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Ключевые слова
инновационные образовательные технологии / методы ТРИЗ-педагогики / «мозговой штурм» / лингвисты-переводчики / creative pedagogy / TRIZ-technology method / brainstorming / linguists-translators

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Н С. Ильющенко, Э В. Багдасарова

Сегодня серьезной проблемой преподавателей стал поиск образовательных технологий, направленных не только на усвоение обучающимися определенной суммы знаний, но и на развитие их личностных, креативных, познавательных и созидательных способностей. Одной из концепций, позволяющих соблюсти такой баланс, является педагогическая такая система, как теория решения изобретательских задач (ТРИЗ), в основе которой лежит проблемно-поисковый метод и самостоятельная творческая деятельность учащихся. Цель статьи – внедрение метода мозгового штурма – одного из методов ТРИЗ-технологии – в 2 группах лингвистов-переводчиков (контрольной и экспериментальной) на факультете иностранных языков Российского государственного социального университета. Были выявлены и классифицированы способы трансформации при переводе имен собственных с английского языка на русский. В экспериментальной группе студенты уже обучались инновационным наглядным пособиям и методике ТРИЗ-педагогики. В статье представлен план занятия с семью блоками: мотивация; содержательная часть I; психологическая загрузка; головоломка; интеллектуальная разминка; содержательная часть II; резюме. Структура заданий была разработана в соответствии с авторской педагогической системой НФТМ-ТРИЗ (непрерывное формирование творческого мышления), основанной профессором М.М. Зиновкиной. Впервые элементы ТРИЗ, первоначально созданные для решения научно-технических проблем, были успешно применены в области лингвистики при подготовке лингвистов-переводчиков. Расчет критерия t-Стьюдента и результаты испытаний показали, что экспериментальная группа справилась с заданием лучше контрольной. Среднее значение составило 74,32 баллов в контрольной группе и 81,95 баллов в экспериментальной. Эмпирическое значение t-критерия Стьюдента 3,94. Уровень значимости t-критерия Стьюдента < 0,001. Применение метода ТРИЗ повысило эффективность усвоения учебного материала, благотворно повлияло на процесс обучения иностранному языку в контексте разработки инновационной системы профессиональной подготовки в высшей школе.

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Похожие темы научных работ по наукам об образовании , автор научной работы — Н С. Ильющенко, Э В. Багдасарова

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The relevance of the present issue is caused by a strong need to search for educational technologies aimed not only at acquiring knowledge, but also at developing students’ personal, cognitive and creative abilities. One of the concepts that allow to maintain such balance is the pedagogical system of the theory of solving inventive problems (TRIZ), which is based on the problem-search method and independent creative activities of students. The task of the article is to implement brainstorming – one of the TRIZ-technology method in 2 groups of linguists-translators (control and experimental) at the Faculty of Foreign Languages in Russian State Social University. In the experimental group the learners had already been taught by the innovative visual aids and the TRIZ-pedagogy method. The article represents the class plan in seven blocks: motivation; content part I; psychological uploading; puzzle; intellectual workout; content part II; summary. The structure of the lesson is developed in accordance with the author’s pedagogical system CFCT-TRIZ (continuous formation of creative thinking), founded by Russian Prof. M.M. Zinovkina. For the first time, TRIZ elements, originally created to solve scientific and technical problems, were successfully applied in the field of linguistics in the preparation of linguists-translators. The results of the research and t-Student criterion calculation show that the experimental group did better than the control one. Mean value of control group came up to 74,32 points whereas of experimental group – to 81,95 points. The significance level of t-Student test made < 0,001. The results confirm the necessity of applying TRIZ-technology method for teaching foreign languages in the context of developing an innovative vocational training system in higher education. The use of the TRIZ method contributed to increasing the efficiency of learning material, had a beneficial effect on the process of teaching a foreign language in the context of developing an innovative vocational training system in higher education.


к чужой культурной сфере жизнедеятельности членов определенной языковой общности.

Следующий принцип находится в тесной взаимосвязи с предыдущим и называется принципом со-изучения языка и культуры. Согласно ему язык как элемент культуры функционирует в ней, поэтому обучающиеся должны быть знакомы и с ее особенностями, и со спецификой функционирования языка в ней. Технология развития критического мышления главным образом осуществляется по трем этапам: вызов, реализация и рефлексия. На первом этапе происходит актуализация знаний учащихся по данной теме, пробуждение их интереса к ней, а также определение целей изучения представленного материала. Данный этап является очень важным, так как значительно способствует решению сложнейшей проблемы преподавателей - формированию мотивации учащихся. На втором этапе происходит осмысление новой информации. Как правило, данный этап является наиболее объёмным по времени. Основной задачей здесь выступает поддержка активности и мотивации учащихся, созданных во время первой фазы. Третьим этапом данного подхода является рефлексия, во время которой проясняется смысл нового материала и выстраивается дальнейший путь обучения. Важным условием данного этапа можно считать систематизацию полученной информации и превращение её в знание учащихся. Для успешного проведения данного этапа преподавателю необходимо владеть навыками активного слушания, а также научить им учащихся. На четвёртом этапе обобщается и оценивается вновь полученная информация и обсуждаемые проблемы, а также способы их решения. Для отслеживания успехов учащихся, а также понимания, насколько адекватно подобраны или разработаны задания, важно определить критерии определения уровня развития критического мышления у учащихся. Выделяют три уровня сформированности критического мышления:

Библиографический список

1. На начальном уровне отмечается низкая степень сформированности представлений учащихся о явлениях иноязычной культуры, умений оценивать, доказывать свою правоту, приводить аргументы за и против, обобщать и резюмировать.

