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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Голомидова Елена Сергеевна, Чученкова Оксана Алексеевна, Васильева Татьяна Владимировна

Исследование выполнено в рамках теории трансграничного туристско-рекреационного регионообразования, разработанной в начале XXI столетия. Так, на смежных территориях России, Эстонии и Латвии выделено несколько трансграничныхтуристско-рекреационных мезо- и микрорегионов разного порядка. В частности,это рассмотренные в статье трансграничные туристско-рекреационные микрорегионы первого порядка «Ивангород - Нарва», «Псков - Тарту» и «Псков - Сигулда», микрорегионы второго порядка «Пыталово - Резекне» и «Себеж - Резекне»,микрорегионы третьего порядка «Причудский» и «Сетомаа». Целью исследования является оценка природного и культурно-исторического наследия приграничных территорий с точки зрения развития туризма в пределах трансграничных туристско-рекреационных регионов. В статье проанализированорасположение объектов наследия в пределах трансграничных туристско-рекреационных регионов, а также определена направленность потенциальных трансграничных туристских потоков в зависимости от вида туризма, связанного с использованием определённых категорий природных и культурно-исторических памятников. Все национальные части трансграничных туристско-рекреационных регионоврасполагают значительными возможностями развития культурно-познавательного туризма, что связано с большим количеством историко-культурных памятников.Большим потенциалом располагает трансграничный этнографический туризм, особенно в российско-эстонском туристско-рекреационном микрорегионе «Сетомаа».Специфика развития религиозного туризма связана с повышенной концентрациейкультовых объектов на российской стороне трансграничных туристско-рекреационных регионов. Экологический туризм в настоящее время имеет более значительный потенциал развития в эстонской и латвийской частях трансграничных туристско-рекреационных регионов. В России данный ресурс также имеется, но покане в полной мере готов для использования в сфере туризма и рекреации.

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Похожие темы научных работ по социальной и экономической географии , автор научной работы — Голомидова Елена Сергеевна, Чученкова Оксана Алексеевна, Васильева Татьяна Владимировна

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The research is carried out within the theory of cross-border tourist and recreationalregion formation developed at the beginning of the XXI century. Thus, in the adjacentterritories of Russia, Estonia, and Latvia, several cross-border tourist and recreationalmeso- and microregions of different orders have been identified. In particular, these are thecross-border tourist and recreational micro-regions: regions of the first order “Ivangorod - Narva”, “Pskov - Tartu” and “Pskov - Sigulda”, micro-regions of the secondorder: “Pytalovo - Rezekne” and “Sebezh - Rezekne”, the third-order micro-regions“Prichudsky” and “Setomaa”. The purpose of the study is to assess the natural and cultural-historical heritage ofborder territories from the tourism development point of view. The article analyzes thelocation of heritage sites within the cross-border tourist and recreational regions, andalso determines the direction of potential cross-border tourist flows depending on thetype of tourism associated with the use of certain categories of natural and cultural andhistorical monuments. All national parts of cross-border tourist and recreational regions have significantopportunities for cultural and educational tourism development. It is associated with alarge number of historical and cultural monuments. Cross-border ethnographic tourism hasgreat potential, especially in the Russian-Estonian tourist and recreational micro-region“Setomaa”. The specifics of religious tourism development are related to the increasedconcentration of religious sites on the Russian side of the regions. Ecotourism currentlyhas a greater potential for development in the Estonian and Latvian parts of the regions.In Russia, this resource is also available but is not ready yet for use in the field of tourismand recreation.


Выпуск 3 (43) Том - 2020

Псковский регионологический журнал. 2013-2021

ISSN 2219--7931 URL - http://prj.pskgu.ru Все права защищены Выпуск 3 (43) Том . 2020

Natural and cultural heritage as a resource for the development of cross-border tourism in the adjacent territories of Russia, Estonia and Latvia

Чученкова Оксана Алексеевна

Pskov State University Russian Federation, Pskov

Голомидова Елена Сергеевна

Administration of Pskov Russian Federation, Pskov

Васильева Татьяна Владимировна

Pskov State University Russian Federation, Pskov


The research is carried out within the theory of cross-border tourist and recreational region formation developed at the beginning of the XXI century. Thus, in the adjacent territories of Russia, Estonia, and Latvia, several cross-border tourist and recreational meso- and microregions of different orders have been identified. In particular, these are the cross-border tourist and recreational micro-regions: regions of the first order "Ivangorod — Narva", "Pskov — Tartu" and "Pskov — Sigulda", micro-regions of the second order: "Pytalovo — Rezekne" and "Sebezh — Rezekne", the third-order micro-regions "Prichudsky" and "Setomaa".

The purpose of the study is to assess the natural and cultural-historical heritage of border territories from the tourism development point of view. The article analyzes the location of heritage sites within the cross-border tourist and recreational regions, and also determines the direction of potential cross-border tourist flows depending on the type of tourism associated with the use of certain categories of natural and cultural and historical monuments.

All national parts of cross-border tourist and recreational regions have significant opportunities for cultural and educational tourism development. It is associated with a large number of historical and cultural monuments. Cross-border ethnographic tourism has great potential, especially in the Russian-Estonian tourist and recreational micro-region "Setomaa". The specifics of religious tourism development are related to the increased concentration of religious sites on the Russian side

of the regions. Ecotourism currently has a greater potential for development in the Estonian and Latvian parts of the regions. In Russia, this resource is also available but is not ready yet for use in the field of tourism and recreation.

Ключевые слова: heritage objects, tourism, recreation, cross-border region, Latvia, Russia, Estonia

Дата публикации: 19.05.2021 Источник финансирования:

This work was supported by the EU Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project ("Transboundary European Regionalisation in Russia and Eastern Partnership: European Dimension and Environmental Drivers", 611949-EPP-1 -2019-1 -RU-EPPJMO-PROJECT).

