and scope ofuse, to classify the linguistic material taking into account structural and semantic features.

The study of word formation confronts the researcher with a wide range of problems causing the complex use of scientific methods. The methods of component analysis was used in addition to the descriptive one. To identify the features of the relationship between the generating and derived stems, the definition of implicit and explicit composites, the values of derived person names, and the method of component analysis was used.

Results and their interpretation. During the study, it became possible to make several groups of persons' names formed from proper names:

Names of the rulers.

For example, the word король (a king) was derived from the name of Charlemagne (Charles the Great, Karl der Große) who was king of the Franks 768-814 and Holy Roman emperor, the founder of the Carolingian dynasty. The word Karl transformed to король / клрол'/ through the vocalization phenomenon in the Old Slavonic language and it led the name Karl to the form краль / крал'/ because the Slavic languages used a permutation to provide an open syllable. The very name Карл (Karl, Carl) in the Middle High German language meant "man, husband". In Germanic languages it was a word with the meaning "peasant, a person of low origin" and in Old English it had the form ceorl, in Old Frisian - zerl, in the Middle Low German - kerle, in the Old Norse - karl having the meaning of " an old man, a male".

The same origin has the word царь (a tsar); its roots can be traced back to the Old Slavonic цЬсарь and to the Serbo-Croatian цесар. These word forms came from the Latin Саеsаr through the Gothic Kaisar. All these words have the same meaning "an emperor, ruler, lord, sovereign". It is noteworthy that in modern Russian there are several types to interpret derivatives from the Latin Са-еsаr: царь, кесарь, цезарь, цесарь. As well as the words цесаревич or цесаревна as the title of heir (heiress) of the royal throne. Moreover, the word is used to name a person bearing this title but царевич and царевна root words having the same etymology are used to designate all royal children.

In translation practice from Russian into foreign languages, having in mind English in particular, these subtleties of the original are missed in the translation, and, therefore, the only transliteration variant (tsarevitch, czarevitch) or simply the analogue word prince is used. If the latter example is chosen for translation but there is a need to specify it, it is common to use crown prince variant being clear to everyone. In all fairness, it is worth noting that formally, there is a transliteration variant (cesarevitch) but one can hardly find examples of its use in English.

Names of scholars or politicians followers.

One can find a lot of examples for this group: гегельянец, кантианец, марксист, ленинец (Hegelian, Kantian, Marxist, Leninist). This group is of particular interest for several reasons. First, because there are practically no corresponding feminine word forms with the similar meaning in this group, e.g. сталинист (a Stalinist) -an exemplary follower was called this way during the lifetime of I.V. Stalin, nowadays this word is used to name the successor of Stalin's crimes. On the contrary, сталинка is the colloquial name of apartment houses built in "Stalin's Empire style" in the 1930-1050s, this word also nominates the type of tunic that Stalin used to wear as well as people modelled themselves on Stalin.

The same group includes the word хулиган (hooligan) probably derived from the Irish surname Houlihan. It was the surname ofa fictional rowdy Irish family in a music-hall song ofthe 1890s, also ofa cartoon character in humorous articles in newspapers in the 1880-1890s. The word was internationalized in the 20th century in communist rhetoric as Russian khuligan, opprobrium for «scofflaws, political dissenters, etc.»

Наука о человеке: гуманитарны е исследования Т. 14 № 2 2020

Раздел 1. Филологические науки

The word альпинист (Alpinist, mountain-climber) stands apart in this group, since it means not a follower of any ideas, but an occupation (this is not a person who studies the Alps, but a person who likes climbing high mountains). It is necessary to note that in English there are two meanings of the word Alpinist: 1) a mountain climber specializing in high, difficult ascents; 2) an Alpine skier. But in Russian this word does not correspond with skiers.

A group of individuals under somebody's command.

For example, буденовец - a soldier of the First Cavalry Army commanded by S.M. Budyonny, and again, the female counterpart of this word has a completely different meaning - it is a headdress made of felt and decorated with a red star. The same group includes such onyms as панфиловец, суворовец and others have no variants in the feminine gender.

