Pro-health behaviours and belief in oneself among 13-15-year old teenagers living in Biala Podlaska
Grad Rafal
Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport in Biaia Podlaska
The aim of the research was to get information about pro-health behaviours and belief in oneself among 13-15-year old teenagers living in Biata Podlaska.
The research included 229 pupils from three Grammar Schools (115 girls and 114 boys). The range of respondents’ age varied from 13 to 15 years old.
The research tool was two anonymous questionnaires. The first questionnaire contained questions concerning teenagers’ belief in themselves and the efficacy of their activities (10 statements). The second questionnaire referred to the pro-health behaviours and it consisted of 14 situations described in the form of multiple choice questions.
It was shown that Grammar School goers higly evaluated their own sense of efficacy (31,2 points). Girls (30,39 points) in comparison to boys (32,05) evaluated their efficacy lower by 1,66 points. Grammar School goers in 85,7% of cases choose healthy behaviours and girls are the group which reach for such behaviours more often.
Key words:
pro-health behaviours, tennagers, scale of efficacy.
Рафал Град. Оздоровча поведінка і впевненість у собі 13-15-річних підлітків, що живуть в Бялій Підлясці.
Метою досліджень є виявлення здорової поведінки і впевненості в собі 13-15-річної молоді, яка проживає в м. Біла Подляска. У дослідженні взяло участь 229 учнів трьох гімназій (115 дівчат і 114 хлопчиків). Вік досліджуваних знаходився в діапазоні 13-15 років. Основним методом досліджень було анкетування. Перша анкета стосувалася впевненості в собі і результативності власних дій (10 питань). Друга - здорової поведінки (14 питань). Всі питання були замкнутими. У результаті проведених досліджень виявлено, що учні високо оцінюють відчуття власної результативності (31,2 пунктів). Дівчата (30,39 пунктів) у порівнянні з хлопчиками (32,05 пунктів) оцінили себе на 1,66 пункти менше. Досліджувані в 85,7% обирають здорову поведінку і частіше таке рішення приймають дівчата.
здорова поведінка, молодь, шкала труднощів.
Рафал Град. Оздоровительное поведение и уверенность в себе 13-15-летних подростков, живущих в Бялой Под-ляске. Целью исследований является выявление здорового поведения и уверенности в себе 13-15-летней молодежи, проживающей в г. Белая Подляска. У исследованиях приняли участие 229 учащихся трёх гимназий (115 девушек и 114 мальчиков). Возраст исследуемых находился в диапазоне 13-15 лет. Основным методом исследований являлось анкетирование. Первая анкета касалась уверенности в себе и результативности собственных действий (10 вопросов). Вторая - здорового поведения (14 вопросов). Все вопросы были замкнутыми. В результате проведенных исследований выявлено, что учащиеся высоко оценивают ощущение собственной результативности (31,2 пунктов). Девушки (30,39 пунктов) по сравнению с мальчиками (32,05 пунктов) оценили себя на 1,66 пункта меньше. Исследуемые в 85,7% выбирают здоровое поведение и чаще такое решение принимают девушки.
здоровое поведение, молодежь, шкала трудностей.
The condition level of individual’s health as well as the whole society depends on various factors. According to Szilagyi-P^gowska (1994) the following factors can be enumerated: healthy behaviours and lifestyle which are tightly related with each other and have bilateral influence.
According to De Vries (1999) healthy behaviours are defined as those which favor own health and/or other people’s health, taken up individuals or groups of people’ and have a real influence on one’s health. Such behaviours include proper eating habits, proper physical activity, personal hygiene and taking care of one’s safety. These behaviours are shaped from the early childhood in the process of upbringing and under the influence of many various factors such as: social, material as well as psychological (Woynarowska and co-authors 2000).
Health education plays a significant role in the process of acquiring knowledge and replacing existing behaviours with the desired ones. The results of these changes would be more effective and permanent if people believed more in their own efficacy (Gromulska and coauthors 2009). In other words it is called self-efficacy and according to Bandura (1986) it is the belief of own ability to organize and control own behaviour in order to achieve certain, expected by oneself result of such behaviour. Health behaviours are taken up more willingly as long as people possess a high self-esteem. Thanks to that people © Grad Rafat, 2013 doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.693025
believe that all goals are possible to be achieved and that the obstacles and hardships will not prevent them from achieving their goals (Baggozi and co-authors 1998, Schwarzer, de Vries and co-authors 2003, Sandvik and co-authors 2007, Heszen and co-authors 2007).
