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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Hendrik Mathijs Frencken

The article deals with one of the most important topics for Kazakhstan universities in the international sphere - successful adaptation of foreign students that may lead to increasing their number for the perspective. The article analyzes main aspects of foreign students` social, psychological and professional adaptation in West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, as well as the work with the teachers of clinical departments with the English language teaching. The purpose of the article: to analyze the specifics of adaptation of foreign students in the new sociocultural conditions and the current state of the work of the teaching staff of clinical subjects with the English language teaching. Methods. The work of language mentors at WKMOMU is aimed at assisting teaching staff of clinical subjects with the English language teaching. To improve language and teaching skills in English, the workshops conducted within the framework of the project were held on the following topics: “Interactive methods for teaching and learning in big groups”, “Bilingual Education and Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)”, “How can clinical subject teachers and teachers of English cooperate to improve the quality of education”. 32 teachers of clinical and theoretical departments as well as language mentors took part in the workshops. The workshop was also conducted for the international students from India on the topic “Adaptation of international students to living and learning conditions in Kazakhstan”. Social adaptation of international students in Kazakhstan high schools is a process of active adaptation to the conditions of a new socio-cultural and educational environment. 81 students took part in the workshop. Interviews and questionnaires were conducted with the international students. The questionnaire included the following questions: What is the most surprising difference between education in India and your education here in Kazakhstan? What do you miss most? Conclusion. There are a number of legitimate problems and features at this stage of the university’s development, however, their solution and improvement of the education system of foreign students studying in English will lead to even greater prestige of the university, increase the demand for educational services and strengthen its competitiveness.

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УДК 378.147:811.111 МРНТИ 14.35.09



ICLON, Graduate School of Teaching, Leiden University, the Netherlands

For citing/

библиографиялыщ сттеме/ библиографическая ссылка:

Hendrik Mathijs Frencken. Program for Supporting International Students and Language Mentoring of Teaching Staff of Clinical Subjects with the English language Instruction. West Kazakhstan Medical Journal 2019;61(4):259—265.

Hendrik Mathijs Frencken. Шетелдт студенттерге ^олдау керсету жэне агылшын тшшде о^ытатын клиникальщ пэндер профессор-о^ытушылар ^урамына тшдш тэлiмгерлiк баедарламасы. West Kazakhstan Medical Journal 2019;61(4):259—265.

Hendrik Mathijs Frencken.Программа поддержки иностранных студентов и языкового менторства профессорско-преподавательского состава клинических дисциплин с английским языком преподавания. West Kazakhstan Medical Journal 2019;61(4):259-265.

Program for Supporting International Students and Language Mentoring of Teaching Staff of Clinical Subjects with the English language Instruction

Hendrik Mathijs Frencken

ICLON, Graduate School of Teaching, Leiden University, the Netherlands

The article deals with one of the most important topics for Kazakhstan universities in the international sphere - successful adaptation of foreign students that may lead to increasing their number for the perspective. The article analyzes main aspects of foreign students' social, psychological and professional adaptation in West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, as well as the work with the teachers of clinical departments with the English language teaching.

The purpose of the article: to analyze the specifics of adaptation of foreign students in the new sociocultural conditions and the current state of the work of the teaching staff of clinical subjects with the English language teaching.

Methods. The work of language mentors at WKMOMU is aimed at assisting teaching staff of clinical subjects with the English language teaching. To improve language and teaching skills in English, the workshops conducted within the framework of the project were held on the following topics: "Interactive methods for teaching and learning in big groups", "Bilingual Education and Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)", "How can clinical subject teachers and teachers of English cooperate to improve the quality of education". 32 teachers of clinical and theoretical departments as well as language mentors took part in the workshops.

The workshop was also conducted for the international students from India on the topic "Adaptation of international students to living and learning conditions in Kazakhstan". Social adaptation of international students in Kazakhstan high schools is a process of active adaptation to the conditions of a new socio-cultural and educational environment. 81 students took part in the workshop. Interviews and questionnaires were conducted with the international students. The questionnaire included the following questions: What is the most surprising difference between education in India and your education here in Kazakhstan? What do you miss most?

