Научная статья на тему 'Преподавание методами креативной педагогики'

Преподавание методами креативной педагогики Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Садыхова Л. Г.

Рассматриваются некоторые способы повышения мотивации учащихся и, соответственно, эффективности образования, такие как педагогика критического мышления и обучение с активным участием учащихся в решении проблем местного сообщества. Представлены соответствующие примеры из соответствующего опыта европейских стран, США и Австралии, и показаны преимущества и перспективы применения данных подходов к преподаванию различных дисциплин. Цель работы определение возможностей и перспектив инновационных подходов в преподавании различных дисциплин

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Текст научной работы на тему «Преподавание методами креативной педагогики»

которые самостоятельно вырабатывают энергии больше, чем потребляют. Первый «активный» экодом из дерева собран в Университете Аалто (назван в честь знаменитого финского архитектора Алвари Аалто). Здание способно вырабатывать как электроэнергию посредством солнечных батарей, так и тепловую при помощи солнечных коллекторов, в которых нагревается материал-теплоноситель.


Таким образом, подводя итоги, можно сделать вывод, что, наряду с озеленением городских пространств, использование «умных» технологий, в том числе новейших энергосберегающих материалов и конструкций, являются первостепенно важными задачами в создании среды современных мегаполисов как сферы обитания большинства человечества в XXI-м веке.


1. Звягина А.И., Гаева Т.Н. Эко - жилье: роскошь или необходимость? ЭиЖ, 2010, №6, с.77

2. Юрков Н.К., Якимов А.Н. Компьютерное моделирование и его роль в современном вузовском образовании // Надежность и качество - 2017: Тр. междун. симп.: в 2 т. / под ред. Н.К. Юркова. - Пенза: Изд. ПГУ, 2017, 2 т., с. 373

3. Садыхова Ж.И. Энергетическое будущее России и мира // Надежность и качество - 2017: Тр. междун. симп.: в 2т. / под ред. Н.К. Юркова. - Пенза: Изд. ПГУ , 2017, 2т., с. 319

4. Садыхова Ж.И., Садыхова Л.Г. Высшее образование, экология и энергетика будущего. / Ж.И. Садыхова, Л.Г. Садыхова // Надежность и качество - 2014: Тр. международного симпозиума «Надежность и качество»: в 2 т. / под ред. Н.К. Юркова. Пенза: Изд-во ПГУ, 2014. Т. 1. С. 338-339.

5. Садыхова Ж.И. Экологическое образование - для всех. / Ж.И. Садыхова // Надежность и качество - 2010: Тр. международного симпозиума «Надежность и качество» / под ред. Н.К. Юркова. Пенза: Изд-во ПГУ, 2010. С. 308-309.

6. Дмитриева А.Н. «Умные» дома - экономные дома. ЭиЖ, 2010, №1, с.32

7. «PR - Partner», «Активный» дом. ЭиЖ, 2011, №10, с.33

8. Самсонов А.Л. Дом с положительной энергетикой. ЭиЖ, 2011,№ 3, с. 23


10. 11, 12,

Самсонов А.Л. Дом с положительной энергетикой. ЭиЖ, 2011,№ 3, «Зеленая» архитектура в мире. ЭиЖ, 2011, №3, 2011, №3, с. 26 Терехова М. Экспо в Шанхае. ЭиЖ, 2010, №12, с. 28 Веинский А.М. Сады на крыше. ЭиЖ, 2010, № 10, с. 68 Вид из окна - фактор здоровья. ЭиЖ, 2011, № 8, с. 68

УДК 378 Сацъжова Л.Г.

ФГБОУ ВО «Московский государственный технический университет им. Н.Э. Баумана», Москва, Россия


Рассматриваются некоторые способы повышения мотивации учащихся — и, соответственно, эффективности образования, - такие как педагогика критического мышления и обучение с активным участием учащихся в решении проблем местного сообщества. Представлены соответствующие примеры из соответствующего опыта европейских стран, США и Австралии, и показаны преимущества и перспективы применения данных подходов к преподаванию различных дисциплин. Цель работы. — определение возможностей и перспектив инновационных подходов в преподавании различных дисциплин

Ключевые слова:



One of the most topical problems which education, particularly higher education, has faced across the last decades, with more and more rapid changes in social and economic surrounding worldwide is how to motivate students to learn. Whereas applied subjects and disciplines tend to be more engaging to most young people than fundamental sciences or humanities, because of those former being more obviously relative to current life professional activities, there are at least two problems involved. First, it is precisely because of too close relation of applied disciplines to particular period's job market requirements that graduates who were only trained in such subjects can have difficulties finding work any time the job market changes. Second, it is only through cognitive skills and flexibility of thinking, which are generally formed by much more time- and effort- consuming courses in fundamental sciences, interdisciplinary studies, and humanities that professional formation, occupation planning and readjustment are possible.