2. Средний уровень предполагает сформированность умений и навыков мыслительных операций в пределах элементарных суждений, небольшой опыт в умении приводить доказательства и опровержения, оценивать факты, осознавать критику как мыслительный процесс.

3. Высокий уровень, бесспорно, свидетельствует о наличии устойчивых умений и навыков основных мыслительных операций. К ним относятся, например, умение видеть и признавать свои и чужие недостатки, определять ошибочные суждения, логически обосновывать оценку и самооценку, умело находить аргументы за и против и проявлять терпимость к критике в свой адрес. Для развития критического мышления в процессе формирования межкультурной компетенции используются такие приемы обучения, как решение проблемных культуро-ведческих заданий, организация дискуссий, участие в социокультурных проектах, организация ролевых игр и др. задания, используются различные методы.

Таким образом, критическое мышление является достаточно сложным интеллектуальным и многоаспектным процессом, и его развитие в ходе формирования межкультурной компетенции старшеклассников на уроках иностранного языка представляет собой актуальную проблему для современного языкового школьного образования.

Поэтому качество речевой компетенции старшеклассников, а также уровень межкультурной компетентности старшеклассников станет значительно выше, если учитель будет систематически реализовывать технологию развития критического мышления учащихся в процесс обучения иностранным языкам.

1. Азимов Э.Г., Щукин А.Н. Новый словарь методических терминов и понятий (теория и практика обучения языкам). Москва: ИКАР 2009.

2. Апальков В.Г, Сысоев П.В. Компонентный состав межкультурной компетенции. Вестник ТГУ. 2008; № 8: 89 - 93.

3. Bodley J.H. Cultural anthropology: Tribes, states, and the global system. Palo Alto: Mayfield, 1994.

4. Пассов Е.И. Программа-концепция коммуникативного иноязычного образования. «Развитие индивидуальности в диалоге культур». Москва: Просвещение, 2000.

5. Клустер Д. Что такое критическое мышление? Перемена: Международный журнал о развитии мышления через чтение и письмо. 2001; № 4: 36 - 40.


1. Azimov 'E.G., Schukin A.N. Novyj slovar'metodicheskih terminov iponyatij (teoriya ipraktika obucheniya yazykam). Moskva: IKAR, 2009.

2. Apal'kov V.G., Sysoev P.V. Komponentnyj sostav mezhkul'turnoj kompetencii. Vestnik TGU. 2008; № 8: 89 - 93.

3. Bodley J.H. Cultural anthropology: Tribes, states, and the global system. Palo Alto: Mayfield, 1994.

4. Passov E.I. Programma-koncepciya kommunikativnogo inoyazychnogo obrazovaniya. «Razvitie individual'nosti v dialoge kul'tur». Moskva: Prosveschenie, 2000.

5. Kluster D. Chto takoe kriticheskoe myshlenie? Peremena: Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal o razvitii myshleniya cherez chtenie ipis'mo. 2001; № 4: 36 - 40.

Статья поступила в редакцию 10.03.21

УДК 37.013

Ilyuschenko N.S., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), Senior Lecturer, Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, Member of the Union of Writers of Russia, Professor of Department of Foreign Languages, Moscow Art Theatre School (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: [email protected] Bagdasarova E.V., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), Senior Lecturer, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

APPLYING THE THEORY OF SOLVING INVENTIVE PROBLEMS IN THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF TRANSLATORS. The relevance of the present issue is caused by a strong need to search for educational technologies aimed not only at acquiring knowledge, but also at developing students' personal, cognitive and creative abilities. One of the concepts that allow to maintain such balance is the pedagogical system of the theory of solving inventive problems (TRIZ), which is based on the problem-search method and independent creative activities of students. The task of the article is to implement brainstorming - one of the TRIZ-technology method in 2 groups of linguists-translators (control and experimental) at the Faculty of Foreign Languages in Russian State Social University. In the experimental group the learners had already been taught by the innovative visual aids and the TRIZ-pedagogy method. The article represents the class plan in seven blocks: motivation; content part I; psychological uploading; puzzle; intellectual workout; content part II; summary. The structure of the lesson is developed in accordance with the author's pedagogical system CFCT-TRIZ (continuous formation of creative thinking), founded by Russian Prof. M.M. Zinovkina. For the first time, TRIZ elements, originally created to solve scientific and technical problems, were successfully applied in the field of linguistics in the preparation of linguists-translators. The results of the research and t-Student criterion calculation show that the experimental group did better than the control one. Mean value of control group came up to 74,32 points whereas of experimental group - to 81,95 points. The significance level of t-Student test made < 0,001. The results confirm the necessity of applying TRIZ-technology method for teaching foreign languages in the context of developing an innovative vocational training system in higher education. The use of the TRIZ method contributed to increasing the efficiency of learning material, had a beneficial effect on the process of teaching a foreign language in the context of developing an innovative vocational training system in higher education.

