«Некоторые люди халатно относятся к природе, оставляя мусор и бытовые отходы на берегу водоемов» [7].
«Вся сложившаяся ситуация удручает экоактивистов» [7].
«Последствия для окружающей среды могут быть необратимыми» [9].
«Это губительно для окружающей среды» [9].
Также следует отметить стратегию кооперации, которая прослеживается в выступлениях спикеров на экологических мероприятиях. В своих работах ПП. Грайс определяет кооперацию как основу речевой коммуникации, которая предполагает, что участники коммуникации следуют одной цели и проявляют интерес в сотрудничеству [10].
Сфера кооперативного дискурса характеризуется широким использованием тактики диалогичности, цель которой является фокусирование внимания аудитории на ключевых проблемах, обсуждаемых на мероприятиях, посвященных окружающей среде, и получения обратной связи и предложений возможных вариантов решения. Спикер, как правило, употребляет риторические вопросы, напрямую обращаясь к аудитории:
«Это губительно для естественной среды обитания животных. Ведь правда?!» [6].
Библиографический список
«Большинство людей даже не задумываются об этом, не правда ли?» [5].
«Не проще ли организовывать коллективный сбор мусора по всей береговой линии? И это касается не только эковолонтеров» [9].
Таким образом, мы можем сделать вывод о том, что изучение проблематики экологического дискурса и способов речевого воздействия является перспективным направлением в лингвистике. Это обусловлено в первую очередь стремлением современного общества к формированию экологической культуры и улучшению экологической обстановки в мире. Исследование стратегий и тактик речевого воздействия в экологическом дискурсе позволяет расширить область его изучения. Проведенный анализ показал, что стратегии убеждения, манипулятивная стратегия и стратегия кооперации превалируют в выступлениях спикеров на экомероприятиях. Сложившееся на сегодняшний день понимание экологической культуры позволяет нам определять перспективы дальнейшего исследования. Полагаем важным и значимым изучать способы речевого воздействия и их эффективность их применения. Изучение природы речевого воздействия способствует более детальному рассмотрению многих языковых явлений и расширению данной области исследования в рамках экологического дискурса.
1. Карасик В.И. О типах дискурса. Волгоград: Перемена, 2000.
2. Паршин П.Б. Речевое воздействие и манипулирование в рекламе. Москва, 2000.
3. Стернин И.А. Основы речевого воздействия. Воронеж: Истоки, 2012.
4. Паршина О.Н. Стратегии и тактики речевого поведения современной политической элиты России. Астрахань: Издательство АГТУ, 2005.
5. Пленарная сессия. Российский экологический форум. Available at: https://youtu.be/81ZyGqeVNjM?si=_esfu4ATO6QeHZu2
6. Экологический форум «Экоинжиниринг 4.0.». Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VYpREBfO5w
7. Российский экологический форум. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/live/PR8RuiJbQNc?si=vJd-twwTbUs2jcCY
8. Эковолонтерство. Как вовлечь население в экологические проекты. Российский экологический форум. Available at: https://youtu.be/bQ0hG5sGYaY?si=Htif4-hg0SN9_vfn
9. Экологический мониторинг: переход в «цифру». Available at: https://www.youtube.com/live/FESIWJga3vs?si=6J_ZrI9DOoAQWfp3.htm
10. Грайс ГП. Логика и речевой общение. Москва: Прогресс, 1985.
1. Karasik V.I. O tipah diskursa. Volgograd: Peremena, 2000.
2. Parshin P.B. Rechevoe vozdejstvie i manipulirovanie v reklame. Moskva, 2000.
3. Sternin I.A. Osnovy rechevogo vozdejstviya. Voronezh: Istoki, 2012.
4. Parshina O.N. Strategiii taktikirechevogo povedeniya sovremennojpoliticheskoj 'elity Rossii. Astrahan': Izdatel'stvo AGTU, 2005.
5. Plenarnaya sessiya. Rossijskij 'ekologicheskij forum. Available at: https://youtu.be/81ZyGqeVNjM?si=_esfu4ATO6QeHZu2
6. 'Ekologicheskij forum «'Ekoinzhiniring 4.0.». Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VYpREBfO5w
7. Rossijskij 'ekologicheskij forum. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/live/PR8RuiJbQNc?si=vJd-twwTbUs2jcCY
8. 'Ekovolonterstvo. Kak vovlech'naselenie v 'ekologicheskie proekty. Rossijskij 'ekologicheskij forum. Available at: https://youtu.be/bQ0hG5sGYaY?si=Htif4-hg0SN9_vfn
9. 'Ekologicheskijmonitoring: perehod v «cifru». Available at: https://www.youtube.com/live/FESlWJga3vs?si=6J_ZrI9DOoAQWfp3.htm
