Научная статья на тему 'Prognosis of training effects based on somatic characteristics and sport result'

Prognosis of training effects based on somatic characteristics and sport result Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Klimczyk Mariusz, Klimczyk Agata

Purpose : Researchers and coaches continue to look for the solutions that would contribute to creation of somatic and mobility condition patterns, allowing the players to obtain sport achievements at the highest level. Therefore, the aim of the study was to trace the sport results’ impact in the pole vault and the selected somatic parameters of the vaulters of different ages and comparing them with the results of the players reaching the results at the highest level. Material: The study covered 29 vaulters of 17-19 years old age, engaged in the pole vault at "Zawisza Bydgoszcz", "Gwardia" Pila, "Sląsk" Wrocław, TS "Olimpia" Poznan sports clubs, the Centre of the Pole Vault in Gdańsk, as well as 4 top vaulters two from Germany, one from the UK and one from Poland. The study was carried out in the training and sports competitions conditions in 2005-2009. In the work teaching observation method was used. The research tools were: assessment of physical development and sports outcome, which were carried out within the start period. The statistical methods were used for analysis of the study results. Results : Indicators of physical development were specified, as well as correlated with sport result for each group. The highest (the only statistically significant) indicator with the pole vault at 0.69 level was reported in the sample the volume thoracic, exhaling (19-year-old vaulters). Conclusions : The group of vaulters, belonging to the "world's finest" is characterized by a higher rate of shoulders than the other studied groups. There seems to be a large influence on sport technique and result in the pole vault belonging to the proportions of the individual somatic parameters and here the relevant connections can be seen.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Prognosis of training effects based on somatic characteristics and sport result»

IПЕДАГОГ1КА I та медико_б'олог'чн'

- - проблеми ф1зичного

виховання i спорту _


Prognosis of training effects based on somatic characteristics and sport result

Klimczyk Mariusz1, Klimczyk Agata2 Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz 2Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun


Purpose: Researchers and coaches continue to look for the solutions that would contribute to creation of somatic and mobility condition patterns, allowing the players to obtain sport achievements at the highest level. Therefore, the aim of the study was to trace the sport results' impact in the pole vault and the selected somatic parameters of the vaulters of different ages and comparing them with the results of the players reaching the results at the highest level. Material: The study covered 29 vaulters of 17-19 years old age, engaged in the pole vault at "Zawisza Bydgoszcz", "Gwardia" Pila, "Sl^sk" Wroctaw, TS "Olimpia" Poznan sports clubs, the Centre of the Pole Vault in Gdansk, as well as 4 top vaulters - two from Germany, one from the UK and one from Poland. The study was carried out in the training and sports competitions conditions in 2005-2009. In the work teaching observation method was used. The research tools were: assessment of physical development and sports outcome, which were carried out within the start period. The statistical methods were used for analysis of the study results. Results: Indicators of physical development were specified, as well as correlated with sport result for each group. The highest (the only statistically significant) indicator with the pole vault at 0.69 level was reported in the sample - the volume thoracic, exhaling (19-year-old vaulters). Conclusions: The group of vaulters, belonging to the "world's finest" is characterized by a higher rate of shoulders than the other studied groups. There seems to be a large influence on sport technique and result in the pole vault belonging to the proportions of the individual somatic parameters and here the relevant connections can be seen.

Keywords: physical development, comparison, pole vault, somatic.