Key words: creative pedagogy, TRIZ-technology method, brainstorming, linguists-translators.

Н.С. Ильющенко, канд. филол. наук, доц., проф., Школа-студия МХАТимени Чехова, г. Москва, Е-mail: [email protected] Э.В. Багдасароеа, канд. филол. наук, доц., Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, г. Москва, Е-mail: [email protected]


Сегодня серьезной проблемой преподавателей стал поиск образовательных технологий, направленных не только на усвоение обучающимися определенной суммы знаний, но и на развитие их личностных, креативных, познавательных и созидательных способностей. Одной из концепций, позволяющих соблюсти такой баланс, является педагогическая такая система, как теория решения изобретательских задач (ТРИЗ), в основе которой лежит проблем-

но-поисковый метод и самостоятельная творческая деятельность учащихся. Цель статьи - внедрение метода мозгового штурма - одного из методов ТРИЗ-технологии - в 2 группах лингвистов-переводчиков (контрольной и экспериментальной) на факультете иностранных языков Российского государственного социального университета. Были выявлены и классифицированы способы трансформации при переводе имен собственных с английского языка на русский. В экспериментальной группе студенты уже обучались инновационным наглядным пособиям и методике ТРИЗ-педагогики. В статье представлен план занятия с семью блоками: мотивация; содержательная часть I; психологическая загрузка; головоломка; интеллектуальная разминка; содержательная часть II; резюме. Структура заданий была разработана в соответствии с авторской педагогической системой НФТМ-ТРИЗ (непрерывное формирование творческого мышления), основанной профессором М.М. Зиновкиной. Впервые элементы ТРИЗ, первоначально созданные для решения научно-технических проблем, были успешно применены в области лингвистики при подготовке лингвистов-переводчиков. Расчет критерия ^Стьюдента и результаты испытаний показали, что экспериментальная группа справилась с заданием лучше контрольной. Среднее значение составило 74,32 баллов в контрольной группе и 81,95 баллов в экспериментальной. Эмпирическое значение ^критерия Стьюдента 3,94. Уровень значимости критерия Стьюдента < 0,001. Применение метода ТРИЗ повысило эффективность усвоения учебного материала, благотворно повлияло на процесс обучения иностранному языку в контексте разработки инновационной системы профессиональной подготовки в высшей школе.

Ключевые слова: инновационные образовательные технологии, методы ТРИЗ-педагогики, «мозговой штурм», лингвисты-переводчики.


Modern educational standards put forward high demands on higher education graduates. They are bound to master a whole new set of skills and abilities that help them improve and develop their intellectual potential throughout their lives, find non-standard solutions to emerging problems, adapt to new situations, analyze their capabilities and gain new experience, work in a scientific team, generate new ideas, etc. One of the concepts which would enable learners to maintain such a balance was a pedagogical multilevel continuous creative education "Theory of Inventive Problem Solving" - CFCT-TRIZ system created by Russian professor M.M. Zinovkina in the early 80's for the humanities specialties in the preparation of linguists-translators at universities. The "Theory of Inventive Problem Solving" (TRIZ) was originally invented by a Soviet engineer and writer G.S. Altshuller in 1946, who demonstrated a set of new methods for solving inventive problems in technology, focusing on the transformation of the art of invention into exact science. The course methodology is still used at a big number of today's hi-tech companies (Samsung, GE, Intel, Procter&Gamble, LG Group, Wrigley, Boeing, and many others) [1, p. 24].

The tools used in CFCT-TRlZ education are based on the problem-search method and students' independent creative activity aimed at obtaining the final result. Before its appearance, complex atypical problems in all areas of human activity, including engineering inventive tasks, were solved by trial and error (enumeration of options). The author's CFCT-TRIZ pedagogy system offers methods for nonstandard solutions to standard vital issues, introduces an element of the novelty of a creative and critical approach to learning. It was successfully implemented by Prof. Zinovkina, not only in Russian schools, but also abroad: it is still in demand with great enthusiasm in schools in South Korea [2; 3; 4; 5].

In 1989, the TRIZ International Association within the framework of the TRIZ public movement was created, which includes today TRIZ associations of more than thirty countries. For over 25 years, the TRIZ system has been successfully used in the academic environment: Twente University (the Netherlands), Strasbourg University (France), Polytechnic University in Paris (France), Wayne State University (USA), Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (Sweden), Technical University Brno (Czech Republic), Universities of Bergamo and Florence (Italy), and other [6, p. 7]. The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have successfully implemented TRIZ methods in their educational programs. In this context we would like to mention the experiment of the employees of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology conducted in 1996. Two groups of students in three hours solved a complex production task of a large company. One group already had a previous experience in the framework of the TRIZ system, the other had not. As a result, the first group came up with much more creative ideas than the second group (by 80% more ideas) [7, p. 71].