As for humanities, such as language and literature studies, they have traditionally contributed to such a formation and life-long self-shaping, whereas the problem many colleges and universities have encountered at present is how to make these subjects more appealing to nowadays' students who tend to be mainly, if not exclusively, practical issues oriented. Meanwhile, humanities have become even more important now, with the development of civil society, as it is manly these that provide sustainable basis for permanent "re-shaping" it [1, 2]. Some of the recent years' educational development projects, such as that of Association of

American Colleges and Universities, also emphasize humanities' capacity of preparing students "to deal with complexity and diversity' , helping them to form "strong and transferable practical skills such as communication and problem solving' [3]. The aim of this paper is to determine the possibilities and advantages of such approaches to teaching various subjects as critical thinking/ critical pedagogy, and community engagement teaching, in comparison with traditional classroom education.

Main Part

As for the first approach, it develops liberal education model aimed at the formation of ana-lytical and communication skills, and is based on civil society's demand for active citizens: those capable of not only making themselves as personalities, capable of their own reasoning and analysis of whatever, but of development of their social surrounding and taking responsibility for its transformation. St. Bauer, who teaches literature at an American university and engages various techniques to develop his students' critical thinking, gives an example of the use of such pedagogy. In his literature classes he always seeks to expose students "to as broad a swath of our cultural heritage" as he can. However, it is not through just learning the texts, even with historic backgrounds to these, which would have been quite a traditional way in literature classes, that Bauer proceeds, but through activating his students' skills of induction, comparison, making inferences. Thus, for example, while learning classical literature texts, his students are encouraged to consider and re-consider basic concepts and value sets, comparing those in the texts under study with those in their own life, such as success, life aims, etc. Moreover, to

appeal to their critical thinking, students who take literature courses are asked, while analysing literary images and motifs, to determine "how ideologies of race, gender, class are inscribed" in the texts they read, and how "these ideologies manifest themselves" [Ibid.].

Another example of critical pedagogy is so-called applied theatre [4], or the use of theatre in educational projects, ranging from environmental issues to dealing with racial or religious intolerance. Principally, theatre has long been viewed as a mighty vehicle of education as well as of making the 'true citizens' [5-7] . Nowadays professional stage, such as English Complicity Theatre, On Theatre, The Unlimited Theatre also functions, at least partly, as venue for education [5]: it is there that special 'performance lectures' are sometimes given by professional actors, directed by scientists and educators, to popularize fundamental and social sciences, and to get young spectators, as their target audience, interested in it as their possible vocation. Epistemologically [8], this makes theatre techniques those of innovative pedagogy, and applicable to teaching many subjects.

As for one more approach of innovative pedagogy pointed out in this paper, viz teaching through community engagement, A.K. McLeod, who has been European and Australian humanities curriculum adviser, shows the way it works exemplifying it by her teaching English [9].

Thus, McLeod's students, at her request to find out their community's most serious problem engaged in a prolonged discussion (i.e. practising public speaking and debate in English as an educational task in view) to finally list environmental pollution as "number one problem". At the second stage, they formulated together (i.e. a teamwork skill) a project idea: to address the community with corresponding informative and persuasive message. Next, they specified their aim: in that case, it was what to do to prevent uncontrolled use of plastic packs. An even more creative work, including that outside the classroom, began after that, with students designing and making information materials to spread among their community's members (with English writing skills activated, as a relative educational task). Then McLeod's students discussed and arranged different ways to spread their advertisements: making special stands and presentations at an exhibition, publishing an e-

Book, creating downloadable website, etc. As is seen, in this assignment many language speaking skills, as well as those of problem-solving, were practised, and moreover, students were much more motivated than in a purely classroom activities, as they participated in a real-world project. More generally, this might also encourage them to work in such kind of community engagement in their future life.