Ссылка для цитирования:

Васильева Т. В. , Голомидова Е. С. , Чученкова О. А. Natural and cultural heritage as a resource for the development of cross-border tourism in the adjacent territories of Russia, Estonia and Latvia // Псковский регионологический журнал. - 2020. - Выпуск 3 (43) C. 117-139 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: https://prj.pskgu.ra/s221979310010375-5-1/ (дата обращения: 10.11.2021). DOI: 10.37490/S221979310010375-5

1 Introduction. By now, Russian and foreign science has accumulated considerable experience in the study of such a phenomenon as "cross-border" [3; 10; 12], including in the field of tourism and recreation. Due to the complex approach to development of "cross-border region" concept, there is a theory of cross-border tourist region formation was created. E. G. Kropinova suggested a set of main and additional features that can be used to assess the presence and degree of formation of cross-border tourist and recreational regions (TTRR). At the same time, one of the six most significant signs of the presence of TTRR was identified as "complementarity of components of natural, cultural and historical potential of tourism development, stimulating tourist flows" [4, p. 89]. This article is devoted to the disclosure of this trait of TTRR.

2 The purpose of the study is the assessment of the cultural, historical, and natural heritage of the Russian, Estonian and Latvian border territories from the tourism development point of view within the cross-border tourist and recreational regions of different levels.

3 The main objectives of the study are studying the location of heritage sites within the TTRR, as well as determining the direction of potential cross-border tourist flows depending on the type of tourism associated with the use of certain categories of natural, cultural, and historical monuments.

4 The information basis of the research is the list of objects of the cultural, historical, and natural heritage of the border areas of the Pskov region and adjacent territories of Estonia and Latvia within the boundaries of the previously allocated TTRR. From this list, the most famous heritage sites that are included or recommended for inclusion in tourist routes on one or another side of the state border are selected. Heritage sites are divided into the following main categories: 1) architectural monuments; 2) religious objects; 3) manor complexes; 4) natural attractions. Museums are also designated as a special category, usually covering a wide variety of heritage sites.

5 Problem statement. The cross-border tourist and recreational regions that are formed on the North-Western Federal district borders with neighboring States are the most studied in Russian science. First, this is the TTRR, in the formation of which the Kaliningrad region takes part [4; 14]. Recently there appeared studies on TTRR on the border of Karelia and Finland [8], and classification TTRR on the border of Russia with Norway, Finland, Estonia, and Latvia on the basis of the evaluation values of cross-border tourist traffic [6; 9].

6 We have studied in detail the TTRR formed on the border of Russia with Estonia and Latvia [1; 7; 11; 16]. In total, two mesolevel TTRR and several microregions of different orders

were identified. First, it is the Russian-Estonian mesoregion "St. Petersburg - Tallinn", which includes the first-order microregions "Ivangorod - Narva" and the third-order "Prichudsky". Second, this is the Russian-Estonian-Latvian mesoregion, which includes the first-order "Pskov -Tartu", "Pskov - Sigulda", and third-order "Setomaa" microregions. The second-order cross-border microregions "Pytalovo - Rezekne" and "Sebezh - Rezekne" were also identified, together forming the Russian-Latvian microregion of the first order [7].

7 Earlier, based on the main and additional features of TTRR formation proposed by E. G. Kropinova, we identified the key factors of cross-border tourist and recreational regional formation. These factors were divided into two groups: 1) creating prerequisites for the formation of the TTRR (resource, geopolitical, ethnic); 2) allowing to assess the degree of formation of the TTRR (infrastructure, institutional, transport and logistics), as well as separately economic [2].

8 In this article, the potential of the resource factor within the allocated TTRR is studied in detail. This factor can be considered from the point of view of natural and cultural-historical potential components complementarity of the territory on different state border sides, as well as from the point of view of contrast (dissimilarity) of tourist resources if the border played the role of an ethnocultural barrier. In our opinion, both cases create favorable conditions for the development of cross-border tourism.

9 Research findings. Russian-Estonian tourist and recreational mesoregion. Within this TTRR, there are several microregions of different order and level of formation. In this study, we will review two microlevel TTRR: the first-order "Ivangorod - Narva" microregion and the potential third-order "Prichudsky" microregion.

10 The core of the microregion of the first order "Ivangorod - Narva" are the towns neighboring Ivangorod on the part of Russia and Narva from Estonia (Fig. 1). The city also includes areas adjacent to them, together with the Russian city of Kingisepp and Slantsy (Leningrad region), the Estonian cities of Kohtla-Jarve and Rakvere (counties of Ida-Virumaa and Laane-Virumaa).

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ziycTBepe C. JIuslvere

The border of the first-order microregion "Ivangorod - Narva "

Fortresses, historical buildings, monuments

1. Historical and architectural museum "Ivangorod Fortress"

2. Yam Fortress

3. Narva Castle

4. Rakvere Castle

5. Tower-castle Vao

6. Order castle Toolse

7.146* Tsaritsyn Infantry regiment barracks

8. Town Hall

9. Narva bastions

10. Kreenholm Manufacturing Company

11. Narva college of University of Tartu

12. Narva Town Hall

Churches, temples, monasteries, chapels

13. Church of Dormition of the Mother of God

14. Church of St. Nicholas

15. St Trinity Church of Ivangorod land 17* century

16. Chapel on Kamperholm Island

17. Temple of St. Nicholas in Kotly village

18. Church of St. George in Lozhgolovo

19. Temple of Protection of the Mother of God in Kozya Gora village

20. Cathedral of St. Catherine in Kingisepp

21. Resurrection of Christ Cathedral in Narva

22. Alexander's Cathedral

23. Puhtitsa Convent

24. Church of the Epiphany in Johvi

25. Church of St. Trinity

26. Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Rakvere .27. Church of Seraphim of Sarov


