УДК 37.01
DOI 10.24411/2409-3203-2019-11039
Вавилова Елена Олеговна
к.п.н., доцент кафедры английского языка, ФГБОУ ВО Оренбургский государственный аграрный университет,
Россия, г. Оренбург
Аннотация: В статье рассматривается профессионально-ориентированное обучение иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе. Выявлены возможности профессионального-ориентированного обучения в формирование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции. Предложены способы решения возникающих трудностей при обучении иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе.
Ключевые слова: профессионально-ориентированное обучение, английский язык, обучение, неязыковой ВУЗ.
Vavilova Elena Olegovna
PhD, Associate Professor of English language department the Orenburg State Agrarian University Russia, the town of Orenburg
Abstract: The article discusses professionally-oriented teaching of a foreign language in a non-linguistic university. The possibilities of professionally-oriented teaching in the formation of foreign-language communicative competence are revealed. Methods are proposed for solving the difficulties encountered in teaching of a foreign language in a non-linguistic university.
Key words: professionally oriented education, English, education, non-linguistic university.
Knowledge of a foreign language (one or several) takes on the character of universal professional competence in the modern world. A foreign language is an important tool that opens up new horizons for professional training, access to a wider range of knowledge, the ability to communicate and exchange opinions with colleagues from different countries.
Therefore, the main task of a foreign language teaching to students of non-linguistic universities in modern conditions is the formation of a foreign language communicative competence, which in turn allows you to freely navigate in a foreign language environment, and thereby contributes to the formation of a competitive specialist in the labor market.
In this regard, the role of the discipline "foreign language" at non-linguistic faculties of universities is growing significantly. The specificity of the subject dictates the trajectory of the path to mastering a foreign language. L.S. Vygotsky noted that mastering a foreign language follows the path opposite to that which is developing the native language. The child assimilates the native language unconsciously and unintentionally, and the foreign one starting from awareness and intent. Therefore, we can say that the development of the native language goes from bottom to top, while the development of a foreign language goes from top to bottom [1].
The second feature of a foreign language as a subject is that the language acts both as a means and as a goal of instruction. The learner learns the easiest linguistic means, masters various
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types of speech activity. They are the purpose of learning, and then they are used by him to master more complex language actions as a learning tool.
The state educational standard of higher education requires taking into account professional specifics in the study of a foreign language, its focus on the implementation of the tasks of the future professional activities of graduates. The task is to set not only of mastering communication skills in a foreign language, but also of acquiring special knowledge in the chosen specialty. Professionally-oriented training is becoming a priority in modern education.
The term "professionally-oriented training" is used to denote the process of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university, focused on reading literature in the specialty, studying professional vocabulary and terminology, and more recently, on communication in the field of professional activity [5, p. 306].
Professionally-oriented teaching of a foreign language was born as a scientific direction in the 1960s abroad. In our country, P.I. Obraztsov made a great contribution to the development of the professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language theory with his colleagues. They justified the principle of the professional orientation of educational material when teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university. P.I. Obraztsov and his colleagues noted that the study of a foreign language should not be an end in itself, but should be a means of achieving the goal of improving the level of education, erudition within the framework of the chosen specialty. In their opinion, taking into account the specifics of the majors should be carried out in the following areas: work on special texts, study of special topics for the development of oral speech, study of the minimum vocabulary in the relevant specialty, creation of textbooks by teachers to activate the grammar and lexical material of students [ 3].
The essence of professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language lies in its integration with special disciplines in order to obtain additional professional knowledge and the formation of professionally significant personality traits. Here, a linguistic teacher may encounter certain difficulties, because by virtue of his linguistic or pedagogical education. He does not always speak special vocabulary. Accordingly, the teacher must learn the basics of a particular specialty, basic and professional vocabulary, be able to navigate in terminology.
Professionally-oriented teaching of a foreign language assumes that authentic texts selected according to the thematic principle become the basis of the course. In addition to the texts, a system of special exercises is used to create the necessary skills. Exercises of a lexico - grammatical nature contribute to the accumulation of a special thesaurus. Text level exercises (isolating the main idea of the text, finding keywords, etc.) help the student in the formation of statements in oral or written speech. Information structuring exercises contribute to the formation of independent work skills with various sources. The student learns to comment, argue, defend his point of view, lead a discussion with their help. In practice, we can state that the level and quality of specialist training does not always meet the requirements. One of the factors affecting successful professionally oriented teaching of a foreign language is the time factor.
In this case, after mastering the discipline, the student must acquire specific knowledge, skills, including: - knowledge of the basic meanings of terms, grammatical phenomena and structures of the language, norms of behavior and speech etiquette necessary for professional communication in a foreign language ; - the ability to use the basic meanings of terms, grammatical phenomena and language structures; apply the norms of behavior and speech etiquette necessary for professional communication in a foreign language; - the skill of reading, writing, monologue, necessary for professional communication in a foreign language.
Undoubtedly, such broad tasks with a limited duration of classroom studies require a certain level of preparation for first-year students, which is another important factor that has a significant impact on the quality of education. The level of pre-university training of students of non-linguistic universities in the field of foreign languages is basically low, and also has a high degree of unevenness. Unfortunately, this trend is characteristic of all institutions that provide training for bachelors and masters in non-linguistic fields. This means that the teacher's initial
task, related to the "deepening" of basic skills and their "improvement", may turn out to be an impossible mission simply for the lack of what needs to be deepened and improved. In practice, this leads to the fact that the teacher has to spend valuable time on repeating and summarizing material intended for study within the framework of high school, and with individual students, and on studying this important material from the beginning. These circumstances significantly complicate the task facing the teacher and consist in the uniform development of all four types of speech activity among students, as indicated in the discipline program, while paying equal attention to basic vocabulary, speaking and everyday topics with on the other hand and professional language on the other. All circumstances pose a foreign language teacher in a non-linguistic university with a choice of an approach that would allow us to observe the delicate balance between difficult conditions and serious tasks, as well as motivate students for the most effective training.
As T.L. Kucheryavaya notes, there are several ways to solve the arising difficulties:
- to use materials familiarizing with the basic concepts of a specialty in a foreign language classes, as subject teachers do not often pay enough attention to the basics of the profession;
- to create situations in which students could use the acquired theoretical knowledge in the specialty to solve practical problems;
- use materials already known to students, but presented from a different point of view;
- be prepared for the fact that students can correct the mistakes of the teacher;
- use the help of a subject teacher, both for preparing for classes, and during their conduct ("teaching in a team") [2].
Despite all these problems, the foreign languages departments of non-linguistic universities are looking for ways to maximize the effective teaching of a foreign language and a professional foreign language with a minimum number of hours allocated to this discipline and a low level of language proficiency by school graduates. So, some universities divide students into subgroups in accordance with their level of knowledge of a foreign language, which is determined by testing methods. This allows, within the framework of one program, to provide the most effective teaching of a foreign (English) language both for students who know the basic level of the language and for the advanced level. [5, p. 9]
So, professionally-oriented teaching of foreign languages is a priority in modern education. It provides for the formation of students' ability to communicate in a foreign language in specific professional, business, scientific fields and situations, taking into account the characteristics of their future profession.
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