Economy and management in education
UDC 338.1 = 111
D.G. Rodionov, I.A. Rudskaia, O.A. Kushneva
Д.Г. Родионов, И.А. Рудская, О.А. Кушнева
The paper studies in detail and analyze local rankings by faculty and by subject according to the QS World University Ranking. The paper also suggests a method to clearly display a university status by faculty and by subject. A comparative analysis of leading world universities' performance has been done by faculty and by subject. The ways to increase performance of national universities by faculty and by subject are looked into, as well as the ways for them to advance in the world rankings.
Подробно рассмотрены и проанализированы локальные рейтинги по отдельным научным направлениям (by Faculty) и предметам (by Subject) формируемые QS World University Ranking. Также в статье предложен метод наглядного отображения состояния дел в университете по направлениям и предметам. Проведен сравнительный анализ результативности отдельных направлений и предметов у ведущих университетов мира. Рассмотрены пути повышения результативности отечественных вузов университете по направлениям и предметам, а также продвижения в мировых рейтингах.
International Prestige of Russian Higher Education
In recent years the President and Government of the Russian Federation have paid a lot of attention to what can be done in order to increase prestige of the Russian higher school, which has suffered considerable damage starting from 1990s. In Soviet time a lot of students came to study in Russian universities from socialistic European countries, such as Poland, Bulgaria, Eastern Germany, Czechoslovakia, etc., from the countries of Asian and African regions, such as China, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Algeria and many others. Correspondingly, diplomas issued by Russian universities were recognized in these countries (and in some others as well!)
as a document confirming full-rate tertiary education.
Unfortunately, the reforms in 1990s, which were meant to establish market relations in the country and, above all, to ensure profitable economy, were also introduced in Russian science, including higher school. During the severe economic crisis which the country was experiencing and a dramatic decrease in funding, universities had to struggle for survival on their own. A wide-scale introduction of part-time learning on a commercial basis was one of the ways universities used to develop self-financing. This resulted in increased workload on the teaching staff and, correspondingly, poorer quality of education. An industrial production crisis destroyed
contacts and connections between enterprises and university science and, therefore, scientific research sectors in Russian universities either reduced sharply in number or stopped existing. Consequently, by the early 21stt century both Russian science and Russian higher school had lost their international prestige to a great extent.
Meanwhile, by that time educational services had grown into a very profitable activity for universities whereas university rankings, which had become more and more popular, turned into a powerful advertising tool.
Vertical Race: Ranking Advancement
and Universities' Fight for Students
Nowadays, how the attractiveness of a university for students and prestige of its diplomas for employers largely depend on its ranking position. Best universities rankings are regularly worked out by various agencies and posted on the Internet, the most accessible information platform. Russian universities occupy fairly modest positions in these rankings. This contributes to the Russian higher education discredit both on a global and domestic scale. Thus, for instance, the survey, conducted by the Institution of Educational Sociology of the Russian Academy of Education (Rus: Institut sotsiologii obrasovania Rossiiskoi Akademii Obrazovania) among Moscow senior high school students, revealed that 46.3 % of them would like to continue their education abroad, whereas 41.8 % of teenagers dream of getting a job in a foreign country [4]. As for foreign students who study in Russian universities, they often choose to do so because of tuition costs or due to the fact that their score is not high enough to enter western universities. Thus, for example, in China they believe that the most prestigious education can be obtained in the USA, the UK and other western European countries and students turn to Russian universities only after rejecting other options.
Encouraged by the President and Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF and the National Training Foundation have developed a draft The concept of the Russian Federation's Educational Service Export for 2011—2020', which reviews, in particular, the change dynamics in Russia's positions on the global market of educational services. The Soviet Union used to be ranked number two (after the
USA) by the number of foreign students, but now Russia is ranked number nine in this category. According to the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), in 2007 the total number of foreign students was 3 million. Russian universities accounted for 2 % of this number, whereas the share of the USA was 20 % and that of the UK was 12 %. Germany and France teach 9 % and 8 % respectively. Moreover, a large number of students study in Australia (7 %), Canada (4 %), and Japan (4 %) [2].
The strategic goals of the national educational policy are listed below:
— to improve the attractiveness and competitiveness of the Russian educational system in the global and regional educational sphere;
— to ensure an effective participation of Russia in the global and major regional processes of education development;
— to increase an export share of educational services in the GDP of Russia.