28. Ivangorod Art museum

29. Museum of defensive architecture of Russia

30. Izhora museum in Vistino

31. Local history museum in Kingisepp

32. Local history museum in Slantsy

33. Narva museum

34. Ethnography museum in Narva-Joesuu

35. Manor house museum Palmse

36. Marine museum in Kasmu Manors, mansions, villages

37. Gavrilovskaya manor

38. Polar manor Kukruze

39. Roodevalja manor

40. Las i la manor

41. Vihula manor

42. Skamya village

43. Churchyard "Olga* s Cross" Natural sites

44. Dolozhskaya cave

45. Valaste waterfall

46. Lahemaa National park

47. Nommeveski waterfall

48. Sagadi Forest museum Other

49. Parusinka Ditrict

50. Water canal of Narva HPP

51. Narva waterfalls

52. Bridge "Friendship of Nations"

Fig. 1.


Main sights of the Russian-Estonian TTRR "Ivangorod - Narva" (first-order

12 Before the collapse of the USSR, the cities of Narva and Ivangorod, separated only by the Narva river, were almost one whole and had common communications, transport system and jobs. Now two cities, the main attractions of which are two fortresses (Narva fortress and The historical and architectural Museum "Ivangorod fortress"), are connected by the bridge "Friendship of peoples"1.

13 Among other objects of cultural and historical heritage on the territory of the TTRR, one should note the Yam fortress - a destroyed fortress on the banks of the Luga River in Kingisepp, which is a monument of Federal significance, where on the site of fortifications a park is now located.

14 In Narva, in addition to the fortress and bastions, there is the Kreenholm Manufacturing Company, whose factory buildings are listed in the Estonian register of cultural monuments. Narva also has a preserved Town Hall, where the Narva College of the University of Tartu is now located. The castle of Rakvere is a ruin, where historical reconstructions of medieval battles are performed. Interesting historical buildings in Estonia are the Vao Tower-castle (the second half of the 14th century) and The Toolse castle.

15 Churches, temples, monasteries, and chapels in the Russian part of the microregion are mostly Orthodox. These are the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, the Church of St. Nicholas, and the Holy Trinity Church in Ivangorod, Catherine's Cathedral and the Church of the Holy Trinity in Kingisepp, the Church of St. Nicholas in the village of Kotly in the Leningrad

region, the Church of Seraphim of Sarov in Slantsy. On the Estonian side, TTRR is the Puhtitsa Convent - a female Orthodox monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the city of Johvi the Church of the Epiphany is located, in the city of Rakvere the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin is located. In Narva, there are Alexander Cathedral - a Lutheran Church dedicated to the Russian Emperor Alexander II, and Narva Resurrection Cathedral - an Orthodox Church built for workers of the Kreenholm manufactory.

16 There are many museums within the TTRR "Ivangorod - Narva". Ivangorod has the Art Museum, as well as the Museum of the Military and defensive architecture of Russia. In the cities of Kingisepp and Slantsy there are historical and local history museums and in the village of Vistino, Leningrad region - Izhora folk Museum, the exposition of which is dedicated to the culture and life of the Izhora people. The Narva Museum is located in Narva, and the Ethnographic Museum is located in Narva-Joesuu. The Palmse open-air Museum, which is a knight manor, is located on the territory of the County of Laane-Virumaa. The Kasmu sea Museum is located in the same county.

17 On the Russian side of the TTRR, the following mansions, manors, and villages should be noted: the Gavrilovskaya manor in the district of Slantsy, located in the same place the village of Skamia - one of the oldest settlements in the district, and the churchyard "The Cross of Olga". Kukruse Polar Manor in Kohtla-Jarve, Lasila Manor not far from Rakvere, and Vihula Manor, located in the Lahemaa national park. In the same national Park, there are such natural objects as the Nommeveski waterfall and Sagadi Forest Museum. Not far from Kohtla-Jarve the Valaste Waterfall - the highest in Estonia the Baltic States is located. In the district of Slantsy of the Leningrad region Dolozhskaya cave is located, which is visited annually by thousands of pilgrims.

18 It is worth to mention such sights of the region as the district of Ivangorod Parusinka, currently known for its unusual architecture. The hydroelectric power station in Narva drains water from the reservoir past the turbines in jets during the spring flood, and then it is possible to admire the beauty of the waterfalls from the Estonian side.

19 The heritage sites listed above are either included in cross-border tourist routes or are recommended for inclusion. Their distribution by category and national parts of this TTRR is shown in figure 2.

0 2 4 6 S 10 12

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■ Leningrad region ■ Estonia

Fig. 2. Categories of heritage sites of the Russian-Estonian TTRR "Ivangorod - Narva" (microregion of the first order)

21 A comparison of heritage site locations on the Russian and Estonian sides of the TTRR allows us to draw the following conclusions. Thus, cultural and educational tourism has approximately equal prospects for development on both sides of the border. Although the set of display items is different, this is also an advantage, since it reflects the uniqueness of cultural landscapes on different border sides. On the Estonian side, you can see more fortresses and other architectural monuments, on the Russian side - places of worship. At the same time, a larger amount of tourist flows related to religious tourism is more likely from the Russian side to Estonia, which has many Orthodox sites. However, from the point of view of cultural and educational tourism, these same Orthodox churches in Russia itself may also be of interest to Estonian and other foreign tourists. As for the cross-border tourist flow related to eco-tourism, it is more obvious that there is a larger flow from Russia, which is due to the presence of interesting natural monuments on

the Estonian side of the TTRR. First, this applies to the Lahemaa National Park and nearby natural sites.

