Научная статья на тему 'Projects of regional innovation clusters as a business process'

Projects of regional innovation clusters as a business process Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Sovik L.E., Losev R.N.

There is a programme-targeted technology management innovation project is proposed. The project is built as a business process, each step is: the content of the work, its expected results, responsible contractor, the indicator of achievement, time and budget costs used to be a procedure. There are Obtained procedures levels, outcomes, goals, and budget expenditures. Procedures aggregation should ensure the achievement of the general objectives in the project. Technology forces the strict format of a business process description, it gains the quality of the project and its manageability. Variations on the steps of the project, which are usual for the inevitable innovations, are diagnosed and corrected timely management decisions. The projects themselves are the core of the innovation cluster, regulate relations between its members. The technology is illustrated by examples from the draft regional innovation cluster.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Projects of regional innovation clusters as a business process»

УДК 338.22

SOVIK Lyudmila Е., Doctor of Econ. Sc.,

Associate Professor1


competitor 1

1Polessky State University, Pinsk, Republic of Belarus


There is a programme-targeted technology management innovation project is proposed. The project is built as a business process, each step is: the content of the work, its expected results, responsible contractor, the indicator of achievement, time and budget costs - used to be a procedure. There are Obtained procedures levels, outcomes, goals, and budget expenditures. Procedures aggregation should ensure the achievement of the general objectives in the project. Technology forces the strict format of a business process description, it gains the quality of the project and its manageability. Variations on the steps of the project, which are usual for the inevitable innovations, are diagnosed and corrected timely management decisions. The projects themselves are the core of the innovation cluster, regulate relations between its members. The technology is illustrated by examples from the draft regional innovation cluster.

Key words: project of regional innovation clusters, business process management technology projects, business process procedures, general and local goals of the project, indicators to achieve the goals.

There are all necessary conditions for innova-tional activity created in Belarus at present time, but all attempts of managing its significant growth has failed. The positions of our country in the annual global ranking of innovative development for the 2015 literally crashed by 26 points: from 53 to 79.At the same time some others post-soviet countries are climbing up on tne higher rank positions. Situation with the in-novational activity is getting worse in 2016. So, the share of innovative products in the total volume of products shipped (traditionally low in comparison with the leaders of the rating), has decreased to 13% in the first half to 14, 5%, shown in the same period in 2015[4]. Low inno-vativeness of the Belarusian economy does not allow to diversify and increase exports, threatening with the loss of traditional markets and economic growth in general.

Problems of innovation clusters development in Belarus. Targeting of innovative development, is most successfully implemented in the innovational cluster, as international experience shows. Particular interest for Belarusians cluster developers can be found in Russia- a country with a similar institutional arrangements and approaches to the innovation management. Both countries are occupying positions in the Global Innovation Index that do not match their poten-

tial, including the level of development of human capital. It should be marked that Russia during the last year has improved its state in the Global Innovation Index at 5 points, achieved the 43th place among 128 countries [5]. Russia is a member of Top-10 in terms of total expenditure on R & D (as well, as USA, China, Great Britain and Brasilia). Russian government has accepted more than 50 programme documents in the scientifical-technician and innovational policy since 2010.

The value of clustering is recognized in the Republic of Belarus - state programs at the period of 2011-2015 was connected with creation IT and car-agrimotor clusters in Minsk, chemical cluster in Hrodno, petrochemical cluster in Novopolotsk, agrimotor cluster in Homel, chemical and textile cluster in Mogilev, linen cluster in Orsha. Neverthelss mentioned clusters have have not achieved adequate institutional forms. The core of the innovation cluster is the Center of innovation and the relations between its members are being built around the innovational projects. Such clusters are needed for Belarus promotion at the path of innovative development. Center of innovation grows out of the partnerships 'business to science'. Unfortunately, our country has small number of such examples. This means that the formation of the innovative clusters core is usually done from the zero

level, focusing on the priority areas. Our analysis shows that the reasons for braking regional cluster development in Belarus has less to do with a lack of investment, than with a appropri-ative ideas deficit embodied in suitable for commercialization projects [2].