Literature Review

TRIZ-technology is much considered in domestic and foreign works of G.S. Altshuller [1], P.A. Starikov [8], E.V. Miroshnik [5], V. Sushkov [6], A.A. Gin [7], Nesterenko [9], Petrov [10], Alan Webb, M. Slokum [11], Barry Katie, Ellen Domb [12], Sheng I., Kok-Su T. [13], Vidal, Rosario [14], Jane, Reen [15], Hovanov [16], Len Kaplan [17] and others.

A significant contribution to the development of a new direction in pedagogy -"Creative pedagogy" was made by Prof. R.T. Gareev [18], the author of a series of courses on "Fundamentals of TRIZ and Computer Interactive Thinking Support". The scientist conducted a great number of seminars on TRIZ in Russia and abroad: in Iran, South Korea, Germany and other countries.

The works of Russian scientists R.B. Shapiro and A.A. Gin highlight creative pedagogy based on the solution of inventive problems and the theory of development of a creative personality, which forms the basis of the hypothesis on the research of the creativity effectiveness dependence on the use of didactic ways of thinking.

The contribution of V. Sushkov, vice-president of the TRIZ International Association and holder of TRIZ Master degree (2013), is of great practical importance when analyzing organizational and managerial tasks from the perspective of scaling up decisions, schematizing inventive situation and working with contradictions. In 1989, the scientist co-founded the Inventive Machine Corporation. Today he teaches TRIZ and Technology of Innovation Roadmaps at the University of Twente and TIAS Business School, the Netherlands.

The authors team of P.M. Gorev and V.V. Utemov developed individual programs, the priority tasks of which are the development of scientific creativity of the

youth. Scientists are working on the formation of a continuous educational process aimed at the creative development of the personality of students by means of open and partially open tasks in the framework of adapted TRIZ tools by G.S. Altshuller and the continuous formation of a creative personality by M.M. Zinovkina.

E.V. Miroshnik and V.V. Utemov founded creative psychology - new methodology for logical thinking development in NFTM-TRIZ, which is based on the integration of psychology and pedagogy. The methodology is aimed at a conflict-free adaptation to solving problem (stress) situations.

The scientists from Malaysia - Issak Lim Sing Shen and Teoh Kok Su - used the principles of TRIZ to create Eco-efficient product designs. (They investigated peculiarities of various water filters and washing machines to correlate the elements of environmental efficiency with TRIZ principles). They claimed that there was a significant correlation between eco-efficient elements and TRIZ principles in the existing products. All information obtained from the case studies of the product along with the research of individual TRIZ principles led to the formation of a new tool, which was called the TRIZEE Design Tool.

Rosario Vidal and Angela Men, professors of Engineering and Construction Department at the Jaume I University in Valencia, Spain, investigated the effectiveness of environmental design by incorporating TRIZ tools into eco-innovative design.


The brainstorming method used in TRIZ education is one of the most operational methods for solving problems based on stimulating creative activity. At the same time, the participants of the discussion are invited to freely express as many ideas as possible, including the most absurd ones. Further, from the total number of the expressed decisions, the most successful ones that can be used in practice are selected [8, pp. 20-58]. Speed, quantity and spontaneity are the motto of this process, which also includes the stage of expert evaluation. A strict adherence to this strategy is necessary because it helps to overcome unconscious hidden cognitive biases and limitations that allow us to be truly creative. Training is carried out, first of all, not on specific knowledge, but on how to quickly and efficiently learn the teaching material. Thus, the elements of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, originally created to solve scientific and technical problems in the training of technical specialists, have been widely used in the humanities specialties in universities in recent years. In particular, in the field of linguistics, in the preparation of linguistic translators, techniques and technologies have begun to be successfully introduced that can effectively accelerate the assimilation of material. In the 80-s, the first TRIZ-technology method in pedagogy for the preparation of linguists-translators at universities was formed within the framework of the TRIZ public movement and the International TRIZ Association.

The methods of intensifying TRIZ creativity that arose in the middle of the last century, such as brainstorming (A. Osborn), the method of focal objects (F. Kunze), the method of morphological analysis (F. Zwicke), synectics (W Gordon), and others allowed to streamline the process of enumerating solution options. Thus, the aim to narrow the field of search for solutions without quality loss was posed and solved, which means that a technology for reaching "strong" solutions to the problem, virtually without enumerating options, has been obtained.


Using the TRIZ method of the brainstorming technology [19, pp. 152-177] and the structure of the creative lesson in the innovative CFCT-TRIZ pedagogical system [5, pp. 31-56], we developed and conducted a series of classes on "Translation of English Proper Names in Literature" in the framework of discipline "The Practical Course of the First Foreign Language (English)" in 2 groups of linguists-translators of 22 students in each group (control and experimental) at the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Russian State Social University. In the experimental group the learners had already been taught by the innovative visual aids and the TRIZ-pedagogy method. In our research the excerpts were taken from novels about Harry Potter written by the British writer Joan Rowling translated by M. Spivak and I. Oransky. The students analyzed the hidden meaning of Harry Potter character names identifying certain transformation methods (transliteration, transcription, loan translation, functional equivalence), demonstrate the accurate translating skills from English into Russian, etc.

