Sociolinguistics. Usage of language (UDC 8Г27)
DOI: 10.18454/RULB.5.14 Нелунова Е.Д.1, Григорьева В.В.1, Охлопкова Я.В.1
В статье рассматриваются различные пути угроз потери индивидуальности личности на примере профессиональной деятельности языковой личности, а также людей, живущих за рубежом и членов билингвальной семьи. Подчеркивается, что в условиях многоязычной поликультурной среды язык является средством, а культура способом самосохранения и самозащиты личности в процессе ее инкультурации и аккультурации. Инкультурация и аккультурация личности в многоязычной , поликультурной среде закономерны как ожидаемый результат социализации. Ассимиляция возможна при ярко выраженном проявлении конфликта интересов, в результате которого одни идут на компромисс с доминантами социума. Авторы также представляют наиболее актуальные примеры и рекомендации к самозащите личности от угроз ассимиляции.
Ключевые слова: природосообразность, культуросообразность, социализация, инкультурация, аккультурация, ассимиляция, билингвальная семья, языковая личность, конфликт интересов, многоязычная поликультурная среда.
Various ways of threats of losing an identity of a person are regarded in the article on examples of teachers of foreign languages, people living abroad and members of bilingual families. It is emphasized that in conditions of multilingual polycultural environment language is an instrument and culture is a way of self-preservation and self-defense of the person in the process of his/her inculturation and acculturation. Inculturation and acculturation of the person in multilingual, polycultural environment are natural as the expected result of socialization. Assimilation is possible when the person makes a compromise with dominant society. Authors also represent the most actual examples and recommendations for self-defense from assimilation threats.
Keywords: natural and cultural conformity, inculturation, acculturation.
The principles of "natural conformity" and "cultural conformity" of the humanistic pedagogics and psychology which became classical again demand now a special attention of scientists. Let's address to great Adolf Diesterweg's doctrine that cultural conformity of bringing up and education are closely connectedthe principle of natural conformity. Diesterweg highlighted that the principle of natural conformity in the sphere of formation of younger generation should be considered constantly and should have a leading position among other principles. Besides, it is necessary not to forget about the cultural level of society. Therefore the special attention has to be paid to natural conformity taking into account culture and development of society.
Literature review
Great Diesterweg highlighted that the principle of natural conformity represents the eternal purpose of human aspirations during all activity, it has to come nearer to it constantly. The content of activity of the person is filled with the cultural environment of the country, region, concrete society, space, etc. where he/she was born (Diesterweg, 1998).
Given above examples of Diesterweg direct us at reflection that these two principles are interfaced with each other so it is impossible to contrast them as it was done by his scientistific peers. However we shouldn't forget the fact that there was a long desperate resistance for domination of this or that principle among representatives of cultural anthropology.
V. Kumarin analyzing two principles of A. Diesterweg specifies that cultural habitat of the person is a derivative of his nature, his ability to speaking, thinking, working, hearing a voice of instincts — self-preservation, reproduction, freedom (possibility of choice), security — from congenital need for realization of all abilities (Kumarin, 2004).
When education relies on universal values and considers features of outlooks and belief of a certain lingvocultural community, the principle of cultural conformity starts working. This principle helps the individual to feel comfortable in different branches of culture (household, physical, material, spiritual, political, economic, intellectual, moral, etc.). The purposes, contents, methods of education are considered as traditions, style of socialization and inculturation accompanying acculturation and assimilation.
In contemporary researches the processes of socialization and inculturation assume as assimilation of system of cultural values,
rules and standards of behavior by the individual of that society to which he/she belongs. However the person, communicating with representatives of other cultures, can't often predict their behavior, being based only on his/her own cultural norms and rules. At the same time researchers assume that the individual can become at the same time the member of several social and cultural communities. In scientific works A.P. Sadokhin it is noted that in cultural anthropology there was an axiom of a statement according to which each person acts as the carrier of that culture in which he grew up and was created as the personality. When the person is in his own lingvocultural community, he doesn't pay attention to significant features of his culture. These features surround him since his earliest childhood, and the individual perceives them as a reality. But when he contacts with representatives of other culture these features are shown in his activity and sometimes happen absolutely others than in native culture. Then the person starts realizing that there are other forms of experiences, types of behavior, and ways of thinking round him. Various impressions about the world are transformed in consciousness of the person to ideas, installations, stereotypes, expectations which become for him/her important regulators of his/her behavior and communication. Process of identification appears when the person analyzes, compares, and opposes views of other people, their positions, and opinion at his real contact with representatives of other culture. During his activity with other community members he has a process of formation of personal identification which is defined by his knowledge and representations. Meanwhile existence of characteristics of culture means that the main objective of cultural anthropology is supervision, registration, the description and interpretation of daily behavior of people with the purpose of finding an explanation of reasons and possible consequences (Sadokhin,2012).
