DOI: 10.25586/RNU.HET.18.09.P.64 УДК 511.111(075)
M. V. Alexeeva, M. I. Koryakîna,
Yakut State Agricultural Academy
Problems of the continuity in the system of long-life education (agricultural schools and agricultural higher educational institution)
Continuity of school and university education suggests the continuity of state requirements for the preparation of school graduates for admission and education in the university. Continuity of education in the given system represents a consistent development of the university system's education and support process in a dialectal connection with the system of regular school with the aim to form a student as a subject of the university education and training.
The nature of continuity has many aspects in history of pedagogy Concept of continuity is presented in the works of many pedagogues: LA Komensky reviewed continuity as a universal pedagogical phenomenon, J. H. Pestalozzi interpreted continuity as a continuous and gradual movement towards knowledge [1].
Establishing continuity in a core education of a foreign language in the system «school - university» in the conditions of specialized and vocational education can now be considered as one of the main ways to solve the contradictions of continuity and as a language education [5, p. 87].
O. G. Polyakov emphasizes that a core education of a foreign language at the higher school can be realized within the standard limits, provided that the real solution to the problem of language education continuity is a core education of a foreign language in the senior classes of a specialized school [4].
The main purpose of the concept of staffing for the modernization of the agro-industrial complex of the north-east Russian Federation is the formation of a model for long-life
agricultural education in accordance with the requirements of innovative development of economy and modern needs of society. It involves the creation of a scientific and educational cluster, which represents a unified system of industry-specific long-life specialized education that unites educational organizations of intermediate and higher vocational education, agricultural schools of the Sakha Republic, regular schools of the north-east Russian Federation, as well as science institutions. This concept is based on a complex training of agricultural specialists. Currently, there are 56 agricultural schools in the «Agricultural Schools of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)» union. They are one of the most effective working innovative models of rural schools [2].
Continuity in the education is manifested in: 1) further development of all the positive sides of the student that was laid down at the previous stage of education; 2) ensuring the systematic nature of knowledge and further development of the contents, forms and methods of education; 3) advanced use of given forms and methods of education, contributing to the improvement of personality.
Continuity between school and university assumes the following conditions: 1) teaching the students of the regular schools methods of university education and methods of self-education and self-control; 2) creation of education environment that is close to university environment in the regular schools (examinations, abstract
defense and etc.); 3) the possibility of applying various forms of cooperation; 4) ensuring that students are prepared for higher education; 5) coordination of curricula and textbooks of schools and universities [5].
We have developed and conducted the following cooperation activities on the basis of the principle of «agricultural school and agricultural university» continuity:
1) conducting consultations for students on the basis of the International Department of the YSAA consultations for students of the 9th-11th grades in English. The results of the entrance knowledge tests and the current grades of freshmen show that many of them experience difficulties with grammar and speaking. The purpose of the consultations is to prevent possible difficulties when studying a foreign language at a university to help students rapidly adapt psychologically to the teaching process, to draw the attention of English teachers to the sections that are necessary for the passing of the Federal Test (ФЭПО) and the successful passing of the state exam in the discipline «Foreign Language». Consultations are conducted using the «teambuilding» and «play technology» methods;
2) helping teachers to review and write science articles and annotations, preparing students to the annual science and practice conference «Шаг в будущее» (Step to the Future);
3) continuing science works of the students in university in comparison of the problems in English-speaking;
4) researching educational programs of the regular schools and support
© Alexeeva M. V., Koryakina M. I., 2018
старший преподаватель Якутской государственной сельскохозяйственной академии. Сфера научных интересов: методика преподавания иностранных языков, язык как часть профессиональной подготовки. Автор 17 опубликованных научных работ
кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Якутской государственной сельскохозяйственной академии. Сфера научных интересов: методика преподавания иностранных языков, язык как часть профессиональной подготовки. Автор 35 опубликованных научных работ
Рассмотрены проблемы преемственности изучения иностранного языка в системе непрерывного образования в комплексе «агрошкола - агровуз». Показаны пути решения этих проблем, открывающие возможность для подготовки высококвалифицированных специалистов в агропромышленной сфере. Подчеркнута необходимость создания благоприятных условий для взаимодействия между школой и вузом на основе иноязычного обучения. Обучение иностранному языку на началах преемственности способствует подготовке кадров в агропромышленной сфере, владеющих иностранным языком на уровне, позволяющем сотрудничать с представителями зарубежных стран по своему профилю.
Ключевые слова: преемственность, непрерывное образование, акцентирование, потребности, агропромышленный комплекс, эффективные условия, подготовка, взаимодействие, принцип, инновационный.
The article deals with the problems of foreign languages learning continuity in the system of long-life education and its possible decisions. The solving of these tasks give a possibility of highly qualified specialists preparation in the sphere of agro-industrial complex. Authors emphasize the necessity of creating effective conditions for schools and higher educational institutions cooperation on the base of foreign languages learning. Learning English language on the base of continuity principle gives an opportunity to prepare specialists in agro-industrial complex sphere having a high level proficiency to cooperate with the representatives of foreign countries in their profile in future.
Key words: continuity, long-life education, emphasize, necessity, agro-industrial complex, effective conditions, preparation, cooperation, principle, innovative.
of the educational and professional programs of higher education;
5) preparation for Unified State Exam in English within the «Academy of Unified State Exam» center.
Future plans:
1) introduction of the the agricultural components connected with our university to the foreign languages study
school curriculum - verbal themes «YSAA», «My future profession» etc;
2) cooperated development of texts on the specialty, specialized textbooks and study guides, translation of the science works of the leading specialists of agroindustrial complex and their use in lessons;
3) the creation of a method of the unification of teachers of a foreign language in agricultural schools of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia);
4) conducting educational and methodical conferences, scientific and methodical conferences and competitions for students;
5) presentation of YSAA for students and conversations on English about education.
Thus, the state of school education, in particular agricultural schools, affects the quality of future specialists. Teaching a foreign language on the basis of the continuity principle makes it possible to train specialists in the agro-industrial complex sphere who will effectively master a foreign language at a level that allows them to enter the foreign-language space and, in the future, to cooperate with representatives of foreign countries within their specialty
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