The class plan in our research is presented by seven blocks in Fig. 1.: motivation (miracle meeting); content part I; psychological unloading; puzzle; brain warm-up; content part II; summary. The structure of a lesson on the development of the students' creative personality in the CFCT-TRIZ pedagogical system is designed in accordance with the double creative lesson proposed by M.M. Zinovkina [5, pp. 31-56].

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4

motivation content part I psychological unloading puzzle

(miracle meeting)

Break (10 min)

Block 6 Block 6 Block 7

brain warm-up content part II summary

Fig. 1. Structure of a lesson on the development of the students' creative personality in the TRIZ pedagogical system

The structure of a creative lesson on the system of CFCT-TRIZ

The implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies in the multi-level system of CFCT-TRIZ means changing the structure of lessons and their original content. As a basis for the development of the methods of creative lessons with first-year students, we took the structure of a double creative lesson proposed by M.M. Zinovki-na [3, pp. 261-265].

Block 1 (motivation) represents a specially selected system of tasks that cause students to meet a miracle. In this block the students are given a set of Harry Potter character "speaking" names in order to guess their etymology and translate them from English into Russian.

Blocks 2 and 6 (content part) include the program material of the educational course and provide the formation of systemic thinking and the development of creative abilities.

Block 3 (psychological unloading) represents a system of tasks for psychological unloading.

Block 4 (puzzle) represents a system of increasingly complicated puzzles, embodied in real objects, in the design of which an original, witty idea is realized.

Block 6 (brain warm-up) represents a system of increasingly complex tasks aimed at stimulating the mind and improving brain function, developing the motivation. In this block, the students were offered to do crosswords and quizzes, which allowed them to develop their creative ability and logical thinking.

Block 7 (summary) provides feedback from the students about the lesson and provides a qualitative and emotional assessment of the lesson by the students. Then some parts of the lesson were corrected, based on the results of the feedback.

The implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies in the multi-level system of CFCT-TRIZ means changing the structure of lessons and their original content. As a basis for the development of the methods of creative lessons with first-year students, we took the structure of a double creative lesson proposed by M.M. Zinovki-na [3, pp. 261-265]. Let's consider each block in more details:

Block 1. Motivation (miracle meeting)

In this block the students are given a set of Harry Potter character "speaking" names in order to guess their hidden meaning and translate them from English into Russian.


Hidden meaning behind Harry Potter character names:

Crabbe Vincent (Крэбб Винсент) - (from English "to crab");

Malfoy (Малфой) - (from French m foi" - "perfidy", from Latin "maleficus" -"villain");

Tom Marvolo Riddle (Том Марволо Риддл) - (from English "riddle" and "marvel");

Lupin Remus (Люпин Ремус) - (from Latin "lupus", from English "lupine");

Lockhart Gilderoy (Локхарт Гилдерой) - (from English "lock and "heart"; "gild" and "royal");

Slytherin (Слизерин) - (from English "sly").

Equipment: projector, screen.

Block 2. Content Part I

In this block, the purpose of the translation is to establish an equivalence relationship between the source and the translated text: both texts carry the same message. Despite various obstacles that the translator has to overcome, it is considered that the translation that meets both criteria (accuracy and transparency) is considered the most successful:

1) Accuracy (translation should fully convey the ideas, meaning and style of the original);

2) Transparency (degree of perception of translation by a native speaker).


Translation methods for proper names.

Transliteration (is the reception of graphic similarity by spelling names in letters of the target language). For example:

Marvolo - Марволо, Lupin Remus - Люпин Ремус, Harry Potter - Гарри Поттер, Hermione Granger - Гермиона Грейнджер, etc.

Transcription (is the reception of sound similarity of the name with the letters of the target language). In the case when transliteration in its pure form is impossible, or when the translator encounters "speaking names", it is necessary to use transcription to transmit not the spelling, but the sound of the word or its part. For example:

Voldemort [voldemo:t] - Вольдеморт, Peeves [pi:vz] - Пивз, Godric Gryffind-or [godrik grifindo] - Годрик Гриффиндор, Ron Weasley [ron wizli] - Рон Уизли, Dudley [ dAdli] - Дадли, etc.

Loan translation, or calque (an expression adopted by one language from another in a more or less literally translated form). Here are some examples:

Moaning Myrtle - Плакса Миртл (from English "moan" and "myrtle"); Professor Sprout - Профессор Стебль (from English "sprout"); Nearly Headless Ghost - Почти Безголовый Призрак; Mad-Eye Moody - Грозный Глаз Грюм, etc.