22 The third-order cross-border (potential) tourist and recreational microregion "Prichudsky" covers the coast of Lake Peipus and the Warm Lake, and includes the Western part of the Gdov district of Pskov region, as well as small sections of the Estonian counties of Ida-Virumaa, Jogevamaa and Tartumaa (Fig. 3).


Fig. 3. Main attractions ofpotential TTRR "Prichudsky" (microregion of the third order)

24 Among the castles, historic buildings located on the territory of the city, it should be noted Gdov ruins of the fortress and the ruins of the Laiuse fortress, founded in the late 14th century. Laiuse fortress was the first in Estonia, adapted to the use of firearms. In the village of Kobyle Gorodishche in Gdov district in 1992, in memory of the 750th anniversary of the Ice battle, a monument to Alexander Nevsky was erected. There, in the year of the 600th anniversary of the first mention of the Kobyle Gorodishche In the Pskov Chronicles, a Bronze Memorial cross was installed. Kuremaa is a picturesque mill belonging to the complex of buildings of the Kuremaa manor.

25 There are many monuments of religious architecture on the coast of Lake Peipus. In Gdov, there is the St. Demetrius Cathedral, located on the territory of the Gdov Kremlin. It was built in 1989-1993 on the foundation of the Cathedral of Dmitry Solunsky and recreated as similar as possible to this Cathedral. In the village of Kobyle Gorodishche, the Church of the Archangel Michael is located. Church of St. Nicholas located in the Central part of the village Remda, created in the neo-Russian style. The wooden Church of Peter and Paul was built in the village of Spitsyno around 2003. In the village of Zalakhtovye is the Church of Alexander Nevsky, in Domozhirka village - Trinity Church.

26 On the Estonian side, religious sites are mainly associated with Russian Old Believers who moved to the Western shore of Lake Peipus. In Kallaste there is a wooden prayer house of old believers belonging to the Pomor religious movement. Church in Mustvee is a functioning old believer Church of the Pomor wing, the construction of which began in 1927.

27 The Museum of the history of the expedition to clarify the Ice Battle location and the Museum of the fishing region are located in the village Samolva of Gdov district. In Gdov there is a Museum of the history of the region. Several interesting museums are on the Estonian side of the potential TTRR. In the city of Mustvee Museum of Prichudie and the Old Believers' Museum. Another Museum of old believers' is located in the village of Kolkja, Tartu County. In Kaapa village of Jogeva County is the Museum of Kalevipoeg - the hero of Estonian mythology. Avinurma is home to an active Museum Train, where you can take a trip along a preserved section of the narrow-gauge railway.

28 In the Gdov district in the village of Kyarovo was the estate of Peter Konovnitsyn -Minister of war of the Russian Empire. Nowadays, only the churchyard and Church remain2. The settlement of Kassinurme in Estonia was founded two thousand years ago and is considered one of the oldest holy places in the territory. In the county of Tartumaa in the village of Alatskivi is an ancient settlement, which in the 13-14th centuries was used as a vassal castle.

■ Pskov region ■ Estonia

Fig. 4. Categories of heritage of potential TTRR "Prichudsky" (microregion of the third order)

30 A comparative analysis of the heritage sites location on the West and East coasts of Lake Peipus (Fig. 4) allows us to conclude that both coasts (Estonian and Russian) are quite interesting from the cultural and educational tourism point of view. Moreover, the heritage sites here are largely complementary to each other, for example, the Russian side has a large number of monuments of religious architecture, and the Estonian side - unique museums focused on learning

about mythology and traditional culture. For Russians, museums dedicated to old believers' culture (ethnographic tourism) may be the most interesting here. The development of cross-border cultural and educational tourism in the "Prichudsky" microregion, which still has the status of "potential" due to the lack of cross-border water transport routes, would significantly expand its tourist potential in addition to the existing recreational function.

31 Russian-Estonian-Latvian tourist and recreational mesoregion. This mesolevel TTRR consists of two first-order microregions: Russian-Estonian TTRR "Pskov - Pechory - Tartu" and Russian-Latvian TTRR "Pskov - Sigulda". These two microregions share a common Russian part. In addition, the "core" of these microregions, as well as the entire mesoregion, is the third-order "Setomaa" microregion, which will is considered separately.

32 The most significant points where the main part of the cultural and historical objects of the mesolevel TTRR are concentrated are: in Russia - the cities of Pskov and Pechory, the village of Izborsk, in Estonia - the city of Tartu, in Latvia - the cities of Aluksne, Cesis and Sigulda (Fig. 5).


Fortresses, historical buildings, monuments

1. Pskov Kremlin

2. Izborsk fortress

3. Tartu Old Town

4. Tartu Town Hall square

5. Ruins of the Episcopal castle in Vastseliina

6. Turaida castle

7. Cesis castle

8. Sigulda castle

9. Ruins of the Livonian Order fortress

10. Aluksne New Palace

Churches, temples, monasteries, chapels

11. Pskovo-Pechersky Dormition monastery

12. Snetogorsky monastery

13. Mirozhsky monastery

14. Trinity Cathedral

15. Church of St. Nicholas

16. Church of St. George

17. Church of Michael and Gabriel the Archangels

18. Church of the Epiphany

19. Church of the Intercession

20. Cathedral of John the Baptist

21. Church of Cos mas and Da mi an

22. Church of St. Basil the Great on the hill

23. Chapel Of Olga

24. Church of St. Peter of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tartu

25. Church of St, Paul of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tartu

26. Dormition Cathedral of the Estonian Orthodox Church in Tartu

27. Great Martyr George of the Russian Orthodox Church in Tartu

28. Church of St. John

29. Aluksne Evangelical Lutheran Church

30. Aluksne Orthodox Trinity Church

31. Aluksne Roman Catholic Church

32. Church of St. John in Cesis

33. Turaida Lutheran Church

34. The Church of the Holy Apostle Andrew in Sigulda

The border of the first-order microregions "Pskov - Pechory -Tartu" and "Pskov - Sigulda"