Климчик Мариуш, Климчик Агата. Прогнозирование тренировочных эффектов на основе соматических характеристик и спортивного результата. Цель: Исследователи и тренеры продолжают искать решения, которые способствовали бы созданию соматических мобильных моделей, позволяющим игрокам достигнуть спортивные результатов на самом высоком уровне. Таким образом, цель исследования состояла в том, чтобы проследить влияние спортивных результатов в прыжках с шестом и выбранных соматических параметров спортсменов разных возрастов и сравнивая их с результатами самого высокого уровня. Материал: Исследование охватывало 29 прыгунов с шестом в возрасте 17-19 лет, занимающихся в спортивных клубах (Зависа, Быдгощ; Гвардия, Пила; Сласк, Вроцлав; Олимпия, Познань; центр прыжков с шестом в Гданське). Исследование проводилось в условиях учебных и спортивных соревнований в 2005-2009 гг. В основе исследования был использован метод наблюдения. Оценивался уровень физического развития и спортивного результата в рамках стартового периода. Для анализа результатов исследования были использованы статистические методы. Результаты: были уточнены показатели физического развития спортсменов, которые коррелирует со спортивным результатом для каждой группы. Установлено, что высокий результат прыжка с шестом на уровне 0,69 (только статистически значимый) существенно коррелирует только с объемом выдоха (19 летний прыгун). Выводы: группа спортсменов, относящиеся к «лучшим в мире», характеризуется высокими размерами плеч по сравнению другими изученными группами. Вполне очевидно, что большое влияние на технику и спортивный результат в прыжках с шестом имеют пропорции отдельных соматических особенностей и здесь наблюдается существенная связь.

физическое развитие, сопоставление, прыжок с шестом, соматический.

Климчик Марiуш, Климчик Агата. Прогнозування тренувальних ефек-лв на основi соматичних характеристик i спортивного результату.

Мета: Дослщники i тренери продо-вжують шукати ршення, як сприяли б створенню соматичних мобтьних моделей, що дозволяе гравцям досягти спортивних результат на найвищому рiвнi. Таким чином, мета дослщжен-ня полягала в тому, щоб простежити вплив спортивних результат у стриб-ках з жердиною i обраних соматичних параметрiв спортсмежв рiзного вку i порiвняти Тх з результатами самого ви-сокого рiвня. Матерал: Дослщження охоплювало 29 стрибужв з жердиною у вiцi 17-19 роюв, що займаються в спортивних клубах (Зависа, Бидгощ; Гвар-дiя, Пила; Сласк, Вроцлав; Олiмпiя, Познань; центр стрибюв з жердиною в Гданську). Дослщження проводило-ся в умовах навчальних i спортивних змагань у 2005-2009 рр. В основi до-слщження був використаний метод спостереження. Оцшювався рiвень фiзичного розвитку i спортивного результату в рамках стартового перюду. Для аналiзу результат дослщження були використаж статистичж методи. Результати: були уточнен показники фiзичного розвитку спортсмежв, як корелюють зi спортивним результатом для кожноТ групи. Встановлено, що ви-сокий результат стрибка з жердиною на рiвнi 0,69 (ттьки статистично значи-мий) ютотно корелюе ттьки з об'емом видиху (19 рiчний стрибун). Висновки: група спортсмежв, що вщносяться до «кращих у свт», характеризуемся ви-сокими розмiрами плечей у порiвняннi шшими вивченими групами. Цтком очевидно, що великий вплив на технь ку i спортивний результат у стрибках з жердиною мають пропорет окремих соматичних особливостей i тут спосте-ртаеться суттевий зв'язок.

фiзичний розвиток, зiставлення, стрибок з жердиною, соматичний.


The researchers and coaches continue to look for solutions that would contribute to creation of somatic and mobility condition patterns, allowing the players to obtain sport achievements at the highest level. Of course, these achievements are possible with a parallel adjustment and optimizing of means and training methods to individual psychophysical predispositions of a vaulter, properly trained body wellness, as well as control of its responses[1, 2, 3, 4].

Individual sport disciplines are closely associated with specific requirements, for example somatic (basketball player, swimmers, gymnasts, strongmen, vaulters), which can be used to achieve sports outcome at the highest level.

© Mariusz Klimczyk, Agata Klimczyk, 2015 http://dx.doi.org/10.15561/18189172.2015.0608

The pole vault belongs to a very interesting competition in athletics, but execution of the pole vault is associated with a number of complex sequences of movements. They include - optimal speed of running start and transfer of kinetic energy to pole in order to use it to move the body on the flexible pole vault up and take the bar suspended as high as possible [5]. Only athletes with special skills such as: orientation in time and space, body balance, proper psychomotor and somatic conditions, can meet these criteria [6, 7, 8].