In order to achieve these goals it is essential, first of all, to advance our best universities (quite a few of them!) in global rankings.
One of the most reputable rankings is the QS World University Ranking, which is given by the consulting company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) since 2004. To be ranked by this particular agency is not only prestigious but also promises large revenues from teaching foreign students. So universities strive for being noticed by the company QS. This trend is clearly seen in the dynamics of the constantly growing number of universities in the published rankings. In 2007 619 universities were presented, in 2001 this figure was 724. In 2013 the ranking covered 834 universities from 76 countries. To select them from about 3000 universities who had applied, 62.094 opinions of scientists from various countries, and 27.957 views of employers were considered [5, 10].
Starting from 2005, five Russian universities took their positions in this ranking (Tab. 1).
It is obvious that there have been no considerable improvement in the ranking positions of the Russian universities although their number has increased to 8. This does not mean that our universities started to perform worse in the education and research field. It just reflects that universities in other countries tend to pay much more attention to their ranking indices and make more efforts to improve them.
Table 1
Russian universities in the QS World University Ranking 2005—2010
Name of University 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
1. Lomonosov Moscow State University 93 93 231 183 101 93
2. St. Petersburg State University 164 164 239 224 168 210
3. Novosibirsk State University 346 346 440 401—500 312 375
4. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) - — — — 601+ 601+
5. National Research University «Higher School of Economics» - — — — 501—600 451—500
6. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin — — — — 601+ 501—550
7. Tomsk State University 269 269 466 401—500 401—500 401—500
8. Kazan (Volga region) Federal University 476 476 528 501+ 501+ 501—600
From the data of the QS World University Ranking [5].
It is worth mentioning that the importance of being present in the international rankings is increasingly understood by the management of Russian universities. This is proved by the fact that the number of national universities in the QS World University Ranking increased considerably over the past three years (Tab. 2).
As Tab. 2 shows, the number of universities in the 2013 rankings more than doubled (from 8 to 18). Even though the positions of several universities are in the rearguard sector (ranking 701+) and they can hardly be considered as stable ones, there is hope that determined efforts of the Russian universities to improve their indices in the ranking will yield.
According to the Russian Federal State Statistics Service (Fedemlhaya sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki), there are 1046 higher educational institutions in Russia [3]. So 1.7 % of Russian universities are represented in the QS ranking. In contrast, according to the 2009 data, there were 4352 higher educational institutions in the USA, and the 2013 ranking comprises 144 universities, i. e. 3.3 %. At a first glance, our representation in the QS ranking is just twice as low as that of the USA, but we should not forget that the number of American universities ranged in the QS is 8 times as many as that of the Russian ones. Interestingly, the USA population is only twice as big as the population of Russia, which means that higher education is much more accessible for the USA residents than for the people who live in Russia. This statistics makes us believe that there is some inconsistency between the country's innovation
development course, which has been proclaimed by the Government of the Russian Federation and which needs educated specialists in all fields of economy, and the projects designed for a considerable reduction in the number of national universities. Moreover, the universities we refer to are not private but state educational institutions.
Performance analysis of educational
and scientific activities of universities
is the basis for their harmonious development
University rankings by educational and scientific faculty developed by the British company «Quacquarelli Symonds» (QS) are very useful, as they allow to analyze strengths and weaknesses of multidisciplinary universities. There is no need for additional research to design these rankings. The information basis is the data used for the key ranking, the QS World University Ranking. The local ranking is awarded by each faculty and includes 400 best universities. The assessment is conducted by a narrower range of indices: academic reputation, reputation by employers, number of citations per paper published, h-index. It is worth saying that, for each faculty, the weight of these indices is different (Tab. 3).
Tab. 3 shows that in local rankings for Art & Humanities and Social Sciences & Management, academic reputation is the most influential one, whereas the citation indices are notably less considerable. As for Life Sciences & Medicine, the influence of the citation indices becomes crucial for ranking.
