Primary selection model for sports gifted children
UDC 796.015.82
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor O.A. Dveirina1 PhD, Associate Professor V.S. Terekhin1 V.V. Danilov2 A.V. Nazarov2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg
2Autonomous Non-commercial Physical Education and Sports Organization "Become a Champion"
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate and analyze benefits of a combined general/ special sports gifts test system for children that factors in every genetic, anthropometric, functional, psychological and motor factor of importance for the sports selection, promotion and progress.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was run at the Sports Gifted Children Test, Selection and Follow-up Center of Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health in St. Petersburg. The combined general/ special sports gifts test system for children was designed to test and analyze every genetic, anthropometric, functional, psychological and motor factor of importance for the sports selection and progress in the Primary Selection Model implementation Project. The Primary Selection Model gives a special priority to potential competitive gifts in 86 sports, with the physical fitness / gifts analyzed by experts within the structure and logics of the Coordination Fitness Model by O.A. Dveirina (2019) applied to rate every physical fitness element.
Results and conclusion. For the further Primary Selection Model scaling and application purposes, we would recommend the tests that not necessarily require high technical skills for success in the tests albeit still produce dependable physical fitness test data. We selected the most objective, reliable, representing and theoretically grounded tests easily accessible for the individuals with modest or beginner motor experiences. Later on it may be beneficial to build up the test set to form a test battery compliant with the mission, goals and technical standards of the 'Become a Champion' Federal Experimental Innovative Project.
Keywords: model, physical abilities, testing, gift manifestations, competitive exercise.
Background. The national sports talents selection/ qualification system presently gives a high priority to the physical fitness tests and gifts qualification methods to effectively group children at the beginner and special training stages. The underage/ youth sports theory and practice of reports only a small proportion of the would-be athletes being successful in every physical fitness test and, hence, other special methods and tools are needed to fairly rate and rank the individual physical fitness on a more accurate and multisided basis.
Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate and analyze benefits of a combined gener-
al/ special sports gifts test system for children that factors in every genetic, anthropometric, functional, psychological and motor factor of importance for the sports selection, promotion and progress.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was run at the Sports Gifted Children Test, Selection and Follow-up Center of Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health in St. Petersburg. The combined general/ special sports gifts test system for children was designed to test and analyze every genetic, anthropometric, functional, psychological and motor factor of importance for the sports selection and
Competitive physical fitness test system
Key motor goal of the competitive fitness test
Competitive fitness test phase 1: motor goal
Competitive fitness test phase 2: motor goal
Competitive fitness test phase 3+: motor goal(s)
Meaning of phase 3+ goal Basic physical fitness elements Test exercises
Test exercises and standards
Physical fitness elements Test exercises Physical fitness test scores
«_» «_» «_»
Figure 1. Competitive physical fitness rating model: design and logics
progress in the Primary Selection Model implementation Project. The Primary Selection Model gives a special priority to potential competitive gifts in 86 sports, with the physical fitness / gifts analyzed by experts within the structure and logics of the Coordination Fitness Model by O.A. Dveirina (2019) applied to rate every physical fitness element: see Figure hereunder.
Results and discussion. Having analyzed the modern physical fitness classifications (with their strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and other elements), we decided to give a special priority to the motor goals of the physical fitness test system. We also analyzed the sport-specific competitive fitness
standards to develop a set of competitive physical fitness test exercises for every sport discipline.
Furthermore, we used a 'high/ low' leveling code in the sport-specific physical fitness standards/ test benchmarks for the listed sports disciplines where one or few physical fitness elements are known being critical for the competitive progress - conditional on special focused trainings to increase or decrease the physical fitness element.
Modern physical education and sports theory and practice offers multiple test systems developed by the national and foreign sports science and pedagogy - to rate the technical/ physical fitness in many aspects including the injury-prevention ones.
Thus a range of strength tests is applied to rate anthropometric characteristics of the skeletal muscles and composition of their muscle fibers by instrumental dynamometric methods.
It is common for the modern physical education and sports practice to analyze absolute and relative muscle strengths, with the absolute one determined by environmental factors (training, self-reliant workouts, etc.) and the relative basically dependent on the genotype. The study was designed to select the sports gifted children and offer them most promising sports career for progress based on the combined screenings of their genetic, anthropometric, functional, psychological and motor qualities/ skills. The tests were governed by a set of universal criteria to allow the physical fitness being tested versus the actual body mass to arrive at relative (per kilo) muscle strength rates. We recommend such tests being designed to produce relative muscle strength rates for every muscle group and/or generalized poly-dynamometric test data to arrive at the relative strength totals. We analyzed more than 100 test methods to rate the individual strength, speed coordination, endurance, flexibility and other physical fitness elements.
Conclusion. For the further Primary Selection Model scaling and application purposes, we would recommend the tests that not necessarily require high technical skills for success in the tests albeit still produce dependable physical fitness test data. We selected the most objective, reliable, representing and theoretically grounded tests easily accessible for the individuals with modest or beginner motor experiences. Later on it may be beneficial to build up the test set to form a test battery compliant with the mission, goals and technical standards of the 'Become a Champion' Federal Experimental Innovative Project.
The study was designed to contribute to the ongoing Genetic Testing Services initiative and theoretical and practical research under the 'Become a
Champion' Federal Experimental Innovative Project - based on Contract No. CT-01/19 of May 14, 2019 reached by and between the "Become a Champion" ANCO (Moscow) and Lesgaft National State University (St. Petersburg).
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