On the basis of carried out control of suitability, we receive the necessary message regarding their current level, which will serve for planning of training loads and sport result [5, 9, 10].

Analysis of specialized literature permits to conclude that type of body of every person is his/her biological

characteristic of large genetic determinants of significant stability during its ontogeny [11, 12, 13]. Therefore, the choice of individual sports disciplines for certain somatic built plays important role, and in the future it will allow to take part in competitions at the highest level. According to the researchers the somatic built, especially some of its proportions, have a specific track of its development, particularly important in the pole vault [11, 14]. Unfortunately, at present it is difficult to determine, which of the parameters of somatic built can serve as a criterion for sportsmen of all ages, training the pole vault.

Therefore, the aim of the study was to trace the impact of the sport result on pole vault and the selected somatic parameters of different age vaulters as well as comparing them with the results of sportsmen, who already reached the highest results.

Material and methods

The study was carried out in training conditions and sports competitions in 2005-2009. It involved 29 sportsmen of 17, 18 and 19 years old age, engaged in the pole vault at "Zawisza" Bydgoszcz, "Gwardia" Pila, "Sl^sk" Wroclaw, TS "Olimpia" Poznan sports clubs, the Centre of the Pole Vaulter Gdansk, as well as four athletes, two from Germany, one from the UK and one from Poland, whose best result in pole vault varied from 571 to 600 cm (later herein this group of four vaulters is specified as "Group A").

17, 18, 19-year-old athletes attended club training courses, 5-7 times a week. The training unit was 60-120 min., while at school they were taught by the program of physical education in terms of 3-4 classes a week, focused on development of overall physical fitness. While the players of "Group A" trained from 6 to 11 times a week. The training unit was 120 min.

In our work we used the following methods and research tools:

- assessment of physical development,

- registration of athletic result,

- statistical methods.

In order to carry out assessment of physical development, the measurements of somatic built were conducted, with registration of the following indicators:

• body height (basis-vertex),

• body weight,

• torso length (suprasternale-symphysiom),

• lower limb length (basis-symphysion),

• upper limb length (acromion-daktylion III),

• shoulder width (acromion-acromion),

• pelvis width (iliocristale-iriocristale),

• thigh circumference,

• shank circumference,

• arm circumference,

• volume of the chest during inspiration,

• volume of the chest during exhalation,

• chest breadth (the difference of the chest volume during inhaling and exhaling).

With these parameters the somatic built ratio was calculated according to Rohrer, by determination of the ratio of body weight and height.



body weight (g) x 100

weight it its height =............................

body height (cm) 3 width of bars

- indicator of bars =............................x100

length of the torso width of the pelvis

- indicator of the pelvis =.........................x100

width of bars

Large bow compass, medical weight and metric tape were used to carry out the study.

For the analysis of athletic result the protocols of official competitions were taken into account. The collected material was statistically analysed using the values of minimum, maximum and average variance of the studied parameters, and Pearson correlation coefficients was found to be statistically significant at p<0.05.

Analysis of the studied results

The carried out analysis of physical development of 17-19-year-old vaulters showed fluctuations in the value of the standard deviation of each parameter of 1.04 cm (arm circumference of 18-year-old participants) to 6.10 cm (length of the lower limb of 19-year-old participants) (Table 1).

The average height of 19 years old participants was 186.78 cm. The highest vaulter was characterised by the body height of 191 cm, while the lowest was 175 cm. The average body mass of 17-year-old trainees was about 69.97 kg, in this group the greatest dispersion of results can be noted as well (standard deviation of 5.39).

Mean value of the shoulder width, e.g. in the group of 17-year-old vaulters, was 39.95 cm, hip width - 30.5 (18-years' age). The most significant difference between the smallest and the largest values of the shoulder and hip width in each group was respectively 7.2 cm (17-years' age) and 8.0 cm (19-year-old vaulters).

While mean values of lower and upper limbs' length, for example, in group of 18-year-old athletes was 91.16 cm and 78.97 cm.