Table 2
Russian universities in the QS World University Ranking 2011—2013
Name of University 2011 2012 2013
1. Lomonosov Moscow State University Ranking 112 116 120
Line 112 116 120
2. St. Petersburg State University Ranking 251 253 240
Line 251 253 240
3. Bauman Moscow State Technical University Ranking 379 352 334
Line 379 352 334
4. Novosibirsk State University Ranking 400 371 352
Line 400 371 352
5. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) Ranking 389 367 386
Line 389 367 386
6. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) Ranking 441-460
Line 443
7. Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University Ranking 441-460
Line 457
8. The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Ranking 551-600 501-550 491-500
Line 573 522 495
9. National Research University «Higher School of Economics» Ranking 551-600 501-550 501-550
Line 537 550 518
10. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin Ranking 451-500 501-550
Line 469 549
11. Tomsk Polytechnic University Ranking 551-600 601 + 551-600
Line 541 616 583
12. Tomsk State University Ranking 451-500 551-600 551-600
Line 451 568 584
13. Kazan (Volga region) Federal University Ranking 601 + 601 + 601-650
Line 648 697 612
14. Southern Federal University Ranking 601-650
Line 626
15. Far Eastern Federal University Ranking 601 + 701 +
Line 612 723
16. N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod Ranking 601 + 701 +
Line 646 740
17. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Ranking 601 + 701 +
Line 623 747
18. Voronezh State University Ranking 701 +
Line 832
From the data of the QS World University Ranking [5].
Table 3
Ranking indices by faculty
Faculty Area Academic Reputation Employer Reputation Citations per Paper H-index Citations
Arts & Humanities 60 % 20 % 10 % 10 %
Engineering & Technology 40 % 30 % 15 % 15 %
Life Sciences & Medicine 40 % 10 % 25 % 25 %
Natural Sciences 40 % 20 % 20 % 20 %
Social Sciences & Management 50 % 30 % 10 % 10 %
Table 4
Local ranking indices by faculty in 2013 (QS World University Ranking by Faculty 2013)
Rank by Faculty
School Name QS Rank Arts & Humanities Life Sciences &ëMedicine Social Sciences Engineering & Technology Natural Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 1 18 6 7 1 2
Ecole normale supörieure, Paris 28 109 0 0 136 74
Peking University 46 23 101 25 38 21
Technische Universität Mbnchen 53 0 83 246 17 15
University of Helsinki 69 46 55 75 186 82
Lomonosov Moscow State University 120 0 374 271 199 84
Saint-Petersburg State University 240 0 0 0 0 275
From the data of the QS World University Ranking [5].
It is visible achievements in these fields in an ui
innovation economy that drive development, Ir
while publications in international scientific press le
strengthen the results obtained and provoke vivid th
feedback, which results in the intensive citing in n
these areas of activities. Thus, the combination of u
academic activities indices and scientific th
performance indices affects significantly the be
position of the university by 70—90 % in the T
ranking by faculty. sp
Only two universities represent Russia in these Ei
local rankings: Moscow State University and St. ra
Petersburg State University. To make the picture U
complete, let us compare the local rankings of h
American, French, German, Finnish, and fo
Chinese universities, which occupy the best st
positions among universities of their countries in an
the major ranking, and the indices of our leading th
universities (Tab. 4). In our table, the USA se
universities are represented by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the absolute world leader according to QS. A French university with the highest position in the ranking is the Hcole normale supftrieure, the foremost technical university, whose prestige in France is even higher than that of the famous Sorbonne. One of the best German universities in the ranking is the Technische Universitgt Mmchen, which specializes in exact sciences. Although several European universities have higher positions in the ranking, for our survey we have chosen the University of Helsinki because our universities have been actively collaborating with Finnish ones for quite a while and a large number of Russian students study in Finnish educational institutions and subsequently they even find interesting jobs in that country. Moreover, Finland occupies the second place by the education index.
Table 5
Performance of Universities by Faculty
Rank by Faculty
School Name Arts & Humanities Life Sciences & Medicine Social Sciences Engineering & Technology Natural Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 0,96 0,99 0,99 1,00 1,00
Ecole normale supörieure, Paris 0,73 0,00 0,00 0,66 0,82
Peking University 0,95 0,75 0,94 0,91 0,95
Technische Universität Mbnchen 0,00 0,80 0,39 0,96 0,97
University of Helsinki 0,89 0,87 0,82 0,54 0,80
Lomonosov Moscow State University 0,00 0,07 0,33 0,51 0,79
Saint-Petersburg State University 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,32
According to the assessments of international experts, universities in the Asian region have been developing rapidly. We have taken Peking University as an example. It attracts attention because all its faculties and sciences have been developing harmoniously.