Method of research
We assume that constructing material and spiritual subjects, standards of behavior, developing skills, a person thereby creates himself. In this regard he/she appears at the world as a product of his/her own history, own activity, own consciousness. Thereby the cultural environment of people represents a specific way of adaptation of the person to the existing physical biological environment which is based on conscious activity. Customs, traditions, standards of behavior necessary for survival and development of nation, not only pass from father to son, but also develop under the influence of scientific and technical progress. Culture keeps, facilitates and protects a human life, establishing models of its relationship with the nature, with other people and with
itself. Thus, the culture acts for the person as a peculiar way of self-defense and adaptation in foreign cultural environment in the course of his/her socialization and inculturation.
Within the considered subject, socialization and acculturation are important for us in the conditions of multilingualism and polycultural habitat. It is assumed that the relations between language and culture can be considered as the relation between part and whole. Language — the main instrument of culture — is intermediary in the course of acculturation. The purpose of acculturation is hided in understanding of alien meanings that could be accepted or rejected. Language could be apprehended as a component of culture and as a tool of culture. If the native speaker at the same time is the language and culture carrier, signs of language gain ability to carry out function of signs in culture and serve as means of representation of main installations of culture (Davydova and Fomin, 2012).
Results and discussion
Socialization is the bilateral process. On one hand, the person acquires social experience when enters into community of people of his own society, starts social communications and becomes the member of this society. On the other hand, he actively reproduces this system in his activity. Every day the person accepts information which surrounds him, analyzes and generalizes, involving intellectual activity of his internal psychological experiences. Communication with people, internal experience, and acquisition of social interaction help the person to be formed as personality (Darinskayaa L., Moskvicheva N., Molodtsova G., 2015). The person starts entering the society, social environment, starts acquiring system of sociocultural values of society and feels comfortable and confident as a citizen. Socialization assumes integration of the person into society, and the term "inculturation" means understanding and acceptance of world and behavior inherent in his culture. As a result cognitive, emotional and behavioral strategies of the person become similar to representatives of his culture and differ from outlook of people of other culture. When the person is born, his enters into native culture at once. This process of behavior and speech proceeds during all life. During this process there is a formation of fundamental skills such as types of communication with people, forms of control of behavior, types of expression of emotions. In the process of inculturation the person develops his cultural competence as substantial part of assimilation of language, traditions, customs, and human values. When the person enters other social environment, language and culture, acculturation process is shown. The person can have a different acculturation level, for example, partial or full. At full acculturation the individual plunges into foreign culture and forgets native values. As a result of it there we can observe assimilation (Ardashkin I.B., Kachalova N.A., Borodin A.A., Kachalova O.I., 2015).
In this regard in conditions of globalization, multilingualism and polycultural space moving inculturation and acculturation there is a high probability of loss of preservation of uniqueness of the personality and his/her security in habitat. So-called "language person" is generally in risk. He/she knows foreign languages very well, anticipating and accepting foreign culture value, living and developing his/her professional activity in multilingual polycultural environment. The language person, being high professionals in linguistics, perceives culture of other people, studys their life, mentality, tolerantly, and sometimes with admiration copies their behavior, imperceptibly starts following them not only externally (gestures, a mimicry, clothes and but also internally. The language person unconsciously changes, accepting with admiration some behavioural phenomena of other people. Thus he/she is in love with learned language and literature, art and even representatives of that nation. We also recognize that in the course of acculturation the person realizes his/her identity. On the other hand, the language person easily transforms him/herself, consciously assuming behavioural features of other people.
Edmund Gusserl finds that the vital world - naive everyday life is a source of all theories and concepts of science - is the fundamental prerequisite of culture and civilization. This world is filled with "meanings" of consciousness through which we perceive objects of life. All types of reality with which the person deals, are explained from acts of consciousness. Objective reality without consciousness doesn't exist. Human experiences are considered as
refraction through a prism of consciousness of values of the person in real life. In other words, human life is uniform process of formation of life of the person: the person at the same time is that who he is, and who he seeks to be. For example, the language person imperceptibly changes, externally and internally, accepting voluntary or involuntarily pronunciation, style of speaking, behavior of those people which language he/she learns. In these conditions, owning unique ability to change, the person has the threat to assimilate with other culture. Sometimes acculturation occurs, that the language person acquires knowledge and skills necessary for life in foreign environment (Nelunova, 2013; Grigoreva, 2014).