The measurements of thighs' circumference, lower leg and arm were also interesting. Mean values of these parameters of e.g. 17-year-old vaulters were respectively 50.4 cm, 36,08 cm and 27,85 cm. The largest difference in standard deviation occurred was in circumference of the thigh of 19-year-old (4.59); maximum value of this indicator was 61 cm and minimum - 45 cm.

The measurement of the volume of the chest when at inhale/exhale and size of chest, e.g. in group of 18-years'-old, showed the average value respectively at level of 96.89 cm, 88.61 cm and 8.28 cm.

Average torso length, e.g. of 17-years'-old, was 54.78 cm; the difference between maximum and minimum values was 5.8 cm.

On the basis of this analysis of the somatic parameters of the vaulters, the dependencies were revealed, which derived from their natural biological development and

I nEflArOHKA I Ta MeflMK0"6i0^0riHHi

- - npoô^eMM ^i3MHHoro

BMXoBaHHA i cnopTy _



Parameters of the somatic built of 17-19 years' old vaulters (source, Klimczyk, 2012).

Parametres Statistical

quantities 17 years old (n-11) 18 years old (n-9) 19 years old (n-9)

body height M 182,73 183,00 186,78

(cm) SD 5,14 6,04 4,94

Min 174,00 174,00 175,00

Max 190,00 189,00 191,00

body weight M 69,97 71,90 76,58

(kg) SD 5,39 5,30 4,46

Min 60,00 60,00 69,00

Max 76,00 77,50 84,00

shoulder M 39,95 40,42 42,34

width SD 2,24 1,99 1,77

(cm) Min 36,70 36,70 39,60

Max 43,90 43,10 45,00

pelvis M 29,37 30,50 30,66

width SD 1,48 2,51 2,61

(cm) Min 27,70 27,70 26,00

Max 32,50 34,20 34,00

lower limb length M 92,57 91,16 95,02

(cm) SD 3,32 5,86 6,10

Min 84,00 83,40 84,00

Max 96,50 98,00 101,00

upper limb length M 80,21 78,97 81,28

(cm) SD 2,86 4,02 3,56

Min 75,00 73,00 74,00

Max 84,20 84,00 85,00

thigh circumference M 50,40 50,94 54,11

(cm) SD 4,20 3,91 4,59

Min 45,30 43,00 45,00

Max 58,00 56,00 61,00

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Shin circumference M 36,08 35,61 37,83

(cm) SD 2,31 1,88 1,30

Min 33,00 33,00 36,50

Max 40,00 38,00 40,50

arm circumference M 27,85 28,06 29,78

(cm) SD 1,99 1,04 1,68

Min 25,50 27,00 27,50

Max 32,00 29,50 32,50

volume of chest M 95,77 96,89 101,94

after inhalation SD 4,22 4,57 4,98

(cm) Min 90,00 90,00 95,50

Max 101,50 103,00 112,00

volume of chest M 87,59 88,61 92,33

after exhalation SD 4,01 4,53 3,87

(cm) Min 80,00 80,00 88,00

Max 93,50 92,50 101,00

chest breadth M 8,29 8,28 8,83

(cm) SD 1,97 1,95 1,77

Min 7,00 5,00 6,00

Max 11,00 11,00 11,00

torso length M 54,78 55,18 56,50

(cm) SD 1,93 2,48 2,15

Min 51,30 51,00 55,00

Max 57,10 60,20 62,00



Table 2

Correlation matrix of somatic dimensions of 19-year-old vaulters.

Studied parameters Lp.

body height (cm) 1.

body weight (kg) 2. 0,52

shoulder width (cm) 3. -0,04 0,42

pelvis width (cm) 4. -0,44 0,29 0,09

lower limb length (cm) 5. 0,88 0,22 -0,01 -0,62

upper limb length (cm) 6. 0,60 0,10 -0,74 -0,24 0,50

thigh circumference (cm) 7. 0,05 0,72 0,59 0,41 -0,22 -0,47

Shin circumference (cm) 8. -0,06 0,58 0,30 0,22 -0,19 -0,02 0,42

arm' circumference (cm) 9. 0,29 0,86 0,10 0,43 -0,09 0,24 0,66 0,68

volume of chest -at inhalation (cm) 10. 0,29 0,73 0,31 0,29 0,17 0,25 0,24 0,77 0,68

volume of the chest - at exhalation (cm) 11. -0,03 0,54 0,08 0,44 -0,19 0,21 0,17 0,73 0,68 0,80

chest breadth (cm) 12. -0,06 0,34 -0,16 0,49 -0,08 0,25 0,17 0,49 0,52 0,50 0,71

torso length (cm) 13. -0,13 0,30 0,11 0,31 -0,53 -0,24 0,57 0,12 0,46 -0,08 -0,05 -0,34

variable 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

p<0.05 specified in bold.

