(jj II < fill i Jfl "TH -1 ©HT 1 - t_W JT |T1 I r^g) PROCESS OF RECRUITMENT OF MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL IN HOSPITALS Laleva Krasimira Svetoslavova, Medical University «Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov» of Varna, Bulgaria E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The management of human resources involves selection and attraction of the most talented and well-educated professionals. Another very important function of the management is the provision of staff and it refers to planning. The precise and in-depth process of attracting and selection of candidates is very important for prosperity, effectiveness and development of the organization. A literature review of books and articles has been performed in order to explain the main theoretical concepts of recruitment of managerial personnel. This article describes one of the main concepts for defining the needs of human resources - the need for filling in vacancies. Different stages of the concept are listed and analyzed and also the advantages and disadvantages of internal and external workforce are briefly explained. The management should be aware of the market place of the organization and learn from their practice what is best to attract customers. In order to recruit the best employee for managerial position management should implement an effective recruitment strategy and be aware of the previous practice of candidates.
Key words: management of human resources, recruitment, managerial personnel, organization
The management of human resources in an organization is a continuous process. It involves selection and attracting the most talented and skilled professionals, their practical training, stimulation, development and utilization for achieving the goals of the organization, for example a hospital [5].
The provision of staff is another very important function of the management in hospitals. It requires an enormous amount of qualified and competent professionals for
achieving the goal of the organization. The responsibilities of provision of candidates refer to planning. The philosophy and financial resources of the organization influence the composition and the amount of personnel. The provision of candidates is influenced by the system of the health care model selected. For instance, some models require a higher ratio of qualified managers to other staff [4].
The precise and in-depth process of attracting and selection of candidates is very important for prosperity, effectiveness and development of the organization. From the perspective of governing policy, the process of personnel selection is one of the basic activities, which converts the potential opportunities of gaining customers and markets in reality. In brief, the policy of selection of human resources in an organization includes the process of attracting candidates, assessment of their personal and professional qualities and election of the most appropriate candidate and their hiring
Material and methods
A literature review of books and articles has been performed in order to explain the main theoretical concepts of recruitment of managerial personnel.
Results and discussion
One of the main concepts for defining the needs of human resources is the need for filling in vacancies. The process includes different stages [7]:
- Determining the requirements of candidates - the qualities that they must have to successfully carry out the relevant work tasks;
- Attracting suitable candidates to fill in the vacant position;
- Examination of documents and initial screening of candidates for the determination of those who represent the organisation interests;
- Assessing the quality of the applicants regarding the requirements of the position and organisation;
- A decision of whom to hire;
- Hiring of a suitable employee.
These phases could happen one by one and often simultaneously. For instance to formulate the requirements to the candidates, the possibilities of the organization to attract appropriate candidates could not be ignored. Such reciprocal relationships and dependencies can be found and described with other phases [7].
As mentioned above, the first stage of filling in a vacancy is defining the requirements for the vacant position [1]. It requires some preparation, which includes: outlining information about the company, characteristics of the vacancy place, requirements for the candidates (including profession, specialty, qualification, and work experience), the rights and obligations, and the possibilities offered for professional growth.
The second stage requires attracting candidates. The candidates who are going to be attracted could be divided into two groups - internal and external. The first one includes candidates from the organization with professional and personal qualities that are proven by the work they have done for the organization. The second group includes graduates from various educational institutions, schools, vocational training and retraining of the unemployed register in the relevant employment office.
The announcement of the position to external candidates can be achieved through announcements of such position in the public offices and institutions, as well as in media. Making personal calls and using other forms of disclosure are also possible [6]. The most typical channels include recruiting agencies, newspapers, advertisements, recommendations from colleagues, trade publications, professional associations, networks, recruiting at universities and the Internet. The most cheapest and effective practice is gathering new candidates through personal recommendations from current employees [2]. The process of gathering appropriate staff is easier when the health organization is located in economically well-developed area with a mild climate and a presence of a medical college or university faculty, and where the organization has a good reputation for quality care and good working conditions. Many studies indicate that job satisfaction, flexible working hours, salary and working conditions are the most important factors for attracting candidates [4].
Alternatively, it is possible to try to attract candidates from those employees who are already working in the organization. This involves: internal organizational promotions and internal organizational announcements for vacant positions. In the former method, the top managers offer some of the employees to apply for the higher position, regarding their previous performance and greater experience. In the latter the advertisements for vacant positions are posted on information panel, e-mail, departmental radio and a personal invitation from manager is not necessary.