Tab. 4 shows a position of the university in the general ranking and the number of the line the university occupies in the local ranking. These data prove that even the best universities have different performance by various scientific faculties. Normalized coefficients are always more demonstrative for comparison. To assess performance by faculty, a performance coefficient by faculty (Cper) can be proposed:
C =
N -(m -1)
where Cper — performance coefficient by faculty; N — number of universities in the local ranking; m — number of the line the university takes in the ranking.
After the formula, proposed by the authors, have been applied (1), coefficients are obtained which reflect the performance of universities by faculty (Tab. 5).
The data presented in Tab. 5 are much more convenient both for further analysis and their graphic interpretation (Diagram 1).
The leader of the QS ranking, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is harmoniously developed in all faculties, its performance coefficient by faculty (Cper) is within the range of
0.96 to 1.00, which is also shown in its graphic representation. Both Peking University and the University of Helsinki strive for the same harmonization of their achievement. Peking University has Cper from 0.75 to 0.95. Having these high indices, it takes just the 46th position in the ranking, which shows how tough the competition between leading universities is. The University of Helsinki has the performance indices (Cper) within the limits of 0.54 to 0.89. Comprising all faculties, it keeps its position in the first hundred (69 position) among universities by the QS ranking.
Diagram 1 also shows two institutions whose achievements are concentrated in a limited range of faculties. These are the institutions which are primarily famous for their success in the field of exact sciences and technology — Ecole normale supftrieure, Paris, (28 position) and Technische Universitgt Mmchen (53 position). Good ranking positions have been reached due to high performance by the chosen faculties.
Although Lomonosov Moscow State University is a multidisciplinary university, the diagram clearly shows that its performance coefficient changes within broad limits: from 0.07 by Life Sciences & Medicine to 0.74 by Natural sciences. It is, of course, an honor to occupy the 120th position in the ranking, but to become a world educational leader and to achieve harmonious development by all faculties, our best university will have to do big system-based work.
Diagram 1. University performance indices by faculty
The information available allowed QS not only to research the activities of universities by faculty, but also to present details by subject. However, local rankings by subject include only 200 best universities. The list of subjects used in the rankings is given in Tab. 6.
The words 'subject' and 'discipline' are often used as synonyms, but in the current table the notion 'subject' is aggregated and comprises a number of disciplines, that are normally covered by a whole faculty of a Russian university.
Table 6
List of subjects for ranking by subject (QS World University Rankings by Subject)
Number Subject Number Subject
Arts & Humanities Law and Legal Studies
1 Philosophy 15 Economics & Econometrics
2 Modern Languages 16 Accounting & Finance
3 Geography 17 Communication & Media Studies
4 History and Archaeology 18 Education
5 Linguistics Engineering & Technology
6 English Language & Literature 19 Computer Science & Information Systems
Life Sciences & Medicine 20 Chemical Engineering
7 Medicine 21 CiviI & Structural Engineering
8 Biological Sciences 22 Electrical & Electronic Engineering
9 Psychology 23 Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering
10 Pharmacy & Pharmacology Natural Sciences
11 Agriculture & Forestry 24 Physics & Astronomy
Social Sciences 25 Mathematics
12 Statistics & Operational Research 26 Environmental Sciences
13 Sociology 27 Earth & Marine Sciences
14 Politics & International Studies 28 Chemistry
29 Materials Sciences
From the data of the QS World University Ranking [5].
Classification by subject provides much more material for analysis and helps reveal advantages and drawbacks of scientific and educational activities of a university at large. Tab. 7 includes information about positions that the aforementioned universities occupy in local rankings by subject.
By using the aforementioned method, let us present the data from Tab. 7 in graphics (Diagram 2).
Diagram 2 clearly demonstrates that to be the first, one does not necessarily have to be the first in all areas. Even world education leaders show different performance in scientific and research work by individual subjects.
Let us look at the diagrams of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The diagram by faculty has a form of a practically regular pentagon (by number of faculties) and the worse result, 0.96 (!) by the Arts & Humanities faculty. The diagram by subject demonstrate that MIT's performance by
such subjects as Geography, Psychology, Pharmacy & Pharmacology, Agriculture & Forestry, Law and Legal Studies, Education is either rather low or absent. This implies that the university, even though it is a multidisciplinary one, has a clear strategy and is not trying to embrace unembracable, but focuses on the most promising fields and achieves perfect results on its way. These achievements not only cover <hollow> fields that we mention, but also ensure the first position of the university in the QS ranking.