In connection with aforementioned the aim of the research was to get information about pro-health behaviours and belief in oneself among 13-15-year old teenagers living in Biala Podlaska
Defined in this way major aim of the research requires finding answers to the following questions:
1. What is the evaluation level of efficacy of actions among teenagers living in Biala Podlaska?
2. Do teenagers willingly choose pro-health behaviours?
3. Does evaluation of own efficacy modify prohealth behaviours?
Materials and methods
The research included 229 pupils from three Grammar Schools (Forms IA-IIIA) among whom there were 115 girls and 114 boys. The range of respondents’ age varied from 13 to 15 years old (13,97+/-0,87).
The major research method involves diagnostic poll along with a questionnaire as a research tool. In the research a modified version of Zukowska’s questionnaire entitled “ I - my health - sport is used (Academy of Physical Education, Warsaw). The questionnaire consists of 14 situations. Among three possible answers a respond should circle this one which is closer to him/her. Every
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answer was given a specific amount of points and they were divided into three groups - inappropriate - 1 point; neutral - 2 points, and appropriate - 3 points. All the questions concern behaviours and choices having influence on one’s health.
The second research method was the scale of average own efficacy - Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale, GSES (Schwarzer, Jeruzalem 1992). This scale was adapted to be used in many various countries (Schultz 2002), herein Poland. The authors of Polish version are abovementioned scientists and Zygfryd Juczynski (Juczynski 2001). The scale consists of 10 general statements concerning the questions how to manage different situations in life, how to face up problems as own knowledge about own efficacy. The respondents have to define veracity of these statements from 1-4 scale in which 1 refers to ‘no’, 2 refers to ‘rather no, 3 refers to ‘rather yes’, and 4 refers to ‘yes’.
The vast majority of respondents (40%) are children who come from families in which parents graduated from the university (fig. 1).
On the basis of the carried out research it has been stated that the level of respondents’ knowledge about selfefficacy can be evaluated as satisfactory as on average 84% of respondents circled that a specific situation is rather real or real (marking three or four on the scale). These results make us know that young people are able to cope with hardships which they face up in real life,
they are able to solve these problem respecting the second person at the same time.
From the analysis of self-efficacy one can come to conclusion that respondents most often chose the third point on the scale which referred to the answer ‘rather yes’. This choice was made by from 45% to 62% of respondents, however, among those were girls more often. Respondents much seldom chose option ‘yes’. This answer was chosen by 17% to 43% of respondents. In this case the group of respondents sure in 100% were the boys. In two other groups the number of respondents was low. In case of the answer ‘rather no’ it varied from 3% to 20%, and in case of the answer referring to ‘no’ it varied from 1% to 5%.
The average evaluation was higher in case of boys in 90% of cases. That is why in the final conclusion, the results acquired by girls (30,39) was lower than boys (32,05) by 1,66%. The average result in GSES scale in case of both sexes reached 31,2 points (78%)
Among 14 situations which were given in the test one shows that young people do not like and do not want to lose when competing with peers. As many as 38,6% of respondents will not admit to the referee not noticing the mistake and that he has made a mistake. 28,07% of respondents decides to apologies to the opponent after the match what will not change the final result of the game. According to the rules of fair play 33,33% out of 228 of respondents decided to stop the game and the referee about the mistake (table 2).
□ elementary
□ secondary
□ B.A degree/higher
□ M.A. degree/ university ■ don’t know
□ dead
boys’ parents
girls’ parents
Fig. 1. Education of respondents’ parents, n=229
Table.2. The results of specific choices concerning the observance of Fair Play rules by 13-15-year old teenagers
M F In total 9. I take part in interschool sport competition. The referee has not noticed the mistake and gave me the point. How would I behave in this situation?
30,97% 35,65% 33,33% A. I stop the game and say the point should be given to the opponent. I want to win with Fair Play rules.