Requirements for the formats of presentation of innovative projects from various levels of grantors are very general in nature, the use of modern engineering technologies is not provided. This does not conducte to proper efficiency of innovative projects, many of them are fragmentary and only conditionally meet the development priorities of the country. So, if the project is not defined quantitative indicators for the expected general and local purposes, it is impossible to control the progress to the final result and to verify its achievement.

7. Procedures (worli(It), control CK), branding CP»:

7.1 Package

7.2 'The procedure numb—r tn. thepacket

7.3 Contents (R v K v P)

7.4 Result

7.5 ReachinE local E-cal (TL-G)

7.6 Quantitative target indicator f!>~. LG =


7.7 R=5pcii5.ttil= IE 3net=3 (ct t c-: 3)

9. Budget: fLe cast of each procedure a ]jd cq st Btema

Pic. 1. - Design innovation cluster as a business process

The project is innovative cluster as a business process. Changing this situation can be attributed to the program-targeted approach to innovative design. It has established itself in the management of major economic projects, but else it requires adaptation to new field of application. The adaptation consists of incorporation modern technologies of project management. This allows one to structure design innovation cluster as a business process in the form of multi-level network processes (pic.1).

The starting point of the construction is the selection of the target group and its problems. The idea, or leading the project topic, determines the direction of solving real problems, selected in the Draft.

For example, the regional livestock producers (Task Force) for a number of years been working at a loss because of low productivity (problem) that threaten their further development. Addressing the sponsors biotech cluster is associated with a break-processing systems and new feeding technology (project idea). General purpose of showing the expected result of solving problems within the project implementation period or shortly after its completion. For the General Objectives should be defined, as a rule, a quantitative indicator that will clearly establish the achievement / failure to achieve the intended result of an innovative project. An example of the Project Concept shows us in Table 1. Projects we are positioned as the core of the innovation cluster, namely, in terms of them to build

relationships of its members. For example, the idea biotehnolo-cal «Polesie» regional cluster is to create a pool of subjects hozyayst-tence for the development and commercialization of innovative technologies for agriculture and environmental protection, which would be competitive on the world market and allowed to expand and diversify regional product export [ 3].

Selection of participants. Participants roles in the innovation cluster are following: (Coordinator) - (Center for Innovative developers-current & Projects) - (Project Office) - (financial agent) - (Enterprise, customers and recipients of innovations). Relations between the aforesaid parties are shown schematically below (pic. 2)

Table 1 - The concept of project creating a regional biotechnology innovation cluster «Polesie» (detail).

Project / theme 1

Innovative systems of animals and fish feeding

Project Coverage

Project Coverage

Duration (months):

24 months

The cost of the project

(* From the project budget)

(* From the project budget)

(* From the project budget)

General target

The share of new products

(By value) in the value of sales

Feed plants belonging to the cluster - 25%

target groups

Agricultural livestock farms and fish farms, feed mills,

Expected results

Increasing the productivity of livestock and fish farming in recipients of innovation is not less than 20%_

Project members

Coordinator: Brest Regional Executive Committee (Belarus); Center for Innovative Development: Polessky State University Project Office: Technopark Polessky State University Recipients of Innovation: Feed mills, farms_

Pic. 2 - Relations between the aforesaid parties of the project cluster

The state body should be the coordinator of the project cluster. The state plays a crucial role in the establishment and operation of innovative clusters even in the countries with dominated market relations. EU experience shows that 60% of the cluster initiatives funding and interactions belong to the state, and only 40% - to universities and business. The power clusters provide infrastructure and lobbying interests of the participants, all of this to carry out state tasks to improve the country's innovation potential. For Belarus the initiative and support of cluster formation by the authorities is a defining virtue traditionally important role of the state in economy. Thus, the coordinator is an essential participant in the cluster, it represents the state's interests in the development of innovative activity of cluster members, harmonizes and directs their actions. In our short history can be seen the prototypes of the modern state of innovation initiatives: the Soviet of-state programs of research, brings together various institutions and branches of the Academy of Sciences.

There is another, «market» perspective on the source of initiatives for the creation and development of clusters. «Market» does not deny the need for scientific planning in the field of innovation, but believes that the impetus to the development of science should come from subjects (science laboratories, individual scientists and teams). Management science in the country (for example, the Academy of Sciences) at the same time engaged in registration of disparate projects in strategic areas. According to «market» the complete transfer of all basic science work on state concept can leave behind important discoveries, eliminate competition and lead to stagnation. Our position is that in the development of innovation clusters in Belarus should be a balance of sources of initiatives with a predominance of the role of government.

