E.D. Martsinkevich, Ph.D., member-correspondent of International Academy of Ecology, Man
and Nature Protection Sciences
Military institute of physical culture, St. Petersburg
Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, St. Petersburg
Key words: monitoring, issue, health, body's functional status, adaptability, physical training, cadets.
At all times people considered health to be the greatest value. According to the definition, provided by the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not only the absence of disease or physical handicaps. V.P. Kaznacheev determines health of an individual as a dynamic state of preservation and development of biological, physiological and psychological functions, optimal working capacity and social activity during the maximum long and active life [4].
Health of a modern person is under the adverse influence of a large number of factors, among which: poor environment, bad habits, poor working and living conditions, work and rest regimen, insufficient physical development, low level of fitness, climatic conditions, poor nutrition, hygiene, diseases, lack of physical activity, frequent emotional stresses, chronic fatigue and others. All of the risk factors are divided into two groups: primary or exogenous (external) depend on lifestyle and environmental conditions; secondary or endogenous (internal) -pathological changes in the body, developing under the influence of external factors [3].
A healthy person is highly resistant to the negative mental, physical and social impacts.
Morbidity is rightly regarded as a result of exhaustion of adaptive mechanisms. The reduction of the level of adaptation during the transition from norm to pathology proceeds differently in different groups, depending on age, sex, initial level of physical development, functional status, psychological stability, fitness and goals of training process.
In recent years, there is a dire need to care about people's health for their long professional activity. In the process of study in the military sports university the issues of professional training of the officers in this area are important for the implementation in the system of military education.
The significance of health as an important component of the process of professional education is associated primarily with the direct dependence of successful mastery of all necessary knowledge as well as with the formation of positive motivation to maintain health and a healthy lifestyle during vocational training.
It is known that the efficiency in learning activities is largely determined by the level and characteristics of physical fitness, health status and specific physical qualities, important for each speciality.
However, the training of specialists in the field of physical culture and sport has a number of significant features in the organization of educational process related primarily to the specificity of military educational institutions. The educational process involves high physical loads associated with the extension of program material and is of a pronounced athlete-training manner. According to daily schedule, the period of physical loads and motor activity for cadets of military sports university is 30 hours per week and for those cadets engaged in university teams in individual sports - up to 48 hours per week.
The analysis of the training time distribution by types of classes showed that 56,7% of the total amount of teaching time is given to practical lessons. And most of the practical lessons are dedicated to military professional disciplines (73,2%) where the cadets get the main physical load [8].
The hyperactive mode of activity has a significant impact on the body of cadets of the military sports university. The constant improvement of motor activity causes nervous system fatigue, disruption of biochemical processes, immune system depression, increased body energy costs and reduction of functional reserves. According to our research, the daily energy expenditure of cadets of the military sports university, defined with the use of the method of time-tables, is in the range from 3900 to 6200 calories depending on body weight, sports specialization and qualification [6]. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Now the study of individual health of servicemen should be carried out taking unto account the information importance of various indicators of functioning of the organism and changing interrelations of the servicemen. Stable functional status of the body is an integral component of health.
Depending on the degree of tension of homeostasis regulatory mechanisms, normal, borderline and pathological states are distinguished. This classification also takes into account the health and disease. The main sign of good health is the state when physiological systems meet particular requirements. On the opposite, the conditions for disease development emerge
when the requirements for physiological systems exceed their capabilities. Borderline states are transitional per se, indicating deadaptation or future illness.
The process of training and teaching can be considered effective when it ensures the achievement of results during learning activities and promotes self-actualization for every cadet while preventing mental and physical overload of the body [9].
The practical issues of professional military, sports and other activities related to management and control of all spheres of human activity in special or exceptional conditions urgently need searching for constructive solutions to the problem of evaluation, analysis and management of human functional statuses [10, 11].
The dynamic study of the health status of cadets is an effective system for monitoring of the body's adaptation to conditions of studies and military service.
The simultaneous consideration of various aspects of health will promote the most effective evaluation of the effect of physical training on the cadets' body.
The study involved cadets of the military sports university in the course of their training during the 1 (first section) and 2 (second section) years. Boys and girls lived in the same conditions with the same regimen of work and rest; specialized in different sports but had approximately the same qualifications.