Functional equivalence (Functional equivalence finding is the process, where the translator understands the concept in the source language and finds a way to express the same concept in the target language in the way, in which the equivalent conveys the same meaning and intent as the original). For example:

Madam Hooch - Мадам Трюк (from English "hooch"); Voldemort - Волан-де-Морт (from French words "vol' - "flight" and "mort' - "death"); Kreacher - Шкверчок (from Englishwords "creature" + "screech"); Padfoot - Бродяга (from English "to pad").

It should be noted that J. Rowling endowed with special meaning not only the spells, but also the names of the main characters of her saga, encrypting their character with linguistic, magical, historical and Latin roots. For example, both the name and the surname of Luna Lovegood (Полумна Лавгуд) was translated by means of transcription which tells us about the craziness of the character (Luna means half-witted, crazy), as intended by the author. Here, the name "Luna" is consonant with the words "loony" - "insane person" и "lunacy" - "sleepwalking", "madness". The surname is translated by means of transcription, therefore, we have an example of the integrated use of different translation methods. Of great interest is the translation of the name of the faculty Hufflepuff, in which the verbs "huff'fget irritated") and "puff" ("pant", "pout") refer to the English idiomatic expression "huff and puff" (annoyed or angry).

Equipment: Textbooks, additional material.

Block 3. Psychological unloading represents a system of tasks for psychological unloading. For this purpose, the students were shown an episode from the film "Happy Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".


An episode from the film "Happy Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

Task: "Mental movies".

Step 1. Students listen to the episode without video.

Step 2. Students describe the appearance of characters.

Step 3. Students watch the video.

Step 4. Students analyze their imagination results.

Equipment: projector, screen.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Block 4. Puzzle


The students are given cards with proper names and their translations to define a translation method:

Luna Lovegood - Полумна Лавгуд;

Godric Gryffindor - Годрик Гриффиндор;

Oliver Wood - Оливер Древ / Вуд;

Dudley - Дадли / Дудли;

Snitch - Проныра;

Dursley - Дурсль / Дурслей;

Professor Quirrell - Профессор Белка / Профессор Квирелл;

Hedwig - Букля.

Equipment: handout.

Block 6. Brain warm-up

This block represents a system of increasingly complicated tasks aimed at stimulating the mind and improving brain function, developing the motivation. In this block, the students were offered to do crosswords and quizzes, which allowed them to develop their creative ability and logical thinking.

Content: Crosswords and quizzes.

The words used: "riddle", "to marvel", "to snitch", "to ward off", "to skeeter", "slug", "fungi", "privet", "beaux", "crabby", "loony", "to huff", "to puff", etc.

Equipment: handout.

Block 6. Content Part II


A brief description of the content of the interactive training presentation frames:

Slide 1 - theory: translation of words and phrases that do not have lexical correspondences, "icons" - hyperlinks: dictionary, problem, exercises.

Slide 2 - theory: transliteration, transcription, loan translation, "icons" - hyperlinks: let's think together.

Slide 3 - theory: requirements for the adequacy of the translation of literary works, "icons" - hyperlinks, wise thoughts.

Slide 4 - theory: Special features of the translation of proper names from English into Russian.

Slide 5 - practice: An excerpt translated by M. Spivak.

Slide 6 - practice: An excerpt translated by I. Oransky.

Slide 7 - A summary table of different translations of proper names and names of fictional school subjects from all the texts offered.

The trajectory of actions on the stages of the class plan.

1. Teacher-> Students

2. Teacher — Teacher — Student

3. Teacher <-

-> Students

Student > Student

4. Teacher

Student « 5. Group 1

Group Student

6. Students take on the role of lead group In turn.

Group leader Teacher



group members

7 Teacher <-> Group

Teacher <-> Student

Opinion exchange ^

О <-> О




Equipment of thelesson: Presentationslides The class plan:

Block 7. Summary


The problem of translating proper names in fiction is still of great interest, since it is very difficult to give a complete list of all possible methods for translating anthroponyms, indications and explanations to them. This study examined the most commonly used methods for translating proper names. It was revealed that due to the variety of anthroponyms and their individual characteristics, the methods of their transmission into the target language can vary and come into contact with each other. A study of examples from fiction showed that translators practice the most diverse ways of working with proper names, which indicates the presence of a subjective factor in solving this problem.

Equipment: Entries in a notebook.


Elements of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, originally created to solve scientific and technical problems in the training of technical specialists, have been widely used in the humanities specialties in universities in recent years. Particularly, in linguistics, in the preparation of linguists-translators, not only techniques and technologies which can effectively accelerate the learning process, but also elements of the novelty of a creative and critical approach to learning are being successfully introduced.

The analysis of the research carried out on a series of classes on "Translation of English Proper Names in Literature" in the discipline "The Practical Course of the First Foreign Language (English)" revealed that there is a considerable difference in the results in experimental group in which tests were conducted in accordance with modern visual aids and TRIZ pedagogy methods - and the control group, in which the methodology of inventive tasks was not applied. There were 22 students in each group. The calculation of the t-Student criterion of one of the tests is given in Tab. 1 and Tab. 2. In percentage terms, all grades for tasks (Block 1. motivation (miracle meeting); Block 2. content part I; Block 3. psychological unloading; Block 4. puzzle; Block 5. brain warm-up; Block 6. content part II; Block 7. summary) were set according to a 100-point system in the following ranges:




75 - 84


65 - 74



As an example, we give the criteria developed and adopted at the Russian State Social University:

100-85 points - the student has fully mastered the educational material; knows how to put it in his own words; independently confirms the answer with specific examples; correctly and thoroughly answers additional questions of the teacher.