Community engagement method is applicable to teaching culture and interdisciplinary studies, economics, ecology, etc. as well [10-13]. Moreover, it can contribute to conducting research and educational practices at the same time. Some European countries, such as France, have already had corresponding experience. For example, students of a prestigious Essec Business School, in Paris, carried out a survey: which factors would make them as would-be employees to choose where to work. It was determined that nearly 90 per cent of them would prefer "green spaces, 54 per cent would never work if "air quality was poor" ", and so on [14, P. 108]. By analogy with the previous case, these data can be used, for instance, in economics class: to work out a business plan to create an optimized urban environment; as well as in teaching ecology: to design an information brochure for local authorities/ employers, etc.

Characteristically, environmentally friendly urban surrounding created or rearranged as a result of such community engagement activities can, in turn, help develop educational programmes: such is, e.g., the case of an innovative urban green space project realised by the Brooklyn Grange Rooftop Farm, in NYC, which is an urban greenery producing plant and an open educational venue, to be used as language learning centre, gardening school, etc., at the same time.


To sum up, students' motivation, as is shown, can be noticeably increased, and their training experience diversified, by use of such innovative pedagogy methods as critical thinking development and teaching through community engagement. While being mainly described and analysed as applied to teaching humanities, they can also be efficient, because of their close relation to solving real-world problems, in teaching interdisciplinary studies, ecology, and other subjects.


1. Roth, M. S. Beyond the University: Why Liberal Education Matters. New Haven, CT; Yale University Press, 2014.

2. Giroux, H. The Disappearance of Public Intellectuals. Counter-Punch, October 8, 2012.

3. Bauer, St. Critical education and active citizens. American Literature Journal, Volume 89, Number 2, June 2017, P. 379-395.

4. Sadykhova L.G. Epistemological and educational functions of contemporary British theatre 2017/ Л.Г. Садыхова // Надежность и качество - 2017: Тр. международного симпозиума «Надежность и качество»: в 2 т. // под ред. Н.К. Юркова. Пенза: Изд-во ПГУ, 2016. Т.2. С. 322-323.

5. Садыхова Л.Г. «Народный» театр как программа сплочения нации. / Известия высших учебных заведений. Серия «Гуманитарные науки». 2015. № 2 (Том 6), С.106-109.

6. Садыхова Л.Г. В поисках культурной идентичности: ирландский национальный театр. // Ценности и смыслы. Научный и информационно-аналитический журнал. 2014. № 3, С.36-43.

7. Sadykhova L.G. Cultural studies and social-cultural development / Л.Г. Садыхова// Надежность и качество - 2016: Тр. международного симпозиума «Надежность и качество»: в 2 т. // под ред. Н.К. Юркова. Пенза: Изд-во ПГУ, 2016. Т.1. С. 187-188.

8. Sadykhova L.G. Communication Technologies and Epistemology of Culture through Theatre Paradigms / Надежность и качество - 2 013: Тр. международного симпозиума «Надежность и качество»: в 2 т. / под ред. Н.К. Юркова. Пенза: Изд-во ПГУ, 2013. Т. 2. С. 339-340.

9. McLeod, A.K. Service Learning and Community Engagement for English Classes. English Teaching Forum Journal, Volume 55, Number 3, 2017. P. 20-27.

10. Sadykhova L.G. Cultural studies and social-cultural development/ Л.Г. Садыхова // Надежность и качество - 2016: Тр. международного симпозиума «Надежность и качество»: в 2 т. / под ред. Н.К. Юркова. Пенза: Изд-во ПГУ, 2016. Т. 1. С. 187-188.

11. Садыхова Ж.И., Садыхова Л.Г. Высшее образование, экология и энергетика будущего. / Ж.И. Садыхова, Л.Г. Садыхова // Надежность и качество - 2014: Тр. международного симпозиума «Надежность и качество»: в 2 т. / под ред. Н.К. Юркова. Пенза: Изд-во ПГУ, 2014. Т. 1. С. 338-339.

12. Садыхова Ж.И. Настоящее и будущее экологического образования. / Наука и образование. Материалы VI-й Международной научной конференции (2-3 марта 2006 г.). Белово, 2006.

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