Centers of innovation researches are usually placed the University and / or scientific institution with the sufficient competence to carry out research work, practically significant for enterprises participating in the cluster. For partnership 'business to science' in the innovation cluster is desired positive history of cooperation experience, however, as noted above, in our country is very few such examples. Forming the core of innovation clusters have to start from scratch, focusing on priority areas for the country.

Project Office accompanies the development, coordination, implementation, and commercialization (scale) projects submitted in the program-oriented format. Activities of the project office generates a transaction on the creation, effective out-of-the draenei and scale innovation. It is obvious that the implementation of the project office of its functions subject to additional transaction costs, unavoidable for a new institutional education. This is the cost of the coordination of actions of participants of the project to implement the steps and costs of the establishment and operation of feedback channels. The main source of the economic benefits of the cluster are:

- reduction of the above costs for development and innovation in their scale;

- use of outsourcing;

- coordination and government support work in the cluster.

In general, transaction costs should not exceed the benefits from the cooperation of cluster members:

Transaction costs <Benefits of cooperation

Financial Agent provides targeted funding of projects in time and in the amounts provided for by its budget. Clusters are often lined up around the banks authorized by the authorities, not only the financing of the program, but also profes-rata supervising the targeted use of funds and the progress of the project [1]. In modern practice, the state support of clusters are increasingly preferred subsidize interest on bank loans, which frees the state from non-core functions.

Recipients of innovations tend to become business entities that manufacture products for domestic and foreign markets. They are potentially interested in implementing new solutions, obtained by the Center of innovations.

Defining General purpose allows to establish cause-and-effect relationships, to find ways to achieve it, to establish the sequence of procedures in the business process technology (the project). Going to the General objectives of the project breaking etsya on individual process steps - processes packets that are setting the local-purpose, content, results and indicators, deadlines and budget costs. The logical connections in our proposed project format as a business process are shown Table 2.

General target and indicators of its achievement G

G general target and Gj local goals Local goals 1 (Gj ) Local goals 2 G Local goals N GN General target G = 2 G,

ij Indicators achieving local goals I - Indicators achieving G1 I Indicators achieving G2 in Indicators achieving GN I General target indicators achieving

R Description of local operating procedures R Job 1: content and results R Job 2: content and results Rn Job N : content and results R Description of local operating procedures

K- Job control procedure K1 Job control procedure R1 and achievement G K 2 Job control procedure r2 h and achievement Gj K n Job control procedure RN and achievement Gn Procedure of achievement General target control

P. Ambient procedures P Ambient procedures upon result R P Ambient procedures upon result R PN Ambient procedures upon result Rn Ambient procedures upon project finishing

T Work schedule and procedures T turnaround time and procedures k P R , T turnaround time and procedures R2 K 2 P TN turnaround time and procedures KN R P rn 1 n Project schedule (business process)

Hj Work and procedures per-fomers H Perfomers and co-perfomers of work and procedures R, k P h Perfomers and co-perfomers of work and procedures r2 K2 P2 H N Perfomers and co-perfomers of work and procedures KN rn Pn ' ' Hj Perfomers and co-perfomers of work and procedures

Bj The budget of the project and work procedures B Budget R, Ki, p B Budget R2 K2, P2 bn Budget rn P K P n kn The Project Budget

Audit of cost work and procedures Aj Procedure expenses audit R1, Kj, p A2 Procedure expenses audit R2 , K2 P2 AN Procedure expenses audit Rn , Pn , Kn The auditor's report on the budget of the whole project

Table 2 - Project logical matrix as a business process.

Manageability of the project largely depends on its structuring. Proposed format of the development and implementation of the project provides for the isolation of the types of procedures: working (R), the control (K) and image (P). Description of the working procedures include: the maintenance work, the result indicator of achievement, artist and execution time (example shown in Table 3).

The important place belongs to the control procedures which should provide control of the project Examples of such procedures are shown in Table 4. For the successful implementation of control procedures is necessary that for each working procedurel) set measurable results associated with a private purpose, 2) indicated responsible executors and 3) scheduled start-date of completion of works, 4) identified the cost of implementation of the budget.

