Programmable basketball shooting machine:
training benefits
UDC 796.323.2
Postgraduate D.V. Skachkov1 PhD E.S. Naboychenko1
PhD, Associate Professor V.M. Kormyshev1 PhD, Professor K.S. Yang2
1Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg 2Sunmun University, Asan, Republic of Korea
Corresponding author: [email protected] Abstract
Objective of the study was to theoretically analyze and practically test benefits of a programmable basketball shooting machine for technical skills training in basketball groups.
Methods and structure of the study. The study included a basketball-shooting-machine-assisted training experiment on a sample of the 17-23-year-old basketball players (n=28) of different skill levels. We split them up into Experimental and Control Groups (EG, CG) of 14 people each. The skill levels in the groups were as follows: unskilled non-competing athletes (n=2 in each group); athletes with basic skill sets but no experience in school/ Youth Sports School competitions (n=4 in each group); fairly skilled athletes trained at the Youth Sports School (n=4 in each group); and highly-skilled experienced Student Basketball Association competitors (n=4 in each group).
Results and conclusion. The training experiment with the pre-versus post-experimental physical fitness/ technical fitness / special endurance tests and analyses showed the basketball-shooting-machine-assisted training model being highly beneficial as it facilitates individual progress in many aspects with a special emphasis on the individual weaknesses and technical skills improvement barriers, opportunities and creative resource mobilizing emphases - both in the pre-seasonal training and competitive periods. The basketball shooting machine application was also found to facilitate the coach-trainee cooperation and concentration on the individual key training missions - to improve the athlete's self-control and management skills and speed up the physical and technical progresses in every aspect.
Keywords: hardware-software complex, basketball shooting machine, progress assessment in training process, Student Basketball Association Tournament.
Background. Modern basketball training systems demonstrate a growing need for new training models, technologies and tools to facilitate technical progress of every athlete.
Objective of the study was to theoretically analyze and practically test benefits of a programmable basketball shooting machine for technical skills training in basketball groups.
Methods and structure of the study. The study included a basketball-shooting-machine-assisted training experiment on a sample of the 17-23-year-old basketball players (n=28) of different skill levels. We split them up into Experimental and Control Groups (EG, CG) of 14 people each. The skill levels in the groups were as follows: unskilled non-competing athletes (n=2 in each group); athletes with
basic skill sets but no experience in school/ Youth Sports School competitions (n=4 in each group); fairly skilled athletes trained at the Youth Sports School (n=4 in each group); and highly-skilled experienced Student Basketball Association competitors (n=4 in each group).
Physical fitness of the sample was tested by the 3km cross-country race, 100/ 60/ 30m sprint, standing high jump and prone push-ups tests. The pre-experimental physical fitness tests found the in-tergroup differences insignificant. Technical fitness of the sample was tested by the combined shot time test; dribbling skills tests (with a special priority to combined skills); individual defense/ footwork skills tests; and space control skills test.
Special endurance was tested in the game situation models (last seconds in attack; quick breakthrough; defense-to-attack transition etc.). Individual technical fitness was rated on a 10-point scale and analyzed by a group of highly skilled and vastly experienced coaches (n=5). The pre-experimental tests found the intergroup physical fitness / technical fitness / special endurance test data differences insignificant.
The CG trainings were traditional, i.e. designed in compliance with the valid standards, without basketball shooting machine; whilst the EG training system was complemented by the basketball-shooting-machine-assisted physical fitness / technical fitness / special endurance training elements. The training process intensity in the both groups was controlled using fitness bracelets for the coach to efficiently manage the individual workouts on a real-time basis keeping track of the heart rate, average pace, activity and footwork.
The basketball-shooting-machine-assisted training model included a range of special tasks - e.g., to find the most efficient shooting rate and speed in a new technical skills mastering workout to secure fast progress, ease and freedom of execution. These tasks encouraged creativity in the technical skills mastering process to help the athlete and coach jointly and effectively find the most successful individual basketball-shooting-machine-assisted training program for fast technical skills progress. The basketball shooting machine applied in the trainings may be defined as the electronic shooting machine charged with 10 balls and programmed to shoot them at 2-plus-second intervals within a full horizontal (0-180-degree) semicircle, with the balls shot 2-16m far to a catching basket. Given in the Table hereunder is the basketball-shooting-machine-assisted technical skills training algorithm.
