y^K 616.9-02:614.4(471.34)
Abdullaeva D.A. department of pediatrics Andijan State Medical Institute
Resume: According to the WHO, about 150 million people have chronic liver damage caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). According to research by authors, the number ofpeople infected with HCV in the world reaches 1.1-2 million people.
Chronic hepatitis C (CHC) is the cause of liver cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma (HCC) in 25-35% and 68% of cases. More than 350,000 people worldwide die each year from hepatitis C-related illnesses.
Key words: parenteral viral hepatitis, HCV, prevalence among children and adults.
Relevance. In many regions of the world is not a happy situation for parenteral hepatitis (HH). According to WHO, the number of people infected with the hepatitis C virus in the world is at least 500 million people, while more than 170-200 million of them are patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) (5,6,7). HCV markers are diagnosed in 1-3% of the world's population. In the US, HCV has infected more than 4 million people. The epidemiological situation of viral hepatitis C in Uzbekistan is also not calm (1,2,3,4,7). Sufferers of HCV infection are the main cause of the development of chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. At the same time, in 60-70% of cases and more, the outcomes of this infection developing late in life (15-25 years after infection) are the cause of death of patients. The lack of specific prevention so far, known difficulties in treatment, determine the complexity and urgency of this problem of medicine (5,6,7).
Purpose of the study. The establishment of the latitude of HCV and its genotypes among healthy children and adults, as well as different risk groups in Andijan, are related, like the entire Fergana Valley, to the hyperendemic zone according to the incidence of viral hepatitis.
Material and methods of investigation. Under supervision were 977 people (570 adults - - - ly) 4 groups. The 1st group included 260 practically healthy children from 1 to 14 years old organized in nurseries, gardens and schools. The second group consisted of 104 practically healthy adults, aged 18-50 years. The third group consisted of 471 personnel donors who constantly donate blood to the blood transfusion station in Andijan. In the 4 th and 142 children - patients resuscitation department, located there with severe OCI, sepsis and other diseases. The examined children and adults in these groups denied a history of parenteral viral hepatitis.
All the patients observed, along with general clinical examinations, carried out a standard set of laboratory tests, antibodies to hepatitis C (anti-HCV method of enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) - 3 generations were determined.
In order to study the distribution of various HCV genotypes in the city of Andijan, HCV RNA was indicated by RT-PCR in blood serum positive for HCV, followed by genotyping of isolated HCV RNA samples (laboratory of the Institute of Immunology of Tashkent). We studied 80 samples of 20 samples from each group examined.
Results of the study and their discussion. The results of the study showed that the group of practically healthy children had anti - HCV in 14 (5.3%) and among the healthy adults in 7 (6.6%).
Among the personnel donors, 90 persons (19.1%) were diagnosed with HCV anti-HCV, and among the patients in the intensive care unit, the highest-risk anti-HCV was identified most in 36 (25.3%).
Results of the study of HCV genotypes showed that the greatest variety of HCV was observed in the group of patients in the intensive care unit, where genotype 1 was detected in 70.0% and genotypes 1a, 2a, and 3a were detected almost uniformly (10.5, 8.5 and 11% ) And among the personnel donors, the genotype 1c was detected in 80.0%, the genotypes 1a Za were respectively -9.5 and 10.5%.
Among healthy children and adults, only 2 genotypes were identified. The predominant genotype was 1b (80.0% and 90.0%, respectively). The genotype 1a was less common (20.0 and 10%, respectively).
Conclusions. In patients at risk of parenteral infection, a high incidence of detection of anti-HCV was detected. The highest rates are found in often ill children, patients in the intensive care unit, adult staff donors, relatively low in practically healthy children and adults.
In our opinion, the high level of carriage and a slightly larger variety of HCV genotypes noted in the groups of patients in the intensive care unit and among the personnel donors is explained by the multiplicity of the sources of infection, which they carried out with a large number of parenteral manipulations, including transfusions of blood and its preparations in comparison with groups of practically healthy children and adults.
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