40,7% 36,52% 38,6% B. I say nothing. I know that each point gives me certainty to win, and I want to want to win no matter what happens.
28,07% 27,83% 28,07% C. I do not admit to the mistake, but I decide to apologia to the opponent after the match..
Table. 3. Average results of GSES scale- of different age groups
Specification N Result
Grammar School goers* 229 31,2
girls 115 30,39
boys 114 32.05
Students *** 362 29,74
Females 278 29,32
Males 84 31,11
Teachers ** 404 31,44
Females 310 30,87
Males 94 31,91
Source: own research*, Brudnik **(2009) Rasinska *** (2010). N- number.
Among the choices made the respondents these were women who chose more often the group of answers defined as model (64,3% of cases).
Adding the answers achieved in situational test which were chosen in majority of cases by the respondents the result of 36 points was acquired out of 42 possible.
The statement made by Locke and latham (19900 that the higher the belief in self-efficacy, the higher the aims are set by people and the stronger is their involvement in the desired behaviour is the most relevant, even though there some obstacles and hardships. The belief in own activities has a huge influence on taking up and persistence of prohealth behaviours (Kok and co-authors 1992, Oginska -Bulik and co-authors 1996, Schwarzem and co-authors 1996).
Using the GSES scale self-efficacy and belief in own teenagers activities were measured. The average result of a single student was 32,2. the achieved results are higher than in case of students participating in the survey conducted by Rasinska (2010) by 1,46. However, in comparison with the results achieved by Brudnik (2009) in conducted survey on teachers this result was lower by
0,24 (table 3) In all these three surveys males had higher average results. In comparison to older people it shows that teenagers are resourceful, self-confident and full of belief in their activities in regard to faced problem or obstacle.
On the basis of the situational test it can be observed that in the group of the worst answer option, which was chosen by the majority of respondents is only one situation concerning the observance of Fair Play rules. In the group of neutral answers chosen by the majority of respondents were the following situations concerning: lack of criteria while doing the shopping unless they have a list; although having a chronic cold they do not go to the doctor; they
choose only going out with friends instead of joining this activity with cleaning the city, they spend additional free time in passive way or performing duties. The third most numerous group contains the correct - proper answers. In this group there are 9 out of 14 situations concerning: healthy motivation to take up sport and coping with failure; absolute care of personal hygiene and teeth, refusing to drink alcohol and smoking cigarettes and making others aware (educating others), taking care of own and others safety while relaxing; getting used to new school environment and spending weekend in appropriate way. Still better choices were made by girls.
Lukasik (2003) in her research observed that in order to raise the feeling of self-efficacy and strengthen the healthy behaviours it is crucial to introduce classes of health education. Sometimes it is lack of knowledge which causes low self-esteem and unwillingness to take some actions.
1. The average result in GSES scale is 31,2 points what gives 78%. It is a high result which means that teenagers can manage difficult situations and they are able to overcome the obstacles faced on the way to achieve their goal. The differences observed between the respondents were slight. Boys achieved the result of 32,05 points and girls were worse by 1,66 points.
2. Yes, teenagers often choose healthy behaviours. Analyzing the situational test teenagers achieved the result of 36 points what gives 85,7%. It is a high result. Prohealth behaviours have been chosen by girls more often.
3. In the survey two research methods have been applied which acquired high results (GSES scale 78% and Situational Test 85,7%). The self-efficacy has probably the influence on permanent and wise decision making in regard to own health.
та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного
виховання і спорту __________________________________
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1 Baggozi R.P., Edwards E.A.: Goal setting and goal pursuit in the regulation of body weight. Psychology andHeath,1998, vol.13, pp. 593-621.
2 Bandura A. Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice- Hall, 1986, 200 p.
3 Brudnik M. Perception of self-efficacy and professional burnout in general education teachers. Human Movement. 2009, vol.10(2), pp. 170-175.
4 De Vries H., Mudde A., Leijs I.: The European smoking prevention framework approach (EFSA): an example of integral prevention.
Health Education Research. 2003, vol.18, pp. 611-626.
5 De Vries H. Health education planning and health promotion [Planowanie oswiaty zdrowotnej i promocji zdrowia. Warszaw, 1999, p. 43.