10. Grajs G.P. Logika irechevojobschenie. Moskva: Progress, 1985.
Статья поступила в редакцию 28.04.24
УДК 070
Andreeva E.Yu., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia),
E-mail: [email protected]
PROBLEMS OF VERBAL AND NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION OF MULTINATIONAL STUDENTS ON THE INTERNET. The subject of research in this article is various difficulties arising in the communication process of students studying abroad. The aim of the paper is to analyze the cross-national student Internet discourse on the example of such well-known Internet platforms as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, as well as messages on educational Internet platforms and social networks. In the course of the study, the author identifies discrepancies in the perception of different concepts by representatives of different cultures. Moreover, analyzing examples of emoji use by students from different countries, the author concludes that different understanding of the same graphic symbols and pictures can lead to serious conflicts on the Internet. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the fact that the author not only considers regularities of intercultural communication processes through the prism of verbal and non-verbal means, but also connects them with the latest achievements in the field of artificial intelligence, revealing its impact on multinational communication. The main provisions and conclusions of the paper, allowing a deeper understanding of the peculiarities of verbal and non-verbal communication, may serve as a reason for further study of interethnic student Internet discourse.
Key words: intercultural communication, student discourse, cultural differences, internet communication, verbal communication, non-verbal communication, cultural discrepancies, artificial intelligence
Е.Ю. Андреева, канд. филол. наук, доц., Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, г. Москва,
E-mail: [email protected]
Предметом исследования в рамках данной статьи являются различные сложности, возникающие в процессе коммуникации студентов, проходящих обучение за рубежом. Цель работы составляет анализ межнационального студенческого интернет-дискурса на примере таких общеизвестных интернет-платформ, как Zoom и Microsoft Teams, а также сообщений на образовательных интернет-площадках и в социальных сетях. В процессе исследования автор выявляет расхождения в восприятии различных концептов представителями различных культур. Анализируя примеры употребления эмодзи студентами из разных стран, автор делает вывод о том, что различное понимание одних и тех же графических символов и картинок может привести к конфликтам в сети Интернет. Научная новизна настоящего исследования заключается в том, что автор не только рассматривает закономерности протекания межкультурных коммуникативных процессов сквозь призму вербальных и невербальных средств, но и связывает их с последними достижениями в области искусственного интеллекта, раскрывая его влияние на мультинациональную коммуникацию.
Ключевые слова: межкультурная коммуникация, студенческий дискурс, культурные различия, интернет-коммуникация, вербальная коммуникация, невербальная коммуникация, культурные расхождения, искусственный интеллект
Due to the recent epidemiological and political changes in the world, internet communication has come to the forefront among all kinds and forms of communication [1; 2; 3]. It should be noted that the universal transition to the remote format of communication, work and learning radically changes the usual patterns and features of communication processes [4]. Improvement or emergence of the latest platforms and services for work, training and discussion of topical issues creates conditions for successful communication of people [5].
However, the main obstacle to communication between representatives of different countries is cultural differences [6]. This fact necessitates the main purpose of the study - to thoroughly analyze examples of students' oral and written communication on the internet with each other on both academic and quite ordinary topics (hobbies, interests, opinions, etc.). The material to be considered are video meetings of students on such popular platforms as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, messages on educational Internet platforms, as well as in social networks.
No less interesting and relevant seems the consideration of non-verbal communication in the internet space, which is expressed through emoji. Many scholars consider this component as an inseparable part of the internet communication [7; 8; 9]. In the course of the study, the discrepancies in the perception of different concepts by representatives of different cultures are revealed and summarized. Moreover, while analyzing examples of emoji use by students from different countries, there can be illustrated that different understanding of the same graphic symbols and pictures can lead to serious conflicts on the Internet [10].
The relevance of this article lies in revealing the relationship between the various means of verbal and non-verbal communication on the internet. The purpose of the present paper is to analyze how both types of means reflect cultural difference of students. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the connection of the ways of comtemporary communication with the latest achievements in the field of artificial intelligence, revealing its impact on multinational communication. Within the following paper the author sets several objectives, which are: 1) to observe and reveal the major difficulties in online communication of people belonging to different nationalities and cultures; 2) to analyze the role of non-verbal means in the process of communication; 3) to raise the question of the impact of artificial intelligence on intercultural communication. The theoretical significance of this work consists in the fact that the main provisions and conclusions of the study, allowing a deeper understanding of the features of verbal and non-verbal communication. The practical value of the research is that it can serve as a reason for further study of interethnic student Internet discourse in close connection with the development of the sphere of artificial intelligence.
