Axundzhonova Khakima Abdumannabovna
CAMU International Medical University Azimova Mavluda daughter of Umarjon
Student of group 1023 Dentistry, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Qabul qilindi: 18-Yanvar 2025 yil Ma'qullandi: 20-Yanvar 2025 yil Nashr qilindi: 25-Yanvar 2025 yil
tooth, artificial feeding, prevention of dental diseases, milk bite..
The article presents materials for mandatory dental prophylaxis. This includes the main areas of preventive measures, caries control and oral hygiene, rational nutrition and the use of fluorides.
Relevance. Prevention (Greek prophylaktos safety) is a set of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence and spread of diseases, protecting and strengthening health.
Prevention of dental diseases is the prevention of the occurrence and development of diseases of the oral cavity.
This area is a priority in modern dentistry. The experience of many countries shows that a simple quantitative increase in dental personnel, financing and material support for dental services will not be enough to change the current situation with the prevalence and intensity of dental caries and periodontal diseases. The use of reliable preventive programs of world dental practice leads to a sharp decrease in the intensity of dental caries and the intensity of periodontal diseases, plays an important role in reducing the incidence of early tooth loss in children and reducing the number of children and adolescents with artificial teeth. Convincing evidence is that the cost of preventive methods is on average 20 times lower than the cost of treating dental diseases.
Today, it is illogical to continue to spend significant material resources on the treatment of diseases that can be prevented with the help of preventive prevention at simple and small costs. Therefore, prevention of dental diseases should include the introduction of a system of social and individual comprehensive preventive measures aimed at creating conditions that exclude risk factors for dental diseases.
Dental diseases are quite common in our country, and if the conditions that affect the development of diseases do not change in a certain direction, if the situation continues in this spirit, then we should expect their further increase. It is advisable to direct the efforts of the whole society to the prevention of dental diseases, especially among children.
Enter. A toothbrush and toothpaste are an integral part of children's general hygiene for oral hygiene. Its effectiveness largely depends on the teeth and methods of brushing them. Each child should be convinced that thorough and proper oral care is the most important preventive and auxiliary therapeutic agent.
The role of the dentist includes teaching patients the correct methods of maintaining adequate oral hygiene to prevent caries and periodontal diseases. The purpose of the study: prevention of primary dental diseases in preschool children.
Research materials: In the context of prevention of the main dental diseases of the population of Bukhara, the staff of the Bukhara State Medical Institute developed and implemented primary preventive measures for children during the milk crisis. 60 children aged 3 to 7 years were examined. They were divided into two groups: the main and the control. The main group included 45 pupils of the 52nd preschool educational institution, the control group included 15 pupils of this institution.
Results and discussions: At the first stage, sanitary and educational work was carried out with the parents of children attending this institution on the prevention of dental diseases. During the conversation, the parents were introduced to the standard method of brushing teeth with floss. Recommendations were given for the individual selection of children's toothpaste and brushes. Children were taught to choose toothpastes containing fluoride.
Parents were advised to monitor the brushing of the child's teeth twice a day. The importance of reducing the amount and duration of excessive consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, i.e. sugars, in the oral cavity was explained. Recommendations were given for a balanced diet. It is recommended to use iodized-fluorinated salt as a carrier of fluoride-containing additives. During the conversation, voluntary consent was obtained from parents for the examination of children and the implementation of hygienic and preventive measures. At the second stage, health classes were held in children's groups on the topics: "Maintaining dental health", "Teeth brushing technique", "Rational nutrition and healthy teeth". Interviews were conducted with kindergarten teachers, during which The necessity of teaching proper oral hygiene during the period of baby teeth is emphasized. At this age, it was considered that the role of the educator plays an important role for children. Teachers actively participated in health lessons.
At the third stage of the study, the initial hygienic state of the children's oral cavity was determined. The condition of the teeth was assessed using the simplified Green-Vermillion index (OHI-S, Green-Vermillion, 1964) according to the generally accepted method. The initial level of individual oral hygiene (OHI-S0) in children was unsatisfactory (from 1.91±0.15 to 2.31±0.17). The results show that parents do not pay due attention to the hygienic state of their children's teeth.
At the fourth stage, the level of independent individual oral hygiene of children was assessed. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with children, the importance of regular tooth brushing, using a toothbrush, toothpaste, floss and mouthwash, which are simple and understandable for their age, was explained. Particular attention was paid to the consumption of large quantities of carbohydrate-rich foods, i.e. sweets. Then all child models were taught the standard method of brushing their teeth. After 1 month, the level of personal oral hygiene in children was determined again. The indicators of the simplified Green-Vermillion index slightly improved. As a result, the level of individual oral hygiene in children was satisfactory (from 0.73 ± 0.06 to 0.93 ± 0.09) (OHI-S1).
Conclusion: motivation for regular oral hygiene activities, a conversation about rational nutrition, reducing the number and amount of products containing mainly carbohydrates,
training children and their parents, teachers. Explanation of the importance of using fluorides for teeth made it possible to significantly improve the hygienic condition. oral hygiene of children in the milk period. A month after the motivational action of the simplified Green-Vermillion index, the indicators returned to normal, which corresponded to good oral hygiene. Teaching children aged 3-7 years standard teeth cleaning, individual selection of hygiene products - toothbrushes and pastes, teaching the use of floss led to the normalization of the indicators of the hygiene index OHI-S. Regular supervision of the dentist during tooth brushing turned out to be very effective.
The simplified Green-Vermillion index revealed satisfactory oral hygiene in all children of the main group. The work of the dentist in the children's institution, including hygienic and preventive measures, allowed to achieve the best results. According to the OHI-S hygiene index, oral hygiene improved in all children aged 3-7 years.
To improve oral hygiene in children in the milk period, to form correct and constant skills of brushing teeth, long-term cooperation between the dentist and the child is necessary. Close cooperation between the department staff and the children's institution's pupils in implementing the program for the prevention of major dental diseases in children during the milkshake period made it possible to achieve good results in the complex of hygiene and preventive measures.
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