the process of organism's adaptation under the influence incentives (load training).

Correlation analysis demonstrated relationship between different parameters of the somatic built and showed significant interdependencies. In all age groups with the highest coefficients of dependence were between height and weight (0.52 to 0.90). Very high dependence was found between volume of chest at inhale/exhale (correlation coefficient of 0.80 to 0.96). In the age group of 17-19 years old, the significant differences, concerning correlation, were not found. The higher range (0.630.96) was detected only between few parameters. Below the correlation of somatic dimensions, e.g. 19-year-old vaulters, is shown.

On the basis of the carried out analysis of the slenderness of the body of the vaulters at the age of 17, 18 and 19 years old, referred to Rohrer index (which in comparison to previous studies of the author concerning the vaulters at a younger age showed its growth [15]), it was found that it reached up respectively the values of 1.15, 1.17 and 1.18 (see tab. 3). Similarly, increase in the indicator of shoulders was observed in the range from 72.95 (17-year-old) to 75.02 in athletes of 19 years' old age. While largest value of pelvis indicator for 18-year-old was 75.48.

Analysis of the results of examined vaulters showed very high range of individual age groups' results, where standard deviation ranged from 44.38 (18-year-old) to 56.04 (17-year-old) (tab. 4). The largest difference between the lowest and the best result in pole vault was in a group of 19-year-old vaulters (151 cm), and in this

group one of the vaulters reached the best effect (551 cm).

Table 3

Average rate of body building of the vaulters.

No. Types of indicators by Wanky The studied age

17-year-old (n-11) 18-year-old (n-9) 19-year-old (n-9)

1. Roher index 1.15 1.17 1.18

2. Shoulder indicator,% 72.96 73.34 75.02

3. Pelvis indicator 73.66 75.48 72.48

Table 4

Result ofpole vault of examined vaulters.

Efficiency tests Statistical quantities 17 years old (n-11) 18 years old (n-9) 19 years old (n-9)

Pole vault result M 398,64 407,78 463,60

SD 56,04 44,38 52,89

(cm) Min. 340,00 360,00 400,00

Max 480,00 490,00 551,00

Table 5 shows the dependence of individual somatic features on the result of the pole vault. Statistically significant correlation of pole vault outcome takes place only between the volume of the chest - at exhale (/ 0.69 / of 19-year-old). There is interesting correlation between the height of the body (0.60) and the length of the lower limb (0.55) in group of 17-year-old vaulters. However, the

I nEflArOHKA I Ta MeflMK°"6io^oriHHi

LiiJiiiaHHiaHaJ npoö^eMU ^i3MHH°ro

BMXoBaHHA i cnopTy _

Table 5

Analysis of somatic features ofpole vault results (source, Klimczyk, 2012).

Lp. Examined features Pole vault result

17 years old 18 years old 19 years old

1 Rody height (cm) 0,60 0,33 0,15

Rody weight (kg) 0,13 0,37 0,33

3 Shoulder width (cm) -0,07 0,52 -0,20

4 Pelvis width (cm) 0,04 0,17 0,43

5 Lower limb length (cm) 0,55 0,52 0,02

6 Upper limb length (cm) 0,26 0,41 0,40

7 Thigh circumference (cm) -0,07 0,13 -0,14

8 Shank circumference (cm) -0,12 -0,15 0,10

9 Arm circumference (cm) -0,40 -0,19 0,33

10 Chest volume at inhale (cm) 0,19 0,59 0,44

11 Chest volume at exhale (cm) 0,22 0,52 0,69

12 Chest breadth (cm) -0,35 0,17 0,47

13 Torso length (cm 0,05 -0,31 -0,17

p < 0.05 in bold

Table 6

The parameters of the somatic built of the vaulters.

