Научная статья на тему 'Проблемы внедрения и практического использования системы непрерывного менеджмента как основного инструмента реализации системы менеджмента качества в образовательных организациях'

Проблемы внедрения и практического использования системы непрерывного менеджмента как основного инструмента реализации системы менеджмента качества в образовательных организациях Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Клиот Юлия Михайловна

Проблемы внедрения и последующего использования системы менеджмента качества и непрерывного менеджмента в образовательной организации исследованы в данной статьеIn diesem Artikel sind die Probleme der Einführung und der Benutzung des Systems des Managementes der Qualität und des ununterbrochenen Managementes in der Ausbildungsorganisation untersucht.Les problèmes de limplantation et de lemploi ultérieur du système du management continu dans un établissement de lenseignement sont étudiés dans le présent article.Problems of implementation and further use of the quality management system and continuous management in educational organizations are explored in this paper.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Проблемы внедрения и практического использования системы непрерывного менеджмента как основного инструмента реализации системы менеджмента качества в образовательных организациях»

УДК 331.108.26 (075)


Yu.M. Kliot

Department of Management, TSTU; [email protected] Represented by a Member of the Editorial Board Professor B.I. Gerasimov

Key words and phrases: continuous management; quality management system of educational organization; principles of TQM.

Abstract: Problems of implementation and further use of the quality management system and continuous management in educational organizations are explored in this paper.

The strategy of quality is one of the major functional strategies of any organization. That is why it has to be developed as an integral part of an overall strategy.

Today, not only problems of implementation, but also further use of the quality management system (QMS) is urgent for educational organizations (EOs). Basic principles of QMS are designed to improve the organization’ activity and it is a basis for ISO standards.

The situation, which national educational organization, faced with during the process of choosing the way of solving system quality problems, is fundamentally different from that which was good for American and European EOs, when they began using ISO 9000 standards and principles of Total Quality Management (TQM). Therefore, in foreign publications on the theory and methodology of quality problems solving, strategic considerations beyond the strategies of quality are usually not explored, since continuous management of EOs is a natural element of their organizational culture.

Exploring the experience of Russia in the field of quality problems, there are several groups of EOs, which spend considerable efforts on the integrating of quality system (QS) and receiving certificates according to the requirements of ISO 9000. Their classification embraces only those EOs that are actually trying to do something in this area, rather than simulate real activity.

The first group includes EOs, which are characterized by the highest percentage of interest in obtaining the certificate of QS with ISO 9000. That interest provides a high probability of a clear implementation of all the standard requirements regarding the development and implementation of the QS, although there are problems associated with neglected and poor organization of primary and, especially, support activities of EOs. Indeed the quality system can look almost perfect. This may be due to feature of the environment (historically, some of cities occurred around large plants, so people in these cities have to work only on these “city-forming” plants. At the same time EOs

occurred in such cities. These EOs were single local source of personnel preparation for these “city-forming” plants). For EOs the minus of this situation is the difficulty of providing the involvement of staff in the process of EOs’ continuous improvement and improving service quality. Because under the pressure of being fired, employees are trying to accurately fulfill all their requirements, but also it is unreal to expect their initiative.

The second group includes EOs, which make decisions about the implementation of QS for the future use or to achieve the international level, but have no real experience in this area, and therefore have not very clearly understanding what the principles of TQM is and why a certificate of the QS with ISO 9000 is needed. For such EOs a formal attitude to the introduction of the QS and the inability of workers, preparing for upcoming changes are typically. Therefore, if the certificate of QS will be formally received, then build the necessary by using this certificate is usually impossible for such EOs. All this excludes the achievement of a desired result.

The third group of EOs, which really exist in Russia, but they are still small - it is EOs, which not only wants, but also integrates the QS and provides its effective functioning. The certificate for such EOs is an important, but not primary result of one of the intermediate stages of the work on quality improvement to provide the competitiveness of an EOs in the domestic and overseas markets. This group of companies is the most perspective. Their ideology and best practices of systematic approach to solve problems of effective services, competitive on price and quality is necessary to spread among Russian EOs.

Forming the overall strategy and a set of functional strategies requires not only the development of strategic plans, but also the formation of overall strategic thinking of leaders and leading experts - a coordinated approach to long-term EOs perspectives and operational decision-making with a focus on these long-term perspectives. It can be achieved by involving in strategy formation as much as possible people, on which the strategic result is depended, - creating an appropriate organizational culture.

Continuous management for the foreign EOs is a natural part of organizational culture, and transparency of activity is a necessary component for successful trust relationship with partners. As for the focus on customer satisfaction, it is usual for foreign EOs direction, necessary for successful functioning. Continuous management is based on the principle of permanent (continuous) improvement.

Continuing improvement is a philosophy that wants to improve all factors associated with the process of converting inputs into the final product (service) on a continuous basis.

Main approaches of continuous improvement are: a methodology for rapid analysis of solutions (FAST); bench marketing, redesign, reengineering.

Continuing improvement, which became a part of EOs policy, should extend, at least: processes, quality management system, organizational structure, including all types of management, the environment.

The continuous management is based on principles of Japanese management. Let’s consider one element of Japanese management, which is an integral part of successful management in the West, at this moment, namely, kaizen.

In Japan there is an approach to use a concept of continuous improvement, which got the name “just - in time”, but, nevertheless, it is closely cooperated with other pieces of Japanese management: kaizen and total quality.

Kaizen is the most powerful philosophy of Japanese management. There are several dozen definitions of the concept of “kaizen”.