35. Pskov State United historical, architectural and art Museum-reserve

36. State historical-architectural, landscape, and natural museum-preserve "Izborsk"

37. Museum of history of Pechory

38. Estonian National Museum

39. Historical Museum of the University of Tartu

40. Center of Science AHHAA

41. Nature Museum in Aluksne

42. Cesis Museum of history and art

43. Valmiera Local history Museum

Manors, mansions, villages

44. Village ofVybuty

45. Khalakhalnya manor

46. Luhaa manor

47. Tammistu manor

48. Kukulinna manor

49. Tahtvere manor

50. Krimulda manor in Sigulda

51. Ungurmuiza manor in Cesis

Natural sites

52. Arboretum

53. Detskiy Park

54. Park Kuopio

55.1zbors ko-Maiskaya valIey

56. Botanic garden of the University of Tartu

57. Aluksne Lake

58. Aluksne Palace Park

59. Raksi Park

60. May Park

61. Gauja National Park

62. Gutmana Cave

63. Cane Park in Cesis

Fig. 5. Main attractions of the Russian-Estonian-Latvian tourist and recreational mesoregion, which includes the first-order microregions "Pskov - Pechory - Tartu" and "Pskov - Sigulda"

34 Among the fortresses, monuments and historical buildings, it is necessary to note the Pskov Kremlin (Krom), built on 1330, which is the historical and architectural center of the city, and the Izborsk fortress in the village of Izborsk3. On the Estonian territory, the most interesting historical and cultural monuments are the Tartu Town Hall square and the Old Town. The ruins of

the Episcopal castle are situated in the village of Vastseliina. The largest number of monuments of this type within the mesoregion is in Latvia, where Turaida, Cesis, and Sigulda castles are located close to each other. In addition, in Aluksne you can see the ruins of the Livonian Order fortress and the New Palace.

35 Religious objects, such as churches, chapels, temples, and monasteries, are represented on the territory of the TTRR in a large number. First, these are large Orthodox monasteries - The Pskovo-Pechersky Dormition monastery in Pechory, Snetogorsky and Mirozhsky monasteries in Pskov, as well as many churches and temples (some of which are UNESCO world heritage Sites), which are located in the Pskov region.

36 The churches of St. Peter and St. Paul of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Dormition Cathedral of the Estonian Orthodox Church, and the Church of the Great Martyr George of the Russian Orthodox Church are located in Tartu. In Latvia, there are three places of worship belonging to different churches located in Aluksne, the Church of the Holy Apostle Andrew in Sigulda, and the Church of St. John in Cesis. Also worth noting is the Turaida Lutheran Church.

37 There are many museums located on the territory of TTRR, such as Pskov-Izborsk United Museum-reserve and the Museum of history of Pechory (Pskov region). In Tartu, there is the Estonian National Museum, founded in 1909, The Center of Science, and the Historical Museum of the University of Tartu, which was founded in 1976 by materials collected by one of the associate professors of the University of Tartu. In Latvian part, there are Nature Museum in Aluksne, Cesis Museum of history and art, founded in 1925, Valmiera Local history Museum, located on the territory of the medieval castle ruins of the Livonian Order.

38 Manor complexes on the territory of the TTRR include Khalakhalnya manor in the Pechory district (Russia), Luke manor, Kukulinna manor and Tahtvere manor near Tartu (Estonia), Krimulda manor in Sigulda and Ungurmuiza manor in Cesis (Latvia). It is necessary to the village of Vybuty in Pskov district - the birthplace of Princess Olga (Russia), and the Tammistu manor in Tartu (Estonia).

39 Natural objects include parks in Pskov (Arboretum, Detskiy Park, Park Kuopio), Izborsko-Malskaya valley in the Pechorsky district of Pskov region. In Estonia, the Botanic garden of the University of Tartu, in Latvia - Aluksne Lake and Aluksne Palace Park, Gauja National Park, the Gutmana Cave in Sigulda, Raksi Park and Cane Park in Cesis.

40 In general, the Russian-Estonian-Latvian TTRR has a large number and variety of heritage sites, the most famous of which are taken into account in the diagram in figure 6.

■ Pskov region □ Estonia □ Latvia

Fig. 6. Categories of heritage sites of the Russian-Estonian-Latvian tourist and recreational mesoregion

42 First, the TTRR has the most favorable prospects for the development of cultural and educational tourism. This is facilitated by many museums, monuments of religious architecture (especially in the Russian part of the TTRR), fortresses, and castles (especially in Latvia). Latvia (especially the Gauja national Park) and Russia (the Izborsko-Malskaya valley) have the best conditions for the development of cross-border ecological tourism, while Estonia and Latvia have the best conditions for rural tourism. The development of religious and ethnographic tourism has

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good prospects in the TTRR. A more detailed description of some of the heritage sites of this TTRR is presented below at the level of one of the microregions of the Russian-Estonian-Latvian mesoregion.

