Abstract: smart choice of language material - the basis of effective use of studying of hours. Therefore the choice of language material - one of the main problems for ESP (English for the special purposes) training as time for training often is given insufficiently, and it is necessary to contain all material which can be useful to students in this interval. Scientists-philologists defines materials as "something that can be used to facilitate acquisition of knowledge of language. They can be linguistic, visual, acoustical or kinaesthetic, and they can be presented to the seals, by means of vital work or display, or on the cartridge, CD ROM, DVD or the Internet". Traditional textbooks, apparently, are in smaller importance, than capacities of IT. A variety of video and audio of information simply helps us to teach language, but we cannot forget about texts in general. The number of new names grows now, especially in ESP studying. And the choice of lexical material - a problem. There are three layers of words in any scientific text - the general, scientific words and special conditions. "The general English " as it is supposed, is learned before the university, but in practice it does not occur, and we have to take this factor into account. Rather special conditions they are usually more familiar to students, than teachers. Therefore as a solution from training of lexicon it is proposed to follow such scheme - at the beginning of training to give the popular scientific texts directed to training of the general scientific words with the subsequent introduction of the growing number of highly specialized texts with gradual increase in complexity of the language phenomena in texts. Keywords: highly specialized, learning vocabulary, general English, language material, language phenomena.
Ботирова С.Ж.
Ботирова Сожида Жомуродовна - старший преподаватель английского языка, направление: английский язык, кафедра иностранных языков, Ташкентский государственный технический университет им. Ислама Каримова, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: разумный выбор языкового материала - основание эффективного использования изучения часов. Поэтому выбор языкового материала - одна из основных проблем для ESP (английский язык для особых целей) обучения, поскольку времени для обучения часто дается недостаточно, и в этом интервале необходимо содержать весь материал, который может быть полезен для студентов. Ученые-филологи определяет материалы как «что-либо, что может использоваться, чтобы облегчить приобретение знаний о языке. Они могут быть лингвистическими, визуальными, слуховыми или кинестетическими, и они могут быть представлены в печати, посредством жизненной работы или показа, или на
кассете, CD-ROM, DVD или Интернете». Традиционные учебники, кажется, находятся в меньшей важности, чем потенциалы IT. Разнообразие видео- и аудиоинформации просто помогает нам преподавать язык, но мы не можем забыть о текстах вообще.
Количество новых названий в настоящее время растет, особенно в изучении ESP. И выбор лексического материала - проблема. Есть три слоя слов в любом научном тексте - общий, научные слова и особые условия. «Общий английский», как предполагается, изучен перед университетом, но на практике это не происходит, и мы должны принять этот фактор во внимание. Относительно особых условий они обычно более знакомы студентам, чем учителям. Поэтому как решение проблемы из обучения лексики это предлагается, чтобы следовать такой схеме - в начале обучения дать популярные научные тексты, направленные на изучение общих научных слов с последующим введением растущего числа узкоспециализированных текстов с постепенным увеличением сложности языковых явлений в текстах. Ключевые слова: узкоспециализированный, обучения лексики, общий английский, языковой материал, языковые явления.
УДК 372.8 378 3 7.02
There is also a problem of two types differentiation of a training material - for passive and active possession. For passive possession of S.G. Ter-Minasova suggests to use commented, substantial scientific and informative texts, for active possession - analog texts.
And there is the main contradiction in selection of text material - whether they have to be authentic or specially changed analogs.
Changed analogs are the texts of educational or pragmatic style from which on strictly scientific basis everything that can't be copied, learned and used by foreign students is withdrawn. In them each word, each phrase, each grammatical form - a role model. Language is presented to them in the purest and correct form from the point of view of modern norms. Analog texts are especially important and common at the initial stages of training. At the continuing stages it is possible to use authentic texts in the specialty in the active purposes, but they need to be supplied with the educational comment.
Authentic texts are not advised to use in pure form at first because of their complexity -initially they aren't intended for the educational purposes, focused on experts and have very few numbers of special lexicon and terms.
Here, we agree with the opinion of N.I. Snytnikova (2) that at the beginning of the training it is necessary to give popular scientific texts, and after this- authentic ones [1. P. 66]. However, she pays special attention to functional application of various texts - authentic texts will be suitable for an illustration of models of creation of offers and other features of a discourse better, also they are good for increase in motivation of students as situations of real communication are reflected in them.
There is also an opinion, that authenticity of reaction is one text more important actually than authenticity of the text therefore it is better to give such texts to students when they are able to cope with them - will understand the purpose and function of this text and all material which it contains.
One more important point in selection of material is the understanding the teacher of functions and the purposes of various texts - at the choice of texts he needs to consider communicative needs of students with communicative opportunities of texts and other sources of information, to use various sources of materials.
Texts have to differ not only with functions, but also subject therefore information has to correspond to different fields of activity of the expert. For example, data on the legal, financial, economic parties of his business are necessary for the economist.
Thus, in the sphere of selection of material for training in language in the special purposes many problem points which the teacher needs to consider in the activity are observed.