Results and discussion. The CG and EG progress tests found improvements in both groups
Table 1. Basketball-shooting-machine-assisted technical skills training algorithm used in the EG training system
Coach's actions and control Athlete's mission and execution
Show the basketball-shooting-machine-assisted technical skills execution sequence with an emphasis on emotional aspects; manage the individual technical skills execution Analyze and memorize the technical skills execution sequence to develop own technical skills execution model customized to own anthropometric characteristics and other specifics
Set the technical skills workout goals with account of the individual resource to help master in on a game-situation-specific basis Find and perfect the best startup and execution phases; and focus, on the coach's advice, on the basketball-shooting-machine-assisted execution and movement coordination excelling aspects and tools
Set goals in the technical skills perfection process with variations in the execution speeds, amplitudes and jump levels Realize and maximize the basketball shooting machine benefits in the technical skills excellence process with a special attention to the coach's instructions for the technical progress in every technical skills element
Set the technical skills perfection goals as required rather by the game situations than the opponent's mastery and resistance Center own training efforts on the individual technical skills set (dribbling, jump shots, footwork etc.) to find the most effective technical skills combinations like dribbling plus shot, dribbling plus pass, wrong-footing (off-balancing) move plus shot, etc.
Focus the athlete's attention on the key technical elements to harmonize the startup, execution and emotional controls in every technical skills execution sequence Feel every detail in the technical skills execution for perfection: pre-jump foot setting, first-step amplitude after the ball is received; heal-to-tip rolls in the dribbling actions, etc.
Control the individual technical skills execution heart rate, pace variations and amplitudes Make multiple technical skills repetitions with basketball shooting machine to step-up the execution speed, streamline the technical skills execution style and develop the feel of progress and mastery level 27
albeit the EG showed significantly better progress in the tests. Thus in the 100/ 60/ 30m pre-versus post-experimental sprint tests, the CG made average progress from 13.53+-1.08s to 13.07+-1.35s (p>0.05); versus the EG progress from 13.57+-1.23s to 12.81+-1.29s (p>0.05), respectively. In the pre-versus post-experimental standing high jump tests, the CG made progress from 58.43+-2.60cm to 59.89+-2.75cm (p>0.05) versus the EG progress from 58.27+-3.04cm to 62.31+-2.39cm (p<0.05), respectively.
The same intergroup physical fitness progress patterns were found by the other tests - apparently due to the basketball shooting machine-assisted trainings in the EG being better centered on the individual resources, skills, drawbacks and progress needs and opportunities, particularly in the movement coordination and control aspects; with every technical skills trained by much higher repetitions in the basketball-shooting-machine-assisted formats reasonably customized to the individual progress needs in every technical aspect.
The technical fitness tests also found progress in both groups albeit the EG showed significantly better progress due to the basketball shooting machine technology with special benefits for the coach and the athletes to allow them concentrate on the individual drawbacks in every technical skills mastering and excelling process, with the progress facilitated and guaranteed by multiple repetitions in different combinations, sequences, execution versions and other technicalities to develop a sound groundwork for every technical skill and mastery on the whole.
Conclusion. The training experiment with the pre-versus post-experimental physical fitness/
technical fitness / special endurance tests and analyses showed the basketball-shooting-machine-assisted training model being highly beneficial as it facilitates individual progress in many aspects with a special emphasis on the individual weaknesses and technical skills improvement barriers, opportunities and creative resource mobilizing emphases - both in the pre-seasonal training and competitive periods. The basketball shooting machine application was also found to facilitate the coach-trainee cooperation and concentration on the individual key training missions - to improve the athlete's self-control and management skills and speed up the physical and technical progress in every aspect.
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