43 The third-order cross-border tourist and recreational microregion "Setomaa" is

located in the heart of the Russian-Estonian-Latvian mesoregion. It covers most of the territory of the Pechory district of the Pskov region, the municipality of Setomaa VSru County and the adjacent counties of Polva County and Voru County in Estonia. The parish Setomaa was organized in the course of the last administrative-territorial reform in Estonia from different parts of the counties of Polva County and Voru County on the ethnic principle, because here (as in the neighboring parishes of the Pechory district of Pskov region) live Seto people, who, unlike Estonians, profess the Orthodox religion. Before the revolution of 1917, the entire area of residence of Seto people was a part of Pskov province, and from 1920 to 1944 it was a part of Estonia. However, at the turn of 1944-1945, the territory of Seto people was divided between Russia and Estonia. In Russia, the Pechory district was organized on the site of the former Estonian County of Estonia. The most famous heritage sites on the territory of TTRR "Setomaa" are shown in figure 7.


Коровье Село

Черская Крас»но


"ortresses. historical buiidi-.p;. monuments

1. Izborsk fortress

2. Ruins of the Episcopal castle in Vastseliina Churches, temples, monasteries, chapels

3. Pskovo-Pechersky Dormition monastery

4. Lutheran Church of St. Peter

5. Church of Evangelical Christians in Pechory

6. Church of Simeon Pskovo-Pechersky

7. Church of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

8. Church of Sergiy of Radonezh and


9. Church of St. George

10. Malsky monastery

11. Church of St. George in Varska

12. Church of St. Paraskeva in Saaste

13. Orthodox Church of Saints Zacharias and Elizabeth in Rapina

The border of the the Russian-----Estonian Setomaa TTRR

(third-order microregion)


14. Pechory History Museum

15. Bee-keeping museum

16. Seto museum in Sigovo

17. Seto museum by T. Ogareva

18. Peasant museum

1B. Local history and horticultural museum in Rapina

Manors, mansions, villages

20. Estate of the apothecary Rein

21. Senno churchyard

Natural sites

22. Izborsko-Malskaya valley

23. Eco-farm "Izborsky ostrich"

Fig. 7. Main sights of the Russian-Estonian Setomaa TTRR (third-order microregion)

45 The Izborsk fortress was built in 1330 to protect the Western parts of Pskov land until the 15th century and withstood eight sieges. The fortress is part of the Izborsk Museum-reserve. Research and restoration works are constantly carried out on the territory of the fortress. In the village of Vastseliina in Estonia are the ruins of the German fortress Neuhausen, the former order castle of the Bishop of the Livonian Order.

46 There are many temples and churches, monasteries, and chapels on the territory of "Setomaa" TTRR. The most significant of the religious sites represented on the Russian side is The

Pskovo-Pechersky Dormition monastery, which is one of the largest monasteries in Russia. In 1473, the cave Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God was consecrated here, and this year is considered the date of the foundation of the monastery. In the courtyard of the monastery is the Church of Simeon Pskovo-Pechersky.

47 Malsky monastery was created as a male Orthodox monastery. It appeared in the 15th century as a place of monastic habitation on the shore of Lake Malsky. In the city of Pechory, in addition to the Orthodox monastery, there is a Lutheran Church of St. Peter, built in the early 20th century. Pechory Church of Evangelical Christians is one of the oldest Protestant churches in the Pskov region. The village Izborsk is home to the Church of Sergiy of Radonezh and Nikander, built between 1755 and 1797, and The Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, built on the first quarter of the 18th century. The Church of St. George is located in the village of Senno. On the Estonian side, it is St. George's Church in Varska village, which belongs to the Estonian Apostolic Orthodox Church, Church of St. Paraskeva in the village Saaste, and the Orthodox Church of Saints Zacharias and Elizabeth in the village of Rapina.

48 Museums on the territory TTRR "Setomaa" from the Russian side: Pechory History Museum (including the exhibition of traditional women's clothing of Seto), Bee-keeping museum and farm and the Peasant museum, where recreated the era of the Princess Olga. There are also museums that are dedicated to the traditional culture of Seto people. In the village of Sigovo, Pechory district, there are two museums dedicated to Seto.

49 On the Estonian side of the Setomaa TTRR, there are three museums dedicated to Seto culture. The first of them is the Seto farm museum in the village of Varska, opened in 1998. Most of the buildings in the Museum are original buildings from the North of Setomaa. Next to the Farm museum, the Tea House was built in 2004, where Seto national cuisine is offered. The second is the Seto museum in the village of Saatse, which opened in 1974. A Forest park with a training trail has been created next to the museum, in a few hundred meters away from the Russian border. The third Seto museum is located in the village of Obinitsa, opened in 1995. The museum displays artful hand-made items of Seto craftswomen, brought from the surrounding farms, and national clothes of Seto.

50 In the village of Rapina there is a Local history and horticultural museum, which gives an idea of the Rapina estate and the local parish, the history of the city, the horticultural school and gardening, as well as one of the oldest paper factories in Europe4.

51 Other interesting tourist sites on the Russian side of the Setomaa TTRR include the Senno churchyard, which is one of the oldest Russian churchyards. Its complex includes the Church of St. George, a stone belfry, a gate, and an active cemetery. In Izborsk is the estate of the apothecary Rein, built in 1925, where his personal belongings are collected. Rein has done a lot for the development of medicine and pharmaceutical business in this region.

52 The Izborsko-Malskaya valley natural site is a natural monument of regional significance and is a unique natural landscape complex. In the village of Zalavye, Pechorsky district, there is an eco-farm "Izborsky ostrich", where black African ostriches live. The distribution of heritage sites by category and national parts of the Setomaa TTRR is shown in figure 8.