Often a metaphor in language is "created" by breaking the rules of grammar and syntax. Thus, the metaphorical meaning would be very different from the sentence meaning. A metaphor is always focused on an object, but interprets the properties of this object in its own way. This circumstance may affect the manifestation of new figurative meanings. So, interpretation normally has to be based partly on the utterance itself, otherwise it hardly counts as interpretation. It is possible to imagine situations in which an utterance is totally incomprehensible in its own right (whether through, say, corruption or unfamiliar vocabulary) but nevertheless its context is so definite that the meaning of the utterance can be guessed anyway. This fringe possibility aside, interpretation rests in some way both on information from the utterance and information from context [9]. Metaphorization is reasonably considered as a way of semantic word-formation by a number of scientists. Metaphorization can occur both within one class of words, and be accompanied by a "syntactic shift", for example, a transition from a nominal position to a predicate one or from a description of a subject feature to its nomination [10].

According to A. P. Chudinov, metaphorization is the main mental operation that unites conceptual spheres and creates opportunities to use the potential of the source sphere conceptualizing a new sphere [11]. Associative relations arising from metaphoric transference take place due to fundamental concepts that are "innate", that is, they are originally conditioned by human existence, but their realization depends on language as an instrument of culture. Nowadays, when the issue of intercultural similarities and differences is relevant, it is interesting how the layer of culture expressed in metaphorical word formation reflects these similarities and differences.

There is a complex, not unidirectional dialectic relationship between the language world picture as a reflection of reality and the language map as the fixation of this reflection indicating a shift in the world picture categorization, the emergence of new concepts. As a rule, the appearance of a new fragment of the native speakers' activity experience is automatically recorded on the lexical map. However, sometimes new units ofnomination arise to fix a fragment of the world picture which has long been existing and reflected in the minds of native speakers, but have not been verbalized yet.

The same fragment in the world picture can be fixed on the lexical map with two nominative units; one of them is a neologism. As a result of rivalry, a new unit wins due to, as a rule, greater expressiveness, rationality, economy, compactness, which is associated with a tendency to eliminate excessive means of expression, as well as a tendency to save language effort.

It is worthwhile to elaborate on the word афганец (Afghan), because it has several meanings, and when it is understood as "a person participated in active combat operations in the territory of Afghanistan", it also does not have a female variant. But, in this case we deal with semantic word formation. This word with a constant morphemic structure means also "a resident ofAfghanistan «; in this case there is also a feminine gender variant (афганка), which is also not unambiguous, because it is the name of a field military uniform of the Soviet Army servicemen in Afghanistan; in addition this feminine variant means cannabis or hashish brought from Afghanistan.

Афганец (Afghan) is also a very strong westerly or southwesterly wind in the eastern Kara Kum.

Afghans are camel drivers who worked in Australia from the 1860s to the 1930s. They were called Afghans, although not all camel drivers came fromAfghanistan, but they supported the spread of Islam in Australia. The Ghan is an Australian passenger train service from Adelaide to Alice Springs, on the locomotive there is an emblem depicting an Afghan riding a camel. The service's name is an abbreviated version of its previous nickname, The Afghan Express. The nickname is reputed to have been bestowed in 1923 by one of its crews. Some suggest the train's name honours Afghan camel drivers who arrived in Australia in the late 19th century to help the British colonizers find a way to reach the country's interior. A contrary view is that the name was a veiled insult. In 1891, the railway from Quorn reached remote Oodnadatta where an itinerant population of around 150 cameleers were based, generically called «Afghans». «The Ghan Express» name originated with train crews in the 1890s as a taunt to officialdom because, when an expensive sleeping car was put on from Quorn to Oodnadatta, on the first return journey the only passenger was an Afghan, mocking its commercial viability.

In addition, colloquially, people use this name for the Afghan Hound dog breed.

In turn, the words тимуровец (a participant of the children's patriotic movement organized in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War to help the families of soldiers, to the disabled and elderly people) and стахановец (an exemplary worker, a person who works productively and exceeds normal production rates; it was common in the USSR in the 30s-70s; the word was derived from the surname of a Donetsk miner A. Stakhanov. Nowadays this word is frequently used as an ironic remark on a person working in order to draw the boss' attention) have variants in the feminine gender with a similar meaning. Тимуровец is an exemplary pioneer who helps people; the word originated in the Soviet time on behalf of the hero of the book Timur and His Squad by A. Gaidar;

Vol. 14 No. 2 2020 The Science of Person: Humanitarian

Part 1. Philological Sciences

over time, the word received another meaning i.e. a person who intervenes in everything, he is actively engaged in other people' business, especially when he is not asked.

It becomes obvious that metaphors could arise directly in the derivation act itself, bypassing the stage of the direct meaning of the derivative, which in many cases exists only potentially. The loss of the primary meaning also leads to establishment of metaphorical connections between the derivative and the original word. An increase in the use of the figurative meaning is a concomitant factor of the fact that the semantic structure of the word loses its primary meaning.

