Preschoolers' physical fitness tests in "bgtoshka" gto project
UDC 796.011
Dr. Hab., Professor N.I. Sinyavsky1 PhD, Professor S.M. Obukhov2 PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Fursov1 PhD, Associate Professor V.Yu. Losev2 1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut 2Surgut State University, Surgut
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to rate physical fitness of preschoolers trained under the BGTOshka Project and analyze the test data using the GTO Complex online service toolkit.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was run under the GTO Complex Online Service Implementation Project of the Surgut Government Education Department at Preschool Establishment No. 39 "Snow White" - one of the municipal experimental sites. The study was designed to rate physical fitness of the preschoolers trained under the BGTOshka Project and analyze the test data using the GTO Complex online service toolkit on a sample of 5.6-6 year-olds (n=80).
Results and conclusions. The study data and analyses showed the 5.5-6 year-olds' physical fitness being low on the strength, speed, and speed-strength rating scales. We believe that this backlog may be due to the sensitive beginner period in the speed-strength and speed qualities formation process. We also found that the 5.5-6 year-olds' endurance development process is relatively stalled in this age period, and this fact should be taken into account by the physical education systems for the age group.
Keywords: GTO Complex, "BGTOshka"project, online service, preschoolers, physical fitness.
Background. As things now stand, the national theoreticians and practitioners still fail to fully mobilize the GTO Complex potential for the preschool population in the socializing, physical training and healthy lifestyle cultivation domains [1]. The valid physical education concept of the national general education system requires the students' physical education competences and skills being tested at the Russian school sports competitions/ games, Presidential competitions and by the GTO Complex tests. Presently the education system has accumulated valuable experience of the school physical education service elements designed to train the 6-7 year-olds for the future GTO Complex tests [2], physical fitness practices to make them fit for the tests [3, 6]; plus "BGTOshka" (beginner GTO) Project to train preschoolers for the future GTO Complex tests [4, 5]. It should be mentioned, however, that the
national educational system is still in need of physical fitness training system for the 3-6 year-olds and the relevant standard regulatory requirements and GTO Complex test standards.
Objective of the study was to rate physical fitness of preschoolers trained under the BGTOshka Project and analyze the test data using the GTO Complex online service toolkit.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was run under the GTO Complex Online Service Implementation Project of the Surgut Government Education Department at Preschool Establishment No. 39 "Snow White" - one of the municipal experimental sites. The study was designed to rate physical fitness of the preschoolers trained under the BGTOshka Project and analyze the test data using the GTO Complex online service toolkit on a sample of 5.6-6 year-olds (n=80).
Table 1. "BGTOshka" Project test data, boys group (n=40)
Tested qualities Gold Silver Bronze Failed
n % n % n % n %
Speed 10 25,0 19 47,5 3 7,5 8 20
Strength 13 32,5 11 27,5 7 17,5 8 20
Endurance 13 32,5 22 55,0 4 10,0 1 2,5
Speed- strength 4 10,0 8 20,0 6 15,0 22 55,0
Flexibility 14 35,0 15 37,5 8 20,0 3 7,5
Table 1. "BGTOshka" Project test data, girls group (n=40)
Tested qualities Gold Silver Bronze Failed
n % n % n % n %
Speed 13 32,5 13 32,5 2 5,0 12 30,0
Strength 25 65,5 12 30,0 1 2,5 2 5,0
Endurance 23 57,5 11 27,5 5 12,5 1 2,5
Speed-strength 7 17,5 8 20,0 13 32,5 12 30,0
Flexibility 27 67,5 11 27,5 0 0 2 5,0
Results and discussion. Of special interest for the purposes of the study was the children's physical fitness for the GTO Complex tests rated by the "BGTOshka" Project test system. As a result, in the speed rating 30m sprint test, 25%, 47.5% and 7.5% of the boys group qualified for the gold, silver and bronze badges, respectively, and 20% failed the test: see Table 1.
In the strength rating test, 32.5%, 27.5% and 17.5% of the boys group qualified for the gold, silver and bronze badges, respectively, and 20% failed the test. In the endurance rating test, 32.5%, 55.0% and 10.0% of the boys group qualified for the gold, silver and bronze badges, respectively, and 2.5% failed the test. In the speed-strength rating test, 10.0%, 20% and 15% of the boys group qualified for the gold, silver and bronze badges, respectively, and 55% failed the test. And in the flexibility rating tests, 35%, 37.5% and 20% of the boys group qualified for the gold, silver and bronze badges, respectively, and 7.5% failed the test. Most difficult for the boys group were the strength rating pull-ups, speed rating 30m sprint and speed-strength rating standing long jump tests - with 20%, 20% and 55,0% of the group, respectively, found unable to cope with the tests.
Given in Table 2 hereunder are the test data for the girls group. In the speed rating test, 32.5%, 32.5% and 5% of the girls qualified for the gold, silver and bronze badges, respectively, and 30% failed the test. In the strength rating test, 65.5%, 30% and 2.5% of the girls group qualified for the gold, silver and bronze badges, respectively, and 5% failed the test. In the endurance rating test, 57.5%, 27.5% and 12.5% of the girls qualified for the gold, silver and bronze badges, respectively, and 2.5% failed the test.
In the speed-strength rating test, 17.8%, 20% and 32.5% of the girls group qualified for the gold, silver and bronze badges, respectively, and 30% failed the test. And in the flexibility rating tests, 67.5%, 27.5% and 0% of the girls group qualified for the gold, silver and bronze badges, respectively, and 5% failed the test. Most difficult for the girls group were the speed rating 30m sprint and speed-strength rating standing long jump tests - with 30% and 30% of the group, respectively, failed in the tests.
Conclusion. The study data and analyses showed the 5.5-6 year-olds' physical fitness being low on the strength, speed, and speed-strength rating scales. We believe that this backlog may be due to the sensitive beginner period in the speed-strength and speed qualities formation process. We also found that the 5.5-6 year-olds' endurance development process is relatively stalled in this age period, and this fact should be taken into account by the physical education systems for the age group.
1. Arshinnik S.P., Ambartsumyan N.A., Dudka G.N. et al. Assessment of students' physical fitness in accordance with the standards of Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense". Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafta. 2019. No. 8 (174). pp. 21-27.
2. Davydova A.A., Bystritskaya E.V., Loginov A.D., Kotlova G.A. Senior preschool children training for GTO tests by means of physical education with elements of tennis. Izvestiya Tulskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Fizicheskaya kultura. Sport. 2019. No. 7. pp. 3-10.
3. Karpov V.Yu., Kozyakov R.V., Sibgatulina F.R. et al. Assessment of 6-7 year-olds' fitness to master GTO regulatory requirements for preschool institutions. Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafta. 2019. No. 2 (168). pp. 192-196.
4. Sinyavskiy N.I., Fursov A.V. Preschoolers' physical fitness tests in 'BGTOshka' project. Fiziches-kaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirov-ka. 2019. No. 2. pp. 62-64.
5. Sinyavskiy N.I., Losev V.Yu., Fursov A.V., Apokin V.V. Preschool physical education instructors' attitudes to GTO complex: questionnaire survey. Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka. 2019. # 4. pp. 64-66.
6. Khazieva R.F, Pashchenko L.G. Preshoolers' cognitive and motor activity integration by active game method. Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka. 2019. No. 4. pp. 43-44.