Conclusion. There are a number of legitimate problems and features at this stage of the university's development, however, their solution and improvement of the education system of foreign students studying in English will lead to even greater prestige of the university, increase the demand for educational services and strengthen its competitiveness.

Keywords: internationalization, international students, higher education, adaptation, teaching staff, the English language, CLIL.

Шетелдж студенттерге крлдау керсету жэне aFbt^biH тШнде ок;ытатын клиникальщ пэндер профессор-оцытушылар кдаамына тiлдiк-тэлiмгерлiк баFдарламасы

Hendrik Mathijs Frencken

Жогары окыту MeKTe6i, Лейден университета, Лейден, Нидерланды

Макалада казакстанды; жогары оку орындары ушш хальщаральщ саладагы мацызды такырыптардыц 6ipi - бшм берудщ интернационалдандырылуы жагдайында шетелдж студенттердщ сэтп бейiмделуi олардыц саныныц артуына aKsoyi мумшндт карастырылады. Макалада Марат Оспанов атындагы Батыс ^азакстан медицина университетшде шетелдж студенттердщ элеуметпк,


Hendrik Mathijs Frencken e-mail: henkfrencken@gmail. com

Received/ Келт ïYcïi/ Полупила: 18.11.2019


Ба^лымра к,абылданды/ Принята к публикации: 13.12.2019

ISSN 1814-5620 (Print) © 2019 The Authors Published by West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University

психологияльщ жэне кэиби бешмделушщ Heri3ri аспекгшер^ сондай-а; клиникальщ кафедралардыц агылшын тiлiнде ок;ытатын окытушыларымен ж^мысы кeрсетiледi.

Мацаланьщ мацсаты: шетелдж студенттердщ жаца элеуметтж-мэдени жагдайларга бешмделу ерекшелiктерiн жэне клиникалы; пэндердi агылшын тiлiнде журпзетш профессор-окытушылар к^рамыныц ж^мысын талдау. Эдктер. Марат Оспанов атындагы Б^МУ-деп т^мгерлердщ ж^мысы клиникалы; пэндер окытушыларына агылшын тiлiнде саба; журпзуге кемектесуге багытталган. Жоба аясында тшдж жэне эдастемелш дагдыларды жет1лд1ру максатында келеа такырыптар бойынша семинарлар еттсЫлда: <^лкен топтарда окытудыц интерактивт эдастерЬ», «Билингвалы; жэне пэндж-интеграцияланган окыту (CLIL)», «Агылшын тiлi жэне клиникалык; пэндер ок;ытушылары бiлiм сапасын арттыру уш1н калай б1рлесе жумыс ютей алады?» Семинарларга клиникалы; жэне теориялык; кафедралардыц 32 окытушысы, сонымен катар тшдж тэл1мгерлер к;атысты.

Yндiстаннан келген шетелдж студенттер уш1н «Шетелдж студеттердо ^азак;стандагы ем1р жэне о;у жагдайларына бетмдеу» такырыбында семинар erri. ^азакстандык; жогары о;у орындарындагы шетелдж студенттердщ элеуметтж бей1мделу1 - б^л жаца элеуметтж-мэдени жэне бЫм беру ортасыныц жагдайларына белсенд1 бешмделу процесс Семинарга 81 студент к;атысты. Шетелдж студенттермен с^хбат жэне сауалнама ЖYргiзiлдi. Сауалнамада келес с^рактар болды:

1. Yндiстанда бiлiм алу мен ^азак;станда бшм алудыц ец тащ'ажайып айырмашылыгы неде?

2. Ci3 нет немесе юмд1 к;атты сагынасыз?

Е^орытынды. Университеттщ дамуыныц осы кезещнде б1р;атар теракты мэселелер мен ерекшелжтер бар, алайда оларды шешу жэне агылшын тiлiнде о;итын шетелдж студенттердщ бiлiм беру ЖYЙесiн жетiлдiру - университеттщ беделшщ артуына, бiлiм беру кызметше деген сщ>аныстыц артуына жэне бэсекеге кабшетгшжтщ ныгаюына экеледа.