Manors, mansions, villages —

Museums ~14

Churches, temples, monasteries,

chapels I Is

Fortresses, historical buildings, | 1 monuments 1


■ Pskov region ■ Estonia

Fig. 8. Categories of heritage sites of the Russian-Estonian TTRR "Setomaa" (third-order


54 Although almost two-thirds of the area of the Setomaa TTRR is located in Russia, there are also many interesting tourist sites on the Estonian side of the region. First, there are three museums of the Seto people. On the Russian side, there are also museums dedicated to the Seto people. Together with Estonian museums, they can create a single tourist museum cluster, which will contribute to the further development of ethnographic tourism in the Setomaa TTRR. From the religious tourism point of view, the Russian part of the cross-border microregion is more attractive, especially due to the The Pskovo-Pechersky Dormition monastery located near the border. It is also a major center of cultural and educational tourism. The second major center of tourism is also located in Russia - the village of Izborsk and Izborsko-Malskaya valley.

55 The Russian-Latvian first-order microregion includes two second-order microregions ("Pytalovo - Rezekne" and "Sebezh - Rezekne"), which have significant overlap on the Latvian side. Therefore, it can be given a common name - TTRR "Pytalovo - Rezekne -Sebezh". The TTRR covers border areas in the South-West of the Pskov region of Russia and in the South-East of Latvia, in the historical region of Latgale. The most significant localities of the TTRR are the Russian cities of Sebezh and Pytalovo, and the Latvian cities of Ludza and Rezekne (Fig. 9).


Fortresses, historical buildings, monuments

1. Monument to the People's artist of the USSR Zinovii Gerdt

2. Castle hill

3. Monument "Friendship mound"

4. Ruins of the Rositten castle

5. Ruins of the medieval Ludza castle

Churches, temples, monasteries, chapels

6. Church of the Holy Trinity

7. Church of St. Nicholas

8. Temple of Boris and Gleb in Vyshhorodok

9. Church of St. Nicholas in Pytalovo

10. Church of the Holy Trinity in Greshina Gora

11. Cathedral of the Heart of Jesus

12. Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity

13. Rezekne synagogue

14. Orthodox Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God

15. Roman Catholic Church of sufferings of the Mother of God

16. Old Believers' oratory of Saint Nicholas

17. Chapel of the Karnitsky

18. Church of the Appearance of Jesus

19. Church of St. Euphrosiniya of Polotsk

^^^^^ The border of the Russian-Latvian TTRR "Pytalovo - Rezekne - Sebezh"


20. Museum of Friendship of Nations of the Pytalovo district

21. Museum of cosmonautics

22. Sebezh Museum

23. Local history museum in Ludza

24. Museum of local history in Ludza

25. Ludza artisans* center

Manors, mansions, villages

26. Estate of G. Derzhavin

27. Malnava manor

28. Salnava estate

Natural sites

29. Ugorinsky Bor

30. Kurjanovs Lake

31. Raznas National park

32. "Blooming" city ofZilupe

Fig. 9. The main attractions of the Russian-Latvian TTRR, which includes the second-order microregions "Pytalovo - Rezekne" and "Sebezh - Rezekne"

57 Fortresses, monuments, and historical buildings in the Russian part of the TTRR are represented by the Castle hill in Sebezh - a high promontory, 50-150 m long. In addition, there is a monument to the People's artist of the USSR Zinovii Gerdt, a native of the city. On the border of

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Russia, Latvia and the Republic of Belarus is the "Friendship mound", where the formation of the partisan region began. On the Latvian part of the TTRR in Rezekne, the ruins of the Rositten castle are preserved, and in Ludza - the ruins of the medieval Ludza castle.

58 Monuments of religious architecture are well represented on both sides of the border. On the Russian side in the city of Sebezh is the Church of the Holy Trinity - the most ancient of the buildings preserved there. This is a former Catholic Church, which was renamed and consecrated as an Orthodox Church in 1990 with the consent of the Catholics living in Sebezh. In Sebezh district in the village of Zarodishche is the Church of St. Nicholas built in the late 20-s of the 19 century. In Vyshhorodok village of Pytalovo district is the temple of Boris and Gleb, built in 1890 in Russian-Byzantine style. In the city of Pytalovo, there is a wooden Church of St. Nicholas, built in the early 20th century. The Church of the Holy Trinity in the village of Greshina Gora was built between 1926 and 1937 in the tradition of the wooden architecture of the Russian North.

59 Many different churches are located in the Latvian city of Rezekne. The Cathedral of the Heart of Jesus is a catholic church with a neo-gothic wooden altar built in 1887. The Lutheran Church of the Holy Trinity was erected in 1938. Rezekne Orthodox Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God was built in 1846. The building of the Rezekne synagogue, which was called "green" because of the color of the walls, was built in 1845. In the Jewish community, the synagogue was called "Beit Midrash" - an educational house. During the Second World War, almost all the synagogues in Rezekne were destroyed, and only one remained. The Roman Catholic Church in Rezekne was built on the site of a wooden church in 1936. The Old Believers' oratory of Saint Nicholas in Rezekne was rebuilt in 1906.

60 In Ludza there is a chapel of the Karnitsky counts, near which you can see a sculpture of the Virgin Mary, created two centuries later. The building of the Church of the Appearance of Jesus began to be built by local residents in 1909. The impressive church was completed and consecrated only in 1931. In 1911, the Karsavsky (Korsovsky) parish was formed, and in 1911 a temporary church was equipped in the building of the local parochial school. In 1917-1918, the priestly house was adapted for a church and consecrated in honor of St. Euphrosiniya of Polotsk.5

61 The following museums are located in the Russian part of TTRR: The museum of Friendship of Nations of the Pytalovo district, the Museum of cosmonautics of the city of Pytalovo, and the Sebezh Museum. On the Latvian side, there are two local history museums in Ludza and the Ludza artisans' center.