Families living in other country are included in the group of language persons. At the International distance conference 4-year student of North-Eastern Federal University Yuliyana Borisova reported:"... Mother and daughter are Chinese. They moved to the States when Xiao Yu (daughter) was seven years old. Neither mother, nor daughter didn't know English, from which both suffered very much for a long time. They told me it was terrible and hard for them in the alien language environment. They had a wish not to be strangers. They wanted to become "such, as people around". The main problems in such situations are objective (. terrible and hard in the alien language environment.) and at the same time subjective psychological wish to be similar to other people (. they had a wish not to be strangers, they wanted to become as people around). Existence of strong internal desire "to become as people around" causes not only acculturation of the person, but also assimilation. Assimilation is regarded as a form of when the person completely accepts values and norms of other culture, refusing norms and values of his/her own. However now the term "acculturation" is used for the process and result of mutual influence of different cultures at which all or part of representatives of one culture (recipients) adopt norms, values and traditions of another (donor culture). In the process of acculturation the person has to solve two problems at the same time — preservation of the cultural identity and entrance into foreign culture.
Situation in a bilingual family is also a problem. Bilingual family is a peculiar society which being the habitat of the person, derivative of his nature, has also double influence on the person. Actually members of such family try to follow the principle of natural conformity, according the leading role of father or mother. Members of this bilingual families talk equally well in two languages. Some bilingual families choose one language and, therefore, one culture especially in conditions of the city and regional centers. Here is the bilingual family where mother is Russian and the native speaker of Russian, and father is Sakha and the carrier of the Sakha language. Both parents perfectly know their native languages. This family belongs to the type of families with strategy "One language — one environment". Language of communication inside the house is Sakha, outdoors - Russian. Parents choose Russian as dominant language. They explain their choice that "you couldn't understand Russian if you aren't native speaker of this language". The Sakha language becomes second language and is used only for family communication. According to both parents the Sakha language is very easy for communication in the family environment.
The given examples lead us to an idea that the problem of acculturation of the language person, members of bilingual families, and people living, working in other countries consists in possibility of full assimilation to that habitat. So we think over a question -whether there are ways of self-preservation of the uniqueness in conditions of multilingualism. The problem, from our point of view, will occupy minds of psychologists and teachers for a long time as there are no universal receptions and ways of self-preservation of uniqueness of each person. In the article we have concerned only a little part of the problem of acculturation. In modern conditions the geography of the problem extends and goes deep because of migrants who lead economic, cultural, and even physical risks of the person and not only (Pilipenko A.N., Malkova N.Yu., 2015).
Bilingual family occupies more advantageous position among the above-presented examples. We observe a solution of speaking two languages that the question is solved naturally by the principles of natural and cultural conformity of education. In this case children can become members of two social and cultural communities at the same time (Russian and Sakha).
The partial solution of the problem of self-preservation of the person is in self-knowledge and a choice of the place of living in modern society. Acculturation of the person occurs in those cases when: a) the person perfectly knows his/her native language, culture (life, customs, literature, art and other achievements, history of his/her nation); b) he/she knows him/herself own opportunities and abilities, has knowledge in that sphere where he/she works and live. The person with self-endurance sufficient to control him/herself in any situations who could find any way out of "points of bifurcations", without doing harm to him/herself and other people, so process of inculturation and acculturation proceeds naturally in parallel with his/her socialization.
Positive examples of socialization and acculturation are shown by students in the educational environment of universities when they study abroad. More actual is an expansion of cooperation with China. North-Eastern Federal University signs the contract with Beijing Pedagogical University. The contract was signed for a long-term cooperation (five years and more), for lecturing, student-teacher exchange and carrying out joint scientific and educational projects, etc. (Panina S.V., Zalutskaya S.Yu., Grigorieva V.V., 2014).
In conclusion it should be noted that:
a) language could be understood as a component and tool of culture. At the same time, language, culture and personal qualities of the person are peculiar ways and means of self-preservation of identity and self-defense from risk to assimilate in other environment. The language person is exposed to inculturation and acculturation, having partially acquired traditions and values of foreign culture in order to live and work in that environment;
b) bilingual family is the universal and unique environment of socialization, inculturation and acculturation of persons who could be members of several social and cultural communities at the same time;
c) multilingual educational polycultural environment promotes natural course of socialization, inculturation and acculturation of the person, thereby excludes possible assimilation.
Thus, inculturation and acculturation of the person in multilingual, polycultural environment are natural as the expected result of socialization. Assimilation is possible as a result of compromise with dominant society. In general, awareness of the identity is the message to self-knowledge of skills and abilities causing formation for self-affirmation with a support on which the person starts realizing himself not only in society where he was born, but also in any foreign culture habitat.
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