The advantages and disadvantages of attracting external and internal candidates are represented in Table 1.
Table 1
Advantages and disadvantages of internal and external workforce
Sources of man power Advantages Disadvantages
Internal for the organization -time saving and less costly to advertise a vacant post -motivators for better employment performance -traditional depth selection is only for posts in the lowest levels of professional hierarchy -better knowledge of candidates in advance -possible psychological problems for those candidates that are not selected -need for development and implementation of programs for development of the managerial personnel -possibilities for pressure to ensure promotions (by different reasons and means)
Continuation of table 1
-inflow of new ideas and infor- -low awareness of the candidates
mation -continuous adaptation to the
External for the organiza- -reducing the need for ex- new environment
tion penditure on training -possible transmission of incor-
-a greater number of candi- rect working methods
To decide whether it is necessary to attract internal or external candidates, the top manager of the organization should be aware of the segmentation of the workforce. In this respect, particular importance has the preliminary inquiry of the following questions:
- What is the demand of personnel for such positions? Can we argue that there is a deficit or surplus in the supply of such staff?
- What salary other employers pay for such position and how competitive is the organization in the labour market?
- What is the public image of the organization and how competitive is the organization in the labour market?
- What is the public image of the organization and how attractive is the proposed position?
The information of preliminary analyses of the labour market is also useful for determining the methods for contact of the potential candidates [6]. The stage of attracting new candidates formally comes to an end after a sufficient number of candidates submit the necessary documents which are processed and organized in three groups (i.e. the thirds stage of filling in a vacancy). The first group includes documents of those candidates that do not meet the preliminary requirement and the documents should be returned with an explanation letter. The second group includes the documents of those candidates that need further clarifications. After clarifications are obtained, it is necessary to determine whether they should be included or removed from further competition. The third group contains the documents of those candidates, who definitely should be included in the following selection strategies [6].
One of the greatest concerns in classifying the documents is the diversity of organization's workforce which can bring significant competitive advantages. The diversity issue is largely recognized by organization such as Ford, BT, the Police and JP Morgan [8]. These companies recruited all senior executives from the company as diversity directors. Successful companies are rewarded for great diversity recruitment and retention results delivering form 5 to 10% [8]. Moreover, formal regulations usually do not allow harassment and discrimination concerning beliefs, religion and sexual orientation. Therefore, the thread of being sued does not have to be a cornerstone for the diversity policy [8].
The fourth stage of filling in a vacancy is the selection stage, which includes
evaluation of candidates through various tools and choices, followed by a proposal for entering work [1]. It is followed by stages five and six which refer respectively to the decision of whom to hire and hiring of a suitable employee.
The plan for implementing an effective recruiting strategy contains the most important clues as follows. In particular, the management should be aware of the market place of the organization and to learn from their practice what is best to attract customers. In order to recruit the best employee for managerial position management should be aware of the previous practice of candidates. It should be done by communication of targeting diverse employees, review of employee referrals, using traditional and on-line media, using the website of the organization to promote diversity (case studies of employees from different ages and backgrounds).
1. Boyadzhiev, D. (1994). Management of Human Resources (in Bulgarian). Sofiya.
2. Cuervo, H. V. (1998). Management of the Hospital New Approaches and Trends. "Macedoniya Press", p. 349.
3. Gabrovska, A. S. (2005, November). Labour and Law. Dajdgest "Labour and Law" (in Bulgarian) , p. 3.
4. Grancharova, G. G. (2005). Management of Health Care: A Module Health Projects (in Bulgarian). Pleven: Medical University, p.185;p.188-189; p. 215-220.
5. Kamenov, D. (2007). Labour and Law(1)mountly digest(in Bulgarian). Labour and Law .
6. Pachev, T. (2005). Management of Human Resources in the Firm (in Bulgarian). Sofiya: University Press "Stopanstvo"; p.106-107, p.182.
7. Shopov, D. (1998). Human Resource Management (in Bulgarian). Sofiya: Trakiya-M.
8. Tipper, J. (2004). www.emeraldinsight.com. Retrieved on August 25, 2009, from emeraldinsight: http://www.emeraldinsight.com.ezproxy. ub.unimaas.nl/Insight/ viewPDF.jsp?contentType=Article&Filename=html/Output/Published/ EmeraldFullTextArticle/Pdf/0370360404.pdf