6 Gromulska L., Piotrowicz M., Cianciara D. Self-efficacy in health behaviuor models for health education [Wlasna skutecznosc w modelach zachowan zdrowotnych oraz w edukacji zdrowotnej],
Przegl Epidemiol. 2009, vol.63, pp. 427 - 432.
7 Heszen I., S^k H. Health Psychology [Psychologia zdrowia], Warszaw, 2007, pp. 32-130.
8 Juczynski Z. Measure tools in promotion and psychology of health [Narz^dzia pomiaru w promocji i psychologii zdrowia], Warszaw, 2001, 240 p.
9 Kok G., Den Boer D., De Vries H., Gerards F., Hospers H., Mudde
A. Self-efficacy and atribution theory in health education. W: R. Schwarzer (red.): Self-efficacy: Thought Control of Action. Washington, D.C, Hemisphere. 1992, pp. 245-262.
10 Locke E.A., Latham G.P. A Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance. Prentice Hall, New York 1990. 240 p.
11 Lukasik I.M. Predicators of health behaviours [Predykatory zachowan zdrowotnych], 2003, T.2, pp. 273-278.
12 Oginska - Bulik N., Juszczynski Z. Development support and smoking prevention programme among school children. W: Z. Juszczynski, N. Oginska - Bulik (red.): Health Promotion. A Psychosocial Perspective. University Press, Lodz, 1996, pp. 87-95.
13 Rasinska R. Analysis of chosen factors to shape healthy behaviours among academic teenagers [Analiza wybranych wyznacznikow ksztaltowania postaw prozdrowotnych mlodziezy akademickiej], Poznan, 2010, p. 143.
14 Sandvik C., Gjestad R., Brug J., Rasmussen M., Wind M., Wolf A., Perez-Rodrigo C., De Bourdeaudhuij I., Samda O., Knut-Inge K. The application of a social cognition model in explaining fruit intake in Austrian, Norwegian and Spanish schoolchildren using structural equation modeling. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2007, vol.4, p. 57.
15 Scholz U., Dona B.G., Sud S. Is general self-efficacy a universal construct? Psychometric findings from 25 countries. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 2002, vol.18(3), pp. 242-251.
16 Schwarzer R. Social-cognitive factors in changing health- related behavior. Current Directions in Psychological Science. 2001, vol.10, pp. 47-51.
17 Schwarzer R., Fuchs R. Self-efficacy and health behaviors. W: M. Conner, P. Norman (red.): Predicting health behaviors. Open University Press. Buckingham - Philadelphia. 1996, pp. 163-196.
18 Schwarzer R., Jerusalem M. Self Efficacy as a Resource Factor in Stress Appraisal Processes. W: R. Schwarzer (red.): Self-Efficacy. Thought control of action. Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere; 1992, pp. 195 - 213.
19 Szilagyi - P^gowska I. Heath behaviours and lifestyle [Zachowania zdrowotne i styl zycia], Warszaw, 1994, pp. 97 - 106.
20 Woynarowska B., Mazur J. Health behaviours and health of school teenagers in Poland and in other countries. Tendencies of changes in 1990-1998 [Zachowania zdrowotne i zdrowie mlodziezy szkolnej w Polsce i innych krajach. Tendencje zmian w latach 1990-1998]. Warszaw, 2000, p. 27.
Э 2013
Information about the author:
Grad Rafat: [email protected]; Academy of Physical Education and Sport; ul. Akademicka 2, 21-500 Biata Podlaska, Poland
Cite this article as: Rafal Grad. Pro-health behaviours and belief in oneself among 13-15-year old teenagers living in Biala Podlaska. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2013, vol.4, pp. 83-87. doi:10.6084/ m9.figshare.693025
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Received: 21.04.2013 Published: 30.04.2013
Информация об авторе:
Рафал Град: [email protected]; Академия физического воспитания и спорта; ул.Академическая, 2, г. Бяла Подляска, 21-500, Польша
Цитируйте эту статью как: Рафал Град. Оздоровительное поведение и уверенность в себе 13-15-летних подростков, живущих в Бялой Подляске. /// Педагогіка, психологія та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і спорту. - 2013. - N° 4. - С. 83-87. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.693025
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