75-84 points - the student has basically learned the training material, makes minor mistakes in its presentation in his own words; confirms the answer with concrete examples; correctly answers additional questions of the teacher.

65-74 points - the student has not learned a significant part of the educational material; makes significant mistakes in its presentation in his own words; it is difficult to confirm the answer with specific examples; weakly answers additional questions.

<65 points - the student almost did not learn the training material; cannot spell it out in his own words; cannot confirm the answer with specific examples; does not answer most of the teacher's additional questions.

№ Structural Elements Teacher Activities Students' Activities Time

1 Organization of time. «Brainstorming». Challenge. Brainstorming session: "What transformation methods have you learned you expect to encounter?" Students write their answers on the board. "Brainstorming" method gives quick brief characteristics to the transformation methods. 2 min

2 Theory: transliteration, transcription, loan translation Organization of work with the theory. Slide 2. Explanation and additions. Students make the necessary notes in notebooks, ask questions on the theory. 3 min

3 Vocabularyand text work Organization of work with a dictionary and text: (teacher - group) Students make notes in notebooks. 5 min

4 Theory: requirements for the adequacy of the translation of literary works. Organization of work with the theoretical material of slide 3, clarifications and additions. Students make the necessary notes in notebooks, ask questions. 3 min

5 Practice: analysis of translations made by students. Formation of groups and organization of work in groups. Students perform a practical task in groups. 24 min

6 Problem statement. Selection of the most successful translations in a separate group (analysis of translation by offers). Performing tasks in groups. 10 min

7 Theory: Special features of the translation of proper names from English into Russian. Organization of work with slide 4. Students look through the material, make notes in notebooks. 5 min

8 Practice: analysis of translations made by students. Formation of new groups and organization of activities in groups. Students perform a practical task. 25 min

9 Practical work with slide 7. Analysis of the proposed methods. Discussion. Carried out in a group. 8 min

10 Reflection. Summing up and organizing the work "The analysis of the results of comparative work". Students express their own opinions, draw conclusions. 5 min

Tab. 1 Distribution of students according to their points

Points Control Group (number of students) Experimental Group (number of students)

<65 2 0

65-74 10 4

75-84 9 11

>85 1 7

Tab. 2 Calculation of the t-Student criterion and the results of one of the tests.

№ student Control Group (points) Experimental Group (points)

1 61 66

2 61 69

3 66 74

4 67 74

5 69 77

6 71 80

7 71 80

8 71 81

9 72 82

10 72 82

11 73 83

12 74 83

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

13 75 84

14 76 84

15 76 84

16 79 85

17 80 85

18 83 86

19 84 90

20 84 90

21 84 91

22 86 93

mean 74,32 81,95

standard deviation 7,09

empirical significance of t-Student criterion

significance level of t-Student criterion

6,62 3,69 < 0,001

Thus, there is a difference in the test results between the two groups (control and experimental) - the experimental group did better than the control one.


Today TRIZ pedagogy methods have become widespread in the modern academic environment. They allowing students not only to broaden their horizons and put their knowledge and skills into practice, but also to cultivate a desire for study in general. This approach to the learning process is based on methods developed in the framework of the theory of solving inventive problems: stereotype removal operators, methods for resolving contradictions, algorithms for solving creative problems and other mechanisms of CFCT-TRIZ. It is noteworthy that CFCT-TRIZ pedagogy over years

Библиографический список

has accumulated invaluable professional experience in teaching methods for solving creative problems in various age groups - from preschool children to students and adults. Moreover, if initially the CFCT-TRIZ technique appeared as a theory of solving inventive problems in technology, nowadays a lot of universities have begun to successfully implement it in the humanities.

The TRIZ-pedagogy method immerses students in a comfortable environment that allows them to learn a foreign language with great incentive, and also expands the range of social and communicative abilities, establishes trust and close contact between the teacher and students. The advantage of this method is that training takes place, first of all, not through specific knowledge, but through its quick and effective mastering. The fundamental difference between the technology of TRIZ pedagogy from the traditional approach is the transition from a content structure "by disciplines" to a "problem-based" structure.

Today TRIZ-pedagogy is developing a series of creative imagination development courses aimed at overcoming stereotypes of the solver and developing the ability to work with non-trivial problems. Prof. M.M. Zinovkina's CFCT-TRIZ is a promising direction in modern pedagogy offering new forms and teaching methods that harmoniously integrate into the general system of vocational training in higher education. Our study was the first to successfully implement TRIZ elements, originally created to solve scientific and technical problems, in the field of linguistics in the preparation of linguists-translators. In accordance with the author's pedagogical system CFCT-TRIZ our class plan which consisted of seven blocks (motivation; content part I; psychological uploading; puzzle; intellectual workout; content part II; summary) showed that the experimental group did better than the control one. In our opinion the need of applying TRIZ-technology method for teaching foreign languages in the context of developing an innovative vocational training system in higher education is by no means obvious.


