N. E. Schensnovich T. V. Posadskaya
The principle of professional and personal design is described in the article as a necessary condition and technology of the adaptation of modern man. The main feature of the article is the lifelong learning model description, which includes formal, non-formal and informal education. The article substantiates the selection of different forms, methods and technologies to the support process for the professional and personal design, and makes conclusion on the development of competencies necessary for the successful design.
Key words: lifelong learning, professional and personal design, personality adaptation, professional standard, competences development.
A key task of the present educational policy is the task of the development of continuous education, and implementation of the lifelong education approach. Continuous education stops being just an aspect of education; it becomes a fundamental principle both of an individual and the educational system as a whole. In this case, in our opinion, a significant role is played by the design of one’s professional and personal development by the subject of education.
Professional and personal design is not just a necessary condition and technology of adaptation of a modern individual to the new professional reality, but more importantly, it promotes integration into this reality, allows preservation and strengthening of the personality’s integrity and awareness, uniqueness and individuality, and the fulfillment of creative potential. Such a design performs advance preparation of the person for future changes, allows the formation of a new view of life and a new type of thinking as the basis of such preparation, and moreover, the person gets the possibility to construct his future, and to create the vision of “I Image” in the long term. Professional and personal design ensures competence-related and psychological preparedness of the personality, both for the acceptance of changes, and the initial introduction of changes into life, and the formation of a new professional and personal space. Thus, the following tasks become relevant for the development of continuous education: (a) motivation of the person to perform in professional and personal design, and his conscious involvement in this process; (b) assistance in understanding of the subjective value of continuous education; (c) assistance in the development of the necessary competences to perform the design. There is a need for the creation of the conditions for professional and personal design, or for the creation of a supportive environment for implementation, reflection and adjustment of the individual educational route by the subject of education.
These tasks, in their turn, set the requirements for the selection of the forms, methods and technologies, and the organization of the process of support of professional and personal design which must be systemic, in our opinion. In this respect, the greatest interests are such technologies as: (a) technology of design; (b) goal-setting; (c) tutoring; (d) coaching; (e) procedural consulting; (f) case-study and portfolio of individual achievements; (g) intellect-card. In our opinion, the most
suitable forms for solving the listed tasks are: individual and group foresight sessions, coaching sessions, training, workshop, focus-group, discussion, imitation games, big psychological games, moderation seminars.
Taking into account the logic of the solution of the set tasks, we can speak about the creation of a new model of continuous education. In our opinion, this model must include both formal education ending with the receipt of a document of qualification improvement and non-formal and informal education based on the value of professional and personal development, and allowing the conscious forecasting of such developments after setting the tasks and designing the steps to achieve them. The key feature of such professional and personal design is to be the model of development of human capital, both through traditional institutions, and the entire environment of education and socialization.
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Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translastions Bureas