Every ESP course is aimed at satisfying learners' real-world professional demands and the material, we use, should be based on specific situations, which the learner will be involve in. The starting point of the ESP content selection should be the detailed analysis which will allow to find out gaps in relevant areas, set the required level of knowledge and define the means to achieve it. One of the main assumptions of ESP teaching is to give such materials, which should enable learners to acquire such language skills they will need in typical situations they meet in their professional life [2. P. 38].
But today we have extensive number of video, sound tapes and the other material we can use in ESP teaching. Do we need conventional textbooks? Do they still popular?
Hedge and Whitney define a textbook as "an organized and pre-packed set of teaching-learning materials" (3). It is the basis for the language learning and its practical apply. Textbooks can develop communicative competence; they focus on task solving, analyzing facts and figures, interpreting data, solving dilemmas and taking decisions, analyzing case-studies in various real-life situations.
Attractive modern textbooks are expected to match the individual needs of the learner and the same time to reflect the current trends in ESP methodology [3. P. 12]. The ESP materials market offers textbooks and course book packages covering many different aspects of language learning and use. Unfortunately textbooks, even though printed in color, with attractive design do not have such potentials.
Despite a wide range of alternative materials, the textbook still tends to be the main teaching- learning aid. Of course, we don't have the perfect one, which meets all the needs of teachers and students. And the best way for teacher to choose the teaching material is to explore his own way of using and adapting the course book.
At present, the introduction of a personal computer, multimedia technology and the global information computer network Internet affects the education system, causing significant changes in the content and methods of teaching foreign languages. It can be stated that adoption of technology in language teaching and learning environments has been so quick when we consider the history of language teaching. A modern teacher is faced with the problem of finding a new pedagogical tool. After all, as shown by the research of German scientists, person remembers only 10% of what he reads, 20% of what he hears, 30% of what he sees; 50-70% is remembered with participation in group discussions, 80% with self-detection and formulation of problems [4. P. 322]. And only when the learner directly participates in real activity, in the independent formulation of problems, in the formulation and decision-making, in the formulation of conclusions and forecasts, he memorizes and assimilates the material by 90%.
It is known that in modern conditions, given the great and serious interest of students in information technologies, teachers can use this opportunity as a powerful tool for developing motivation in English classes.
Since the use of new information technologies makes it possible to diversify the forms of work and make the lesson interesting and memorable for students. Also, the undoubted advantage of using computer technologies is the transfer of the center of gravity from verbal methods of teaching to the methods of search creative activity of the teacher and students.
References / Список литературы
1. Tomilson B. Materials development in Language teaching. Carter R., Nunan D., (red.), The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of other languages, CUP, 2001. Р. 66.
2. Snytnikova N.I. Angliyskiy yazik dlya ekologov: o poetaonom formirovanii obshix i spesialnix navikov rechevoy deyatelnosti ( English for ecologists: about the phased formation of general and special skills of speech activity. The second stage ) / N.I. Snytnikova // Inostranniye yaziki v nauchnom I uchebno-metodicheskom aspektax (Foreign languages in scientific and educational-methodical aspects). Novosibirsk: Publishing House of the NSU, 2000. Р. 32-44.
3. Ter-Minasova S.G. Nauchno-metodicheskiye problem povisheniye kachestva uchebnikov I uchebnix posobiy po inostrannim yazikam (Scientific and methodological problems of improving the quality of textbooks and teaching aids in foreign languages) / S.G. Ter-Minasova // Lingvisticheskiye osnovi obucheniye inostrannomu yaziku ( Linguistic bases of teaching a specialty foreign language). M.: Publishing House of Moscow. University Press, 1988. P. 5-17.
4. Hedge T. and Whitney N. Power, pedagogy and practice, Oxford Applied Linguistic, 1996. P. 322.
Email: [email protected]
Рудякова Татьяна Ивановна - старший преподаватель, кафедра филологии,
Крымский республиканский институт постдипломного педагогического образования,
г. Симферополь
Аннотация: изучение краеведческого материала является неотъемлемой частью процесса обучения английскому языку. Статья посвящена вопросу использования регионального и краеведческого компонентов на уроках английского языка, что предполагает изучение родного края, его истории, культуры, традиций, жизни и быта. Автор анализирует способы интеграции краеведения в процесс обучения английскому языку, создание учебного материала по краеведению. Текст рассматривается в качестве основы обучения речевой деятельности, выделяются основные критерии создания текстов краеведческого характера. В качестве примера приводится текст «The Fountain of Tears».
Ключевые слова: межкультурная коммуникация, региональный компонент, краеведческий компонент, диктоглосс.
TEACHING Rudyakova T.I.
Abstract: local studies is an integral part of teaching English. The article is devoted to the use of regional and local studies components in the English classroom, which implies the study of the native land, its history, culture, traditions, life and lifestyle. The author analyzes ways of integrating local studies into the process of teaching English, creating educational material on local studies. The text is considered as the basis for teaching speech activity; the main criteria for the creation of local studies texts are highlighted. The text "The Fountain of Tears" is given as an example.
Keywords: intercultural communication, regional component, local studies component, dictogloss.