The calculation of the t-Student criterion and the results of one of the tests conducted in the control and experimental groups of linguists-translators showed that the experimental group in which students had already been taught by TRIZ pedagogy method did much better than the control group, in which the methodology of inventive tasks had not been applied. Mean value of control group came up to 74,32 points whereas of experimental group - to 81,95 points. The significance level of t-Student test made < 0,001. According to the test results the analysis also proved that the use of "brainstorming" as a method of TRIZ technology helps to increase the efficiency of learning educational material through the simultaneous presentation of the necessary information and demonstration fragments, the formation of professional culture and students' skills.

Thus, according to the test results we came to the conclusion that TRIZ-ped-agogy techniques help organize understanding the phenomena of translation transformations, help create an intellectual atmosphere that contributes to the demand for both reproductive and productive sides of students' intelligence, optimally engage such "companions" of the students' thinking process as the need for visualization (both figuratively-symbolic and verbal-conceptual) and need for oral speech of pronunciation and intonation of arising thoughts. The use of TRIZ method has a beneficial effect on the process of teaching foreign languages in the context of expending an innovative vocational training system in higher education, has a powerful didactic and scientific potential, developing a new type of thinking inherent in the 21st century.

The practical significance of the study can be linked with the possibility of further application of its results in teaching peculiar features when translating English literary, scientific and technical texts. This study can be used by teachers as a brief guidance to the application of visualization in combination with the methods and techniques of TRIZ-pedagogy on the practical course of the first foreign language at linguistic faculties in colleges and universities. The research is also addressed to teachers of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums. It can be highly useful to graduate students and experts working in the field of creative pedagogics.

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14. Vidal R., Salmeron J.L., Mena A. Vicente C. (2015) Fuzzy Cognitive Map-based selection of TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) trends for eco-innovation of ceramic industry products. Journal of Cleaner Production. Available at: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Fuzzy-Cognitive-Map-based-selection-of-TRIZ-trends-Vidal-almeron/f6421 29c0dc564d33ac4892721ce1af6433f27b0

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19. Osborn A.F. Wake Up Your Mind: 101 ways to develop creativeness. New York, London: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1952.

Статья поступила в редакцию 13.03.21

УДК 378

Kemahli Sevket Baser, postgraduate, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (St. Petersburg, Russia), E-mail: [email protected]

INNOVATIONS IN WORKING WITH GIFTED CHILDREN: FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF ST. PETERSBURG SCHOOLS. The paper analyzes innovative products aimed at working with gifted children, presented by the schools of the city of St. Petersburg for the competition of innovative works within the framework of the St. Petersburg School 2020 project for the period from 2013 to 2019. The article reveals features of the works submitted to the competition, provides a primary classification of innovative products aimed at working with gifted students. The researcher also conducts an analysis of innovative products that made it to the final of the competition and the winning products, which were published in the corresponding collection and recommended for testing and implementation in schools. It is determined that the percentage of innovative products aimed at working with gifted children relative to the total number of works submitted to the competition is very low, but even less is the number of products that won the competition. Accordingly, schools in St. Petersburg need to pay more attention to working with gifted children.

Key words: innovative product, gifted children, competition of innovative products.

Кемахлы Шевкет Башер, аспирант, Российский государственный педагогический университет имени А.И. Герцена, г. Санкт-Петербург,

E-mail: [email protected]


В данной статье проводится анализ инновационных продуктов, направленных на работу с одаренными детьми, представленных школами города Санкт-Петербург на конкурс инновационных работ в рамках проекта «Петербургская школа 2020» за период с 2013 по 2019 годы. В статье раскрываются особенности представленных на конкурс работ, дается первичная классификация инновационных продуктов, направленных на работу с одаренными учащимися. Также проводится анализ инновационных продуктов, прошедших в финал конкурса, и продуктов-победителей, которые были опубликованы в соответствующем сборнике и рекомендованы к апробированию и внедрению в деятельность школ. Определено, что процент инновационных продуктов, направленных на работу с одаренными детьми, очень низкий относительно общего числа представленных на конкурс работ, но еще меньше количество продуктов, победивших в конкурсе. Соответственно, школам Санкт-Петербурга требуется уделять больше внимания работе с одаренными детьми.

Ключевые слова: инновационный продукт, одаренные дети, конкурс инновационных продуктов.

Школы в своей деятельности ориентируются на такие инструменты реализации образовательной политики, которые призваны связать деятельность школ с образовательной политикой в области работы с одаренными детьми, которая ставит перед школой прямую задачу: реализовать государственные образова-

тельные стандарты. Соответственно, школа начинает искать пути, благодаря которым она сможет в этой общей задаче найти пути, средства, механизмы, алгоритмы, инструменты для работы с теми детьми, которые требую большего внимания, то есть с одаренными и талантливыми ребятами.

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