Негiзгi свздер: интернационализация, шетелдж студенттер, жогары быт беру жуйеЫ, бешмделу, оцытушы, агылшын тт, пэндж-интеграцияланган быт.

Программа поддержки иностранных студентов и языкового менторства профессорско-преподавательского состава клинических дисциплин с английским языком преподавания

Hendrik Mathijs Frencken

Высшая школа преподавания, Лейденский университет, Лейден, Нидерланды

В статье рассматривается одна из важнейших тем для казахстанских вузов в международной сфере - успешная адаптация иностранных студентов в условиях интернационализации образования, что может привести к увеличению их численности. Анализируются основные аспекты социальной, психологической и профессиональной адаптации иностранных студентов в Западно-Казахстанском медицинском университете имени Марата Оспанова, а так же работа с преподавателями клинических кафедр с английским языком преподавания. Цель статьи: проанализировать специфику адаптации иностранных студентов в новых социокультурных условиях и работу профессорско-преподавательского состава клинических дисциплин, ведущих занятия на английском языке. Методы. Работа языковых наставников в ЗКМУ имени Марата Оспанова направлена на оказание помощи преподавателям клинических дисциплин, ведущих занятия на английском языке. В рамках проекта, для улучшения языковых и методических навыков были проведены семинары по следующим темам: «Интерактивные методы преподавания в больших группах», «Билингвальное и предметно- интегрированное обучение (CLIL)», «Как могут сотрудничать преподаватели английского языка и преподаватели клинических дисциплин для повышения качества образования». В семинарах приняли участие 32 преподавателя клинических и теоретических кафедр, а также языковые наставники.

Также был проведен семинар для иностранных студентов из Индии на тему «Адаптация иностранных студентов к условиям жизни и обучения в Казахстане». Социальная адаптация иностранных студентов в казахстанских вузах - это процесс активной адаптации к условиям новой социокультурной и образовательной среды. В семинаре приняли участие 81 студент. Были проведены интервью и анкетирование с иностранными студентами. Анкета включала следующие вопросы:

1. Какая самая удивительная разница между образованием в Индии и вашим образованием здесь, в Казахстане?

2. По чему или кому Вы скучаете больше всего?

Выводы. На данном этапе развития университета существует ряд закономерных проблем и особенностей, однако их решение и улучшение системы образования иностранных студентов, обучающихся на английском языке, приведет к еще большему авторитету университета, увеличит спрос на образовательные услуги, и усилить свою конкурентоспособность.

Ключевые слова: интернационализация, иностранные студенты, система высшего образования, адаптация, преподаватель, английский язык, предметно-интегрированное обучение.

Introduction. The growing interest regarding the international dimension of higher education, leads to several theories of how competitiveness can play a major role on higher education development. Even if internationalization has different meanings given the plethora of definitions and approaches, there can be observed a common approach that underlines the fact that multiculturalism imposes a different approach that enriches not only the context of a studied phenomenon, but it imposes a dynamic evolution . There are various related concepts to internationalization in higher education, used as synonyms such as intercultural education, or globalization [1]. Although there are various approaches to internationalization, the term is not clearly defined and does not appear to be generally accepted among leading scholars in the field of international higher education [2]. The internationalization of higher education at national and institutional level in any country must be understood as the process of integrating an international intercultural or global dimension within the main functions of education system [2]. Very close to this concept is the definition of Knight, which considers internationalization of higher education, as the integration of international, intercultural and global dimensions within the functions of education. Internationalization in higher education incorporates intercultural and international dimensions that directly impact both research and teaching process [3]. It involves practices that require the use of new technology, knowledge, people, values and ideas from different international context [2]. Because each culture is affected differently as a result of the nation's history, traditions and culture are heterogeneous, there should be considered the need for pursuing compatibility and harmonization in higher education area, for a smooth internationalization process [4].