Michael P. Marks underlines that all forms of thought are metaphorical in nature. They cannot be anything else, for language itself is a series of metaphors through which we make sense of the world that surrounds us. And since we need language not only to communicate, but also to form our opinions of social phenomena, we inevitably think, live and criticize through a series of metaphors [12].

Further consideration ofthe compositional semantics of proper names in the naming construction also shows that they have another argument slot, that of the naming convention. As a result, we will be able to account for the indexicality of proper names in argument positions and provide compositional semantics of complex and modified proper names [13].

All proper names from Group 2 as well as from Group 3 are characterized by a low degree of implicitness, since combining the stem of a proper name (last name / surname) with -ец, -ист suffixes (formants) meaning ideological, political trend, direction clearly implies the formation of a derivative lexical unit with the new meaning - "a supporter of any person, his activity".

Findings. It was discovered that when a source text A is transferred into a target text B it must relate to semantic,pragmatic, language neutral parameters of meaning that become apparent

when contrasting semantically and pragmatically equivalent texts. One of the most important conclusions from the analyzed lexical units is the one that proper names are capable to produce derivatives and appellatives. Besides a proper name is borrowed by another language along with its symbolic meaning, which fundamentally distinguishes it from the common name borrowing process.

Language acts as a way to consolidate the reflective activity of thinking - activity, which in turn is inextricably linked with the practical activities of man, with his personal experience.

Proper names can be used not only to nominate a person, but also to express an emotional assessment of certain human qualities, and this fact indicates the possibility of the proper names transition to the category of words combining nominative function with connotative one. The most effective form of such a transition is a semantic transformation, as a result of which the proper name can be used in set expressions i.e. in phraseological units or idioms.

The transformation of a proper name meaning occurs under the influence of a number of factors, both linguistic and extralinguistic ones. Appellatives are a specific vocabulary class in which the cultural component of meaning is obligatory.

It is also possible to extend the methodology of word-formation analysis to units originated as a result of semantic derivation i.e. by means of metaphor, metonymy, conversion, contraction and expansion of the concept. If different lexemes could be organized in separate dictionary entries, it eliminated errors in the distinction between polysemy and homonymy.

Many new nominations i.e. compound names of a person show a tendency to enter the commonly used vocabulary of the language and are already fixed in explanatory dictionaries as neutral lexemes. There is a great potential in the word-formation system ofthe Russian language. It is especially true concerning the ways of forming persons names and their implementation is practically unlimited.


1. P. Stekauer, R. Lieber (eds.), Handbook of word-formation . (= Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 64). Dordrecht: Springer, 2005. pp. 466.

2. L. Bauer, S. Valera. Sense Inheritance in English Word-Formation. In: Bauer L., Kortvelyessy L., Stekauer P. (eds) Semantics of Complex Words. Studies in Morphology, vol 3. Springer, Cham. pp 67-84

3. A. Rybakin, English Personal Names Dictionary. Moscow, 2000. p. 8.

4. L. Feoktistova, Methodology for the analysis of associative-derivational meaning of a personal name. Voprosy onomastiki, 2016. Vol. 13. p. 89.

5. S. Lappe, Monosyllabicity in prosodic morphology: the case of truncated personal names in English. 2003. Springer, Dordrecht. pp 135-186.

6. R. Jeshion, Referentialism and Predicativism About Proper Names. Erkenntnis, May 2015, Volume 80, Supplement 2, pp 363-404.

7. G. Frege, On Sense and Reference, in Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege, P. Geach & M. Black, eds., Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1952, pp. 56-78;

8. N. Bubnova, Systematic approach to the research of the associative-cultural background of onyms: from regional to nationwide level. RUDN Bulletin, Theory of language. Semiotics. Semantics, 2016, № 4. p. 27.

9. J. A. Barnden, Metaphor, Semantic Preferences and Context-Sensitivity. In: Ahmad K., Brewster C., Stevenson M. (eds) Words and Intelligence II. Text, Speech and Language Technology, 2007. Vol. 36. Springer, Dordrecht. pp 39-62.

10. O. Mzhelskaya, Linguistic world picture influence on the borrowed proper names conceptualization. Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Linguistic University. Philology. Irkutsk: IGLU Publishing House, 2009. №1. pp. 37-44.

11. A. Chudinov, Dynamics of Conceptual Metaphor Models. Speaking and Listening: Language Person, Text, Learning Problems. International Scientific and Methodological Conference (St. Petersburg, February 26-28, 2001). SPb .: Union, 2001. p. 227.