Table 3 - Description of working (R) Project business process procedures (detail).

1 Package procedures Determination of the starting lineup of participants and forms of cooperation in the project «The innovative feeding system» bio-technological regional innovative cluster (BRIK)

Description of the targets and content of the pack Co-operation and communication among project participants in the cluster, with the target groups. Harmonization of approaches to the organization of the project work

R 1.1. Establishing cooperation between the project partners and stakeholders, including representatives of the authorities

Deadline Months 1-2

Targets and description of the work Establishment of business contacts between participants of the project, as well as interaction with the target groups and other projects on the feeding system.

Responsible Coordinator, Co-Coordinator, Innovation Center

Interaction All potential participants in the cluster, and other stakeholders

Progress indicator Product Results

Monthes 1-2 2 meeting of the project participants, representatives of the target groups and stakeholders at the sites where samples were tested feeding systems. The project participants are defined. Established contacts with representatives of target groups and representatives of target groups (at least 100 contacts). Coordinated detailed project procedures.

R 1.2. Development of the structure and procedures of the Project Office (PO) in the BRIC Polessky State University

Deadline Months 1-3

Targets and description of the work Development, coordination provisions on the structure of the Project Office and the status of the BRIC in Polessky State University (Pinsk)

Responsible Project office

Interaction Coordinator, Innovation Center, Financial Agent

Progress indicator Product Results

Monthes 1-3 Agreed by participants of the project «Provision on the project office» Project office is created and working

Procedures for creating and maintaining the project. Their content and purpose, as well as the

image of Innovation Cluster and publicity of its possible outcomes and their indicators are clear-

work are integral parts of the modern large-scale ly shown in Table 5.

Table 4 - Description of controls (K) project management procedures (detail)

4 1 Package procedures Quality control procedures for the implementation of the project work

Description of the targets and content of the pack Providing Project handling, assessment of achievement of the planned objectives of the local results

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K 4.1. Methods and indicators for assessing the degree of achievement of expected results, methodology for conducting surveys of target groups

Duration Months 1-4

Targets and description of the work Create methodology for assessing achievement and lo-local project quality control

Responsible Project office

Interaction Development Center, recipients, financial agent, coordinator

Progress indicator Product Result

Monthes 5-9 Methodology to evaluate the participation of nicknames cluster quality of the works, to achieve local objectives Developed tools to assess the quality of implementation of the project work steps

K 4.2 Weekly internal monitoring of progress on the planned indicators and the results of the Project

Duration Months 1-24

Targets and description of the work Performing weekly project progress control

Responsible Project office

Interaction Coordinator, Development Center, recipients

Progress indicator Product Results

Monthes 1-24 Available to cluster participants electronic schedule of works on the Project and the results achieved Well -managed products

K4.N. Audit of Project costs

Duration Month 24

Targets and description of the work Audit reports on the results of the project

Responsible Auditing company

Interaction Cluster members

Progress indicator Product Results

Month 24 audit Act Confirmation of expenditure by auditing company

Project schedules gather all procedures (performance, control, image) and the timing of their implementation. This is a working document for the Project Management and Coordinator. Its construction allows to evenly distribute the load on the work execution period and to monitor their implementation (Table 6). In addition, it becomes possible to set a reasonable time, the balance of the main (working) procedure, on the one hand, and complementary (fashion, and control) - on the other.

Conclusions. The main advantages of the proposed programme-targeted technology management innovation project as follows:

-rigid logical structuring makes the project developers to define in detail all the steps to achieve the goals of the General, the results, timing, budget, and argue that the consistent achievement of local objectives will lead to the General purpose.