Results and Discussion
The first problem faced by students who travel abroad for their education is a lack of understanding of the culture of a foreign country [11]. To illustrate such cases of complete cultural mismatch, this paper analyzes several online student meetings where students from around the world share their experiences of studying at U.S. universities.
For example, in an online chat room at Westminster College, international students talk about the main challenges they faced when they first came to America. When asked by the moderator what was the most difficult challenge for students after moving from their home country to the United States, a student from Nepal responded that the main reason for communication difficulties was the American way of life, which is fundamentally different from the Nepali way of life. Subsequently, participating in various student activities helped him to become more familiar with American culture [12].
In another online discussion, a student from Cameroon talks about how extremely difficult it was for him to start living and studying in the United States because of the completely different attitudes toward such a concept as "personal space" in American culture and in the culture of his home country [13].
A student from Peru talks about the tradition of kissing each other on the cheek when greeting each other in her native country. She found it unusual and even confusing that Americans shake hands when greeting each other [13].
As the discussed examples show, the problem of cultural differences between representatives of different nationalities is a rather frequent phenomenon in multinational student communicative space. And the best thing that students can do to mitigate culture shock is to actively participate in various university activities. Many students initiate clubs, online chat rooms and forums maintaining the topic of cultural diversity, where representatives of different countries make friends and tell about their traditions and customs sharing their impressions of studying abroad. Moreover, many universities are now opening more and more specialized Centres for Cultural Competence Courses. The main purpose of these courses is to provide information about cultural traditions of different nationalities in order to prevent any form of discrimination among students.
Cultural differences between students of different nationalities are clearly visible not only in the examples of personal or online communication with each other, but also in correspondence on various popular educational Internet platforms. To illustrate the different attitudes of students to certain cultural phenomena, we analyzed some chat rooms of the popular community EnglishClub ESL Forums. One of the topics called 'Let's learn together!' involves a lot of messages on different subjects - from problems at work and favourite hobbies to weather. Sometimes it is clearly visible that some par-
ticipants do not understand each other because of cultural discrepancies. For instance, one of the discussion branches touched upon the topic about the role of gold among people. For some of the students gold means 'a piece of love' ("When people marry, they wear gold rings..."). Others consider gold as 'chain' ("...but when he want to do something perversion, the gold ring is obstacle, the gold is a chain"). In this connection those who believe that gold is expression of love write: "We (Mohsen, Andrew and me) are men. We are supposed to understand each other easily. However, unfortunately, it is pretty difficult for me to understand things you often discuss! For example, I am following your recent posts carefully, but I cannot get what is (are) behind them. Is it a sarcastic way of discussing a matter? What is wrong with me? It makes me sad and worried when I cannot understand something!" Such misunderstanding occurs due to the cultural differences (in many cultures gold is highly valued while some cultures cannot understand why it is so valuable. We should also take into account the language level of the participants. The following message explains the gist of that mismatch: "So you can see we are not the same! Not only the words, but also the way man speaks has its own meaning. The ways can be so different that it may lead to some misunderstanding. In a live talk we use much more powerful and effective tool - body language, which is mimicry, gesture, eye expression, pose, tone of voice, etc. When we write, we use very poor, limited set - set of words. Don't overestimate word - it is a perfect instrument to confuse and deceive, but it very seldom let people come to agreement and understanding". From these words we can conclude that in intercultural communication not only language but also non-verbal means of communication such as facial expressions, gestures, intonation, etc. play a particularly important role. They help communicators to express their ideas clearly in a non-native language, as well as contribute to the leveling of cultural differences.
Nonverbal communication is another important area of cultural mismatch research. The main components of nonverbal communication can be dress code, posture, gestures, facial expressions, and surrounding objects [14]. In writing in the realm of modern electronic communications, these tools are expressed by emoji, which vary from country to country "due to linguistic differences in expressing emotions and diversity in conceptualizing topics" [10, p. 226]. In today's world, the so-called "visual language" dominates the communication of Internet users in social networks and online chats [15, p. 560]. Such visual language, which is widely used to succinctly convey information as well as attitudes, are various emoji. Some pieces of research analyzing the functioning of emoji in online learning states that the use of emoji in correspondence between instructors and students of online courses contributes to the effectiveness of learning activities.
A vivid example of ambiguous understanding of emoji is a picture of a monkey. Many Internet users add this icon to express the emotion of embarrassment. However, on a popular British student forum called 'The Student Room', some users believe that the image is a clear manifestation of racism. A popular ''laughing-crying'' emoji is also quite ambiguous: while it is often used to express humour or amusement, some internet users suppose that it can be perceived as mocking or belittling, especially when used to respond to some alarming or very emotional piece of news.