West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University has been actively developing the international cooperation for a long time, including attracting foreign students to study. In total, 244 foreign students from India study at the university: 99 in the first year, 92 in the second year, 46 in the third year, and 7 students in the fourth. There are 39 girls, 205 boys. In this regard, the urgent task for the university is to organize an effective process of training foreign students, which would ensure the high quality of educational services and allow for the effective implementation of modern teaching concepts in their chosen specialties. This task is complex and multifaceted. The work of teachers in West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical

University is designed so that the requirements for all categories of students - local and foreign are the same. Teachers of the departments work within the framework of the Law on Education and the Bologna system. Everyone understands that working with students from other countries has its own characteristics, which begin with adaptation to life in the conditions of Kazakhstan, new requirements for studying at a higher educational institution. Students study in groups with the English language form of study.

The purpose of the article: to analyze the specifics of adaptation of foreign students in the new sociocultural conditions and the current state of work of the teaching staff of clinical subjects with the English language teaching.

Methods. West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University was visited to conduct workshops for teachers of clinical subjects with the English language of instruction and to analyze the specifics of adaptation of foreign students in the new sociocultural conditions. The workshops were conducted within the framework of the project "Program for Supporting International Students and Language Mentoring of teaching staff of clinical subjects with the English language teaching". The project "Program for Supporting International Students and Language Mentoring of teaching staff of clinical subjects with the English language teaching" aims to further promote the modernization and sustainable development of education and training systems, as well as improving the skills of teachers. The program aims to support foreign students by studying the process of adapting Indian students to new sociocultural conditions and introducing language mentoring of teaching staff with English language teaching. Now, the program determines the specifics of the socio-psycho-logical, sociocultural and pedagogical adaptation of foreign students in the new sociocultural conditions and the current state of the work of teaching staff of clinical subjects with the English language teaching.

The process of adaptation to a higher education environment can be complex. University adaptation occurs in multiple contexts and can be defined in terms of academic, personal, social, as well as attachment to the institution. One of the earliest definitions of university adaptation was proposed by Arkoff and referred to a student's interaction with his or her environment [5]. His definition referenced student's academic achievement and personal growth as measures of the adjustment. Consistent with his proposed explanation of the adjustment process, well-adjusted stu-

dents obtained good grades, passed their courses, and graduated. According to the ecological theory proposed by Bronfenbrenner (1979), each person's actions are defined by multiple layers of influences, and such influences operate as different systems. The adjustment to university occurs in the context of a person's background characteristics, personal variables, interactions with the immediate environments and the more distant environments. Hence, students' university experiences may vary significantly due to differences in the impact of these levels.

The work of language mentors in WKMOMU is aimed at assisting teaching staff of clinical subjects with the English language teaching. To improve language and teaching skills in English, the workshops conducted within the framework of the project were held on the following topics: "Interactive methods for teaching and learning in big groups", "Bilingual Education and Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)", "How can clinical subject teachers and teachers of English cooperate to improve the quality of education". 32 teachers of clinical and theoretical departments as well as language mentors took part in the workshops. The teachers who took part in the workshops were received certificates [6, 7].

Implementation of CLIL technology in the educational process is necessary, because CLIL helps to introduce the wider cultural context, to prepare for internationalization, to improve overall and specific language

competence, to develop multilingual interests and attitudes and to increase learner motivation. Any innovation presents both benefits and challenges. What is important in implementing CLIL as an innovation is that it should be part of a negotiated enterprise amongst administrators, curriculum planners, and teachers and it is this last group that will be responsible for the success of CLIL implementation. This may show that top-down decisions need to be carefully engineered so that changes and decision-making processes begin by addressing teacher development first rather than last in the educational system [6].

The lessons of Patient-oriented training and Normal Physiology were observed, after which recommendations on how to improve the methods of teaching were given. The aim of lessons observation is determination of compliance of their content, organizational and methodological level with modern requirements;

- identification and elimination of disadvantages;

- generalization and dissemination of the best (advanced) experience in organizing and conducting educational process.

Information on the positive aspects and shortcomings obtained as a result of the control allows to take timely measures to improve the educational process, improve the work of faculties or departments.