5 Package of tasks Distribution and operation of the Project

Description of the purpose and content of the pack Ensuring project handling, and communication and feedback of participants and stakeholders, dissemination of information about the project

P 5.1. Development of the project web site. Continuous filling and placement of online information about the progress and results of the project, stakeholders forum

Duration Monthes 5-12

Targets and description of the work Site development in order to ensure communication and dissemination of information about the project. Regular updates

Responsible Project office

Interaction Coordinator, Development Center, members of the cluster, The interested-ested persons

Progress indicator Producs Results

Monthes 5-10 The structure of the site and its services, identified those responsible for maintenance of the site Providing communication and feedback opportunities, the formation of the image of the project. Counter Hits:

Table 5 - Description of image (P) innovation project procedures (detail)

and an expert assessment of its role in the dissemination and exploitation of the project. not less than 1,500 visits in the first 12 months of the project

Monthes 7-24 The active site of the project. A survey of users and expert evaluation of the implementation of tasks for communication, dissemination and exploitation of project Data to assess the progress of the project results, dissemination of information to market participants, the formation of the image of the project and its participants

P 5.2. Creating a page on Facebook its information support

Duration Monthes 6-12

Targets and description of the work Развитие коммуникации с пользователями, распространение информации о выполняемом Проекте

Responsible Project office

Interaction Coordinator, Center for Research on feeding systems, cluster members, stakeholders

Progress indicator Product Results

Monthes 6-12 Page on Facebook. Dissemination of information and knowledge, high image of the project, and its participants

Table 6 -Sample timetable of the Project on Biotechnology Regional Innovation Cluster (BRIC) «Polesie» (detail).

Procedures / months 1 2 i N

R 1.1. Establishing cooperation between the project partners and target groups under the supervision of the Coordinator

R 1.2. Development of the structure and procedures of the Project Office (PO) in the BRIC Polessky State University

R 1.3.Rental and purchase of premises (rental) of equipment for the B

P 1.4. A public presentation of the project

K4.6. Audit of project costs

P 5.1. Development of the project website. Continuous filling and placement of online information about the progress and results of the project, stakeholders forum

P 5.2. Creating a page in Facebook & its information support

At the stage of project management incrementally achieves the expected value of the general objectives of the project according to the schedule, milestones and budget;

-structuring business process creates opportunities for Menage-ment Project Office continuously manage the progress of the project and for the Coordinator to establish terms and methods of coordination of actions;

- formalized business process structure is suitable for the creation of software tools supporting project management;

-control procedures the result of each working step of the project will allow to diagnose abnormalities and correct them. As practice shows, in the implementation of large-scale projects by the General and private goals are sub-

jected to multiple adjustments. Substitutions in the procedures, terms and costs of the project steps inherent in innovation, become transparent if you use software and target format of the project.


1. Zolotareva, O.A. New macroeconomic challenges - new institutional factors / O.A. Zolotarev // Finance and business. - 2014. -№ 2. - P. 34.

2. Sovik, L.E. Theoretical issues of development management concepts national innovation space / L.E. Sovik // Economics and Banking. - №2. - 2015. - 67 p.

3. Shebeko, K.K. The concept of creation of innovative scientific and industrial cluster in

the Polesie region / K.K. Shebeko, V.N. Shtepa, S.P. Vertai // Economy and Banking. - №2. - 2015. -FROM. eleven. 4. Режим доступа :




Предложена программно-целевая технология разработки и управления инновационным проектом. Проект строится как бизнес-процесс, каждый шаг - это процедура: содержание работы, ее ожидаемый результат, ответственный исполнитель, индикатор достижения цели, сроки и бюджет расходов. Выделены уровни процедур, результатов, целей и бюджетных расходов, агрегирование процедур должно обеспечить достижение генеральной цели проекта. Технология придает строгий формат описанию бизнес-процесса, что поддерживает качество проекта и его управляемость. Отклонения на шагах проекта, неизбежные при нововведениях, диагностируются и корректируются своевременными управленческими решениями. Сами проекты выступают ядром инновационного кластера, регламентируют взаимоотношения его участников. Технология иллюстрирована примерами из проекта регионального инновационного кластера.

Ключевые слова: Проект регионального инновационного кластера, бизнес процесс, технология менеджмента проекта, процедуры бизнес-процесса, генеральная и локальные цели проекта, индикаторы достижения целей.

© Совик Л.Е., Лосев Р.Н.

Статья поступила 13 октября 2016г.

pokazateli/osnovnye-sotsialno-ekonomiche skie-pokazateli-respubliki-belarus-v-yanvare-fevrale-2016- g /.

5. Режим доступа :

https: //www .globalinnovationindex.org/userfi les/file/reportpdf/GII-2015-v5.pd

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