No less relevant at present is the question of the impact of artificial intelligence on intercultural communication. Recent studies prove that people from different cultures perceive machines differently [16]. Moreover, some scholars believe that artificial intelligence (AI) can play a huge role in the "protection and dissemination of intangible cultural heritage from multiple perspectives" [17, p. 1]. One of the most significant advancements for the students in the sphere of Ai are different chatbots for language and culture practice allowing students to practice their language skills and cultural knowledge in a controlled environment [18]. Many Russian universities are now on their way of on the way of introducing various simulators of this type into the process of teaching Russian language and culture to foreign students. Artificial intelligence can be used as a ground for creating innovative inclusive learning environments that embrace diversity and promote intercultural understanding [19].
To summarize, there can be concluded that the problem of cultural inconsistencies among international students and possible conflicts thereon has become very urgent nowadays, especially in the university setting.
The study revealed that with the rapid improvement of internship programs as well as a variety of online communication platforms for people of different nationalities, cultural differences in such spheres of life as habits, religious ideas, gestures, facial expressions and special signs are definitely inevitable. This is the main reason why before moving to another country any student has to learn more about its culture and traditions as well as features of verbal and non-verbal communication. Recent advances in the science of artificial intelligence may prove useful in accomplishing this task.
Theoretical and practical provisions of this article can serve as material for creating special manuals and courses on the peculiarities of intercultural communication in view of the possible difficulties during the learning process.
As far as the prospect of further research in this area are concerned, this piece of analysis of verbal and non-verbal communication peculiarities of multinational students on the internet may serve as a reason for deeper study of interethnic student Internet discourse in terms of the ways of emotion expression. Moreover, such studies can help in creation of university mandatory adaptive language and culture programs, taking into account the cultural specificities of students of different nationalities.
Библиографический список
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1. Crystal D. Language and the Internet. Cambridge University Press, 2004.
2. Bo-Yuen Ngai P. Online Social Networking and Transnational-Competence Development Among International Students from Japan. Journal of International Students. 2019; Vol. 9, № 2: 432-459.
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10. Guntuku S.C., Li M., Tay L., Ungar L.H. Studying Cultural Differences in Emoji Usage across the East and the West. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. 2019: 226-235.
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15. Arafah B., Hasyim M. Linguistic functions of emoji in social media communication. Opción. 2019; Año 35, № 24: 558-574.
16. Yam K.C., Tan T., Jackson J.C., Shariff A., Gray K. Cultural Differences in People's Reactions and Applications of Robots, Algorithms, and Artificial Intelligence. Management and Organization Review. 2023: 1-17.
17. Zhang J., Jing Y. Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Cross-Cultural Communication of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2022; № 6: 1-12.
18. Makhmudov K. The role of artificial intelligence in the formation of intercultural communicative competence. Academic research in educational sciences. 2023; Vol. 4, № 1: 396-403.
19. Samuel Y., Brennan-Tonetta M., Samuel J., Kashyap R., Kumar V., Krishna Kaashyap S., Chidipothu N., Anand I., Jain P. Cultivation of human centered artificial intelligence: culturally adaptive thinking ineducation (CATE) for AI. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. 2023; № 6: 1-13.
Статья поступила в редакцию 26.03.24
УДК 811
Amosov N.V., senior teacher, Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]
THE PECULIARITIES OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN COMPUTER GAMES AND THE IMAGE OF THE WORLD OF THE PLAYER. The relevance of the paper is defined by the fact that computer games is a popular phenomenon of contemporary culture. The researcher observes this phenomenon through the lens of the notion of the image of the world in contemporary psychology. The obkective of the paper is to formulate the character of interrelationship between a computer game and the image of the world of a player. Via various examples from different games the influence of the image of the world on game situation appraisal and decision-making is revealed. The basis of the paper is found in the activity theory proposed and developed by A.N Leont'ev. The theoretical and practical significance as given in the paper is immense as new and unexplored aspects of this new and rapidly developing phenomenon are being highlighted. The given materials allow to suggest complex ties between the image of the world and computer games. The topic clearly possesses highly valuable scientific applications and requires further research.
Key words: computer games, image of the world, psycholinguistics, picture of the world, model of the world, strategies, activity theory, culture, entertainment
Н.В. Амосов, ст. преп., Финансовый университет при Правительстве РФ, г. Москва, E-mail: [email protected]
Актуальность данной работы определяется тем, что компьютерные игры - популярное явление современной культуры. В данной работе сделана попытка рассмотрения этого феномена через призму понятия образа мира в современной психологии. Целью работы является определение характера взаимодействия компьютерной игры и образа мира играющего. В статье через примеры из разных игр раскрыто влияние образа мира на оценку играющим