Kaizen, perhaps, was the first single “movement” in the business as in companies, which use kaizen; the employee is taken and developed as a “personality” rather than “workforce”. Today, the principles of kaizen are successfully used in the EOs.

Distinctive features of the kaizen approach in EOs is a recognition of the importance of staff and teams, their knowledge and participation in all aspects of EOs, the contribution that can - and, in fact, must make every employee to improve their work: as well as focus on quality and on customers of educational services. All of this allows inspiring, motivating and directing efforts of the staff.

Kaizen is a style of thinking and behavior. It guides individuals and teams in the “company - family”, helps focus on efforts to provide the profits in the long-term period by improving the quality of services and processes, which should increase the degree of customer satisfaction.

The process of improving in an EOs that uses kaizen is the concern of everyone. Every employee can consider any initiative that improves the services, further reducing losses or expenses. Consequently, the group which bases its work on the principles of kaizen, is less limited than, for example, the group responsible for either the project or for quality control, or just a single employee in the traditional Western companies, where they can be blamed if they begin “meddling” in the functional area, which are beyond the competence of their own department.

The key concept of kaizen approach is that the changes are all embracing: nothing is static. All must be constantly reviewed. The consequence is that changes should not be small and gradually modifying. This ensures that the company uses the latest methods and provides the best possible quality.

There are ten principles of kaizen: focus on customers, continuous changes, open acceptance of the problems, promote transparency, the creation of working teams, managing projects with cross-functional teams, the formation of “supporting” relationships, the development of self-discipline, awareness of each employee; delegation of authority to each employee.

Other literary sources and other experts in the field of kaizen might call a different number, but it says only that philosophy is difficult to reduce to an exhaustive set of rules or regulations. However, companies using kaizen, demonstrate a very similar style characteristics/management process.

Kaizen in its classical form is not fully acceptable for the Western mentality, and it is not completely desirable for employees. In fact, currently, even Japanese EOs are implementing Western psychology. The purpose of this is to provide more personal freedom, encourage personal initiative and innovation process, integrate new measurement systems and reward the quality of an individual employee - in other words, to create a more balanced environment, which would have been a combination of east and west.

If in domestic EOs the goal of creating the QS - is only to get its certificate with ISO 9000 standard, then the result will be very limited or failure. The main content of the certification process is checking of documentation the most important procedures in their actual use. However, compliance of real EOs activities with that what is prescribed in the documents of the quality system does not provide high quality services, but only confirms its ability to provide services according to certain standard or contract.

In addition, the QS must provide compliance services and demand on them as identification and remediation processes that influence quality.

Thus, in our country, EOs management decision to establish the QS should be preceded by the development and acceptance of an overall strategy, within which the quality strategy is important, but not the only one component that is closely connected with other functional strategies and focused on achieving strategic business objectives. In this case, the factors that motivate Russian EOs to develop the modern QS, will encourage them to accept more advanced elements of the continuous management.

Educational organizations, which has decided to begin the work on integrating of modern QS, must purposefully engage in change management that in Russian

conditions cannot cause resistance. You can identify the following four problems, stopping tangible results from the integration of the QS.

1. Misunderstanding by senior management what quality is, and how quality affects on efficiency of the organization.

2. Staff resistance to the changes in EOs.

3. Consideration of the improvement of quality management as another program that has a beginning and an end.

In EOs, when work on QS creation, development and improvement deployed, staff literally at the first stages, losing interest in what happens, as perceives it imposed from the top level. Typically, this is due to the fact that the first results, confirming the movement of EOs in the right direction, do not come fast and if the work is organized inefficiently this might never happen. Therefore, the role of a leader with a clear vision and the ability to set EOs goals, as well as talent to lead the staff, increases dramatically.

4. Orientation solely on technical improvements.

Summarizing the main problems of ISO 9000 standards and TQM principles in the Russian EOs, it should be noted that the main difficulty is caused by underdevelopment of continuous management, based on competitive market conditions. Therefore, the transition to management by ISO 9000 and TQM principles requires the parallel formation of the main operational policies and overall strategy for the EOs.


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Проблемы внедрения и практического использования системы непрерывного менеджмента как основного инструмента реализации системы менеджмента качества в образовательных организациях

Ю.М. Клиот

Кафедра «Менеджмент», ГОУВПО «ТГТУ»;

[email protected]

Ключевые слова и фразы: непрерывный менеджмент; принципы всеобщего менеджмента качества (TQM); система менеджмента качества образовательной организации.

Аннотация: Проблемы внедрения и последующего использования системы менеджмента качества и непрерывного менеджмента в образовательной организации исследованы в данной статье.

Probleme der Einftihrung und der praktischen Benutzung des Systems des ununterbrochenen Managements als Hauptinstrumentes der Realisierung des Systems des Managementes der Qualitat in den Ausbildungsorganisationen

Zusammenfassung: In diesem Artikel sind die Probleme der Einfuhrung und der Benutzung des Systems des Managementes der Qualitat und des ununterbrochenen Managementes in der Ausbildungsorganisation untersucht.

Problemes de l’implantation et de l’emploi pratique du systeme du management continu comme instrument de la realisation du systeme du management de la qualite dans les etablissements de l’enseignement

Resume: Les problemes de l’implantation et de l’emploi ulterieur du systeme du management continu dans un etablissement de l’enseignement sont etudies dans le present article.

Автор: Клиот Юлия Михайловна - ассистент, аспирант кафедры «Менеджмент», ГОУ ВПО «ТГТУ».

Рецензент: Савин Константин Николаевич - доктор экономических наук, профессор кафедры «Экономический анализ и качество», ГОУ ВПО «ТГТУ».

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