Lp. Examined Examined vaulters Statistical

parameters L. M. M.M. D.E. S.L. quantities

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 body height 190 192 192 190 M 191

(cm) SD 1,15

Min 190

Max 192

2 body weight 85 79 83 82 M 82,3

(kg) SD 2,5

Min 79

Max 85

3 shoulder 40,6 36,8 40,8 38,8 M 39,26

width (cm) SD 1,86

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Min 36,8

Max 40 8

4 pelvis 24,8 24,9 26,5 24,5 M 25,2

width (cm) SD 0,9

Min 24,5

Max 26 5

5 lower limb length 96,7 96,4 99,4 99,8 M 98,1

(cm) SD 1,77

Min 96,4

Max 99 8

6 upper limb length 83,3 83,8 87 85,2 M 84,8

(cm) SD 1,66

Min 83,3

Max 87

7 thigh circumference 50,7 48 51 54 M 50,9

(cm) SD 2,45

Min 48

Max 54

8 Shin circumference 40 37,5 36,5 36,7 M 37,6

(cm) SD 1,61

Min 36,5

Max 40

9 arm circumference 32 30,7 33 36 M 32,9

(cm) SD 2,26

Min 30,7

Max 36

32015 ig

Table 6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

10 volume of chest 109 102 105 109,5 M 106,4

at inhale (cm) SD 3,54

Min 102

Max 109 5

11 volume of chest 98 95 97 100 M 97,5

at exhale (cm) SD 2,08

Min 95

Max 100

12 chest breadth 11 7 8 9,5 M 8,9

(cm) SD 1,75

Min 7

Max 11

13 torso length 50,8 53,1 52,4 49,8 M 51.5

(cm) SD 1,5

Min 49,8

Max 53 1

Table 7

Average rate of body building of the vaulters.

No. Types of indicators Examined vaulters Statistical

by Wanky L. M. M.M. D.E. S.L. quantities

1. Pointer Roher 1.24 1.12 1.17 1.19 M 1.18

2. index shoulder, % 79.92 69.3 77.86 77.91 M 76.25

3. indicator pelvis 61.08 67.66 64.95 63.14 M 64.2

Table 8

Pole vault results of "Group B" members.

No. Performance test Examined vaulters Statistical quantities

L. M. M.M. D.E. S.L.

1 outcome of pole 571 580 600 575 M 581.5

vault SD 12.87

(cm) Min 571

Max 600

highest quantity of correlations were with medium and low dependence.

Analysis of "Group A" somatic parameters (the vaulters, whose sport achievements are at leading positions in the world rankings) showed that this group has similar somatic conditions proved by dispersion of results around the standard deviation ranging from 0.9 (hip width) to 3.54 (volume of the chest at exhaling) (tab. 6). Average height and weight were respectively 191 cm and 82.3 kg (tab. 6). Difference between the extreme parameters of height and body weight of this group vaulters amounted to respectively 2 cm, 6 kg, while the widths of the shoulder and hips were respectively 4 cm and 2 cm. Other parameters are presented in table 6.

Slenderness of the body established on the basis of Rohrer index showed that the greatest value has L.M. (1.24), while the lowest is for M.M. (1.12) (tab. 7). The average value of this index of the studied group is 1.18, while the average rate of the shoulders and the pelvis is respectively 76.25 and 64.2.

The results of four vaulters' analysis showed the diversity of individual achievements (the standard deviation is 12.87). The best result belonged to D.E. 600 cm, and the lowest was by 29 cm lower (L.M.) (tab. 8).