Peking University, on the contrary, strives for the most complete harmonization of scientific and educational activities. The table and the diagram demonstrate good results by all subjects, excluding agrarian field, which is much less developed, chemical engineering and civil and structural engineering. Having determined its goal as to become the leader of the world development, China has been implementing this
Table 7
Indices of universities in rankings by subject in 2013
Subjects Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Ecole normale supörieure, Paris Peking University Technische Universität Mbnchen University of Helsinki Lomonosov Moscow State University Saint-Petersburg State University
Philosophy 6 35 17 - 90 - -
Modern Languages 21 53 13 - 93 63 -
Geography - - 25 - 51 - -
History and Archaeology 57 - 41 - 92 - -
Linguistics 2 - 20 - 49 - -
English Language & Literature 40 - 50 - 92 - -
Medicine 15 - 64 67 48 - -
Biological Sciences 2 153 45 67 88 - -
Psychology - - 47 - 92 - -
Pharmacy & Pharmacology - - 60 65 91 162 -
Agriculture & Forestry - - - 41 93 - -
Statistics & Operational Research 2 106 44 - 190 112 -
Sociology 35 - 64 - 90 - -
Politics & International Studies 37 - 22 - 89 - -
Law and Legal Studies - - 41 - 132 - -
Economics & Econometrics 2 - 37 - 185 - -
Accounting & Finance 5 - 35 - - - -
Communication & Media Studies 12 - 64 - 43 - -
Education - - 65 - 33 - -
Computer Science & 1 55 35 42 140 163 -
Information Systems
Chemical Engineering 1 - - 39 - - -
CiviI & Structural Engineering 5 - - 77 - - -
Electrical & Electronic 1 - 36 34 - - -
Mechanical, Aeronautical & 1 - 36 23 - - -
Manufacturing Engineering
Physics & Astronomy 1 46 29 17 143 64
Mathematics 2 50 35 79 145 42 168
Environmental Sciences 3 - 39 124 88 - -
Earth & Marine Sciences 3 104 69 171 188 109 -
Chemistry 1 - 15 24 142 108 -
Materials Sciences 1 - 20 76 - 168 -
From the data of the QS World University Ranking [5].
Massachusetts Institute of Peking University
LDiversity of Helsinki Ecole normale supérieure, Paris
Technische Universität München Lomonosov Moscow State
Diagram 2. Performance indices of universities by subject
scheme in all areas, including education. In 2013, the number of Chinese universities in the QS ranking is as high as 25. By this index China takes the 9th position out of more than 60 countries whose rankings are provided in the 2013 ranking.
It is reasonable to pay attention to the strategy of the University of Helsinki, which
within the period of 2011—2013 moved from the 89th to the 69th position in the ranking. Its performance coefficient by subject never goes above 0.8 level, but since the university improves its achievements in many subjects, it was included into the 200 best universities in 23 subjects out of 29. Even though in local
ranking its position by some subjects is rearguard, this has not prevented the university from taking a stable position in the first hundred best universities of the world. There is one more specific feature of this university: it has achieved most considerable progress in Humanities, whereas it has failed to reach ranking positions in exact sciences.
Another strategy has been chosen by the Ecole normale supérieure. Even though it is a multidisciplinary university, it unlocks its highest potential in a limited range of subjects, which include both science and arts.
The Technische Universitgt Mtnchen fully complies with its name. All scientific and educational activities here are focused on research and teaching in the field of engineering, technology, and computer science, as well as such highly important areas as natural sciences, biology and medicine.
When comparing these universities in the ranking and revealing their, as it would seem, 'one-dimensional' activity, we come to a conclusion that good indices in the ranking can be reached not only by multidisciplinary universities but also by specialized ones, which are highly efficient in their work by subjects. This is proved by a large number of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals with high citation index. For example, so as to take the 28th position among the leading universities, the Ecole normale supérieure showed high results in only 8 subjects out of those 29 which are used to build rankings.