12. M. Marks,Thoughts on Metaphor. In: Metaphors in International Relations Theory. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2011. pp 9-27.

13. O. Matushansky, On the linguistic complexity of proper names, Linguistics and Philosophy. October 2008, Volume 31, Issue 5, pp 573-627.

Information about the authors

Olga K. Mzhelskaya

Cand. Sc. (Philol.), Associate Professor. Omsk Humanitarian Academy (2a 4th Cheluskintsev st., Omsk, 644105, Russian Federation). E-mail: [email protected]

issn 12587594зХХР(сзП<1)1пе) Наука о человеке: гуманитарны е исследования Т. 14 № 2 2020

Раздел 1. Филологические науки

О. К. Мжельская1

Омская гуманитарная академия, г. Омск, Российская Федерация

Производные имён собственных в диахроническом аспекте текстологии

Аннотация. Проблема исследования. Вопросы номинации до сих пор остаются одними из самых актуальных, поэтому большое количество научных работ посвящено их изучению. Однако проблема семантического словообразования, являющаяся ключевой при изучении процессов номинации, не получила широкого освещения в научной литературе, хотя она является неотъемлемой частью диахронии в текстологии.

Гипотеза исследования. В лингвистике очевидно, что топонимы, как и другие собственные имена, можно рассматривать в качестве важного ориентира при анализе текста. Исследовательская гипотеза заключается в том, могут ли имена собственные переходить в категорию слов, сочетающих номинативную функцию с коннотативной или нет.

Описание выборки. Ономастические производные являются эмпирическим материалом исследования. В ходе исследования собранный эмпирический материал был разбит на три группы.

Методология исследования. Исследование проводилось на материале современного русского языка с использованием английского языка, с целью выделения некоторых специфических особенностей. Исследование было выполнено в диахроническом аспекте, принимая во внимание существование и взаимодействие единиц формирования слова в пределах одной временной выборки; метод лингвистического описания был принят в качестве основного. Проведенный анализ лингвистических фактов, обзор, обобщение теоретических исследований по вопросам происхождения, сравнительный анализ имен лиц, созданных с использованием различных методов словообразования, позволил выявить специфику их формирования и сферы использования, классифицировать лингвистический материал с учетом структурных и семантических особенностей.

Краткое описание результатов. Представляется возможным распространить методологию анализа словообразования на единицы, возникшие в

результате семантической деривации, то есть посредством метафоры, метонимии, преобразования, сокращения и расширения концепта. Если бы разные лексемы могли быть организованы в отдельных словарных статьях, то это устраняло бы ошибки в различии между полисемией и омонимией.

Выводы, значимость исследования. Многие новые номинации, то есть составные имена собственные, имеют тенденцию входить в широко используемый словарь языка и уже зафиксированы в толковых словарях как нейтральные лексемы. В системе словообразования русского языка есть большой потенциал.

Ключевые слова: анализ текста, методы словообразования, семантическое словообразование, производные, наименование, имена собственные, этимология.

Дата поступления статьи: 12 июня 2020 г.

Для цитирования: Мжельская О. К. (2020). Производные имён собственных в диахроническом аспекте текстологии // Наука о человеке: уманитарные исследования. Т. 14. № 2. С. 44-48. DOI: 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2020.14.2.7


1. P. Stekauer, R. Lieber (eds.), Handbook of word-formation . (= Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 64). Dordrecht: Springer, 2005. pp. 466.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

2. L. Bauer, S. Valera. Sense Inheritance in English Word-Formation. In: Bauer L., Kortvelyessy L., Stekauer P. (eds) Semantics of Complex Words. Studies in Morphology, vol 3. Springer, Cham. pp 67-84

3. Рыбакин А., Английский словарь личных имен. Москва, 2000. с. 8

4. Феоктистова Л., К методике анализа ассоциативно-деривационной семантики личного имени // Вопросы ономастики. - 2016. Вып. 13. стр. 89.

5. S. Lappe, Monosyllabicity in prosodic morphology: the case of truncated personal names in English. 2003. Springer, Dordrecht. pp 135-186.

6. R. Jeshion, Referentialism and Predicativism About Proper Names. Erkenntnis, May 2015, Volume 80, Supplement 2, pp 363-404.

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Мжельская Ольга Кировна

Кандидат филологических наук, доцент. Омская гуманитарная академия (644105, РФ, г. Омск, ул. 4-я Челюскинцев, 2а). ORCID ID: https:// orcid.org/0000-0002-6885-9159. E-mail: [email protected]

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