Interdependence of certain characteristics of somatic built with any parameter in determination of motor efficiency or with results of pole vault sets some differences, which took place in the studied group, as well as between certain vaulters. The researchers define this issue as rather complex one, eliminating the uniqueness of the individual dependence. [16]

By comparison, the height of body of the studied vaulters with the results of the studies of M. Napierala (2008), carried out in the area of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship, it appears that the studied vaulters at the age of 18 years are taller than their peers (M. Napierala: 18.5 years, 178,69cm). In addition, the comparison of body weight of the vaulters with the results of M. Napierala (2008), carried out in the area of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie

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Voivodeship, contributed to the finding that the studied vaulters have higher value of mean body weight. In the studies of M. Napierala (2008) it is as follows: M. Napierala 18.5 years 71.89 kg. It is interesting that height and weight of the vaulters obtaining the best results at the world level is very different, e.g. height of the body varies from 170 cm to 200 cm.

By comparing the results of the study of body slenderness, referred to Rohrer index of 17, 18, 19-year-old athletes, it can be noted that this index increases from the value of 1.15 (17-year-old) to 1.18 (19-year-old). The smooth growth of this index can occur under influence biological development period as well as under used training loads. It also affects growth of their muscle mass as well as width of hips, shoulders and volume parameters (e.g.: the circumference of thighs, drumsticks, arm). It is also associated with significantly slowed down increase of height of the body.

According to experts [5, 11], regularity in somatic built plays special role in terms of the efficiency of complex motor sequences (e.g., for pole vault), it is associated with their implementation, coordination and biomechanics of movement. The world's finest vaulters demonstrate this regularity.


- Analysis of the study results of the somatic built (17-19-year-old vaulters) showed large diversity, but much less it was seen in "Group A".

- "Group A" vaulters exceed 19-years'-old ones in average height and weight (up to 3.22 cm and 5.72 kg). In

the widths of hips and shoulders the vaulters of 19 years' old age dominate. Other parameters, with the exception of the circumference of thighs, drumsticks and length of the torso, have higher values and belong to the vaulters of "Group A".

- "Group A" vaulters have better average results in pole vault (by 117.4 cm) than 19-years'-old vaulters.

- By comparing Rohrer index, indicating body slenderness of 17-18-19-year-old vaulters, fluent increase was noticed.

- The same average value of Rohrer index belonged to 19 years old vaulters and four vaulters of "Group A".

- Vaulters' group belonging to the "world's finest" was characterized by higher rate of shoulders than members of other studied groups.

- Vaulters of 17, 18 and 19 years old age have average score of pelvis higher than the Group of four vaulters (L.M., M.M., D.E., S.L.).

- It was found that results of pole vault indeed statistically correlate with only one sample (19-year-old vaulters /0.69/ - the volume of the chest, breathing out).

- Due to (inter alia) insufficient quantity of the studied persons the relationship between the somatic built and the result in the pole vault cannot be definitely stated.

There seems to be significant influence on sport technique and results in pole vault belonging to the proportions of the individual somatic features and here the relevant connections can be seen.

Conflict interests

The authors declare they have no conflict interests.


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Информация об авторах:

Климчик Мариуш: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4672-6344; [email protected]; Университет Казимира Великого в Быдгощ ; ул. Ходкевича 30, г.Быдгощ 85-064, Польша.

Климчик Агата: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4437-9430; [email protected]; Университет Николая Коперника в Торуне; Гагарина 11, 87-100 Торун, Польша.

Цитируйте эту статью как: Климчик Мариуш, Климчик Агата. Прогнозирование тренировочных эффектов на основе соматических характеристик и спортивного результата // Педагопка, психолопя та медико-бюлопчш проблеми фiзичного виховання i спорту. - 2015. - N 6. - С. 48-55. http://dx.doi. 0^/10.15561/18189172.2015.0608

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Information about the authors:

Klimczyk Mariusz: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4672-6344; [email protected]; Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz; Chodkiewicza 30, 85-064 Bydgoszcz, Poland.

Klimczyk Agata: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4437-9430; [email protected]; Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun; Gagarina 11, 87-100 Torun, Poland.

Cite this article as: Mariusz Klimczyk, Agata Klimczyk. Prognosis of training effects based on somatic characteristics and sport result. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2015, vol.6, pp. 48-55. http://dx.doi. org/10.15561/18189172.2015.0608

The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/arhive-e.html

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