National Scale Problem is
to Increase Russian Universities' Ranking
This analysis is designed to reveal the «secrets» of the best world universities' success and to help other educational institution, primarily Russian ones, develop a good strategy to mobilize efforts and increase their competitiveness, as well as to reach leading positions in the global education market.
Russian universities should strive for these ambitious goals, although their current positions and international prestige leave much to desire, which, of course, worry the executives of Russian education at all levels. Consequently, over the last decade our higher school has been permanently reformed. No doubt, change is necessary. But it is hard to stabilize academic
work or improve it when regulations are constantly changing. In these turbulent circumstances only such a strong scientific and educational liner as Lomonosov Moscow State University, which took the 120th position in the 2013 ranking, keeps steady. This university is closest, comparing to all others, to reach the goal which the President has set, saying at least five Russian universities are to be included into the first hundred leading world universities according to the world university ranking by 2020' [1].
There is hope to implement the goals articulated by the President and the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and catch up with the best universities in the world, maintain and strengthen wonderful traditions of national science and education.
A systematic approach towards problemsolving will allow leading universities of the country to advance steadily and to improve in all areas of scientific thought and educational process. On this way, universities will need badly national support, which implies more than funding. A complex scheme has to be developed and implemented to revive university science by using government contract system and by stimulating businesses so that they will come into agreements with universities and the latter can do actual science-driven research. The problem can be partially solved due to the grant system. But one should not forget that successful scientific work should not just end up in a handover act delivered to the customer or a completion report, but must be followed by publications in well-established scientific journals, including the ones in English. In our opinion, a paper in a peer-assessed foreign journal should become a must for grant giving (in case open publication of materials does not threaten national security). Only then the world scientific community will know about the achievements of Russian universities and relevant databases, used as a basis for international ranking of universities, will be updated, which will result in the growth of our scientists' personal status.
Moreover, universities will also have a large share of responsibility. Since fight for a position in the world rankings has not only competitive component, but also an economic one — in terms of state financial support, flow of foreign
students, an opportunity to establish higher tuition fees without fearing that this will result, in lowering demand for the university services among students. For example, studies in Massachusetts Institute of Technology cost 42.000—44.000 USD per year, whereas this figure for Lomonosov Moscow State University is 8.000—10.000 USD. Since the percentage of foreign students is a ranking indicator, it becomes an item of competition in the market of educational services. That is why some world universities charge foreign students much less than their own citizens.
Every Russian university needs a strategic scheme to advance in rankings. It has to contain:
— self-assessment of a university in order to reveal its strengths and weaknesses;
— using the item lists in Tab. 6, to evaluate which of these items approach the level of world education leaders;
— on the basis of the analysis conducted, to identify the most promising fields of scientific work;
— to elaborate measures to expand the area for scientific and research work, to create working groups including teaching staff, postgraduate students, and senior students;
— to create a special working group whose task will be to select papers for translation and publication;
— to publish selected papers in foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals, to contact publishers;
— to develop a system of incentives for those who publish their papers in well-established Russian and foreign titles.
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RODIONOV Dmitry G. - St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University.
195251. Politechnicheskaya str. 29. St. Petersburg. Russia. E-mail: [email protected]
РОДИОНОВ Дмитрий Григорьевич — заведующий кафедрой «Финансы и денежное обращение» Санкт-Петербургского государственного политехнического университета, доктор экономических наук, профессор. 195251, ул. Политехническая, д. 29, Санкт-Петербург, Россия. E-mail: [email protected]
RUDSKAIA Irina A. — St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University.
195251. Politechnicheskaya str. 29. St. Petersburg. Russia. E-mail: [email protected]
РУДСКАЯ Ирина Андреевна — доцент кафедры «Финансы и денежное обращение», кандидат экономических наук Санкт-Петербургского государственного политехнического университета.
195251, ул. Политехническая, д. 29, Санкт-Петербург, Россия. E-mail: [email protected]
KUSHNEVA Olga A. — St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics. 129626. ul. Sedova 55/1. St. Petersburg. Russia. E-mail: [email protected]
КУШНЕВА Ольга Александровна — доцент кафедры «Экономика организации и предпринимательства» Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета сервиса и экономики, кандидат экономических наук. 129626, ул. Седова, д. 55, корп. 1, Санкт-Петербург, Россия. E-mail: [email protected]
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