The workshop was also conducted for the international students from India on the topic "Adaptation of in-

ternational students to living and learning conditions in Kazakhstan". Social adaptation of international students in Kazakhstan high schools is a process of active adaptation to the conditions of a new socio-cultural and educational environment. 81 students took part in the workshop. Interviews and questionnaires were conducted with the international students. The questionnaire included the following questions:

1. What is the most surprising difference between education in India and your education here in Kazakhstan?

2. What do you miss most?

Most respondents indicated that the main differences in the educational systems of India and Kazakhstan are teaching methods. Teachers in India give more written assignments, while teachers in Kazakhstan on the contrary discuss more in class and prefer oral tasks. Teachers in India first teach students a certain topic and then ask questions. However, teachers in Kazakhstan give students a topic on which they should find the necessary information, later this topic is discussed with the teacher. The main problem is the language, i.e. not all university teachers in Kazakhstan are fluent in English. The problem arises when teachers cannot explain the student learning material, thus focusing more on self-study. Assessment methods also differ in the education systems of India and Kazakhstan. In the educational system of Kazakhstan multiple choice tests are mainly used for the midterm and final exams. According to the students, in India teachers do not use multiple choice tests as often as a form of assessing student knowledge. Indian teachers prefer oral interviews or practical exercises. And of course, the main reason that students study in Kazakhstan and not in India is the tuition fee. To obtain a higher medical education in Kazakhstan is cheaper than in India.

Results. An analysis of the problems faced by teachers showed that the most significant barrier is language competence. When working with foreign students, teachers have a number of problems:

- language barrier, since students with different levels of English are studying in the group, their level of knowledge of the English language is insufficient for the full mastering of the material; teachers face difficulties in perceiving and understanding the speech of foreign students, since not all students are fluent in English and have their own specific accent.

- compilation of educational material and a selection of foreign literature. Educational material is developed on the basis of literature in Russian, and teachers encounter difficulties in translating educational material from Russian into English, as they are not language specialists.

- a tangible difference between the forms and methods of study at a university and the corresponding elements of study at a higher school in the student's home country [7, 8].

Foreign students, being representatives of different cultures, can psychologically differ greatly from local students, and psychologists and educators should be aware of this. So that the behavior of foreign students is not per-

ceived by them as strange and incomprehensible, and the values and norms of a different culture do not cause shock [9].

Firstly, this is the initial stage of the "entry" of the personality into the new macro and microenvironment. Most international students have a low level of awareness of the political, economic, and social systems of Kazakhstan; the norms, customs, traditions and culture of the people; the system of higher education in the country. For the first time, the problem of internationalization arises for most students, the need for communication with carriers of different social, ethnic, national norms and cultures. Therefore, the task of the university at this stage should be to provide conditions for removing possible difficulties caused by the above factors.

Secondly, this is the stage of socialization and adaptation of the individual in the new macro- and micro-social conditions. International students are socialized mature individuals formed under the influence of the environment in which they were brought up. They, as a rule, have a certain life position, goals, a system of values and value orientations. In addition, each student has its own specific features: ethnic, national psychological, psychophysiolog-ical, personality, etc.

Thirdly, this is the stage of inadequate mental and physical stress. A foreign student experiences natural discomfort, because there is a reorganization, a change in the psychophysiological processes of the personality. In the initial period of adaptation a foreign student is in a "shock" condition (under stress):

• information oversaturation at all levels (in the educational process and outside it);

• emotional overload (new communication, comfort, language barrier, etc.);

• adaptation at the household level (independence in budget allocation, self-sufficiency and self-care, etc.), etc.

Therefore, the task at this stage is:

• in supplying students with a mechanism for self-regulation and assistance in mastering it;

• in creating comfortable conditions for the removal of psychophysiological difficulties (regular medical examination, psychological support, "dosing" of the information flow, etc.).

The above mentioned features of the foreign contingent and a number of others are the sources of the difficulties that a foreign student experiences especially acutely in the first year of his stay in a new country.

These difficulties can be grouped as follows:

- adaptation difficulties at various levels: linguistic, conceptual, moral-informational, climatic, communicative, etc.