The analysis was conducted in the following areas:
1) the level of functional status (CVS endurance factor, index of functional changes, individual level of physical health, birth-death ratio, Stange's test, maximum oxygen consumption, Quetelet index, relative strength, attention concentration and switch, volitional mobilization of functions);
2) the level of physical fitness (based on the results of 100 m and 3000 m run and pull-ups);
3) the improvement of sports skills (according to the athletes' qualification);
4) the evaluation (analysis) of health status and morbidity of students was based on medical reports - "3/med" form - with the following health criteria: the results of clinical examination, the total number of sick students for the year and the number of sick students due to certain diseases divided by classes of diseases.
The structure of diseases was measured in % and the level was measured in (%o).
Thanks to the obtained data the dynamics of changes in the studied parameters was estimated and compared with sports results.
Almost all first-year cadets of the military sports university had a fairly high level of physical development and general physical fitness, suggesting the further successful
development of physical fitness in subsequent years of study which is confirmed by the data of other authors [1]. The dynamics of functional parameters is presented in Table 1.
Table 1. The dynamics offunctional parameters, (%)
Parameters Girls Boys
CVS endurance factor -11,56 -13,81
Functional changes index -6,69 -10,48
Individual level of physical health 19,36 21,05
Birth-death ratio 6,52 10,36
Stange's test 9,42 4,80
Maximum oxygen consumption 9,21 11,84
Quetelet index -0,82 0,34
Relative strength 12,34 1,72
Attention concentration and switch 4,17 4,68
Volitional mobilization of functions 1,27 1,44
100 m run -2,07 -1,28
3000 m run -2,41 -4,62
Pull-ups 12,46 13,18
Those who improved their sports category 18,20 47,40
The functional status indicators of the cadets of military sports specialization are improved via general and special physical training [2].
As a result of the systematic well-organized physical training the functional abilities of the body are improving, particularly it concerns the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems. The use of various physical loads leads to the development of quickness, speed endurance, strength and endurance for continuous work.
However, the analysis of annual reports on morbidity in the university showed that despite the improvement of athletic performance a significant improvement in the health status of the students was not observed. Furthermore, there is even a slight increase in respiratory diseases and injuries. This suggests that strenuous physical activity may be a reason for the nervous system fatigue, the immune system depression, the increase of body energy costs and the reduction of functional reserves of the body.
Our data were confirmed by the studies of E.A. Gavrilova. They showed that the stress associated with strenuous physical and emotional load usually results in the depressed humoral immunity and, in some cases, to the development of secondary immunodeficiency, the average frequency of cell immunodeficiency was 37,5%. The maximum changes were found in the group of athletes engaged in endurance training (48,4%), followed by football players (41,7%) and weight lifters - 36,8% (strength training), and the minimal - in the group of those involved in sports games (26,9%) (speed and agility training). With the increase of the level of sports skills the risk of immunodeficiency also rises [3].
In our opinion, the monitoring of changes in the health and functional status of the body of cadets during the learning process is the key to professional longevity of future specialists in physical culture and sport. Findings:
1) There is a slight increase in the Quetelet index among the first-year cadets due to the natural growth of the young body and the adaptation to the conditions of the military sports university.
2) During the first year of study the indicators of autonomic and musculoskeletal systems of the cadets were improved, indicating the expansion of functional reserves of the athletes' body.
3) During the first year the indicators of physical fitness in 100 m run, 3000 m run and pull-ups were improved, resulting in the improvement of sports category. This dynamics is apparently due to the significant improvement of the functional systems of the body in the process of long-term adaptation.
4) The development of certain motor skills, physical and mental qualities in the process of systematic physical training have a significant positive impact on the physical development and overall physical fitness of the cadets.
5) The morbidity in the military sports university has several features that distinguish it from the morbidity of cadets in other military educational institutions because of its higher level and specificity of its structure: the prevalence of respiratory diseases (X class), high injury rate (XIX class) and the diseases of skin and subcutaneous fat (XII class), significant changes in the immune status, the differences in the dynamics of physiological reserves of the body which tend to decrease from the first to the fifth year of study.
Thus, on the basis of the obtained data we can say that there were no significant differences in the parameters of functional status of girls and boys. The level of functional status and physical fitness of the cadets, obtained during the first year of study, corresponds to the level of trained body, providing for high results in general physical standards. However, this is accompanied by considerable stress of body's functional reserves as evidenced by the indicators of immune status and incidence of cadets.
While planning and conducting training and educational activities the faculty and unit commanders should take into account the specificity of the educational process in the military sports university (the hyperactive motor mode) and use an individual approach in dosing physical loads, considering the health and functional status of cadets.
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Abstract: The paper examines the impact of systematic physical training sessions on the health and functional status of cadets of the military sports university and gives physiological substantiation for these sessions.
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