62 Mansions, manors, and villages within the Russian part of the TTRR are represented by the estate of Derzhavin (a poet and statesman of the Russian Empire), located in the village of Prikhaby in the Sebezh district6. Derzhavin took possession of it in 1777. The foundations of the estate have been preserved, near which there are fragments of stove tiles and porcelain dishes of Western European production, as well as the Manor Park. Located in the Latvian part of the TTRR, the Malnava manor in Karsava dates back to the first half of the 19th century. There is a large park near the estate. The Catholic Church and the complex of the Salnava estate (main house, barn, park) are objects of the cultural heritage of local significance.

63 A notable natural object of the TTRR is Ugorinsky Bor, which is a part of the Sebezhsky National park. On the border of Russia and Latvia is the "blooming" city of Zilupe, the easternmost in Latvia. Near the city of Ludza is a picturesque lake Kurjanovs. Raznas National park was created to protect the lake of the same name, the second largest in Latvia, and the surrounding areas. The distribution of different categories of heritage objects by national parts OF the TTRR "Pytalovo -Rezekne - Sebezh" is shown in figure 10.

0113456789 10 ■ Pskov region □ Latvia

Fig. 10. Categories of heritage sites of the Russian-Latvian TTRR "Pytalovo - Rezekne -Sebezh"

65 A comparative analysis of the placement of cultural heritage objects allows us to conclude that the Latvian side of the TTRR is more attractive in terms of cultural, educational, and ecological tourism. However, the Russian side has an advantage, since in the East of Latvia, in the region of Latgale, there is a large Orthodox (Russian and Belarusian) population, which is important from the point of view of the development of religious tourism in the TTRR.

66 Conclusions. The research has shown that TTRS located on the border of Russia with Estonia and Latvia have significant historical, cultural, and natural potential and a wide variety of tourist sites. Thus, this is the basis for the development of most types of cross-border tourism, which should contribute to the growth of tourist flows and the further development of cross-border tourist and recreational regions.

67 In fact, all national parts of the TTRR of different levels have significant opportunities for the development of cultural and educational tourism, which is associated with a large number of architectural monuments (fortresses, castles, monasteries, places of worship, historical sites, estates of famous people, etc.). Cross-border ethnographic tourism has great potential, especially in the Russian-Estonian-Latvian TTRR mesolevel, primarily due to its cross-border "core" (Russian-Estonian TTRR "Setomaa").

68 The specifics of the development of religious tourism are related to the increased concentration of worship places on the Russian side and a significant share of Orthodox churches among worship places in the Estonian and Latvian parts of the TTRR. On the one hand, this encourages tourist flows from Russia to the adjacent territories of Estonia and Latvia, but on the other hand, monuments of religious architecture in Russia itself are objects of interest to foreign tourists, but if we consider them from the perspective of cultural and educational tourism. The development of this type of tourism, but already in Latvia, is facilitated by the presence in Latgale (Russian-Latvian TTRR) of many objects of Catholic architecture (churches).

69 Ecotourism, due to the greater preservation and arrangement of natural monuments for tourism, currently has significant development potential in the Estonian and Latvian parts of the TTRR. Although this resource is available in Russia, it is not yet fully ready for use in tourism and recreation.


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Natural and cultural heritage as a resource for the development of cross-border tourism in the adjacent territories of Russia, Estonia and Latvia

Chuchenkova Oksana

Pskov State University Russian Federation, Pskov Elena Golomidova Administration of Pskov Russian Federation, Pskov Tatiana Vasileva Pskov State University Russian Federation, Pskov


The research is carried out within the theory of cross-border tourist and recreational region formation developed at the beginning of the XXI century. Thus, in the adjacent territories of Russia, Estonia, and Latvia, several cross-border tourist and recreational meso- and microregions of different orders have been identified. In particular, these are the cross-border tourist and recreational micro-regions: regions of the first order "Ivangorod — Narva", "Pskov — Tartu" and "Pskov — Sigulda", micro-regions of the second order: "Pytalovo — Rezekne" and "Sebezh — Rezekne", the third-order micro-regions "Prichudsky" and "Setomaa".

The purpose of the study is to assess the natural and cultural-historical heritage of border territories from the tourism development point of view. The article analyzes the location of heritage sites within the cross-border tourist and recreational regions, and also determines the direction of potential cross-border tourist flows depending on the type of tourism associated with the use of certain categories of natural and cultural and historical monuments.

All national parts of cross-border tourist and recreational regions have significant opportunities for cultural and educational tourism development. It is associated with a large number of historical and cultural monuments. Cross-border ethnographic tourism has great potential, especially in the Russian-Estonian tourist and recreational micro-region "Setomaa". The specifics of religious tourism development are related to the increased concentration of religious sites on the Russian side of the regions. Ecotourism currently has a greater potential for development in the Estonian and Latvian parts of the regions. In Russia, this resource is also available but is not ready yet for use in the field of tourism and recreation.

Keywords: heritage objects, tourism, recreation, cross-border region, Latvia, Russia, Estonia Date of publication: 19.05.2021 Citation link:

Golomidova E., Oksana C., Vasileva T. Natural and cultural heritage as a resource for the development of cross-border tourism in the adjacent territories of Russia, Estonia and Latvia // Pskov region studies journal. - 2020. - Issue 3 (43) C. 117-139 [Electronic resource]. URL: https://prj.pskgu.ru/s221979310010375-5-1/ (circulation date: 10.11.2021). DOI: 10.37490/S221979310010375-5

Код пользователя: 0; Дата выгрузки: 10.11.2021; URL - http://prj.pskgu.ru/s221979310010375-5-1/ Все права защищены.

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