- psychophysiological difficulties associated with the restructuring of the individual in the context of initial adaptation and "entry" into the new macro and micro environment;

- educational and cognitive difficulties associated primarily with the language barrier; overcoming dif-

ferences in educational systems; adaptation to new requirements and knowledge control system; the organization of the educational process, which should be based on the principles of self-development of the personality, "cultivation" of knowledge, instilling skills of independent work;

- communicative difficulties, i.e. with the administration of the faculty, with teachers and staff, and in the process of interpersonal communication within an interethnic small educational group, educational stream, in a hostel, on the street, in shops, etc .;

- domestic difficulties associated with the lack of skills of independence, decision making and problem solving.

All these groups of difficulties are interdependent and represent a psychological barrier, the overcoming of which is associated with mental (mental), personal, emotional, intellectual, physical overload, which is confirmed by the study.

Discussion. The requirements of the modern world are directly reflected through curricula and programs in education. The pace and results of globalization, the impact of emerging technologies mean that education is consistently responding to the knowledge and skills in demand in the so-called "integrated" world. The integration of academic subjects creates not only alternative methods of teaching and learning, but also allows you to build unique educational paths. The integration of the language and content of the discipline in the framework of the curriculum is one example of a new type of educational development [6].

The methodology of teaching special subjects through a foreign language gives new opportunities, both from a professional and from a language side.

The teacher of clinical subject must be proficient in the English language at the level necessary for delivering lectures and conducting practical classes, which is an important rating indicator for a university teacher.

Successful adaptation of foreign students may lead to increasing their number for the perspective. Socio-cultural aspect is considered in terms of acculturation, which is defined as the entry into a new culture, the gradual development of its norms, values and patterns of behavior. The


1. Knight J, "Internationalization of Higher Education: A Conceptual Framework", in Knight J, and De Wit, H. (Eds). Internationalization of Higher Education in Asia Pacific Countries, European Association for International Education Publications, Amsterdam. 2003;2:248-270. doi:10.2304/pfie.2003.1.2.5

2. Knight J. Internationalization Remodeled: Definition, Approaches, and Rationales. Comparative, International, and Development Education Centre. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. University of Toronto. 2004;8:5-3. doi:10.1177/1028315303260832

3. Santiago P, Tremblay K, Basri E, Arnal E. Tertiary Education for the Knowledge Society. Special Features: Equity, Innovation, Labour Market, Internationalisation. OECD. 2008

4. Swoboda B, Berg B, Dabija C. International transfer and perception of retail formats. Trier University, Trier, Germany. Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. International Marketing

process of acculturation of international students allows determine the trajectory of their entry into the new society, focus and motivation to intercultural interaction and social activity. As the indicators of foreign students' social adaptation is taken the degree of their acceptance of socio-cultural values and traditions of the new community, as well as alignment of their own behavior in accordance with them and ethnic tolerance.

Socio-psychological aspect of foreign students 'social adaptation in Kazakhstan universities is updated in the light of the nature of formal and informal relationships and status-role structure of the student group. Significant indicators of social adaptation are the state of satisfaction with the interpersonal interaction in the studying group.

The pedagogical aspect of foreign students' social adaptation in the Kazakhstan university is opened from a position of the organization's features of educational process in it and it is associated with an abrupt change of the content, scope, nature of educational material, forms, methods, tools and the need for their mastering, which is often accompanied by the absence of necessary skills of foreign students. The indicators of this aspect of foreign students 'social adaptation are the availability of motives of educational activities aimed at training activities, matching of levels of developed general abilities and skills to the requirements of the curricula in Kazakhstan universities.

Conclusion. The characteristics of pedagogical support of international students' social adaptation studying in WKMOMU is reasoned by the influence of internal (national, cultural, individual - Personal characteristics of students) and external (socio-cultural environment of the university, regulated laws of relationships, moral and psychological climate in the team, educational technology of general vocational training, requirements for a future professional activities and others) factors. Undoubtedly, at this stage of the university's development, there are a number of legitimate problems and features, however, their solution and improvement of the education system of foreign students studying in English will lead to even greater prestige of the university, increase the demand for educational services and strengthen its competitiveness.

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